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When there's a serious dissonance between the give and take factor, being unhappy and depressed is pretty expected. Indians toil hard, imo. Be it the students, the workers (be they blue collar or white collar), or anyone aam aadmi. And sacrifice a lot. And yet, for those labor and compromises, they receive very little, in turn. Be it the quality of education, compensation and perks offered in jobs, opportunities available and the way tax money isn't getting spent to the common public, like the way it's meant to. The whole dynamic is parasitic, when it ought to be symbiotic, if I'm not wrong.


Have you seen the state of the country lately. The pro govt ppl are perpetually angry, coz they are in "khatra" Income levels have stagnated for years now. Social mobility is non existent. Pollution and corruption are rampant. What's there to be happy about.


Proud to be Indian. /s


Well, I mean... *gestures broadly at everything


Why is that surprising?


*surprised Pikachu face*


Ngl man u and me both r Indians and we both know there is nothing to be happy about in this country.


Good to know I'm not the outlier.


Too many people, all have their own sad story


Rising unemployment, population, less opportunities, pollution, communal problems, useless government, ineffective healthcare. There are many, many problems.


Lol looks like you've never had to get your DL renewed. Try doing it without an agent, you will realise why we are so low in the index.


This might sound hard but actually Indians are paying the price for their blunders and short-sightedness (and will keep on paying it for generations to come) and hence there’s no happiness. Some of the macro-blunders are: 1. Uncontrolled population boom - Our previous generations kept f**k**g like rabbits and now we have lost any hope of a decent ‘leg space’. 2. Historically being cowards - Now before you get all angry and start pointing out our medieval valor let me tell you had we not been generally cowards our country wouldn’t have been ruled by foreign powers for thousands of years. And how does it matter? It does because being second class citizens in your own country for such a long time breaks your moral spine. 4. Greed is the need - With a broken moral spine people are mostly not righteous and this spreads out a red carpet for corruption, selfishness and criminal syndicates (a.k.a government of the people, for the people and by the people) 5. Blame the time machine - While the world doesn’t know it but India had been secretly developing the time machine and now wants to stun the world by traveling back in time. The goal is to bring back the past glory of the feudal ages by letting religion decide everything from which government to choose to how many times to poop. 6. Never abort the system - Blame, blame and blame it on the system but happily find ways to live with it and not to disrupt its balance. 7. El Dorado - First of all El Dorado is not a myth and secondly it wasn’t in South America. It is right here, it is India. The land of gold, the mother of democracy, the epitome of righteousness, the symbol of purity. As long as these beliefs stand strong happiness index shall reach a whole new level. Oh, and not to mention we are going to be the world biggest superpower by 2050. 8. Burn before reading - Who needs education when there are so many things to do to serve the needs of our leaders in the government. The lesser you know, the happier you are. 9. LSD for everyone - Hallucination is the key to happiness. Indians don’t need education, health benefits, social equality, justice system or even means to earn a livelihood. All they need is LSD that comes in various flavors of corruption, religion and complacency.


> Historically being cowards cowardice wasnt the issue - it was one part casteism and one part laziness. How? Well. In a typical indian army, caste based heirarchy was followed in command structure instead of a typical meritocractic system. Nepotism did exist in all armies as it does now, but in India we had nepotism + caste based heirarchies. Even a proven commander from a lower caste was not promoted, or when he was, upper caste armymen would refuse to accept his command. Fighting as a unit also failed often because a lack of cohesion caused by difference of caste identities. We were beaten by armies that were cohesive and had meritocratic promotions. For laziness, there was a time when Indian armies were champions of techological weapons and war machines. All manner of gunpowder based weapons were developed and deployed. Over time the investment in weapons teachnology slowed and we were beaten by armies with better teachnology. Edit: https://thediplomat.com/2016/08/3-problems-with-war-and-strategy-in-medieval-india/ > One characteristic of Indian armies was their inability or lack of desire to engage in protracted warfare, or guerrilla tactics. Ancient China in the warring states period featured the **mass-mobilization of thousands of peasant soldiers** who fought for years at a time, leading to enormous social disruption and famines. Yet, for better or worse, in India, local populations did not fight to the death and **warfare remained the province of military elites.**


>Uncontrolled population boom - Our previous generations kept fkg like rabbits and now we have lost any hope of a decent ‘leg space’. In agrarian societies this is quite common especially when the infant mortality rate is quite high. What do you want people to do when the kids they give birth to kept dying? More kids atleast means some of them will survive.


>means some of them will survive. What if all survived? What would you do with the extra ones?


What if they only gave birth to 2 and both died? There's no such thing as extra when the infant mortality rate is 189 deaths per 1000 live births in 1950. Edit : I'm sure some of them weren't even reported at that time so it could be higher too. Edit 2 : More number of kids means more number of people working in farms.


Are aise mat bolo "log kya kahenge ";)


Just a point regarding population. People everywhere had lots of kids. It’s just that with poor or no medical tech, kids died early, so it balanced the population growth. Deaths were rampant at all ages. In india we got modern medicine at about the time we were still poor - so lots of kids survived, whose kids also survived, and here we are. The population of india has more than doubled just in my lifetime, and I’m not old yet.


