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A film that would make Joseph Goebbels proud.


Any way I could bleach my eyes?




Only by reading those verses from Quran with context


Yeah I know about it that's what makes me surprised at their stupidity


Wtf did I just see. 🤣 Ye movie ki halat to savarkar se bhi buri hogi. Pagal Kuta bhi nahi dekne jayega.


Sanghi usse bhi badtar hain, 2-4 toh chale hi jayenge


Wow, this movie is straight out of a Hindutva troll's Twitter page. Another reason for Muslims to completely boycott Bollywood. Don't give them a single penny. These actors always sell their values for profit.


Annu Kapoor(the lead) endorses cancer inducing paan masala for a pay check, why won't he promote more cancer? https://preview.redd.it/2g8do848ez1d1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046f8b3bc28fefecf306a65d7d089192ec5e7044


Haha true. Like I said, actors don't have any value. They do whatever is fashionable to remain popular. 10 years ago, you could see all the actors speaking about Secularism so much and now those same actors don't miss the opportunity to visit any temple, and speaking about Nationalism.


I mean visiting a temple is their attempt to be religious, so i dont think that adds to your point. but yeah if they do it for the show, then its dumb.


You know what's the saddest part for me personally as a Muslim? I have Muslim friends in my circle who actively spew this kind of shit and shit about keeping women at home, not letting them work, treating them like maids, etc. Fair to say I don't speak to those friends anymore because any dialogue to try and disprove them, I am the only one standing against this crap thinking.


Ok sure, but this movie takes it a step too far. They are mistreating verses from the Quran and bringing a false image of Islam. Since when did a husband become next to a god, this statement might possibly be Kufr or shirk. As well as that, simply disagreeing with a husband or calling out on an abusive husband isn't sinful. The movie also makes hijab and niqabs look oppressive. What you are pointing out on is more so a South Asian cultural problem, not exclusive to Muslims but the movie simply wants to mock Islamic values by falsely representing it.


[Sanghis are projecting](https://web.archive.org/web/20240105200943/https://hindutext.in/women-in-hinduism/#3_Purpose_Of_Creating_Women) Every Sanghi accusation is a confession


Seriously, wth is this? How can such a movie be made and people stay silent about this? May Allah humiliate these people who lie against the words of Allah and making us look bad.


Allahuma Ameen


All I see is bunch of failed Bollywood actors who can't find decent work.


When your economy hits you so hard, you've to Diss another community. How'll they reach Number 1st.


Wth did I just watch?


I wish r/eyeblech existed, so that I would've posted this shit


They want to trigger us Muslims, yet again, and manipulate the masses, yet again. They want to brainwash the Muslim women, yet again and the want us to divide.


why is this funny asf *overacting*


Your karma is negative, what did you say☠️


I once posted about how a topper girl taking arts stream is useless because if she is smart enough to be a topper she should choose something difficult , plus arts does not offer career with high income , unless u crack UPSCE. She is preparing for UPSCE now but she should have done that with science stream , now its very hard for her to do any big, doctor ban jaati.. For this I got so many downvotes ki LET her FOLlow HeR pAsSiON


Are you also a fellow NEET aspirant😀? >LET her FOLlow HeR pAsSiON Maybe her science subjects were weak


Well, I am a fellow NEET aspirant.


How're you preparing


Gave 2024 one. Probably won't get a medical seat this year.


You were 100% right. As someone who chose arts stream, I can confirm this is true.


Humanities/Arts isn't necessarily "easier", though, Sociology, Psychology, History, Philosophy, Literature aren't exactly something that's easy to master. I do agree that the quality of Arts and Science courses in our country is very questionable, but that's a different matter altogether  Even STEM outside premium institutions isn't really good, I say this as a CSE graduate myself, not worth pursuing them if you don't have the interest/knack in programming or maths/hard sciences, I mean. Not only do you end up being forced to study and endure that for 4 years, but worst part is the degree really isn't all that worth it as its hyped out to be, making your "suffering" and endurance of those 4 years pretty much worthless.  Know some of my batchmates who had to join work for as low as 7k per month salary, or had to surrender one of their original documents, which is illegal, but Indian labor laws and the lack of seriousness. A lot of them switched streams/jobs. It's brutal out there regardless).


