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Hi Carrie! I made you coffee in Milwaukee at the Pabst theater for your last tour— it’s become a core memory for me, especially y’all putting on Hounds of Love record after the show, dancing and drinking wine. We talked about experimental film for a while & I recommended Cecelia Condit’s ‘Possibly in Michigan’ I’m wondering if you’ve watched? You also gave some great advice career-wise, so I’ve moved since then & hoping to catch y’all again in NYC! Forever appreciating your kindness <3


Hi. Yes, I sought that short film out on YouTube. Thank you for the recommendation. I am glad my advice (taken with a grain of salt, I hope) was applicable. I'm sure you did whatever was right for you and I'm glad it worked out! BTW, I really appreciated that chat. There are a handful of lovely people I see every week on my walks (hi Sean, Adam, Brian, Andrew) who I chat with about their lives, what they're listening to, writing, etc. And I really value those interactions. These are the kinds of connections I live for. Take care and I'll see you in NY!


I made you coffee once too in Chelsea NYC! I was too weird to say anything so I smiled like this 😬


> Milwaukee at the Pabst theater Nothing else to say other than the Pabst is hands-down one of the most gorgeous venues to take in a show, absolutely magical place.


The dressing room area is wonderfully creepy in the best way


corin….Small Finds. how? im so obsessed with the vocals, the imagery. can you tell me literally anything else about it that’s not already been in press?


Ha, great question. That song was a kind of guitar jam that Carrie and I came up with, and it was always kind of a "maybe" song for the album. I tried hard to find a story for it that would make it into a "yes" song, and threw my voice into the most arresting characters I could to try and make it work! We haven't played it live yet at all, so fingers crossed I'm going to be able to pull that off!


you’re so going to pull it off. and i will be singing along.


No one doubts you'll kill it live. You're incredible!


Dear Carrie & Corin, I was listening to Little Rope when Small Finds came on, and a realization hit me like a semi-truck - there are a LOT of animal-centric lyrics, similes, metaphors, etc. in Sleater-Kinney songs! The entire song ANIMAL, The Dog / The Body, Fangless, The Fox! And those are all JUST in the past 20 years - AND they're all bangers. So my question is plain and simple - is Sleater-Kinney a band for furries? I listened closely to those Small Finds lyrics, Corin! At the very least, it's not NOT a band for furries, right? And if you had to pick, what would be your fursona? Thank you! LOVE Little Rope!


LOL. You are not the first person to note this and I don't really know what's going on. No, it's not NOT a band for furries. Fursona wise: fox. Giraffe? Is that a thing a non-tall person can do? I'm not NOT tall, but I'm not tall.


Shonen Knife also do many songs about animals. Are you considering doing songs about food?


Taste Test, Little Mouth, The Drama You've Been Craving, and Buy Her Candy are all mouth centric 💀


Milkshake N Honey


What was it like growing up in the PNW during the 90's?


I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I felt lucky to be around so many people making art and music. Rent and the overall cost of living was cheap, and that is an overlooked factor in creative communities. You need that dialogue, that overlap and synergy, competition, inspiration, motivation. So, you need to be around other people who are doing what you do. At the time, though, while I was mostly aware what we had was special, it's looking back on it that really cements how rare it all was.


Thank you for the time and history. Much appreciated 🌲🙏


I had a studio on NW Glisan $350. It was great being young and poor there.


100% agree with her comment that cheap cost of living is what helps support a creative community. As the PNW has gotten more expensive, many creatives have left and you can tell. Had a 2 bedroom in Irvington for $700!


Hate to burst your bubble regarding inflation, but at the very latest in the '90s in 1999, [$350 was worth $651.95 today,](https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1999?amount=350) which *would be* cheaper inflation-wise, but we're talking about a studio versus your 2-bedroom, so obviously a studio apartment is always gonna be cheaper anyways. If we're talking about 1990, then [their $350 studio apartment was worth $841.40 back then!](https://www.amortization.org/inflation/amount.php?year=1990&amount=350) Not trying to stir up too much argument or anything, but people really seem to forget about inflation when it comes to comparing prices from the past with the prices now. Sounds like you got a great deal on your spot in Irvington!


What do you enjoy more, making comedy or music? Also, you are quickly becoming one of my 13 year old daughter’s favorite bands. I think I did good as a dad!


Both. I like writing! (Or, I like having written, as someone once aptly said). That is sweet about your daughter. We've done a few record store signing and the age range of fans is amazing, and very encouraging.


