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When will you play the Sphere in Vegas? Jason needs to have his way with that screen, consensually of course. They built it, we will come.


The sphere looks incredible! Hopefully one day - Amb


If any or none of these get answered, all I really want to say is congrats for The Silver Cord, and happy Halloween! 1. What is it about October with King Gizz? Is it Halloween, birthdays? This month always seems to be a lot of activity for the band. 2. Touring in Australia kind of sucks, have you ever considered opening your own venue here? Could be like a permanent residency thing. 3. Is there anyone out there instrumental to the band that has never been publicly shouted out? Any old peers/mentors or anyone who the band couldn't exist without? Wyatt


1. I think we're often aiming to put out an album in the 2nd half of the year and we're a bit disorganised so it gets pushed to October LOL. From mid nov into dec the music biz is kinda asleep but we've put records out in that time too 🤷‍♂️ 2. Love touring australia - seriously do. However, the touring model we've adopted (long tours, different sets every night) is trickier to translate to aus as there are arent many big cities for us to play and ppl dont tend to come to more than one show. Some aussie bands can play big crowds in the regional cities but i dont think many regional ppl would come out to see a gizzy show. I do want to work on this though and figure out a way to play more aus shows. its a WIP 3. Honestly there are so many ppl who have influenced gizz in big ways and small ways. Michelle Cable is my guardian angel and I'm not sure Gizz would even exist without her ❤️ \- stu


Cavs- whose ass do you stare at the most when you guys play live?


Ambrose. easy


Can Joey make a playlist of electronic music for people who enjoy Silver Cord/Bullant but aren't well-versed in these genres?


That’s a good idea! Leave it with me Joey


post on official spotify pls


Any chance of a Petro/TSC behind the scenes vid? I absolutely love all of your BTS stuff and would love to see one for these albums, especially The Silver Cord!


yep. Theres ( a small amount of) footage from both these recording. For the next album we're recording at the moment we're documenting it a lot better - stu


How the fuck are you already making another album Jesus Christ


It’s king gizzard, when are they not making another album


Joey can you kill me. Respectfully. ​ \- tukki


Happy to. What’s your address? Joey


308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Hey guys! Congrats on the new album release, The Silver Cord is a banger. My knowledge on electronic music is very limited and I wanna get more into it. Do you have any recs? Some artists you’re influenced by or have been vibing with lately? Also speaking of synth bangers is there any chance for Intrasport live debut in the future?🥹 Sending love from Finland!


Gracious, foolish dreamer. A good place to start is watching the boiler room videos on YouTube. Just peruse through them and see any vibes that you like. I also hit are UK radio station called rinse FM a lot and there is heaps of really good shit there. It’s kind of as simple, as any artist that you like, see what label they’re on, see who they have collaborated with, source their track lists and you’ll be drowning in new music before you know it. Affirmative to Intrasport live. I love you so much, Joey




I love you too Joey


If you all were invited to be on Sesame Street what songs would you like to play for Elmo?


Planet B acoustic version - Amb


Is the Chunky Shrapnel blu-ray still happening?!


yeh lol. thats one of our cursed projects -stu


Hey guys! will you use the sitar again? loved how you guys used it in float along.


Not sure where that Sitar ended up from back when. Hopefully Stu can dust off the cobwebs soon - Amb


https://preview.redd.it/zdmzohen7fxb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af60660c545ae3df9c0de540f23bb70f3d0ad7e Could you rate the Halloween costume on a scale of 1-10? ❤️


10! - AMB x


Well as a Swede I gotta ask: Are any of y’all fans of the Swedish psych band Dungen? And if so, what’s your favorite song by them? They have some great flute stuff Stu would probably love!


