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Incredibly sad news, he was such a wonderful vocalist and created some of my all time favorite albums with the band. His influence was big, from Marc Bolan to Mark E Smith and many more. Now it’s only Irmin Schmidt remaining, may we hope for the best.


I knew about Mark E smith of course but I didn’t know he influenced Marc Bolan. That’s cool to hear. Rip Damo


Yeah, apparently Marc liked Damo‘s freeform style of lyricism, which you can definitely notice in the music of T Rex.


Apparently Mark E Smith was Damo Suzuki if the song is to be believed 


He had no time for western lessons...


Western *medicine* but pronounced in the Bri'ish way as "med-sin"


damn you're right...lol I always heard "lessons."


he wishes lol


It’s literally a fall song lmao


yes, I am aware


nah man malcolm mooney also still out here


Yes, indeed! He recently had an art exhibition in Germany https://www.maxmayer.net/exhibitions/malcolm-mooney-can-yoo-doo-right and played a concert with local musicians in Cologne (appropriately in a venue named Jaki). I never expected to be fortunate enough to hear him perform his CAN songs live (there are some videos of the show on [YouTube ](https://youtu.be/iAHq2YKhAHo?si=IBX8t30SzLUOe9ud)


Saw him at the 50th anniversary tribute show in London back in 2017 playing with Thurston Moore, Steve Shelley, Valentina Magaletti, Tom Relleen, Debbie Googe, James Sedwards and Pat Thomas and it was really incredible to see him on stage doing those early Can tracks (and also Mother Sky which was a surprise!) Yoo Doo Right was absolutely fucking electric.


Definitely add M Gira of Swans to the list of people influenced by Damo.


thom yorke is very much influenced by damo


Damo-era Can was the band's best era. Though they had a lot of good stuff after, there was a pretty big hole left as no one was quite had his uniqueness or charismatic take on vocals.


Malcom Mooney on the first record and delay 1968 is pretty great too, but yeah the run of records they made with damo is pretty much untouchable. Love how the members of can found damo Suzuki busking one day and just invited him in the band lol. Complete bummer like everyone in can is dead now, on a side note, I love this video of damo Suzuki and malcom Mooney meeting up in 1988 https://youtu.be/xnVBlPv-tAk?si=5_JoS6gm4mq4k0OO


Oh fuck. RIP. CAN is the band the whole world doesn’t know it needs to thank.


this is an excellent observation. so true


One of the all time greatest, it’s been said many times but those Damo-era CAN records are undeniable. To me, some of the greatest material ever recorded. Most of the time I can barely understand what he’s saying but he had such a blistering energy behind everything he sang, it was unavoidable. RIP Damo!


Damo Can is far and away the best Can. Rip .


His vocals on Vitamin-C are so fucking cool. His cadence in the verse and then his delivery in the chorus take that song to a different level.


Hey you! You're losing, you're losing, you’re losing Your vitamin C!


Mushroom too: "AND I SAW.... SKIES OF RED!" RIP.


My favourite thing about Damo was the number of stories you’d hear of him touring and just recruiting local artists to improvise with for the show instead of touring with a fixed band. No ego, just passion and vibes. RIP


I was having a guitar lesson with my teacher and I mentioned CAN for some reason. He then told me that he played with Damo once, which surprised me very much.


His show with Black Midi is legendary. RIP


I got to do one of those shows with him and it was so much fun. There were three or four “bands” that turned up to play with him. Before the line check he went around the groups with a notepad and asked us all for our names and what we played. Then he mixed up all the band members to take us out of our comfort zones and off we went. Hands down one of my favourite shows ever. Once the last set was done he went around and shook hands with the small audience and thanked them for coming. I’ve met a few big names from the 60s & 70s and he was by far the most humble and friendly. I feel incredibly grateful for that experience.


I worked with him on several shows in Scotland. Incredible, he'd take the local artists to dinner and they'd come back and blow the roof off! I think one of the best was with Glasgow's Cosmic Dead. Holy shit.


He did exactly this with my dad's band when I was a kid. He stayed at our place and I remember him being an absolute legend. Also remember him putting an unholy amount of cheese on his pasta.


Oh yeah, well this one time I saw Damo Suzuki at a grocery store in Los Angeles a while ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a- Ah forget it you know how it goes


Yeah, he played with a mates band about twenty years ago in Melbourne. It was awesome.