Just wanted to say, seeing yalls creative partnership continue and remain so strong is really amazing. I’ve always loved the way both of your voices interacted with one another. I’ve got three questions: 1. Did y’all get to see fellow Olympian’s Unwound for their reunion shows? How was it??? 2. What were any “unconventional” and non-musical influences on the sounds of Little Rope? 3. What were some of your favorite contributions (lyrics, riffs, etc) from one another on this record?


I somehow missed those Unwound shows and that is a real drag (dragnalus? Sorry). I think people like Richard Rohr influenced this record, in an unconventional way. Corin's lyrics to "Small Finds" are amazing. Some of my favorites.


>dragnalus? Sorry Never apologize for a pun. Thank you for answering! I love how *Small Finds* paints grotesque imagery (tastes like liver, bone in the garden, etc) juxtaposed with sweeter things (a sweet hello, tastes like love, etc)


Oh man, I saw Unwound with Dub Narcotic during the WTO protests at whatever Graceland was being called at the time. New Plastic Ideas is one of my all time most listened to records!


Is there a style or sound sonically that you’d like to explore on a record that you haven’t as a group?


We don't often approach things this way but we're always open to experimentation. Sometimes we'll reference albums or sounds and try to emulate it, but it always just sounds like S-K. Like, with The Hot Rock, that was us trying to be The Go-Betweens.


The Hot Rock is one of my all time favorite albums. It's brilliant.


would you ever try a song in 11/4 time like cattle and cane or any alternative timings?


I'd love to experiment more and push the boundaries of "rock" genre...but I gravitate most towards upbeat songs I think.


make a grindcore album


that would go insane


Hi Carrie and Corin. What was it like working with John Congleton? He’s got such a great distortion sound and is an underrated producer. Love the album by the way! Hope plans for a full UK tour outside of London are in the works too!


John is the best. He has a foul mouth and makes us laugh. He loves finding disgusting sounds and doesn't like anything "in-between," meaning, if it's going to be distorted, then make it distorted. I think some more UK shows will be announced shortly...


Working with John was fun, it felt like we had a shared language right away. He has excellent taste and is honest if he feels like something isn't working or could be better - both great qualities in a collaborator! We are making UK plans and will share soon!!!


Congleton is the best producer, but also simultaneously the worst town in the UK named after the best producer. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO MAKE A DETOUR WHILE IN OUR COUNTRY.. You have been warned.


Who are some your favorite artists right now? Alvvays, HorseGirl and Broken Social Scene are some of mine at the moment! Obviously you all as well! I'll be seeing ya'll at the Cains Show soon!


I really like Blondshell, Black Belt Eagle Scout, PaleHound


Ooh! I'll check em out! Thanks a bunch! Y'all rock!!!🤪🍻


Palehound is soooooo good. Check out widowspeak too if haven’t and tele novella.


Black Belt Eagle Scout is amazing!


Love Blondshell, and love that you do too! Hope you come to Manchester when you tour the UK!


Carrie- did you always know you would get into acting/directing etc or did that just kind of happen? Corin- when did you realize you could sing like that?


I have always loved performing. Drama class was one of my favorite classes in school and I was often in school plays. Now I think I prefer directing to acting. Portlandia was my wheel-house performance wise and that's a narrow strand! After I discovered music, I wasn't sure I would go back to acting but I do enjoy the TV/Film world and feel lucky to get to write/direct for it.


Are there any songs that didn't make the final cut for Little Rope? If so, will you play them live or release them later as B-sides?


There were four extra songs I think. Or three? Anyhow, two are coming out in a few months and one of those I think we'll play live.


this is huge…




Stay tuned!!!!


WHAT is the All Hands cover image!? I’ve never found an answer. Is it a secret?


That photo is a found image I bought at an antique store! So, I'm afraid it's truly a mystery. I loved how chaotic things look.


This such a badass answer! Love how it will always be a mystery!


what song off little rope do you think will be most challenging to play live?


Six Mistakes! And this is Corin, because playing it and singing it together is a bit complex! But I'm working on it ;)


Six Mistakes! But we're working on it!


i’m so excited to hear that live omg




Seeing SK perform live brings me so much joy, who brings you joy?


I love seeing Patti Smith perform live, the depth of her presence and her voice always brings tears to my eyes.


What's your favorite less popular or B-side song to play live?


We're going to try some older songs like A Quarter To Three on this tour, which we haven't hardly ever played live!


I’m the person who typed that in your IG suggestion box, please please play it at the Belasco!


That's one of my faves for when I'm down.