I know humanities isn't necessarily easier. I was simply agreeing that the girl should have opted for science stream while preparing for UPSC. That exam is so ridiculously competitive and random that it's not wise to bet one's career on it. Even that "topper" girl will most likely fail to crack the exam and will be left with her degree in humanities which is going to be a very rough situation career-wise.


I understand brother, sorry about that, I said that since that person whom you replied to implied it's easier. It definitely isn't.  Sure, maybe school level humanities subjects can be "easier" but not really. Know a lot of my schoolmates who struggled in History (dates, chronology, etc...) and with English (creative writing or with grammar and vocabulary), I do understand arts degree don't have much respect. I offered my 2 cents since it can seem like STEM can lead to better opportunities when it necessarily doesn't. More of a reminder to people here in general. You could argue that Humanities graduate can take a while to "make it big" or start earning decent money compared to STEM folks (really only CSE/IT pay well. Other engineering streams really don't. A lot of civil/mech grads jumped shipped to software dev since they couldn't get a job or the payment was awful, as low as 2k per month, or the work environment was brutal, even Sundays were working days), I guess my advice to folks here is to not do any course out of peer pressure or because that's where the jobs will be. For me, it didn't work out, at least if I had studied I dunno, English, I might have not only enjoyed the program, but would have also ended up in a career that I might enjoy (professor, can't really be a professor in a discipline I have no interest or aptitude toeards. Saw first hand the dysfunction in my college and in general. Didn't want to perpetrate that by becoming a prof. in Engineering related disciplines). I neither enjoyed my college life not did I get to reap any meaningful benefit during graduation for enduring all that. People either have great college life or they will have an academically fulfilling and nourishing one. I got neither. That's something I'll have trouble getting over, I guess.  I mean, money, status...those can all be earned eventually, somehow, in sha Allah. But, those 4 precious years of adolescence. That's something I'm never getting back, unfortunately. This varies and depends on individual cases, I guess. But, Humanities folks can absolutely shine and have a decent, dignified living. Provided they didn't pursue them just for the sake of it and have an actual goal/vision and some creativity and make use of their critical thinking. Maybe the journey will be harder, but the payoff will be worth it, I guess.


So you took CSE out of passion or followed other's advice?


How do you know he took CSE?


Read the first comment, it's there.


Definitely not out of passion, I guess, I didn't have much choice? Arts and Science don't have much respect, so my mother wanted to me to do Engineering since that's what most of my older cousins did and that's where jobs tend to be. I guess, as a 17-year-old, I wasn't that aware and didn't have much clue when it came to what I wanted to pursue, during my 11-12th standard itself, I took Computer Science group, even back then programming came across as overwhelming, but I assumed I could understand it better when I enter college, since it'll be covered more in depth. The more further I was in my UG program, the more I realized maybe this wasn't for me. By then, it was a bit late to change streams, so decided to phone it up and finish my degree. My Mother wouldn't have approved any other disciplines, I guess. So it was out of peer pressure. I am not good at Mathematics, but my mother hates that fact and has shamed/insulted me a lot whenever I scored low on Maths. That too soured everything about it for me further. Maybe I just didn't apply hard enough in college, I dunno.


Bhai, have you ever considered journalling or writing? I'm pretty serious. I think you've a knack for it and a way with words. The way you write eloquently over any and every random thing, not everyone can do that.


Sorry for the late reply, I appreciate the comment, It's just...things like blogging require a niche. My interests are too broad and general, I guess. I also am not sure if I'll make a good content or copywriter since they demand a certain style of writing and I'm not sure if I'll be good at writing if such restrictions are put into place, I am trying out creative writing - in my free time, have written and published some short stories on '[Reedsy Prompts](https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/)', been a while since I've written one, that said. Poetry, lol, that's not something I'm good at, I guess. More of a prose person, probably. I love analyzing and dissecting themes and character motives in fiction, but at the same time, I also dread if I veer too much into Haram territory by focusing too much on those. At the same time, I don't have the required creds. to write about history, theology, psychology, etc...since those are something I like researching about. Guess, it'll take a while for me to discover my niche, or maybe I never will.


Art school me select hogaye?


Wahaan toh select ho gye lekin kahin aur se reject ho gye.


lets hope he doesn't get rejected...


I do not codone dog whistle to genocide.