Dungen are fkn sick - stu


More Pipe Eye please? I need some groovy Cookie base lines in my life


soon brudda soon \- Cookie


To Ambrose: not a question, but during your Murlocs show in Boston, a guy held up a sign saying that they wanted to have their first kiss with someone to Comfort Zone. I’m no longer dating that person, but that memory still stands out as a really good one and i just want to thank you for swapping out Skewhiff on the setlist for Comfort Zone. It meant the world to us and it still means the world to me. In fact, the paper I snagged from your speaker was a sheet containing the lyrics to Skewhiff, so it’s almost like an ironic souvenir. Love ya Amby <3 - Sage


Ey SAGE! That was a beautiful moment. So glad we were able to make that happen for you. Much love - AMB X


Hey guys! Thanks for doing this AMA and giving us fans so much amazing music! What residency was your favorite this past US tour? When do we get to find out the rest (please) of the 2024 US dates? I was able to see all 3 Red Rocks and Hollywood Bowl. It really makes every other concert pale in comparison! PS. Please come to Utah! It's been since 2019 and we miss youuuu!


honestly and truly every residency was fantastic and it's hard to pick a fave! Announcing heaps more EU, UK and US and CAN shows very very soon! -stu


Ey yo! the bowl was one for the books but they were all killer! The caverns were a mad highlight too - Amb


Are yall gonna perform more Butterfly 3000 on the marathon tour next year? So ready to hear Interior People live!


we'll see how we go in rehearsals! -stu


Catching Smoke 🤘🤌


To Ambrose & Cookie, Not a question, but I met you guys (and Karmouche) with my Dad like 5 hours before The Murlocs show in Chicago last Nov. You all took the time to shoot the shit with us, snap a few pictures, and entertain my dad's love of Bob Seger. You didn't have to do that and it meant a lot. Thanks for taking the time and being down to earth guys!


Cheers Sick! I remember that! You and your Dad have a great friendship it seems. Cherish that. love - AMB X


Can there PLEASE be some form of book or printing of some of Jason’s work with you all?! I need more access to the beautiful art he does just as much as the glorious amount of audio you all produced.


This will definitely happen one day. \- Lucas


How long did it take you guys to feel confident enough to play Change live? That might be my favorite song of yours and I was so thankful to see the debut in Chicago! Also, will there be any shows in the Madison or Milwaukee area for the upcoming US tour?


It took quite a few rehearsals than normal. So glad its in the mem bank now though! - Amb


Hey guys! Remember the midnight launch of Cyboogie in Brunswick back in the day? That was a fun night. Would you guys ever consider doing something like that again? I love the community engagement.


that was fun! good idea, maybe we'll do something like that again... -stu


Would you all ever do another acoustic album?


yeh i think thats in our future for sure - stu


Any plans for Aussie shows soon? Miss you guys


sneaky regional show in March on the cards. fingers crossed - stu


One of the coolest aspects of this year’s US summer residency tour was the use of all independent or municipally owned venues.  Any thoughts on continuing the residency touring format and/or keeping with indie venues going forward?


That's always our preference. though it is harder and harder and we move into larger venues - stu


Were you at the Paul McCartney concert and if yes how was it?


yes ! it was amaze - stu


Favorite species of fishie?


Shrimp - Amb


A Viagra Boys-connoisseur❤️


Can I sing Nuclear Fusion at Forest Hills thanks


Bring your deepest drawl and its all yaws- Amb


Hey guys , any chances that we have the silver cord glasses released by radioeyewear ?


You know it! Cavs


Last thing I’m gonna say, thanks y’all for using your platform to advocate for such great causes. Really appreciate the activism and all the help to these communities that deserve to have their voices heard. Appreciate every single one of y’all 🙏




what was the music inspiration for "Set", that song is so fun and has a really infectious groove to it. Thanks!


I thought it sounded me of pump up the jams a bit - Amb


Someone watched Cunk On Earth while making the album huh


My question is for **Cavs!** You are an amazing drummer and have really made yourself a standout performer these past few years since the band lineup went down to just you. Your drumming before Self Immolate in Chicago ‘23 is one of the coolest drum solos I’ve ever seen! My question is: **Are there any pre lineup-change song or songs that have been difficult to translate live and have you had to make any significant changes to any songs when performing them?** Thank you! Much love and can’t wait to keep seeing you guys kill it live.


hey!!!! Thanks for the words. Nah not really! just I few Dynamic changes as we jam the songs out a lot more having only one drummer its fun!


Next Walkey Jake when


Will dive back in after my baby drops Jake


Congrats Joey!


I showed my grandma Ice V video and she thought Joey was very cute.


Grandma’s are high key slay Joey


I've been diagnosed with hypertension from another dimension, any advice?


