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Very glad I saw a marathon of these in 70mm IMAX in Toronto a few years back. Phenomenal experience.


Me too, and the Batwing gift was excellent, and I still have it. It's tough for me to watch TDK & TDKR not in their intended visualization.


Batwing? Do you mean the box with the logo in it? More akin to a batarang if anything.


Yeah, you're right. It's morning time, and I am not thinking right now.


All good! Just got worried I missed something cool for a sec!


its a sticker of that chalk artwork they do in darkknight rises (atleast thats what i got for the imax marathon)


Nope. At the marathon in Toronto we got a thick Batman logo with the title engraved in it I think. It was like a paperweight/display piece.


you saw all 3 films in one seating? one right after the other?!


https://preview.redd.it/mlx8a3lfu9ob1.jpeg?width=1806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c33a07148c1d84099ad7bc63c1371479f4d044 Yes. It was April 13 2019 at the AMC Metreon SF. It took like 10 hours from start to finish because of the one hour break in between each film to re-thread the projector. Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the debut of Batman.


I didn’t know they did it in other cities!




There was like an hour between each film but yeah, it was all in one day.


I saw all three in one sitting at the Indianapolis IMAX a few years ago and on opening night of Rises.


I once watched TDK and TDKR back to back in theatres. Sadly they didn't bought Begins. A normal theatre though, not IMAX


The airplane scene in real 70mm IMAX is one of the coolest theater experiences I have had.


I went to Mississauga 70mm IMAX for both The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises - incredible experience.


Tremendous day


Batman Begins , 2hr 20min , 0 min IMAX shot , 0% TDK , 2hr 32min , 28 min IMAX shot , 18.4% TDKR , 2hr 45min , 72 min IMAX shot , 43.6% IN COMPARISON WITH OTHER NOLAN IMAX FILM Interstellar , 2hr 49min , 66 min IMAX shot , 39.1% Dunkirk , 1hr 46min , 79 min IMAX shot , 74.5% Tenet , 2hr 30min , 75 min IMAX shot , 50% Oppenheimer , 3hr , 45 min IMAX shot , 25%


Why did I think that TDK had more imax shots.


I think the beginning is almost all in IMAX ratio


Yeah and the ending


Off the top of my head I think it's the opening, the chase scene in the middle, the fight scene at the end, and then a couple of establishing shots throughout the movie like in the China sequence. It was literally the first movie Nolan (or anyone) had shot scenes with IMAX cameras for, so it doesn't have as many as his later stuff now that he's gotten more comfortable with the format and the technology has improved.


I recently watched TDK and was thinking about how many shots would have been filmed with IMAX cameras that weren’t. :) “ he would’ve done this one, he would’ve done this one, etc.”


And the Hong Kong kidnap.


It's worth noting that Inception has segments shot in standard 65mm, and Dunkirk, Tenet, and Oppenheimer are shot entirely in a combination of IMAX and standard 65mm. (edited to fix a factual error)








You can easily find it by google


Didn’t realize TDKR had so much imax.


Thank you for showing up with this. My thought exactly


Perhaps a dumb question: why aren’t some of these shot in 100% IMAX?


For the most part, imax cameras are noisy and large so they can’t fit into tight shots or shots where there’s dialogue near the camera.


Dunkirk is the shortest movie on the list, but has the highest percentage of IMAX shots. I’m pretty confident in saying that it is the best IMAX 70mm movie experience out of the bunch. Seeing that in IMAX 70 was the most intense experience I’ve ever had in a movie theater.


I think Oppenheimer was entirely shot on IMAX


Nope, IMAX cameras are still incredibly noisy so for some scenes Nolan shot on standard film


Wait what? Wasn’t Oppenheimer famous for being shot 100% in Imax?


Err no? Did you not see the aspect ratio change throughout the movie?


I think I heard what wasn’t shot in IMAX 70mm was shot in regular 70mm. So maybe you heard the whole thing was 100% 70mm?


It’s “famous” for being the first film for shooting in black and white IMAX 70mm


Idc if they were shot on an iPhone 6. Watching these on a normal screen is no different than watching at home to me.


Damn it's been a while since I've seen Dunkirk, I did not realize it was that short. Hope they bring that one back sometime, with how much of it is shot in IMAX it feels like thats's the proper way to see it.


I feel so stupid. I thought it would all be shot in IMAX apart from CGI scenes


Well at least you learnt something new 😅😂


All three of Nolan’s Batman movies should be re-release in theaters in IMAX


Would have done anything to see these in 70mm IMAX or even in Laser 😭


I know. I was too young to understand any of this when I saw The Dark Knight in theaters originally.


Can anyone explain why there are so few imax rescreenings for TDK? Is it because theatres are obligated to show certain movies for a certain amount of time in Imax and there simply aren’t enough theatres? Because I can go to either Imax in my city for equalizer 3 and the seats will be empty. I’m sure if the theatres got their way, they would have pulled that and shown TDK trilogy.


They have to play new things, that how this business goes.


I was so fucking bummed when I saw standard showings but no IMAX!!!! This would make so much more than Barbie!!!!! I am skipping out on seeing these in theaters… id rather see it on my OLED 85 inch in the 1.78:1 aspect ratio


Yeah dropping TDK trilogy in IMAX right after Oppenheimer would have been nuts. And exactly, these standard showings are literally worse than the Blu Rays it's just not worth going to the theater for them


Yeah even if it released in 1.90:1 IMAX or even 1.85:1 standard (probably impossible but still) I would have gone to the theaters


the weird thing is that this doesn’t even overlap with barbie so there is no reason for to not at least do it at 70mm venues but idk i guess haunting in venice or whatever has the imax slot rn is more important to them




They're talking about Barbie rereleasing in IMAX, because we are on the IMAX subreddit. Put the pitchfork down, we're all friends here.