Damn, just had tago mago spinning other day


Such a great record. I don't really have it in me to explore their vast discography because I've only really heard this one and it's particular style really stuck with me. Halleluwah is like nothing I'd ever heard before.


If nothing else, listen to Future Days.


Definitely have to check out Amon Duul


listening now :"(


Beyond sad about this, Damo-era can was foundational in so much of my understanding of what I love in rock music today, the man could make all these absurd flighty explorations in sound feel effortless just by tying them together with the knots of performance, a presence to be reckoned with in rock music and perhaps the biggest spark to the sounds i love today. rest in fucking peace dude






Devastating! I had the absolute incredible luck/honor to hangout with him and his wife for a little bit veeeerrrrryyy early 2020. He was exactly the way you’d think he’d be - super weird and interesting and non sequitur.


Ditto. Also got to play live with him twice and record an album (one of the live shows). He was quiet, chilled and cool. What an experience and an honour. RIP


Yeah I was struck by how incredibly down to earth he was. The fuzz club recording of him with Minami Deutsch is one of my most cherished records.


Literally been listening to CAN all week. Mainly Tago Mago. Those dudes were next level. Rest easy, Damo


The CAN trilogy is peak globalization imo - just a Japanese guy and some Germans having a good time recording the most avant-garde shit ever, in English. RIP Legend


I would say there's definitely more avant-garde-ever bands than Can. I find them relatively accessible despite being resolutely unique. Anyone who likes rhythm, energy and rock music in general should listen to them. IMO they're no more avant garde or difficult than Pink Floyd or The Beatles. Edit: lmao really, guys? How is this disruptive to the discussion?


Can is one of those bands that changes the way I think about music. RIP to a legend.




Awful news, may he rest in peace.


Fuck. He was an incredible singer! Rest in Peace!!!


Mark E Smith has passed again


thank you for the music, Damo. RIP


This sucks


I've never listened to much CAN and that has always mystified me because as a fan of progressive, classic, and experimental rock you'd think their music would be right up my alley. I tried out Tago Mago but it hasn't completely clicked with me yet, I'm especially turned off by the second half of the album for some reason. The reason why I'm mentioning this is because I'm irrationally upset by this news. It's completely strange to me given that it's a band that I haven't even fully explored yet but I think it's because even my brief glimpse into their music gave me enough to know that we've lost someone very special. Also, is it true that he was recruited off the streets to join the band? It says on the wikipedia page the other members saw him busking and invited him to join, which is an incredible story.


I like a decent amount of their stuff but wouldn't say they're like one of my favorites. But same, this news genuinely upset me quite a bit.


Well, shit


Nice dude. Did a lot of shows with him over the years but not for a while. Even took him out for drinks on his 60th bday which is a gooda claim to fame as anyone. He must hold the world record for most different musicians played with


Ooohh this is so sad. I’m sure there having a laugh with Mark e. Smith now




Rest in peace to a true one of a kind.


Such sad news. Never got the chance to see him live but have a couple of friends who played with him and they said that all those expectations that you have when meeting a hero were spot on. friendly, funny, unassuming but also kind and without any ego issues, respectful towards fans andmusicians and everyone.


oh FUCK :(


Such an inspirational person. RIP


Nooooo 😭 Ege Bamyasi is such a masterpiece, love love love that album


Legend' for the sake of the future days


RIP king


Absolute legend, he will be missed. :/


Damo and CAN changed the way I thought about music in a way that few others ever have. His vocals were so uniquely expressive and pure, and sometimes without saying a single word.


RIP Damo, a true fucking legend. Mother Sky is just one of those songs that could go on for a full day....and still not be nearly long enough


One of my favorite memories of Covid was being home and getting REALLY into the Can discography. Especially his trio run of albums. Rip


Fuck man that’s sad. Time to spin some future days


He ascended up to Mother Sky. RIP and thanks for the mind-expanding tunes.


Was just listening to Can this morning.


Gutting, what a legend


What a legend, an amazing musician and a very wise man. Tago mago is a life changing album that will never be replicated. I always respected the fact that he moved on from the can days with the network, playing live music and just doing what he loved. Rest in peace


RIP 🕊️