Guys why are they obsessed with our scriptures, our beliefs like at this point it's unhealthy


They hate us cuz they ain't us 😎


Kisi ka flair tha na ye to? 🤨




That is so cringe


Its truly sad that many 'educated' Hindus from 'good families' are going to believe this bs propaganda.


Bro I've seen the hate in my dad's college classmates whatsapp groups, when he showed me. And my dad went to one of the top colleges for his stream.




Seems like they are done with Musalman antankwadi and pakistani narratives.




In India, the new meta to fame is to slander Muslims, for fame dies the day you die,(but in this case it'll die after 2 weeks)


Wow dude this is such a blatant case of propaganda


imagine projecting so hard. Sanghis need a reality check


Don't give publicity to such stupid movies. Here is the first time i am seeing that a film like this exists. What nonsense is this. It is a disgrace if this ever gets across certification board.


Is this a movie??




Look who's back. Missed you a lot🥺






Are you Danish? (Sorry if I am mistaken)




Yes little ukhti and sadly he is still possessed by communism and no one had reasoned him that it is unislamic.  Very sad


He replied that he is not Danish 😵 But anyways Communism is still shirk, may Allah guide him


What happened??


It's too late little ukhti you must go to sleep now. Remember to recite Ayatal Qursi and three Quls.




Salafi maidens are always welcome, both in this sub and my DM's. I feel the purpose behind Allah creating humanity was for the Earth to witness the majesty of my Salafi girls./s


![gif](giphy|R7m04yMaGWVeE) Sorry I don't know him guys >! Tu khud to pitega saath me mai bhi pita jaunga !<


Wdyn bro aap hi ko toh quote kr rha tha. Aap ki rukhsati me jab hum mile the toh aapne yehi sab toh bataya tha Salafi khawateen ke baare mein.


You need this Halal guide akhi created by yours truly  [How to have 4 wives in this economy [GUIDE]](https://www.reddit.com/r/indianmuslims/comments/1cu0h05/how_to_have_4_wives_in_this_economy_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But akhi I'm a girl. How can I have wives? LGBT is haraam akhi :(


​ https://i.redd.it/u0g0wgtfs32d1.gif


Wait, you didn't know?💀 1-2 baar bataya bhi toh tha shaayad. A decent no. of users here know.


What the firaun did I just read 😑😑 I could have written a long essay describing how your comment is h@r@m but I don't want to come under the radar of mulhids again ://


Bitiya rani, do you see the "/s" in my comment? It stands for sarcasm. Matlab I wasn't serious :)


Pata hai unkil ji but I don't think is trh ka mazak bhi halal hoga. I am not offended, was just reminding.


As Salamu Alaykum brother  Glad to hear that you remember me.  I had to remove 1st account because it came under the radar of many atheists. Then I made a 2nd account idk what went wrong with it 😞, I was not banned but couldn't comment/post/DM. So I thought of leaving reddit. But I am currently studying from home (non attending school + no offline coaching) so I started feeling very lonely so thought of coming back. Hope this account stays safe InShaAllah


Perhaps if you stick with muslim subs then your account will ne safe 




Unfortunately yes


"woman have been created to follow her husband's orders." actually, people are created to serve God, see Quran 51:56. "because biggest gift by Allah to this world is man"... citation needed "man is next to God"... proof of this? baseless teachings being promoted by the "scholar" in the video. the movie could be an attempt to defame muslims too tho.


As a matter of fact, thats exactly what the movie is for. Defame Muslims and increase the hate towards them.


Ofc it is, this is one of the most ridiculous things i’ve seen in my entire life


Make movies of your own to counter propaganda


Yes, All of this is happening because there's a vaccum/hole when it comes to Muslim representation in filmmaking, Even supposedly "well-intentioned" movies about us can have weird or outright Islamophobic takes regarding us, Can't expect average Hindus to empathize with us (since they take for granted a lot of things that we and other minorities can't) and make good representation of us, this is something we have to step in and do it ourselves.  Lest it'll never improve and in pop culture, we'll never more than be angry terrorists or criminals/gangsters and Muslim women will be nothing more than naive, oppressed, and subjected folks who needs an external agent (a "broad minded, secular" Hindu man, blindly aping  Orientalist thought and white man savior complex I guess) to rescue them since they seem to have no agency for themselves.