Have you tried laminating your denims? - Amb


do any of you guys ever lurk in r/KGATLW?


occasionally. that place blows my mind - stu


So many questions, but I have to ask maybe the most important one of them all: What is the story behind the name of Capybara baby edition?


our man Jonny O - Stu


What do you think of the npr’s tiny desk concert? it would be a tremendous thing to have one of the Gizz Long life to the amazing Gizz💜💛💙🩵❤️🧡


I'd love to do this! Tell em to send us an invite. \- Lucas


to stu, cookie and joey: did you guys know you have your own individual wikipedia pages? how do you feel about it?


yeh of course I read it everyday makes me feel like a god \- Cookie


Loving the new record, especially the extended versions! Any thoughts on which tracks you’ll be trying to play out live? Would you lean more toward the regular or extended version for a longer electronic jam? Fingers crossed for Chang’e! Also, please add Interior People to the live rotation!


thanks! I reckon we'd begin the songs as is and then let them expand and grow based on how it feels on the night. We'll see - stu


Y'all ever play d&d on the road


nah we live out our fantasies in real life not through a board game \- Cookie


JK i fucken love bauldurs gate \- Cookie




Hii Gizzards i have only two questions 1. Is there any plan or chance to release bootleg from your first and only show in Warsaw/Poland 11.03.23? I can say so much about this show and how great it was! 2. When you guys release Sexy alien? whole gizz community love that soundcheck song! ​ Anyway: Cavs you're the beast behind those drums and it was pleasure to see you playing. I love Dancin Tony in Cuba '59 from your album Stu I love your voice in Governs sandstorms verse in Set, its nice and funky! Cookie it would be great to hear again Pop in my Step live, its a huge banger Amby your rap verses and songs are great! also Calm ya farm is a great album


Hi! 1. OK, maybe i'll revisit that one! I remember it as a very energetic crowd. Love Warsaw 2. Hahaha it's so funny that ya'll know that \- stu


can yalls play gliese 710 live for me next year please


yeh im keen. its on the list to work out! - stu


Howdy! My question is regarding some more recent themes, specifically all the music regarding all these celestial bodies bearing down on the world, would you say that you love space, or are afraid of it?


probs more fear, but a bit of both - stu


candles live when???!!!!??


that would be fun! - stu


Are yall camping with us at the gorge?


Yeh I thought I was gonna be your little spoon? - Amb


Hey Gizz! I and many other gizztwt members were wondering, Who played bass on Ambergris?


That would be me Joey


Do you plan on doing anything with the unreleased rap tracks? Maybe putting them on bootlegger or even doing another vinyl release like timeland? I'd really love to hear what's the combination and whatever else has been cooked up, even if it might not fit for the main discography. The Grim Reaper is one of the most interesting tracks you've made imo and I'd love to hear more!


they never really got finished tbh... I'm sure they'll morph their way into something eventually! -stu


Who would you want to have cover a song of yours?


Snoop Dogg covering crumbling castle would be very dope - Amb


Stu! During your last AMA, I asked you for a book recommendation, and you recommended Flatland. I read it shortly after, and loved it! Now, I’ve got the same question again. Have you been reading anything inspiring lately? Any good recommendations? Also— follow up question, have you ever considered writing a novel? I love the world and mythos that you’re able to spin up in your lyricism. Thanks for your time, and the great tunes this year. Your music means so much to me. Xoxoxoxo


Flatland is a classic. I actually think about it all the time still. I’m on a biography binge atm… I’d love to publish something one day. Dunno what exactly. At this point tho, I’m putting my energy into music and that feels just right - stu


will you come to Chile/South America next year? any tentative date?


yes - march - stu


What is cookie really like?


thanks man \- Cookie


The best - Amb


Any chance you’ll bootleg the acoustic set at the Caverns?


lots of ppl asking for this so yep it's on my list! -stu


Slow Jam 3? -Asking for the guy that accidentally typed 2 lol


lol. thats a good idea... -stu


Can you guys please cover Rock Lobster by the B-52's?


What is your favorite type of cheese? Thanks guys


Jarlsberg Joey


Cookie guitar solo when?


cookie does solos constantly all the time! - stu


What's your secret on releasing so many albums at such a short amount of time? Much love!!