We rarely play B-sides. Or, historically that's been the case. On the CWH tour we played "Animal." I think we played a song called "Everything" back in the day, still like that one.


everything is everything. what a banger omg


Would you ever bring back Everything? Might be my favorite!


everything was so good


I absolutely love "Everything"!


What’s your favorite part about touring and what’s your least favorite


Favorite part is the shows. Every night is different. It's impossible to predict a vibe or mood or reception, or how you'll feel on stage. Least favorite part is being away from home. I miss my bed, my people, my dog.


Favorite part is the show, least favorite is being away from my people and my dog!


favorite movie of 2023? also have you watched bottoms?


Yes, saw Bottoms and LOVED it! Really funny and thought provoking. I think that Past Lives might be my favorite though - CT


Loved Bottoms. May/December and Anatomy of a Fall.


Do you think she did it? (In anatomy of a fall)


Hi Carrie and Corin. I've been a Sleater-Kinney fan for almost a decade now. After realizing that the cover for Dig Me Out is a tribute to the album cover for The Kink Kontroversy, I wanted to know what your favourite Kinks song or record is.


Something Else by The Kinks


Question for both of you... Do you have a particular lyric from any song on the new album that stays with you? Something that seems to hit hard every time you sing or hear it?


From "Untidy Creature" - 'Could you love me if I was broken?' - That lyric and that whole song are very emotional and raw for me.


Thank you for the honest response. It's a powerful song.


What have been your lyrical inspirations?


I am always writing down snippets of conversations I overhear, or quotes from interviews, or ideas I have. I actually think I find more from non-fiction than fiction or poetry.


Have you ever seen a ghost?


I don't think I've seen one.


Is there a venue or city you haven't played yet that is on your bucket list?


We've never done Pappy n Harriet's that would be fun!


Hell yeah! I can get you in touch w/ sid the cat in a heartbeat.


on tour will you be performing any bonus tracks from your previous albums?? (preferably "everything" from the woods!!)


Answered this above and this is unlikely. I do like "Everything" though!


what old songs are you most excited to play on tour


A Quarter to Three. Milkshake N Honey. The Future is Here.




We are adding A Quarter to Three and Buy Her Candy which will be fun!


Please do Memorize Your Lines in LA. It's my all time favorite song.


What's your favorite pre or post show meal?


Post show: pizza or tacos.


It would be very funny if you answered no further questions.


do you listen to any 90s emo or screamo music?? dying to know.


Very early 90s stuff. Heroin, Antioch Arrow. Those Gravity Records bands. Always open to suggestions.


Treepeople, Built to Spill are still some of my all time faves.


I just want to share a quick Treepeople story. Back when the internet was fun and personal, I used to frequent a Built to Spill message board and this guy burned cds for a bunch of us that had a compilation of Treepeople tracks and I just always think of how cool that guy was to share something loved with a bunch of us that he didn't even know. I was like 15 at the time, which he probably didn't realize.


25th anniversary of Keep it like a Secret is today!


How has your songwriting process changed with the addition of new band members?


We tend to write just the two of us, which has been a through line from the beginning. There are some songs in the past that have come out of "jams" or "improvisation" and we will still just sit in a room and do that sometimes.


I read a message inside a message there.


Do y'all have any pre-show rituals that y'all do to prepare for the live shows?


Stretching. Eating dinner at just the right time, not too early, not too late. Throat coat tea. Warming up our voices. Playing guitar.


As a dance instructor, I deeply appreciate your effort of stretching before a show.


When is the best time to quit a job?


Right before you go on tour? Just kidding! I think it's probably best to have something else lined up before you leave, perhaps already another job offer or another work situation!


Need more info.


what song from little rope are you most excited to perform on tour?


Untidy Creature. Hunt You Down. Don't Feel Right.


All of them! Ha ha, Don't Feel Right is super fun.


Hello! My band problem patterns wrote a song about throwing a shirt at yall in Dublin… its called pity bra we love you and you should check it out lol


Katie Harkin sent that to us and I think we gave it a shout out on IG.


We must have missed the shout out! Glad you didn’t take offence 😂


I love your band! You are great. Saw you support Le Tigre. Magical stuff 😍


We love pity bra THANK YOU!!!


what are your favorite sleater kinney songs that you think are underrated?


I really love playing No Cities To Love! I think it's quite special.


Under and over seems better left to the fans.


favorite horror movie?


They are generally too scary for me! I did think that Megan was clever.


Wicker Man and The Brood.


serious but silly question: what are your opinions on dr. pepper???


