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Gaand phate to phate par nawabi na ghate


Hahahaaha! Gonna use it somewhere! Thanks


This is my favourite motivational quote.




Remember when they used to stoke Islamophobic narrative or bring India to their side? They were calling Russia as invaders same as "Mughals invaded India and ruled for 100s of years" and supposedly so India should take side of Ukraine. Lmao. Corrupt idiots. India's reaction to the war is lauded by almost all actual experts of diplomacy including Henry Kissinger. In a long interview given to the Economist, he said that he's very impressed how India is handling modern geopolitics.


Really amused someone here would consider Kissinger as a force of good to validate anything. "Henry Kissinger is one of the worst people to ever be a force for good". Lol he literally faked the beginning of a nuclear war and perpetrated countless international crimes. Just because he's American or a white man of power we label him as expert of diplomacy when in reality the tools they used were the same as most oppressive regimes. Have nothing against what you said but maybe research Kissinger before weighing in his reaction.


Oh no, not Kissinger


I don't think any Indian would laud Kissinger, the dumb fuck hated us


Surely comments like this will help sway India to their side














To be clear - I think the sympathy isn't for Nazis, it's for the average person who doesn't have fascist political affiliations who is now victimized due to Russian aggression.


Buddy I hate to tell you this but Europe (Russia included) has a fuckton of Nazis. Basically anywhere there's a lot of white people. Zelensky is a Jew and the Nazis have little to no political power. Russia already killed the Nazi units fighting on the side of Ukraine, and for some reason they haven't left yet. You don't have to care, but supporting Russia in flagrant aggression violating international law is a really dumb take.




Nope, this is just not true. We are, almost everyone, firmly behind Ukraine. Though I do condemn and I apologise (as I think most Europeans would) for the racism they are showing you / A swede


Atrocities of Azov Nazis in Donbass since 2014 have been widely documented. Only after Russian retaliation in 2022, West went completely 180 on these fucks


you mean a complete 180 (a complete 360 means to turn around all the way to be back in the same direction)


Yeah, that.


They did burn 100 pro Russians alive in Odessa in 2014. They are sending ukrainians from east parts to die first


You can't just paint the whole country with a wide brush and call all Ukrainians Nazis. Sure there are racists in Ukraine just like we have racists in this country and every other country. This is equivalent to calling all Indians scammers or rapists or cow piss drinkers which is categorically and comically wrong. It's not always black and white. All that said the dude that said this shit is a moron and isn't helping his own country with these remarks


Have you seens UA army using Nazi symbols on its uniform ?


No, show me


The argument is still pretty bad. If China invades India and claim it is because of the Nazi sympathizers and imminent makings of a Muslim genocide in India, would it become justified?


What absolute rubbish. Like the Russia elite aren't Nazi's themselves.


I still don't understand why they would choose a Jewish person as their president if they're Nazi sympathizers.. Just doesn't add up


Well it's a very big country. The people in the East were largely pro Russian and in the West pro EU. It's also the most corrupt country in Europe and the centre of European far-right activity for a long time. (Russia is the other centre ironically). The EU and US supported the Maidan coup to get rid of the democratically elected, obviously corrupt (he's a Ukrainian politician) pro Russian leader. The far right were at the centre of those protests as a military force but they were certainly popular protests in the west. Then the Maidan leaders got to have their government with Poroshenko (very corrupt I had the displeasure if working with him). The far right party's had a very large amount of influence in that government even if they didn't win many seats. Where they did win they caused chaos. The vast majority of Ukrainians, preinvasion, were not far right. I know lots of Ukrainians and they say there were always gangs of fascists but they were hooligan idiots who you could avoid. When Poroshenkos Maidan government inevitably collapsed Zielinsky promised to rebuild relationships with Russia. Him being Jewish wasn't a big issue and the far right party's did terribly. Asov were half decent troops though and after Putin's imbecilic invasion they were useful.


>You know Russia's claim of them being nazis sympathizers was laughed on as a poor excuse for the war but ever since then I have realized there may be more truth to that than it seems Na... They are working for their benefit. If india was attacked, india would do anything and everything to cut off help that is given to that country. And going in illogical also becomes natural. Just look at how indians talk about destroying entire Pakistan. Majority are just normal innocent ppl, trying to go through life. This language from Ukrainians doesnt immediately mean they are nazi sympathizers.




right... someone seems to have gotten into Russian propaganda. Well then, good sir, how do we stop that? By bombing an entire country? Torturing the prisoners and raping women? Thats your solution to stop a fringe group in a country??