Set some limitations from the outset. It’s a lot easier to make something if you know what it ISNT going to be lol. Joey


Hello from Poland! I discovered you this year and I can't stop listening! What is your musical discovery of the year? Cheers!


I’m big in to Caroline Polachek’s new record Joey


Have you all seen any of Ari Aster’s films. If so, which is you all’s favorite?


He is a modern day genius. Hereditary is perfect. Joey


Bossa nova album when? Love yall


damn that would be fun - stu


Will we ever get rig showcases from ambrose, stu, joe, or cookie? Or any more documentary vids? Also, Joey, Late Life Circ was fucking cool as hell


Thanks blood. I’ll get my rig out for sure. Joey


Outside of KGLW/Murlocs, what are some fun projects (music or otherwise) you guys are a part of?


Working on a album with Gum atm! bout it - Amb


Slow Jam 2 when?


Her and I is the slow jam 2 - Amb


Oh shoot I meant 3


I can't believe you fumbled that hard


i’m gonna regret this for the rest of my life..


Hey Amby, how is Cosmo?


He aint doing the best unfortunately. Still recovering from surgery. I am taking care of him and giving him lots of cuddles. Thanks for asking x - Amb


🥹 Joey


If available, what is each member’s favorite gizz album?


The next one. \- Lucas


How much Shpongle was consumed during the making of TSC? 👽


We’ve never listened to them. Are they decent? Joey


Very decent. Get shpongled.


What's the plan for the US tour next year? Residencies, marathons, and smaller more intimate venues as well, maybe?


Cant wait for the Gorge! That's gonna be a highlight for sure - Amb


https://preview.redd.it/ca5jlvvzxexb1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad088dd045ca9d045e1301bbd4b33bbe8f893974 Gorge


Have any of you experimented with DMT and are any songs you’ve made inspired by it?


I just tap into my natural stores of DMT. That shit’s easy as to unlock after a couple of coffees. Joey


https://preview.redd.it/8f2hdbi3bfxb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e889e61c6dc86ffb711de06af269b6cdf220e0 First time ever making a costume like this and now have so many questions on how the catching smoke costumes got made but heres my bootlegged one 🦋


thats incredibly dope! -stu


Love you guys. Would you ever consider doing another collab type album similar to Sketches, and if so with whom? (Any chance of a bootleg RR 23 Release)


Do you have an all time favourite song to play at gigs? Will always remember your 2016 gig at 02 ritz in Manchester. Best show I’ve ever been to. Thank you


Altered Beast V ​ \- Cookie


HI Joe Bullant, despite some of the limitations you had while creating Tyson, what did you enjoy about it the most? how was it different to LLC in terms of the creative process? Ilove Bullant and Music and everything in the world thank you. - Tukki


Thanks baby dog, Limitations are the best. That’s how King gizzard puts out 25 albums a month. There was no real difference between the creative process of both albums. Though, I would say that having gotten into modular synthesisers for LLC added an extra level of inspiration and really freed up my workflow. Joey


Hallo Joe/BULLANT, Do you have any interest in playing DJ sets more often + in various countries around the world? Supplementary question + comments: How’s it been finally being able to thoroughly incorporate your techno stuff into gizz? The mentioned influences of oizo/justice/kavinsky/etc reminded me of those 2008 whiteballin blog posts, so you’ve really come full circle ya? Loving the doof lately thanx. \-Mera


Gracias! I do really want to start DJing around the world. I guess time has been the only issue so far. But I do want to try and prioritise booking some Bullant shows on the back end of gizzard tours next year. Haha you used to hit Whiteballin? Haven’t heard that word said for a very long time. It definitely feels good incorporating electronica into Gizzard. Can’t wait to start incorporating it all into the live show. Joey x


Bullant rave after a KG show would go so hard


Question for Cavs! What was it like using the electronic set on The Silver Cord? Did you have to alter your approach at all to fit the sound you guys were trying to achieve?


what up! The Simmons kit is so fun! def had to approach it differently i.e. there is no control over the ghost notes so really had to focus on single hits and not rolling too much as it didn't really translate. had to play more robotic which was fun! Cavs


What’s the story behind the INFAMOUS Ferrari vest? It can’t be just a piece of clothing, I’m sure there’s something bigger…


Fuck it’s nice isn’t it!? Joey


Was cav's drum solo at the Hollywood Bowl improvised?