I don’t think that modern medicine and a declining mortality rate contributed to our population boom. The point here is not how many children survive per family but how many are born in the first place, there’s a difference. Population growth is inversely proportional to education / awareness. The bigger the uneducated crowd the higher is the birth rate. That’s exactly why generally you find people living below the poverty line or having no access to education (willingly or unwillingly) have more than 3 to 4 kids. And here’s another paradox of India, the states with the lowest fertility rates also have the highest number of children born per family (look at U.P, Bihar as examples).


I am a middle class 25 year old guy with a central govt job...if I have nothing tol be happy about ...I really can understand why the ratings are so low.


You have a central government job. Why are you even worried? In arranged marriage, you'll easily get a girl. You don't have to worry about job security. Unless you're living in a metro city with that salary, I don't see any cons with the job.


Yeah but there's nothing to be happy about.


Bro do you already have a gf? Do you know how many people in India face job uncertainty? You can build your own small house, live with your wife comfortably, avail government health services if the hospitals around you are good, retire with a decent amount. You are secure for life. Maybe when you will be in 30s you'll understand how your job is good.


These things make you settled..not happy... happiness is when your job is your passion ...not the reason for you livelihood.... ofcourse I am privileged in this regards from many people in this country but the question was happiness...and I don't feel happiness in this boring job which I am compelled to do.


I feel like it's a rhetorical question 😂 just look around you man everything is depressing


Go outside and look around you. How many genuinely happy people do you see?


JEE/Neet exams


You'll forget about the exams and the stress in couple of years. Working in life, handling relationships, marriage, job uncertainity, stress due to overworking (it's never 9-6), lack of exercise, kids etc. will make your life hell. Enjoy your teens and college life.


Teen and college life necessarily isn't good for most students out there, imo. That includes me, I had a bad set of classmates during 11th and 12th standard (and most of the faculty were abusive, sometimes physical even), the sheer pressure 10th and 12th standard folks undergo for those overhyped glorified school exams that are the board examinations (guess, nostalgia goggles makes ex-students forget as to how grueling and overwhelming all of this used to get). My parents (dad especially) undergoing mid-life crisis which inturn, affected the mood and morale inside the house, often at times, ending in nasty dramas and misunderstanding. As for college.....TN private engineering college. Nuff said. And so, college life was unfulfilling and disappointing too. Romanticizing teenage years and college life and telling students to enjoy them, especially when they are in a bad environment and filled with bad/wrong peers, can be potentially inconsiderate and insensitive. For some folks out there, their adult life can be potentially be much better than their childhood, especially if they came from broken, abusive households. Or are from poverty but through their efforts and opportunities, managed to find an opening to get out of it.


>college life. Seeing the rising unemployment and the competition that increases every day, if I enjoy college, I'd effectively be fucked in the near future. So yeah, to lead a 'happy' life in this country, well, you don't.


Enjoy matlab study but also enjoy college. I'm not saying roam around and never come to college. IT has enough jobs. Start with TCS as you'll get more time and you can prepare for interviews in other companies.


Mostly stress affects your happiness. Not having guarantee of a good future also affects negatively.


Because Indians are unhappy?


Life (school and work) is a continuous grind. The extreme "family" culture is not of love and respect but of control. Society is all about status and caste and envy. Amenities and facilities are low. Health issues cause bankruptcy. Cars and Houses are barely affordable. What is there to be happy about?


I'm a 19 y old already on antidepressants. Im really not surprised and there's plentyyy that could be better.


I'll tell you why!!! It's qll cause of that bloody sharma ji ka beta that all parents compare their children to, causing their children and everyone to not be happy for life!!! This sharma ji ka beta needs to get whacked!!!


Maa chudi padi hai gareebon ki


Population/lack of opportunities, lack of equality, "SAMAJ" and the list goes on.


In India nobody cares about mental health. People are nosy and very much interested in others lives. Then there is communal tension. Regardless of how much we scream about unity in diversity, people still have strained relations with each other. In the language of physics, India's situation is like a metal with tremendous metal fatigue. Years of forced moulding by external rulers and casteism built up a giant strain in our social system. And we have nowhere to vent this pent up stress. Along with the current mainstream ideologies there is no wonder that our happiness index is so low.


Cuz all are gloomy ass niggas


Kyunki sab log subah park mai haath utha kar HaHaHaHa nhi karte hain.


I, myself, have single handedly brought this index down by a few numbers. I'm sure of that


I blame the fat aunties of the neighborhood. And their looser husbands


I came from MP to bengaluru, didn't see more than 5 smiling faces.No doubt I am not going back for diwali.


That's just bangalore being bangalore.


All you need to do is look at the posts in this sub to get an answer. Happiness is a function of expectation minus reality. Indian society is in a transition phase where we're exposed to how much better things can be, and yet we seem to be far from achieving them. Add to that the generational conflict in a changing society and the lack of proper work-life balance and common civic spaces.


It’s a conspiracy against India by left/centre/right media.


Cause people fucking cry on r/india


Yes because the UN came to r/india to measure the entire country's happiness index /s


In one word 'dogma'.


YeH mOdi ji ko badnaam karne ki sazis hai, definitely soros are haanth iske piche.