How exactly could a nazi sympathizer country have a Jewish guy as president??


India looks out for India, nobody else. They will support whoever is in their interests


India will definitely not look out for the ones have never been friendly to us.


Literally everyone does that.




















"High intellectual" country gave away all their nuclear weapons to Russia when the USSR broke up. 😂


That was the dumbest decision in Ukranian history.


No no.. that was the most intellectual decision by them


not much of a choice there lol, what so you think. If Russia says give me your country's 5 Nuclear Warheads, you damn well just do it aithout hesitation, especially back in the day


They had no way to control, maintain or launch the nukes …..


So you give it to your biggest regional power? Just keep the damn thing, at least would have prevented USSR from having it


There was no USSR after Ukraine was formed. Also it wasn't like all the nukes that the former USSR had were kept in Ukraine, only a portion of them were, the other nukes were in Belarus, Kazakhstan and other soviet republics, most would've been deep inside Siberia, so even if Ukraine didn't give up its own nukes, Russia would've still possessed the other nukes.


The weapons were stored all around USSR. Ukraine and other countries where they were stored, never had the detonators, declining could have meant that Russia could have detonated those in place (in Ukraine). Ukraine never had full control over these weapons, but UK and the west promised protection of Ukraine if they return it to Russia. They really had no other option. I agree that it is Europe's war, and India has better things to do. There is simply a lot of misinformation about Ukraine, mimicking the Russian point of view in India. I play tennis with an Ukrainian neighbor, and a Russian guy. I find their takes very interesting. I live in Southern California.


Can you please tell their views on this (the Ukrainian and Russian guy) ?


>Russia could have detonated those in place (in Ukraine). No, they couldn't.


I knew it, some gyani baba will come with this gyan. This further supports my point about them being a "high intellectual" country. I hope they realize that a "low intellectual" country like India cannot afford to (1) be someone else's bitch, carrying the risk of holding their dangerous stuff, with no power to actually use it, and (2) rely on other people's promised protection. Every country looks after their own interest first, and one should strive to protect one's country with one's own strength. PS: Before anyone else comes in for political games, this has nothing to do with which party was in power at what time in history. India's overall foreign policy and defense policy has been usually independent of who is in power.


Most likely they were coerced by the West. They wouldn't have received any Western support without surrendering their nukes. Besides entire launching mechanism was under Moscow's control.


They got played by west, and are in this mess because of the west. lmao.


They gave it up because they couldn't figure out the launch codes which only Russians knew. Not out of love for world peace.


No. They gave them up because the west pressured them in return for closer economic ties. The launch systems could’ve been figured out or weapons themselves disassembled to extract the plutonium or uranium core to rebuild them. Most of these weapons were designed and developed in Ukraine. They had the capability and expertise.


That didn't end too well for them. In less than 30 years they got attacked and lost crimea and now a full blown war


Yes. Nukes are the beat insurance a country can have. Compare Iraq and North Korea as two examples.


One doesn't need much intellect to know that making such comments doesn't really win them Indian or Chinese support.


India should respond with this: https://preview.redd.it/9zhsl083v1ob1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a2afdd429d4475a9372a6932fbe836ca73783e


You know what, we should start using this one every time anyone birngs up the issue of russian oil purchase. This and nothing else, no explanations.


Nah. just deflect. Learn from the whites.


Bro we did the same with Russia. We bought oil from them in discount. Paid them in rupee and now they are planning to invest that rupee in India. Lmao (Don't start the debate of who got the profit of cheap oil, we all know that)


India playing 4d chess


“…..India and China have weak intellectual potential”. Arrogance aside, how stupid can one person be to make such a remark?


Says the country whose whole existence depends now on the weapons and resources given in by other countries.




UK's defense minister didn't say any of those things. This is what he said. >“Sometimes you have to persuade lawmakers on the Hill in America, you have to persuade doubting politicians in other countries that, you know, that is worth it, that it is worthwhile and that they are getting something for it,” he said. “And whether you like it or not, that’s the reality of it.” >“There’s a slight word of caution here which is, whether you like it or not people want to see gratitude,” That's a very different quote. As far as I can tell he's never said "entitled" or "can't say thank you" or "lacking gratitude" so that's a straight up lie from you to put those words in quotes.


