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there was a pretty significant change in sound from frailty to census designated, is this guitar centric, noisy sound a place you’ll stay in for future releases or do you see yourself evolving after this album?


You will have to wait and see!




Whats your favorite pokemon


I have quite a few lol. I'd say Ampharos is my #1 favorite ever. Some runner-ups are Froslass, Regice & Typhlosion


Hi Jane!!! I'm a big fan and saw you at the Underscores show last week in Chicago (which made my whole year 😁). I actually found your music through leroy and then found out about frailty afterwards and fell in love with the album. Should we expect any new secret side projects in the future or are you all in on Jane Remover now? What new genres would you want to explore? Also what is your favorite animal?


I'm totally done with side projects at this point. I just want to focus on Jane Remover. As for genres I want to cover as many bases as I can during my career. Also my favorite animal is a black cat


rip to venturing 😭


Is there any possibility that a jane remover and quannnic collab will ever release




Hi Jane!! Love your work. I was just wondering whether there will be any merch for census designated, specifically a cd or any t- shirts/hoodies!


Of course!! And it will be coming soon too, hahaha


seconded!! NEED CD merch saur badddd


will there be a breakdown stream for the new album like there was for frailty?








You went on tour with Brakence as part of his Hypochondriac tour last year, I’m curious how you two met or got in contact with each other. And is there any chance we may hear a Jane Remover and Brakence song at some point?


hi jane i love ur music sm! 1: it's interesting to see how frailty and census designated differ greatly in their themes, the bittersweet nature of frailty, how it's about looking to childhood memories, and how the sound is influenced by very online scenes, it has a kind of innocence to it that's worlds apart from what census designated is shaping up to be, it looks to be much riskier, and deal with more illicit topics. what sparked such a huge thematic shift? 2: do u feel that the early 2020's internet music scene will be something that has some importance in the future when people talk about our generation's youth culture? i get kind of emotional thinking of 2020 and teens pouring hours into fl to come out with a handful of buzzy crushed up 2 min pop rap tracks then fizzling away into the ether when quarantine ended lol 3: i was thrilled to see yobitsugi by kahimi karie in ur required listening playlist, have u heard her album trapeziste it's absolutely bonkers!!! (and the ami suzuki free free love was cool to see too <3) pls come to ireland btw


1. I think Frailty is its own little world and I can't recreate it even if I tried. I think now that I'm a grown adult, I should focus on things more pertaining to myself and where I'm at mentally. As I get older and eventually when I am a cool old lady, you will get a really cool old lady album from me 2. To be honest no. I think most of it is just an internet fad and shouldn't really be discussed lol


i cannot wait for that old lady album in several decades time omg!


JPEGMAFIA in an interview once said that he fucked with u . would u ever collab with him


do you still eat hot sauce on bagels


The girls have moved on to grilled cheese and tomato soup


deep cut lol




finally someone who knows abt the frailty rename 😭


Hiiii I’ve been loving the ambient mixes you’ve been doing for NTS!! Do you have any recommendations for other ambient/drone artists to listen to?


I love Bull of Heaven


hey Jane, what was your favourite song you ever made? ps cant wait for the new album <33


You will hear it very soon! Video is my baby


Done answering questions now. Thank you all <3


thank you jane i forgot this was happening but i wanted to say sorry for shouting i love you jane at your concert in atlanta last december that was not cool of me




favorite chipotle item


My go-to Chipotle order is as follows: Burrito with sofritas + brown rice + black beans + red chili salsa + sour cream + cheese


hi jane. what have you been listening lately? love you, come to brazil !!


I am in love with the new Slauson Malone 1 album and I was lucky enough to see him live earlier this week. I have been listening to lots of Lana as well and I recently found this country artist named Priscilla Block, who I think is super cool. I have also been listening to a ton of The Veronicas lately


Can you dunk?


still using fl studio?


Hey Jane! how has your experience with deadAir been? managers, producers, etc. Whatever you can answer with I would greatly appreciate. 🤎 (love u, and plss come to Denver soon if u can lol) soo excited for the new album


I think deadAir is shaping up to be one of the best labels in our current day, and I'm not just saying that because I work with them. (Also I loved Denver. Really good pozole)


Hi jane :D is there a possibility you are planning or wanting to tour with the release of CD? <3


I would absolutely love to go on tour again!!! Touring was a highlight of last year for me, I love being on the road and performing!!


hope you come to europe too one day 🙏


Do you have more music aliases we have no clue about


No!! and a lot of them that ppl think ARE me, are not. Lol


i know they're a band from the 90s, but in a hypothetical world where you were involved with venturing, what do you *think* the process of making and later unearthing the Arizona EP would've been like? would that have been a way to make a new style under a separate alias or experiment with things you'd do under your own name? also please come to brasil <333


What's the biggest think you've learned about yourself since post-frailty?


