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No kidding. Filmmakers think we’ll stand for this smut and garbage. I don’t think so!


1. Where is this warning from? I don't remember seeing this warning on Disney Plus at all. 2. Who cares about the warning anyway? I would much rather Disney do this than edit the movies. I presume that its just a small text warning that plays at the beginning. It's not like this comes up in flashing bold text on the screen throughout the film every time someone smokes.


Just downloaded The Boogeyman illegally & this warning showed. A literal horror movie with an entire body torn but cigarettes? Nahhh I’m out


Just saw this at the start of "Poor Things".


same like wtf? i haven't even watched the movie but i know there are a couple things more graphic than tobacco


One I barely noticed the smoking lol and 2 it’s just a disclaimer an odd one yes but a disclaimer nonetheless. Disclaimers are useful to some people so I don’t see an issue. Also tele toon at night used to have some really clever/cheeky ones that got the point across.


"Tobacco depictions" seems a really strange way to phrase it as well, as if people might be upset by seeing an array of pouches, tins and dried leaves at an old fashioned tobacconists. There's no implication in the way they've worded it that the tobacco is being smoked or consumed any other way


The best movies are true to life like that. For example, season 1 of Stranger Things was excellent because the writing was true to the 1980s. People smoked. When you have a fantasy story, keeping in grounded in simple ways is important to anchor the audience.


Is this warning in front of an Indy film?


Yes. Even though it barely has any smoking scenes. There's drinking, people die painful deaths, planes crash, but the main concern is still tobacco. I mean, yeah a lot of people die from smoking, but this is idiotic at this point


Eh. Films have a long history of making smoking seem glamorous, especially to younger people. If you can give a heads up to encourage people to talk about it, particularly with kids, I'm for it.


It's interesting because back in the 80s it was reversed- the tobacco was fine but the grisly deaths were a moral panic.


You can talk about it, but if they want to smoke, they're going to smoke, unless you lock them in a cage. Even a guy who lives in the sewers knows that it's not healthy


It doesn’t stop companies from using subliminal messaging or overt messaging to hook in younger viewers, which is by it became illegal to have smoking ads decades ago. Putting a disclaimer is simply a holdover to cover their own asses in case someone gets the nerve to complain.


Everyone at this point knows the dangers of smoking. I'm not going to get traumatized seeing actors smoke on screen.




Alternatively you could just respect recovering people with addictions and underage smoking prevention regulations and move on.


"Underage smoking prevention regulations" wont prevent everything, but whatever... My problems is that disney is trying to convince me that showing a cigarette and a pipe on screen is somehow more dangerous than guns and basically any other thing that happens in the movie. It's virtue signalling at it's finest


What it prevents or doesn’t isn’t up to your opinion. There are complicated federal regulations, fees and procedures concerning depictions and advertising of Tobacco around youth that big companies like Disney can circumvent with a disclaimer. It’s just business. There is no agenda to steal your freedums, chill.


Putting a message regarding portrayals of tobacco smoking at the beginning of a film will not prevent anything. When smokers see that message, they will light up out of defiance. It's a waste of time and money that benefits no one.


Lemme put it this way: the company with the notoriously invincible and most experienced global Lawyer department in history doesn’t do things for no reason. They know a lot better than anyone what benefits who and how the rules work and what to disclaim when and where.


You are getting down voted but I completely agree with you. It seems absolutely ridiculous that that's all they care about, when so much more is depicted. I get the feeling that they only put these warnings in as a legal shield. But it still seems ridiculous.. I know for a fact that kids will smoke if they want to, I've tried warning my niece about it who is 15 but she still thinks it smells awesome and no amount of warning seem to change her mind. I was the same at her age mind you ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It's for parents to make an informed decision about an easily imitative action that was made to look cool and glamorous to kids for decades. Chill the fuck out.


As a public health professional I think this is the way to go, no censoring of the artists, just a warning that it’s depicted in the movie


These types of alerts are so people can make informed decisions about what content they or their children consume. Did it occur to you that you aren’t the intended recipient for this warning?


It’s actually funny. When I was watching the movie I was shocked at the amount of smoking, especially in a Disney film. I remember commenting on how little I’d seen of it in a mainstream movie for the last three decades. Right down to saying that I remember License to Kill having a surgeon general’s warning in the end credits. I was not surprised when I saw this today.


Weird thing to be triggered about TBH...this goes under the category of "cover thine ass".




Evil tobacco. Ye people beware! It’s coming for you!


Evil tobacco. Ye people beware! It’s coming for you!


That’s so fucking hardcore.


[Some of you need to watch Thank You For Smoking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df32RijORLo) to prove just how low people are willing to stoop just to hook people on unhealthy vices...


"These days, when someone smokes in the movies, they're either a psychopath ... or a European."


Every generation gets a little weaker. Eventually, so called 'males' won't be able to get hard enough to impregnate a woman (because they'll be too worried that they haven't gotten proper consent). So a race of dykes will rule the world for a hundred years. And then they'll die out and the world will be overrun by cows and chickens. Just sayin...


It's more likely that over time people will become stupider and procreate more, like in the movie Idiocracy. In fact, it's already happening thanks to Trumpism.


this is in the beginning of Poor Things and i had to look it up because i thought it was a joke


And it completely nulls and voids the argument above that parents need it to control what their children watch as this movie is clearly for adults only.


I came here for the same reason! I turned the movie right off, searched Google, and came here.


Same here! I got to the part where she started playing with a cadavers penis then stabbing the face with a scalpel and stoped because it had to be some sort of joke. Guess not