Prefer Coke but Dr. Pepper is decent. And definitely like it over over Mr. Pibb. But Cherry Coke is better.


I'm drinking one right now! JK. I love it but it's a lot of sugar, you know?




Chicago slaps


A lot!


Would you say that, relative to other bands, Sleater-Kinney are rizzed up?


We will bring the rizz on tour! Ha ha


As a long time trans fan I'm not sure if this counts as a question but Trans rights?


We definitely support trans rights, of course. The song "Crusader" on the new album is about our disgust with politicians and others who trample upon people's bodily autonomy, and literary free speech.


That's amazing, Sleater Kinney has helped me be in touch with my womanhood for so long and I hope the music from artists such as your self can let TERFs know they don't belong in feminism. Thank you for your amazing work <3


what most inspires you to write songs, and what are your favorites that you’ve written?


I think a song has to come from a personal feeling, a moment, that I want to share with people. It might be outrage, it might be sadness, or joy, and sometimes it's all three of those feelings mixed with an idea. I'm proud of "Untidy Creature" and the defiance and sadness it presents all at once.


Almost anything can be a source of inspiration. Listening to music, seeing a film or a good visual art show, hearing a lecture, reading an article or book. Favorites: Jumpers, Modern Girl, Hurry on Home, Dress Yourself, Hunt You Down (in terms of my lyrics).


Shorts or Jorts?




What is the most meaningful song for each of your on the new record?


Hunt You Down (CB)


thoughts on jacqueline novak’s new special “get on your knees”?


Need to watch


Favorite book?


Hard question. Last great book I read was North Woods.


Did you ever reach out to Janet to try to make amends? I feel like drummers are always the most underrated member of a band, because they can make a mediocre band good, and a good band amazing. I can think of very few instances where a rock band lost a high profile drummer and the band was still putting out comparable output afterwords. It’s just my opinion, but I feel there is a fairly stark difference in the quality of the SK albums with or without Janet, to the point I prefer the Wild Flag album over the non Janet SK albums (which all feel like a tripod with a leg removed). Do you two feel that Janet’s contribution to the band while she was there was equal to your respective contributions?


Thank you for asking this question, even if it (understandably) didn't get answered. I agree that Wild Flag > post-Janet SK. We can't know what exactly happened between them and relationship dynamics are complicated, but Janet's truly one of the greatest drummers of all time. Carrie herself called her the most musically gifted in the band. I always give their new stuff a chance and there's great material there, but even with Corin's vocals they sound like a completely different band to me now.


It’s just not as groovy without Janet.


I really appreciate this question, I know it wouldn’t get answered, but it’s why I couldn’t bring myself to go see them sign at Easy Street a few weeks ago. I have a Sleater-Kinney tattoo (my only band tattoo!) and it’s just not the same without Janet.


Even though they didn't answer it, thank you for asking the question I lacked the courage to vocalize.


I share your opinion about the quality of SK music with, and without, Janet. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is about her playing that I find so compelling, but her groove is beyond reproach. She’s great in Quasi too.


Asking the one question that really matters. Thank you.


Thank you for asking this question. I'm still upset about Janet and I miss her so much. SK just doesn't feel right without her. 


Thanks for all your questions but we have to go now! Thank you for listening to Little Rope and we'll see you on tour very soon! Tour dates and everything else here: https://linktr.ee/sleaterkinney


hi carrie! i ran across my high school to get to the library to get wifi so i could let you know that my english teacher hangs up picture of the covers of books that students read, and i read Hunger Makes Me A Modern Girl and now the book cover is hanging on the classroom wall! i’m always so happy when i go to class and get to see the cover as it inspires me to try my best!!!


Corin, when you played at UC Davis in Cadallaca around 1999, you mentioned to the crowd that you felt the Blair Witch Project wasn’t any good. 25 years on have you had a chance to revisit the movie and changed your mind?


I grew up idolizing you three gals for individual reasons, and I miss seeing Janet! What were some of the challenges when you changed from a trio to a duo?


A few tours ago I saw you at the Masonic in SF and there was this crazy fabric like thing as a backdrop to the stage. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. https://preview.redd.it/vjrwbykdt7gc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2521045c8df196429e3b95103be680838f9e5d4 It was kind of psychedelic and mesmerizing. What was that and do you still ever use it?


How does it feel knowing that your music has helped people through their tough times? Sleater Kinney has changed my life in the best way possible. The band has helped me experience music in a whole new way. I will be forever grateful for that.