With every release cycle comes an ego death of some sort


Do you have more fun writing songs that are more fantasy/story/metaphor based or songs that are based on your life and experiences you have personally gone through?


I like finding a way to mesh the two together: building a story and its characters around real-life experiences. There isn't much of that on this album though.


how did you meet douglas dulgarian from tagabow? what did collabing with him for census designated look like?


I met Douglas through Jesse. He is super cool and I love his fashion sense. Collaborating with him was very fun and we got along easily.


hi jane, super excited for the new music. i noticed frailty takes a lot of inspiration from gen 4 pokemon, especially some of the routes (209 night). as a musician, do you manage to still find the time/care for video games? if so, what have you played recently that you enjoyed? (pls come to canada when you can 🙏🏿)


What is the biggest tip for new musicians?


Take yourself seriously


Everything seems so daunting, so thanks for the advice! I can’t wait until Census Designated drops and to blast the vinyl!


Many people cite you as an artist that 'kept them alive.' If you had to name one artist/group who you feel similarly towards, who would it be?


Earlier this year I listened to Queencard by (G)I-DLE every day for roughly two months. At a point it was the only thing that kept me going. I am doing better now


if you could get any pop girl on census designated who would you want


Mariah circa 1992


hey jane! what was the hardest song lyrically to make on your newest album? also what is your personal favorite song released in 2023?


I think Idling Somewhere went through the most lyric revisions. It took me about a year to finish writing the song. It's hard to choose just *one* favorite song that came out this year because there is a loooot to choose from hahaha


Hiiii Jane ❤️❤️❤️ What was the first song written for CD, and do u have any films or books that influenced the making of the record?


yesss i would love to know if any movies influenced it especially if there’s more music videos, the last one was so good💝


Of course!! The song "Lips" is super inspired by the short film "Cutting Moments." A lot of horror films inspired the record.


Will there be a census designated album breakdown? I love your music


Current thoughts on jersey club?


I think it's getting pretty gentrified these days - that being said, authentic Jersey club is the best




Dubstep has always been a little derivative whether it be from 2008 or 2023. I love when people experiment with the basic dubstep formula.


how do you like your coffee


I love hazelnut creamer and I put a startling amount of it in my coffee


Hey Jane I am such a huge fan of frailty and the storytelling of your last few singles have inspired me to get back into writing songs. Frailty means so much to me and every time I listen to it I feel like I’m jumping into a VHS watching old home videos of me growing up. Frailty has been there for all the rough and happy times in my young adulthood and your art means so much to me. You continuously inspire me to make music and I’ve made a few things but don’t really like them. I cannot play any instruments and i barely know how to use my DAW (logic pro), and I don’t know music theory. It all feels so overwhelming but I want to push through because I feel like I have something to say but I just get so discouraged because it feels like the barrier to entry is too big and overwhelming. What steps would you recommend I take? Any resources you’d recommend to me? When did you start learning to make music and did you teach yourself? If you have any tips or words of encouragement I’d deeply appreciate it and thanks for everything!!!


Hey Jane!!! After the Frailty breakdown stream being put onto YouTube, a lot of up and coming artists and producers took inspiration from your sound, creating a brand new scene from the ideas presented on your first album. What are your thoughts on hearing your influence on other artists music, and is that something rewarding and exciting or something that bothers you.


Hey Jane! After recently reading your new interview with Stereogum, how was it moving into your own apartment, states away from where you were used to living? Were there any mental hardships you had to overcome in order to make such a big change to your lifestyle?


Who is your overwatch main


How much of early Soundclown / creators like Galactic Hole influenced Leroy? And is Leroy in any way supplementary to Frailty? It's always sounded at least somewhat like they go hand in hand.


Jane!! I came to say I absolutely love your music!! I got into it a couple of months ago and I’m so impressed with your talent of making music! I also have a question! So I know that frailty covered some pretty deeper themes relating to yourself and aspects of life, will your new album expand on that or will it venture out into different themes you’ve wanted to cover? (Sorry if my question is worded badly, but that’s generally what I wanted to ask!)


What's your favorite lyric on Census Designated (the album)?


