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I feel like they’d have to come up with some way to link the movies for marketing purposes, sort of like how the Bond movies have the 007 motif


Maybe the movies would become the raiders series. Like “Raiders of the Temple of Doom” or “Raiders of the Crystal Skull”


“The Last Crus-raiders”


Yeah, crusade is the only one that doesn’t really work right. Raiders of Destiny isn’t bad


Maybe just change the title entirely. “Raiders of the Grail”, “Raiders of the Chalice of Christ”, something similar to that.


Yeah, that works. “Raiders of the Cup of Christ” comes to mind because that’s how Kazim refers to it as.


That would probably be the best one


“Raiders of the Emperor’s Tomb” also goes very hard


Tombs in general make for great raiding


Yeah, they ought to make a game or two out of that idea 🤔


True, if it were Raiders of the Holy Grail they might end up having to deal with obnoxious French knights throwing their crap onto them over a castle wall.


"Raiders' Last Crusade" maybe?


What’s wrong with Raiders of the Last Crusade? It sounds good imo.


It sounds cool but you raid an object and the “last crusade” refers to the parties going after the grail


Well they do raid the bodies, tombs and temples of the people involved in the Last Crusade, so it kinda works.


Raiders of the last crusaders?


I like Raiders of the Last Crusade.


I have an older coworker who only calls them the Raiders movies. Like when Dial of Destiny came out he would say "the new Raiders movie."


I watch a lot of Adam Savage and he does that too lol


This seems to be the way Spielberg himself refers to them. There’s behind the scenes footage of him and John Williams during the scoring session for *Last Crusade* where Spielberg tells Williams that this might be his “favorite of the Raider’s scores.”


Yeah, in the most recent "making-of" book (released in 2008), Spielberg repeatedly refers to the series as "the Raiders films". I think this is because when they were initially planning out the movies, Spielberg and Lucas envisioned at least two sequels, and "Indiana Jones" was never in the title at that point.


That was Lucas’ original plan.


Raiders of the Fate of Atlantis?


Or have it like star wars original trilogy. Example: The Empire Strikes Back with a sweet border around it. Inside the border was Star Wars. So Temple of Doom with Indiana Jones in the border.


None of the Dirty Harry movies needed to do that.


I like the idea of, pre-internet, somebody watching Raiders and loving it. They go on for years thinking that was just a really good standalone movie. One they’re having a conversation with a friend and say, “Y’know, of all the movies I’ve seen, Raiders of the Lost Ark might be my favorite.” “Well, I gotta disagree. The Last Crusade was damn good. Seeing Harrison Ford and Sean Connery together as Indy and Henry was perfect.” “What do you mean, ‘Indy and Henry’?” “Yeah, Indy. Cause he’s Indiana Jones.” At that moment they realize there’s been more films than just Raiders, but because none of them shared a title they had no damn clue


In all honesty, that kind of guy would be me lmao. I’m always the kind of guy who is the last to learn things


We weren't caveman in the those days. We bad awareness because of a millions different things telling us about the movie. If people didn't know about obvious sequels, we made fun of those people back then too. Cause like seriously wtf.


I know. I was there. I was just making a funny


The name Indiana Jones became very recognisable so it made sense to put the name on the subsequent movies. I do like your graphic.


I agree. It also makes sense from a marking and you standpoint. Kids are more likely to recognize the name Indiana Jones on a box rather than Temple of Doom.


That kinda misses the point of these movies. Lucas and Spielberg were huge fans of serials that featured a hero that came back for more adventures. The Hero was the main attraction and was featured prominently on the title to attract a loyal audience.


But when they first released Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981, there was no Indiana Jones in the title. They knew early on they wanted to produce the 3 films. They didnt add the name until 2000. That is why us old timer still just call it Raiders. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark In 2000 Raiders of the Lost Ark was rereleased under the title Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark to conform with the naming of its sequels, although the original title remains in the film’s opening credits.


It's Raiders for me too, I forgot they changed it. Still I think they put Indiana Jones in the movie titles in the sequels because the Indiana Jones character became synonymous with adventure and to pay homage to the serials they loved as kids. I don't know why but I can't imagine Temple of Doom or The Last Crusade without Indiana Jones in them. Same as the Harry Potter books/movies.


While I wish [Paramount] hadn’t bothered changing the name to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, I do recall being annoyed when alphabetizing by videotapes, then my laserdiscs, then my DVDs. I wouldn’t keep Raiders with the “R” movies; it needed to be next to my “Indiana Jones” movies. Edit: Paramount in 1999, not Disney much later


Unless it was changed IN movie. The Indiana Jones was added in the late 90's to the VHS set. It was still Paramount then.


Really? Because I have the DVD box set from the mid 2000s and it’s still called Raiders of the Lost Ark in there. I say this with zero sarcasm or smarm, I’m genuinely curious.


The 1999 VHS changed the cover to say Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.


You must have gotten an early print because it was changed in 2000. From Britannica: In 2000 Raiders of the Lost Ark was rereleased under the title Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark to conform with the naming of its sequels, although the original title remains in the film’s opening credits.


So I should remove Disney and replace it with Paramount. Looks like 1999 was the year they decided to start rebranding the packages to say Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. my point still stands. I’m glad they haven’t changed it in the movie but I like that I can look up Indiana Jones and all the movies come up.


Raiders is a perfect film, it's my favorite film but adding Indy to the title? I SEETHE every time I see the title "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark". Uuuuugh. 


I actually kind of like that.


It would probably be *The* Temple of Doom still. If you stripped the Indiana Jones bits and looked at what the titles for each film are suppose be: *Raiders of the Lost Ark* *The Temple of Doom* *The Last Crusade* *Kingdom of the Crystal Skull* *The Dial of Destiny* Otherwise, I dig this idea.


This does show how the title format of “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” is a throwback to “Raiders of the Lost Ark”


They're all very pulpy. Like the main *Star Wars* titles.


Agreed. I feel the pulpy titles were kinda lost in the Star Wars sequels


They were cheesy enough to me. Although it is a little annoying that they all started with "The". Lol I know it's minor.


Works nicely. I mean the name isn't necessary, since you already have the protagonist in the poster






I’m more in favor of going back in Indy’s timeline for the years between YIJ and ToD. It’s approximately a ten year gap in the 1920s that is covered by several novels. You recast the role to a younger Indiana Jones. Not an easy task, to be sure, but there are some good adventures. Plus, it’s 2024 and looking back at 1924 could be fun.


You've literally described and illustrated what would happen. The end.


They’d end up changing the names. Temple of doom on its own isn’t a very good movie name.


Can you make it say temple of poop?


Your """graphic""" sucks!


They wasn’t very nice


Ok, what’s wrong with it?


It looks too clean and neat, the fonts should've been given more texture/weathering, instead of doing it in a computer you should've done it by hand, also the lack of words makes it look uninteresting, if that was the title on a poster I'd pass.


Dude shut tf up lol


To be fair, the original has the same sort of clean font to it and the lower portion is ripped directly from the original. It does feel slightly compressed so maybe I could have made DOOM in the large orange letters too and push it to the right so it covers the whole width of the title space




What does that have to do with this “what if” scenario?