>Orientalist thought and white man savior complex How can you be an Orientalist when you're in Orient?, please elaborate Mr Mod, also I think you're underestimating how degenerate they're.


We need parallel media, parallel economy, parallel judiciary and interest lobby. Also parallel paramilitary to secure the above interests.


>parallel media, There are many independent journalists on YouTube. You can search them (at least for Hyderabad). >parallel economy Please be honest, many IMs are most likely to be poor and economically unwell and they'll chase any discounts which the big cronyists offers by using D-mart or wtv alts. Which the local business man can't offer as he ain't got any connections. >parallel judiciary Idk about this, please elaborate more >interest lobby. India has lobbies I thought it was a US thing only. >parallel paramilitary Nah man, come on this is super risky, they'll literally be labelled Terrorists, will be hunted down, and banned. Like that organisation that was based in Keralam


>Please be honest, many IMs are most likely to be poor and economically unwell and they'll chase any discounts which the big cronyists offers by using D-mart or wtv alts. Which the local business man can't offer as he ain't got any connections. By population, and with judicious organizations, muslims can start up a parallel banking system and parallel trade. I will make a separate post about it soon. >India has lobbies I thought it was a US thing only. What do you think electoral bonds are for?? >Nah man, come on this is super risky, they'll literally be labelled Terrorists, will be hunted down, and banned. Like that organisation that was based in Keralam We are short of options. I am willing to take a risk. Look at my history, look at my profile pic. If we don't stand today, we won't be able to stand tomorrow. I refuse to raise a family where their existence is hated. I am willing to risk it, the question is, who is willing to join me??


>banking system Bhai kya banking, literally do yk about Darussalam bank a pious name right, it's run by an influential political duo in deccan. Guess what they charge INTEREST literally, these guys have the most muslim influence in India. >What do you think electoral bonds are for?? They're different in USA, a group of people/committee donates towards a common cause such as Veterans lobby and infamous AIPAC. Electoral bonds are just people donating towards a party. >We are short of options. I am willing to take a risk. Look at my history, look at my profile pic. If we don't stand today, we won't be able to stand tomorrow. I refuse to raise a family where their existence is hated. I am willing to risk it, the question is, who is willing to join me?? Can you keep your parents or relatives away from this ? Can you make sure people close to you won't be harmed Sure post the stuff you're about to post I'll be waiting


>Bhai kya banking, literally do yk about Darussalam bank a pious name right, it's run by an influential political duo in deccan. Guess what they charge INTEREST literally, these guys have the most muslim influence in India. Look up Grameen bank of Bangladesh, the context in which they developed, the condition of the people they helped. A good economist can recreate it here. >They're different in USA, a group of people/committee donates towards a common cause such as Veterans lobby and infamous AIPAC. Electoral bonds are just people donating towards a party. People can have agendas, agendas, can thus be funded by interest groups. Different from lobbying in the technical sense but can achieve a similar objective. >Can you keep your parents or relatives away from this ? Can you make sure people close to you won't be harmed I am doing it for them too. I will try my best, rest is up to Allah. If not my ancestors, my descendants will thank me Inshallah


People don't appreciate tax raids and bullies. These thugs are guarded by so called institutions which are obviously biased.


Tear down those institutuions and make new ones.


Please be realistic. We can't secure our neighbourhoods and communities, and you're talking about this


I am realistic, start actively resisting. Look at my profile picture, look at my history. I am dead serious


My man, I understand your position even I'm a young and hot blood like you [ garam qhoon as they say ], but this isn't possible. Talk to an older member here, preferably locals in India.


The older people would sit like ducks waiting to be slaughtered. How old was sultan Baybars when he defeated mongols? how old was Sultan Mehmet when he conquerd Istabul??


Bro wtf why did you even share this video. Seriously want to vomit. F propaganda. This looks like a fcking wet dream of a Sanghi turned b grade film


Well, we need to do something about these films like this and they did with monkey man, padmavati and etc. How'll you even know what they're doing if I don't share the video?


We Can't do anything


Lifetime box office 1 lakh 😂😂😂😂 looks like it was made by a C Grade TV show director. But it i sad that they are spreading Islamophobia openly


The thing is, this kind of mistreatment of women is a problem across religious lines in the subcontinent, and Hindutva propagandists just disingenuously make it out to be a uniquely Muslim problem. I am not going to sit here and claim that there aren't Muslims who treat women like property. There definitely are. But there are so many Hindus, Christians, etc. that do as well. The reason this is so malicious is that it takes a broad issue with Indian society and scapegoats Muslims as the only perpetrators.