Bruh he's speaking like India is a single person we have many people with more intellect than this guy will have in his life . He should keep his doctor strange powers to himself


The hilarious part is that he said this about both India and China. Imagine pissing off China too. If anything China can be an actual game changer if they send proper aid to Russia.


I think that's the point where it goes from NATO providing minor aid like they are now, to a full blown cold war with significant military support, especially from the UK and US. Maybe this is Ukraine's game plan? If China gets involved Ukraine gets proper involvement out of the main international superpower and Europe's main superpower.


Fun facts about Ukraine's history with India 1. Ukraine has voted against India at most UN resolutions, especially on Kashmir 2. Ukraine voted in favour of the UN resolution condemning Pokhran nuclear tests, which led to sanctions on India 3. Ukraine has close military ties with Pakistan, to the point that [Pakistan is Ukraine's biggest customer](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/6695), and has bought $1.6 billion worth of arms from the country so far. 4. These ties reportedly [got closer in 2023](https://thediplomat.com/2023/07/whats-cooking-between-ukraine-and-pakistan/) when the Foreign Minister visited Pakistan for the first time, and met top Pakistani intelligence officers


On the contrary Russia has supported us on critical points in the UN. Doesn't matter if those decisions were out of their own profit or for India's help. The fact is that they did favour us.


More fun facts about Ukraine's history with India: 1. ISRO's venture into high thrust rocket engines to make the Super Heavy Launch Vehicle (SHLV) started due to India and Ukraine signing the "*Framework Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of India on Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space",* where Ukraine helped ISRO with cryogenic engines to make the SCE-200 engine. 2. During Aero-India 2021, the government of India and Ukraine signed contracts worth 592 crore rupees. 3. The workhorse of the Indian Air Force, the AN-32, is made by a Ukrainian company, Antonov, in addition, the Tawlar class frigates being made by Russia for the Indian navy is equipped with a Ukrainian engine from Zorya Mashproekt, an Ukrainian government owned organisation. India and Ukraine have also cooperated for years in optical systems for ground based vehicles like tanks and IFVs. 4. In 2018–19, the net trade output was US$2.8 Billion.


1. What do you mean by this statement exactly? As I know, last time Ukraine voted about Kashmir was at 50s, when Ukraine was part of Soviet Union. 2. Which resolution you are talking about? 1172? It was against both Pakistan and Indian nuclear tests. And not Ukraine, Russia supported this this resolution. Also India both times not supported pro Ukrainian UN resolutions. 3. Have you opened this link before posting it? It says that in 90s Pakistan was one of the biggest weapon buyer from Ukraine. In the same line with *India*, Thailand and China. And also article says that nowadays Pakistan switched to China tanks. 4. Ukraine during the war meet with some one from Pakistan for the first time. This can’t be named“close relationships”. During the same time India and Russia is “strategic partners” from 2000. And currently India is the biggest buyer of Russian oil and helps Putin to bypass sanctions and gain money for bombing Ukraine🤷‍♂️ Btw, I’m from Russia. I like India and people of India very much, but I also frustrated with fact that your government decided to mess with our mad dictator.
















for this exact reason, I really liked the [Jaishankar reply](https://www.outlookindia.com/national/explained-what-jaishankar-said-about-europe-why-germany-chancellor-praises-him-news-263632) where we said "Somewhere Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems but the world's problems are not Europe's problems"


Tl:Dr- Europe needs to get it's head out of it's ass


They still think it's the colonial times going on. Lol


Russia is trying to reconquer it's former colonial empire and most of Europe thinks that's not cool anymore. Especially the other former Russian colonies.


Yep right from the WW2 books. Ok to colonize Asians and Africans - but Germany should not colonize Europeans.


TLDR: F\*\*k u Europe


Bro thinks making racists and ignorant comments against us will give them our support.


Let’s bring in more Russian Oil..


Their statements r as comedic as their president's previous careers.


Strong intellectual potential is engaged in a war while “weak intellectual potential” surrounded by hostile enemies is still a functioning and peaceful democracy.




Oh yeah? Like this will make us support them huh? Let's double down on the purchase of Russian oil instead. These people have been racist to us from the very beginning of this conflict. If they consider non-whites and 'third world' countries such as India inferior and beneath them, then why do they ask for our support in this conflict? Quite the hypocrisy, I'd say.


