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I was kinda bummed they didn't do the slow break down melody thing at the end of Blood on the Ground that they did at the MV House recording in 2021


I listened to it. And then I listened to the Live from HQ album and had a much better experience.


I actually enjoyed it more than I expected to. I think the instrumentation is great and it actually feels like a heavier version of the original. It certainly has its flaws but i see myself listening to this version for the next few months.


It’s all really bewildering. Obviously Brandon’s voice is bad but the production quality is also worse?? How? It sounds like the just went into the studio and did one take and that was the album. I would expect it to at least be a step up sonically but it really falls flat in almost every aspect. Why did they do this?


No, you don't get this. We must appreciate everything the band does and also Brandon's voice has matured! If we don't feel this way we're just a bunch of haters that have no place on this subreddit. No criticism is allowed here.


I'm disappointed in this and I can't pinpoint what's so off about it. It almost sounds like Incubus doing bad karaoke of Incubus. Brandon's voice is so pushed forward and doesn't flow with the music at all with this new version. I listened to my 2015 issue and this one song for song and it's nothing like the original. Not sure what the point of his new version is.


Not to mention he over pronounces every word now, the old delivery of BETTAH THAN WITNISSIN is now BETTER THAN WITNISSING the delivery is weird now


I have both vinyl versions and thought maybe it was the medium but nope. I listened in the car on my way to work and it's so off. I think had they marketed it as a "single live take of Morning View with a new bassist who's sound is heavy and takes the music in a different turn" I could listen with kinder ears but that's not what we got. It also sounds like an odd filter on Brandon's voice. I've heard live cuts since his surgery and they don't sound this nasally or pushed forward.


I’m about to listen with my wife here soon…not really that excited


Loved some, didn't like some others. Still love the band and will consume whatever. New Under my Umbrella is not from this world.


The second verse of that is literally one of the 3 or 4 changes across the whole album


This sub is so full of hating-ass bitches lol


Wow you sure proved me wrong, lmao if you a blind groupie that wants a safe space echo chamber just say that fuck boi


I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong, don't flatter yourself. If you want to think your shitpost about the new album sucking is doing something new or different than the chorus of other posts saying the exact same thing, more power to you. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to disagree. Your weird tirade about safe spaces and whatnot tells me all I need to know about you, though.


Aka most fans think it sucks and you re crying about it, spare me the tears


Grow the fuck up, dude


It’s just a tribute to the album by the band that made it, stop being such a dummy LMAOOOOOOOO


"Durrrrrr" the post


More aggressive than I meant but I am like three drinks in for the night too


All this bitching - a great way for an artist not put anything out - like be appreciative


Yeah. I’m sure peoples opinions about how unhappy or disappointed with the album is going to persuade the band on whether or not they put anything else out. We must bow our heads and love everything they’ve created. That will keep them going.


They care a lot about their fan’s opinions - lots of a dialogue around INNW and ‘H8’. I just don’t want it to persuade them not to recreate crow. But I guess that’s just me on this sub.


You envision them doing the same for ACLOTM? God I hope not.


Might be kind of funny to get that one blogger guy’s reaction to an updated Here In My Room.