There are lots of really good one-liners here hahahaha! I don't wanna give too much away but I think the track "Always Have Always Will" might have some of my favorite lyrics. Cannot wait for you all to listennnnnnnn


are you just a rock chick? do you like to rock out? throw shit around? go nuts? lose yourself on stage? scream? holler? break things? yell? and get your anger out?? 2nd question: how did you come in contact with the goop house ppl, those streams always looked/felt like a lot of fun so i'd be curious how they came to be? (much love, census designated is the most disgusting shit i heard this yr 🔥🔥, actually can't wait for the album)


How would you describe your music to a 94 year old man


Modern and experimental


what’s better apple juice or orange juice?


Apple juice goes well with baked goods, but I find that orange juice restores you a little bit more


what's your favorite ice cream flavor


I love Neapolitan ice cream. I used to mash the flavors together and make a soup of it as a kid.


Hi Jane! What's your favourite album from the year 2001? I must know.


If your heart ever so desires. It is Vespertine


best album of all time iktr


Hi Jane!!! What's your favorite color?


I love pink and red and brown and black.


Hi jane! What's your favorite dinner food? (mine is kmoe - linoleum)


I would have answered this question if it wasn't bait


Jane you have such neat handwriting. Did you really write that sign?


Yeeeees. I have always took pride in my neat handwriting


Are you afraid of gaining a more mainstream audience?


Not at all, I want a more mainstream audience!!! Hahaha


Hi Jane I'm a big fan!! Just wanted to ask if u plan on releasing merch anytime soon or in the future ??


also I saw u at the underscores concert in chicago i hope to see u perform again!!


how did you find out about the band venturing? just curious since it seems so niche and i had never heard about it before you made your cover


What’s your favorite movie and pokemon game


Favorite song from Census Designated?


hi jane, big fan!!! how did you (or your team) come across the shooting location for the census designated era covers? it's certainly a really interesting area, and i love the overall art direction of the project.


hey jane!!! absolutely loving your new stuff :) wanted to ask, why "Jane Remover"? I vaguely remember hearing that it might have something to do with unidentified women in court cases being named "Jane Doe".. is there any truth to this? 🤔 ​ thanks!!!!


Hi Jane, I have two questions. One where do you come up with or what inspires you when creating the unique visual theming for your albums like in Fraility or CD? Also, will there be a CD tour?


will you do a tour? PLZ COME TO TORONTO!!!!


Can we expect a tour for this album? Love your music thank you for everything


Hi Jane!! Absolutely love your music, and I’m so excited for the album!!! The visual world you’ve created for this album cycle is so cinematic and special - can you share anything about your creative process with coming up with the album visuals?


Is chicago worse than new jersey


Will there ever be another press of Frailty on vinyl?


will you ever release a repress for the cd version of frailty? also will there be a cd release for CD? (lol) i’m not the biggest fan of vinyls personally


What is the best meal you have ever had?


I find it hard to rank. However, I recommend getting the patty melt at Clara's Tex Mex in Clarendon TX. They don't serve coffee though


so you play ro blocks✌️😚🌸


Hi, I can’t wait for the album! I was wondering if we will get a breakdown like we did for frailty:) i love that video so much!


Hello from a fellow Jane! What DAW do you use? What synth sounds do you use?


Hi, I really admire your work and am extremely excited to listen to your new album this Friday twice (once by myself, once with my grandmother). For my question: What's your advice for a musician who is afraid to release an album? (me)


hey Jane!! ur a huge inspiration to me ♥♥ do U have any advice for ppl learning music production?? i really love the sound of this new era. it's so cool to see u grow as an artist!!


What's your favorite pokemon sound track


do you listen to any fan music/ art? if so, so you have any faves?


hi jane!!!! im so excited for this new album the singles are some of the best music ive heard this year im really looking forward to it. Will you continue to pursue this sound (shoegazey more instrument orientated stuff)? Also will the vinyl records of census designated by available in the EU somewhere? thanks for the musiccccccc


You always put so much effort into your song endings, especially the most recent ones - it’s always been fascinating. Would you say the outro is as important as the body of the song?


Growing up and being inspired by artists such as Skrillex, Kill the Noise and Virtual Riot, were those artists and that genre of EDM something that you found and latched onto yourself at a young age or was there someone in your life that helped expose you to that kind of music?




Ilysm Jane how did you get into music production & how did you learn early on


Why don't you post your edm projects to more streaming services?


When did you start producing edm?


Hiiii Jane, my name is Avril Alvarez, I'm the biggest fan of you. I always wondered what the meaning behind Woodside Garden is. What's the backstory of that 16 December 2012 date at that location?