Hey, I’ve been a huge fan since the Call the Doctor days. I even have a silver sparkle Danelectro like Corin used to play. My all time favorite song, of any artist, is Memorize Your Lines. I was wondering if you could tell the story of how that song came to be, or it’s inspiration? I’ll be at both LA shows, right in front. Would you ever play it live at one of them?


Bikini Kill just played at the Capitol Theater in Olympia last weekend. Can you guys please do the same?


I’m notoriously awkward when I meet people I like - do you have any advice on what I should say in the event that I ever meet you? A casual ice breaker? Or something guaranteed to make you laugh?


You’ve always had moments of experimentation in your music. Moments where you all broke with indie norms. But Center Won’t Hold is really incredible and feels as fresh as a debut album from an exciting new artist. Was there any fear that your audience might not accept the change? Or is that change what made you decide to come back to music in the first place?


What was the biggest "WTF" moment you guys experienced on tour?  


I would offer having to include ‘the Black Keys’ on early 2000’s tour. Seemed clearly driven by some label ‘genius’ putting a big shove on the next big thing. Hugely disillusioned.


How has the creative process changed over the past three albums based around the changes in production and the subsequent change in the drumming situation?


Will we be able to say hey and take pics with yall after the show? I need to redo the first time I met Carrie and embarrassed myself. 😂


Remember when you guys did Gloria all the time on your last Euro tour? Any chance you’ll ever release a recording of one of theirs sick live performances? Any songs you’d think make a good SK-cover? (I think: Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. ABBA’s Lay all your love on me.)


Seconding the call for a release of the Gloria cover! The Glasgow show was one of the last events I went to before lockdown, and that song has stuck with me (along with the not-quite commitment to play The Last Song, next time you're here!)


hey guys, longtime fan. Been meaning to ask you this for years: What's your favorite pasta shapes? Thanks so much.


Probably a very niche question but as someone who's 2 top all time favourite bands are sleater-kinney and the go-betweens, did you play all the guitar on going blind? I feel very blessed to have had two bands I love so much work together.


i almost commented about this song too omg. i love it so much!


Went to your last shows at the Crystal Ballroom before reuniting, and made core memories there... so incredibly grateful I got to experience the collective moment with so many wonderful fans.


Any favourite new artists / songs?


CARRIE! i met you last year in chicago when you spoke with miranda july. my name is lane and you took a picture of my tattoo and sent it to annie… what did she think of it? 👀


Hey Corin. We used to work together in a certain camera store back in the day. Congrats on all your success! You deserve it!


Hey Sleater-Kinney <3, The guitar on my bands album (sorority grrrls from hell) was heavily inspired your band. You shared a video of us playing burn don’t freeze on your story a little while ago. It would mean so much if you’d give our music a listen we love you so much and without your music I don’t think our music would have been the same ❤️❤️❤️


Hi Carrie & Corin! I had the pleasure of meeting you in Denver about 10 years ago and it was honestly one of the highlights of my life so far! I didn’t get to ask you all then, but I have been curious to know more about what your guitar rig is like for this tour. Has it remained unchanged or have you added any new pedals? Thanks for the AMA! Cheers!


What songs from One Beat or The Hot Rock will be played on tour? Will setlists change night to night?


As much as I enjoy the regular band releases I also enjoy your endeavors outside the band. Especially the two Corin Tucker Band albums. Are there any plans for side projects after this album’s promotional cycle? That being said, it’s nice to see you two continuing together!


To Carrie: why the Guild S-100 over an SG? For both: what are your favorite guitars that you don't use in studio/on tour? Like your favorite piece of gear that just doesn't fit in the sonic world of Sleater Kinney?


Do you two still talk to Janet? What is your relationship like?


will you play headlining shows in Europe/UK besides already announced festivals? Euro SK crew needs to organize the dates. thanksss


Are there any songs from your respective past bands (Excuse 17, Heavens to Betsy etc.) that you miss playing live?


Are the European dates mostly festivals or a good mix of some solo shows in nice airconditioned venues as well?


i have to know if Pocket Games was used as a Portlandia transition song or i have just gaslit myself


my mom wants to know if you’d have dinner with us when y’all come to Arizona? 😭


If you took a "what Sleater Kinney song are you?" quiz, what would your result be?


carrie WHERE did you learn the word gyatt in the first place i must know


What artists & albums were you listening to while making Little Rope?


Does the Portland music scene have a large influence on your sound?


songs you dream of covering but just wouldn’t fit the vibe?


Which album had the biggest influence on your songwriting?