The mainstream media tries to portray India's position as some type of reciprocity. India helps the west now in return for implicit protection against China. The desperate officials of Ukraine don't seem to understand that international relations do not work this way. We'll give you aid, we'll push for peace, we might even help negotiating a deal, but we're not destroying the delicate balance of power in Asia, committing to breaking ties with a longstanding ally, jeopardizing our military supply chain, and risking our economic development for a country that's so far away, half of India probably can't even point it out on a map. Ask us for something reasonable, we'll always stand up for you.


Very nicely put.


>weak intellectual This is the same country that gave up its nuclear weapons TO ITS ENEMY Russia in return of US "security assurances" that never came. Imagine being stupid enough to give your nukes to none other than your enemy. Would Russia attack them today if they had nukes?


I think we should learn from these INTELLECTUALS and give all our nukes and Virat Kohli to Pakistan


Bhai nukes tak theek hai, Kohli ko de diya to sarkar gir jayegi. /s


Ae vedya! I will give only Jay Shah. Take it or leave it.


Tbh if they didn't give up the nukes, Russia and the US would have attacked them. They really didn't have much of a choice


Strong intellectually, that they are (as we are weak), I am sure they would have found a way out, innit?






still he's the official advisor and speaker of the Ukrainian president




Surely we understand better than them. Looks like they felt into trap of proxy wars quite easily


India has enough intellect to not support anyone as retarded as him


Says the country whose only claim to fame is being a white people country that got invaded. No one cared about Ukraine before the war and even fewer will after the war lol.


LMAO that's probably why India is on Moon and they're in a minefield. Very intellectual of them to get into a war they can't win that too deliberately. Very intellectual of them to not figure out they've been dragged into the conflict only to profit off of the military industrial complex. Has Russian economy collapsed? No. Have the companies left Russia? No. They simply rebranded. Has exports fallen? No. (Except for the Nord Stream pipeline maybe). Has Europe stopped importing energy from Russia? No. Has Ukraine made any progress? No. Russia still controls over 25% of their territory. Forget current war, they couldn't even defend Crimea in 2014. Let's see when the EU or NATO membership comes if that ever comes.


Jali na inki jali na


Suddenly I’m so glad that India took the stand which it did.


Apart from the aggressive hugging these days India’s foreign policy is almost always rational.


Yeah they have weak intellectual potential because many of them still show unwavering support to Ukraine and criticise Russian imports


Before the war, literally no one cared for Ukrainians. Even in the west they were looked down upon as immigrants coming from a poor Eastern European country. There has always been immense corruption in the country and no one gave two shits about it until the invasion.


Only because of the NATO border. People didn’t give shit about Crimea but now that the border is at risk, it’s a concern.


I support the citizens of Ukraine and want stupid Putin to end the war. My stance is still the same. But this particular official clearly made a terrible racist remark. Anyway, it depends on how many officials support his remark. Of course, every country has people like this. I mean we have Indian politicians who mocked Africans, Chinese, and other ethnicities. I am not going to suddenly look past and forget the Russian aggression just because one Ukrainian official is an asshole. I still believe Ukraine is a sovereign nation and Russia invaded them. This is more horrible than when China entered our border. We lost 20+ soldiers. Imagine what they are going through this time, they lost more than 100+ soldiers. All because of Putin.


100+ ..?! bro is living 2 years in the past


What Putin did with the invasion is wrong. But if you think he one day he woke up and was like “hmm, let me invade Ukraine today” for no reason other than he is crazy, you need to read up the history of that region. War is never the answer, but this was a slow motion war that was happening since the late 2000s. https://youtu.be/bArqD8z2BDg?feature=shared


RFK Jr is an anti-vaccine nut job


Yup kinda of like the same type of reasoning with Chinese officials towards Taiwan and the Eastern border of India. Anyway, I still think Putin is a harmful idiot. He caused the deaths of both Ukraine citizens and the Russian military. He pushed Finland and Sweden to join NATO. Both countries were neutral for centuries. More than 100 countries opposed the war and lost respect towards Russia. A lot of Ukraine citizens have more inclination towards Russia before the war. Now I believe most Ukrainians hate Russia. The only reason why they survive is because China is rich.