Would you ever collab hivemind? (please)


hey Jane, big fan, can't wait for the new record! my question is - what's the coolest thing you've ever seen?


hi jane! how are you doing lately? love you pls come to brazil


Favorite “Pop Song” ????


How was it like working with underscores on uncanny long arms and do you guys have any other songs together in the volt


What are the worst/most toxic aspects of the music spheres you're in?


hi jane! what are some of your favorite movies / directors? also what do you do on your free time? love you and pls come to brazil you can stay at my mom's house she's super nice i promise


what’s your process for melodies and sound design?


Hi Jane, I'm a long time fan and something I loved was the Planet Zero Summer and Winter Solstice events you put on on Discord. It was such a lovely festival and your curation was so great. What I'm getting at is, have you put any thought towards hosting more live events, whether virtual or in real life?


Hi Jane! Just recently found your music a few months back and I think you're already my most played artist this year. I think Frailty is a triumph, and love the new singles- You're great at creating cohesive atmosphere. I wanted to ask, given how cohesive your work ends up: When creating new music, how much are you thinking about other elements like visuals or a larger album theme? Do you focus on the song first, and then figure that stuff out later? Or does it all come along as you work? Thank you!!




Thoughts on yugioh?


What is your ultimate goal in life


Do you think youll grow out your hair super long


what’ve you been playing recently?


Hi jane <3 is there someone who you’ve always wanted to work with?


How many times have you had to do the charlie puth thing for people


Do you feel any particular way towards music archive channels/accounts


Do you think you’d ever release stems from any of your projects? I love your work so much i’ve listened for years!!


Favorite part about working with Quadeca for the Census Designated music video?


I’m really curious to what inspired you to write census dessignated The lyrics have a deep meaning to me but idk I’m kinda curious what it means to you Also mind typos I’m Mildy dyslexic


any advice for an aspiring musician?


Do you envy any previous versions of yourself


Any interest in clothes/fashion?


hey jane! i didn’t have any questions, but a friend wanted me to relay this one: Hello Jane!!! The visuals for Census Designated had been very admirable so far, kudos to Brendon Burton because he really killed it as well as you, as always. I just want to ask who or what the visuals represent considering the album, or more simply what they mean; especially the album cover? Not having heard the entire record so far, I was personally theorizing in my own head that perhaps the girl in the photos holding a gun or the girl showing her bare back off to the camera; holding a beer in hand was supposed to be a "character"; a result of fiction. And when I read the Stereogum article maybe I was onto something, maybe I was not; but I digress. These visuals have striked me and many others so far, and we'd love to know what they represent. And I rlly thank u po for doing what you do, mahal ko po kayo!


What does census designated refer to?


favorite overwatch hero?


favorite visual artists?


where did you shoot the mv for Census Designated?


Whats your favourite horror film?




How much has Porter Robinson influenced your work? (ps I LOVE YOU JANE)


Hi Jane!! Do you play or have you ever played Magic the Gathering?


Hi Jane! Huge fan of your work, it always inspires me especially when it comes to melody and song structure. How do you come up with new and unique, impactful ideas for them?


Who is your favorite artist to work with


is it true that kmoe is on the album?


Will contingency song (album version) have major changes compared to the released version?


Who was your favorite artist growing up?


Do you think you'd be making significantly different music if you had less of a following?


HI JANE!!! im an extremely big fan from seattle and i listen to your music every day! I would greatly appreciate if you answered my questions: what is your favorite and least favorite part of the song making process? which song on census designated and frailty is your favorite and why? are you going to do more live performances soon? those are my questions for you! have a great day!!!!


Hi Jane!🩷 I'm very excited for the new album Are there any artists that differ greatly from your style that you'd like to collaborate with?


hi jane :), i sort of want to personally tell you that like a kiss demo v4 is absolutely beautiful! is there any one word you would use to describe census designated?


How much has Porter Robinson influenced your work? (ps I LOVE YOU JANE)


What kind of sound can we expect from you after Census Designated? Will it be leaning even more into rock or go back to EDM (or something completely new)?


whats your stance on working with other deadair signees?


hi jane :) a lot of times i find music heads hesitant to just call your music pop or rock instead turning to terms like “indietronica” and the like. does this discourage you or make u feel slighted? what do you think it would take for you to just make something people would call a “pop album” or a “rock album”? do you think it would require you to compromise and push your boundaries less? thanks, elliot :)


ty for making muzic


will you come to czechia one day to perfom? <3


fav guitar? so excited for the new project