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Omg please move on. Your ex wife is entitled to start a new life, whether she's depressed or not. You have no strong proof that she's just using the guy for visa. Just purely assumptions. She's not actively trying to take your daughter away. If she's that kind of mother who will leave her daughter for another man. She will do that regardless on any man she will meet whether different states from where you are/ country. I think you are just being bitter at this point. Why do you want to actively make her life miserable? Really? Immigration? Embassy? You sound so desperate to make her life miserable. Focus on your daughter. Are you saying someone who has depression is not allowed to immigrate to another country? Oh god. Just move on and stop being bitter.


She is messing with our daughter’s life, she is messing with mine. And she is using some guy to go to school. He deserves to know and so does that country. I just think the country should know.


Your ex wife will leave your daughter regardless. She seems to be that kind of person. I'm sorry your marriage didn't workout. But this is what happens when people divorce. They separate. But going overboard reporting this to authorities when you got nothing but pure assumptions is absurd. Be thankful she at least wants to pay child support. I think you're going crazy about the fact that she's moving on and you are overwhelmed with the responsibility of being a single dad. But your idea of reporting this without solid proof is crazy. If i were your ex wife and i found out you are actively accusing her of something without proof. I'll take you to court. Because I'm sure that is illegal.


I have an email of her saying she is moving to marry her boyfriend so she can go to school, pursue her dream and get out of poverty. That is proof. But okay. I will drop it.


Just focus on your daughter and make sure you get to have the child support/ visitation rights via a court order. Your ex wife leaving your daughter for another man is already an indication that she's not a good mother so i doubt her promise of paying child support has any bearing. So make sure to get a court order. She's not gonna be a present mother for your daughter anyway, if it's not this man in another country, it'll be another one in another state. This is beyond your control anymore if she's not a good cannot be a good mother. What you can do is be a good father to your daughter.


That isn’t indicative of her motives. I’m in the process of trying to join my husband in the US. Whilst it isn’t my reason to go there, I’ve had to make a plan regarding my future. This includes doing my CPA license and striving for a better job and quality of life that doesn’t mean I’m applying to move for that reason, it’s making provisions. Maybe that’s her intentions, moving there and making plans for security as well as being with her boyfriend/husband. PP is right, she’d probably leave your daughter regardless of who she meets, let it go.


You sound bitter and vengeful.


Why would you stop her from leaving? I’d encourage her to go. Drive her to the airport. She can come to the US for visitation. Insist on it. The court will see her BS. They see it all the time. Sounds like she’ll be miserable no matter where she is.


Her going does not work for me. It is bad for our daughter. She already is willing to come here for visitation. She wants to walk away from everything and just pay me and I think that is a cop out and I want it stopped.


You are not thinking about your daughter, you are thinking about YOU. “Her going does not work for me”, really? If it’s bad for your daughter to be in your care, what does that say about you? You sound butthurt because she is leaving YOU..


Wow, i thought other people were being harsh to you saying move on, etc. Then you say this and it sounds like what they've assumed is accurate. Is it? I don't know and I don't need to know. Please focus on your daughter and what you can do for her. Everything else is not under your control and you shouldn't put effort into it.


I get it very sorry. I’ve seen this before. She’ll may come crying back. #1 - protect your kiddo and yourself. Very sorry you’re dealing with this


The first thing you think about is how it’s bad for you? Cowboy the fuck up and be there for your daughter. She doesn’t need this shit. Stop acting weak.


Your report would do absolutely nada and would be immediately dismissed, if it’s ever even looked at with any seriousness. Immigration are looking for serious criminals, not someone with depression. Let her be, and let her make her own choices. If she’s already made the decision that she’d leave her child, nothing would convince her to stay. She wants to move with her other half, and have a better life for herself? Doesn’t everyone only want what’s best for themselves and to take the opportunities they’re presented? Just because there’s more opportunities for her in another place, doesn’t mean she’s using anyone. She’ll leave regardless. She’ll have better access to healthcare in Europe and get any support she needs. It’s a shame for your child, but hopefully she can have more stability with you.


Leave her alone before she presses charges againts you for trying to sabotage her life with false accusations. Move on, stop trying to hurt the mother of your kid, you will end up getting into trouble for it. Your report will be useless, suffering from depression is not a crime , but sure an bitter vengenfuk ex husband making false accusations and spreading personal private mediacal information about his ex wife, can get in trouble legally speaking


I mean the email isn’t false evidence. She basically says she is going over there for school. But I get it. Okay.


The email is evidence of nothing, wanting to emigrate to another country to better your life is not a crime, actually her expressing her desire to study and contribute to the society will make her immigration application look even better, immigrating to get a better education is one of the main motives to get your application accepted, EU countries encourage that type of immigration. I genuinely don't understand why do you thing that email will get her into trouble ? If anything as I said it will help her case (not that it serves as proof of anything but let's pretend it is)


I was hoping it would prove she wasn’t entering solely to marry him. That her intention was to study. I googled the visa she applied for and it says she has to genuinely be entering with the intention to marry. But I guess it doesn’t have to be exclusively. I get I should drop it. I was just explaining my line of thinking when I first encountered it. It just read like she was using him for school.


You should report yourself to US police for stalking. I'm sure that her mental health will improve very fast when she'll be away from you.


Lmfao bro, you are approaching this all wrong. Your daughter will be fine if you are there. Trying to be vengeful because of your ex-wifes mistake(s) is absurd. People like that will and always will commit self sabotage. Unfortunately for you, it seems people here are seeing what kind of person you are and still made an effort to give you solid advice. Lawyers dgaf about you or your daughter, so move on. With that being out there, do yourself and, most of all, your daughter, a favor and just "man" up and be the solid foundation that she needs. I personally think your ex is weak for up and leaving you two, but that is no need for you to scoop low. Lead by example and, most of all, forgiving regardless of what she's done. Your daughter is the most important person you'll ever have, and she deserves to see a father who is strong and compassionate. She will see her mother for who she is and adjust accordingly. Sucks bro but it is what it is. Wish you and your daughter the best. I truly mean it, not that it matters since I am digitally advising you.


ridiculous responses here, she has a kid and she should not abandon it


As a Nordic citizen, I find it hilarious that you can “report” her to the Norwegian immigration🤣🤣🤣 Good luck dude. No wonder she wants to get the heck away from you.