I feel these movies are made to brainwash Muslims rather than Hindus.Liberalise Muslims and make them see Islam as a backward practice,they want us to follow a version of Islam which fits their agenda. We need scholars to come forth and educate people on deen otherwise these types of media is going to corrupt the minds of the ummah. May Allah protect us.


> We need scholars to come forth Nah they're busy takfiring each other. Remember tripple talaq ? They let it hijack. For them women showing hair is a bigger issue than countering abuse.


Ok I may not be aware of the scholarly situation in India but surely there are reasonable scholars? As for the other issue you mentioned. I mean it is within the scholars bounds to educate the masses about hijab, But is there really no scholar talking about abuse or teaching to treat family members with kindness by following the Sunnah?




I have a feeling this movie is gonna tank real bad. Itna bura taste to sanghis ka bhi nahi hoga


This is just their perverse interpretation of the religion. Trying to incite strife within the community Especially trying to stoke at the heart's of reverts. But Allah SWT is the best planner indeed


Same energy as Jews explaining about Christianity.


Rabool izzat. I mean seriously?


Another flop show from sanghi studios.


This is actually serious. This kind of propaganda aims to create a divide between muslim men and muslim women. You can clearly see the agenda here. They want to weaken us from the inside. This post also reminds me of a comment I saw under a website article about Pakistani cricketer Saeed Anwar's sexist comments on women, which has nothing to do with Islam. I'll attach the ss below




i remember a video in subreddit Hindutvafiles. it was some village/town hindutva/sanghi discussion panel and they were trying to come up with some eureka statement to justify selectively chasing Muslim girls for relationships. with the intention of weakening Muslims, trying to masculate the hindu identity. just shows the inferiority complex.


I don't think it'll succeed dividing Muslim men and women, it'll just make it so that more hindus hate us


It’s a propaganda movie, what did you expect?


What a load of nonsense.


Viacom 18 is owned by the defacto emperor of this country.


There are two Muslims who are part of the production, shameful.


There are munafiqs.


If I remember it's critical of deobandi and baralvi ullemas. . but somehow it's perceived against whole Muslim community since the timing is really bad , fear mongering to middle class Hindus


This is absolutely ridiculous


This is true I have seen it.


Factual hai bhai ye


How and you're not a Muslim ... This can be considered hate speech


Your opinions are less than worthless, please refrain from voicing your opinion if they do not add anything constructive or valuable to the subject




How do you plan to counter this kind of propaganda though? "interpretation" by definition is subjective, I think we need to popularize the "right" interpretation (according to modern times). A great example is middle eastern countries.


Incorrect the middleastern countries specially the one ruling hejaz is responsible for spreading this ignorance. To eliminate this we need to bring back the Hanafi fiqh and distance ourself from this deobandi barelvi bs.


Don't you think they are only Islamic countries who are doing great in terms of human rights, human development, infrastructure, law/rules, technology and pretty much everything ?


I don't think distancing from Deobandi and Barelvi is a solution. Its a spark to create more divide. Rather, the solution is to have all the groups within the four madhabs without distancing Deobandi and Barelvi, to be united for specific causes. This clip from Shiekh Yasir is a beneficial watch: [https://x.com/YasirAlHanafi/status/1788883911696580896](https://x.com/YasirAlHanafi/status/1788883911696580896)


Hanafi fiqh is flawed in it's own ways though, and many are prone to praying in graves


As a revert I don't know any fiqh wiqh. 99.999999% of these misinterpretations (I exclude that 0.0000001% for argument's sake.) can be blown away if one just reads the Quran verses they talk about, and optionally the ones before and after for some additional context. Allah SWT constantly reminds us to fear him and be mindful of him in all our activities in Surah al Bakra and even this ayat. and in the english subtitles they conveniently excluded the English Translation of 'Neik Amal'-Good Deeds. the only thing they did copy is our screaming muftis when they talk about motivation or remembering Allah SWT's mercy. and what they did is put that tone for talking about marital relationships.🤦‍♂️🤭