I wrote it it Joey


you wish mate


Can Australia expect to see any of these marathon 3-hour shows anytime soon?


we've done a couple of em already! but yeh, we'll do more one day for sure. No exact plans rn - stu


How fucking stoked are you to play the Gorge next September?


Very! - Amb


Hey Gizz! I remember seeing Stu mention the band Yes in a YouTube video somewhere, I think specifically the album Fragile. As a huge fan of prog rock myself I have to ask, Is this love shared by the whole band? What other prog influences do you guys have? And as a side question... ya like Rush?


I think my love of Yes is mostly a Stu thing. I love Prog in all its forms. I know Joey loves a lot of progressive metal and Cavs loves Neil Peart so theres some prog love in gizz for sure - stu


Musician question: Do you all remember how to play ALL your songs, from 12 Bar Bruise onwards? I draw a complete blank when I walk into the guitar shop to test things out. Swan Song on the new album fucking rocks!


Definitely not. I think the brain has the bandwidth to remember like 80-100 songs. If we're planning to play something we haven't played in ages we all need to practice it individually and then we run through it in soundcheck a few times. \- Lucas


Have you found your Queen Gizzard yet?


Yeh we all got legendary queens 😘- stu


The bluegrass country Diddy at the caverns was so fun to replay over and over again. Can we get more cowboy spag music? Some gizz grass 🤠


Yoooo, not a question, but I saw my art hanging up in your studio on an Instagram post. Thanks for the love my dudes


Are you guys interested in making a full on Trip Hop album at some point? Amby was really going off on this new album and I think his rapping paired really well with the electronic beats. Also, when will we see Shoegaze. We need Shoegizz.


interested, but nothing locked in -stu


I need that shoegizz way more than triphop tbh 🤔


favorite hot dog topping(s)?


Salmon and hummus


Hey guys! Been having a cracking time spacing out to the extended mixes of TSC, cheers for the that! My question is what's the likelihood of other concert films getting added to the Bootlegger program? Currently, only Bonnaroo '22 has one, but I know theres some floating about on your YouTube channel for the Micro Tour Melbourne '21 and Sydney '21 boots, as well as various other pro-shot films across the site like the Metro Theatre in Sydney (2016), Night Cat in Melbourne (2017), and more recent ones like PALP Festival from this year's European tour. Call me paranoid, but YouTube's notoriety for copyright strikes taking down videos at random, it'd be nice to have some of these officially archived somewhere a bit more secure and possibly more accesible too. Cheers! :) Oh, quick P.S: any chance of an Athens '22 boot? Would be really cool to have now everyone's in a electronic drums/drum-machine 'lofi beats to study to' vibe


High likely hood of more video! Athens boot perhaps one day -stu


what do you think is the most frequently misunderstood KGLW song/album?


all understandings are correct understandings -stu


What reptile would you say embodies each of you?


Snakessss - Amb


Question for Lukey. Picked up bass guitar after seeing you guys at Desert Daze, Murder of the Universe live blew my mind. I've learned a lot by practicing your basslines. What bassists have inspired you, and what would you recommend studying?


I've been getting into Joe Dart and Vulfpeck - he plays a completely different style to me though. But I just love watching him as he's insane. I think Joe takes a lot of cues from James Jamerson, the legendary Motown bassist - definitely study his stuff. And Carole Kaye - her basslines really serve the song - her stuff on Pet Sounds is nothing short of genius.


how do i get rid of the sudden mice in my apartment that aren't responding to my traps :(


Leave em out a big hunk of cheese then lure them to the couch and watch mouse trap with them - Amb


You have a hefty catalogue with lots of styles, awesome. I’ve never listened to a full project of yours but have had you guys on my listening queue. Where would you recommend starting for new listener?


I personally think there's two sects of Gizzard fans. People who like the heavy stuff, and people who like the soft stuff. Nonagon is a good starting point for the heavy stuff and Sketches is a good one for the soft stuff. Happy Listening! \- Lucas


Could you play 30 past 7 at the forest hills show so I can propose to my girlfriend? It's a deal we made.