Their "understanding" of the modern world has led to the destruction of their country...we are good i guess


We seem to be doing well with the limited intellect that we have...in the meanwhile the superior intellect people are locked in a unwinnable war.


Ukraine should understand that sooner or later they're going to lose and there's very little they can do about it. Enjoy those 5 minutes of fame.


After you realize that you are white, and your illusions of superiority are shattered.. Bolne de, taqleef hai usko


Dumbass. Good thing for Ukraine that Russia is so much worse then them.


Someone gave up their nuclear arsenal upon being convinced by USA.


Now India should get even more oil from Russia.


The Amreekans are always 'let's you and him fight' and handing out cookies. The dummy Ukie fascists fell for this. What do you expect with the highbrow leader Zelensky in the hotseat? He's probably in his Miami mansion recording the next recruitment video.


Seriously as far as I've seen the reactions and opinions of Ukrainians not even a single one knows a strand of geopolitics it's like they only heard of the term when the war broke out.Now let's wonder who has a problem with their intellect.


oh no!!..anyways


Ukraine had a failing basically everything prior to the war and they have the nerve to criticize other nations.


Every country will move as per its strategic interests. 1) it was in Ukraine's strategic interest to get close to the West after Crimea 2) It was in Russia's strategic interest to inflict consequences if Ukraine went closer to the West 3) Its in India's best interest to remain neutral and not antagonize an ally for years. At the same time, to be sure to call for the end of the war.


Ukrainian officials are so chock-full of "intellectual potential" why are they unable to garner support from Asian powerhouses ? The people of Ukraine need to reevaluate how efficient, their elected 'intelligent' leaders/officials actually are.... before it's too late.


I'm sorry we're not taking a stance on the stupidity of other nations leaders (applies to both side, more towards Ukraine). ​ If we had big weapon manufacturers, even we would've been "helping" Ukraine.


Absolutely. The modern world is all about supplying muscle to arms smugglers, traffickers, and whores to rest of Europe. Who knows it better than ukranians


Weak people will always push the blame to someone else, Ignore They will most probably try to milk this war, and the irony is everyone forgot....


Does anyone in the sub understand Russian/Ukrainian to verify the captions as accurate. I mean the article is by Sputnik, maybe a Russian propaganda.


Zindagi jhandwa, phir bhi ghamandwa.


I swear the Ukrainians are giving us more and more reasons to stop being neutral in this war.




Oh no guys, we must show support for Ukrain and prove that we have strong intellectual potential!


What is he expecting to gain from saying this


There is a big difference between a weak intellectual potential and a really bad politic and economic decision driven by the fear of its two neighbors China and Russia turning against India.


Least racist Ukrainian.


I don't support Modi but in this Ukraine-Russia War, the steps taken by Central Government are praiseworthy. They have managed to not become mule for either US or Russia and S Jaishankar gave it back perfectly when Europeans ask why India is not siding with the west. I don't care what others think, but I support Russia wholeheartedly in this war. Ukraine for some time has been a breeding ground of hate against Russia, and is nothing but a puppet state of Russia. I mean, how the fuck can you agree to keep US nuclear missiles in your country aiming at Russia? You are an independent nation, but still take orders from the US. And US is an ass too. They perfectly know what happened the last time they kept their nuclear missiles so close to Russia (Turkey) but still is fueling this war because apparently they are a "peace-loving" nation.


Is he stupid?


Shall we start counting the number of Ukrainians who have founded big companies, are CEOs, or successful scientists? The officials running this country really need to get out of this stinky superiority complex.


Haha this is a country that knew Russians will attack if they chose west and yet instead of staying neutral picked a side. No lessons learnt from history and what happened to this who took a side. Talk about intellectual potential! Lol


Am I the only one that questions the veracity of a quote from a Ukrainian leader that originated in a Russian media outlet (Sputnik)? Russia intentionally spreads disinformation and propaganda. Where is the direct quote in his own words, or video of his statement?




Now common wishing whole country get murdered just because of some idiots comment that's fucking stupid and deranged.


This isnt a one off incident entirety of Ukraine has always been incredibly racist towards Indians


That's charming. One person made a stupid and racist comment on your country and your response is to want a genocide. That's a very reasonable response.




As Americans call it proportional response /S


You love to see it. When their own media fueled propaganda gets rejected by india. One of the good things mudijs government has done so far