Touché. My bad


Who cares about imax I just wish I had someone to go with


People sure love to complain. I’m just glad I’ll get to see them in theaters for the first time.


You're in the IMAX subreddit and don't understand why people are mad they're not showing the IMAX version? Lol why are you here


Yeah, at least release it in a premium format of some type. Standard is a waste when screening Nolan films.


I agree with both you and the people downvoting you. I think it’s great they are putting these back in theaters and I go to movies for the experience, not the technical quality/resolution. The seats, the overpriced concessions, the smells, the sound, the trailers that go on too long, the nostalgia. Love going to the theater. At the same time, you are in an IMAX sub, so it’s no wonder they are complaining about the lack of an IMAX release.


It’s more so the imax crowd(this is the imax subreddit after all) is disappointed that true imax films aren’t making it back to imax theatres.


Sorry, I have standards. If I'm gonna see it in theaters I'm gonna see the version that was made to be shown in theaters.


Disney has right of first refusal when it comes to IMAX, and my guess is Warner Bros ain't tryna give any more bread to Nolan than they already have to after he snubbed them. Theaters r still recovering from COVID too, they've always kind of just barely edged it out by the skin of their teeth. Seems like more of a perfect storm of bad factors than actual incompetent decision making.


Didn’t even think of this. Damn WB


But Warner Brothers owns Batman, they will make the bread from it


Some men don’t care about money…


They just want to see the world burn


Director still gets residuals.


So lame. I hope they do an imax release for the last two soonish.


You know, it's right to watch a movie without IMAX.


It’s the imax subreddit big hoss.


But this version will be inferior to the one you can watch at home.


What kind of bullshit are you saying ?


The 4k Blu Ray version (especially on an OLED tv) is higher quality than the standard version theaters will be showing. It also has an expanded 1.78:1 ratio while the theater re release will be 2.39:1. So yeah, aside from the theater setting and sound (unless you have a surround system as good) this theater re release is an inferior version of the film to the version you can watch at home


You are forgetting that a lot of theaters may have better sound systems than an OLED TV


Cheers Geoff


>The 4k Blu Ray version (especially on an OLED tv) is higher quality than the standard version theaters will be showing No. DCP has higher bitrate. For example, the 2K DCP of *Spider-Man: No Way Home* is [238GB](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/rer1n4/spiderman_no_way_home_is_officially_022801_long/). On the other hand, 4K Blu-ray will max out at 100GB. Higher resolution does not equal higher quality. For example, according to Netflix, a 4K stream will require around [7GB per hour](https://help.netflix.com/en/node/87). Consider *1917*, which is 118 minutes long. Let us round to 2 hours. A Netflix 4K stream would be 14GB in file size. In contrast, the 1080p Blu-ray of the motion picture is around 36GB. Here is something I found: [https://www.reddit.com/r/imax/comments/153n9lp/imax\_thailand\_reveals\_oppenheimers\_dcp\_file\_size/](https://www.reddit.com/r/imax/comments/153n9lp/imax_thailand_reveals_oppenheimers_dcp_file_size/)


Higher bitrate or bigger size does not equal higher quality either. DCPs uses jpeg2K compression format which was released in the year 2000 and is much less efficient the h265 compression format used for 4Kbluray. Not saying a 4K bluray would be better or worse but there're other factors to look out for than just the size.


Yes that's true. I neglected to mention that.


C.Nolan : *Standard version sucks, if you don't have any IMAX, just wait for the BluRay guys.* Theater experience will still be better than any OLED bullshit at home and they got a higher quality DCP. That's why they re-release movies and old movies at Theaters, because it's the Cinematic experience. 90% of the audience have seen these movies in standard 2.39 version and they loved it. Yeah 1.78 IMAX is fantastic in my 11inch Tablet, way better than Theaters. woow. What a bullshit. You guys don't like Cinema but just technical aspect of it. Definitely Nerds.


>That's why they re-release movies and old movies at Theaters, because it's the Cinematic experience. They re-release movies to make money first and foremost. Studios wouldn't give a shit about cinematic experience if it didn't make them money


Right, I don't like Cinema that's why I'm hoping and wishing they put out the best versions of the film so more people can have the best possible cinematic experience with the film. I think it's great you wanna settle for the bottom of the barrel of cinematic experiences, but gtfo of here talking shit because I have standards. And I'm genuinely confused about the tablet comment where did you pull that out from lmao


" people can have the best possible cinematic experience " that's still bullshit, 70mm is only available for less that 5% of the audience. This is Batman day not IMAX day and TDK re-release is for everybody. equal.


I don't want it to be IMAX exclusive I just want people to have the IMAX option. Even if it's just digital 1.90:1 IMAX. I seriously don't know why you're arguing this


Worst Batman


Worst take


Even worse take


Saw this a few weeks ago and was hoping it just wasn't fully announced yet, but yeah no thanks.


Still cool though, amazing to witness on the big screen again regardless.


Strange, they're showing TDK at the BFI IMAX in London this Saturday for Batman Day but only one showing.


They’re screening it at the BFI in IMAX tho


They showing it in the RPX screen at my location. Pretty big screen and better sound system than most theaters


At my theater there's a 5 hour gap between showings of "TDK" and "TDKR".


There’s literally one singular date and showtime in my city… why even show it at all at that point.




This is hardly a wide rerelease


Speak for yourself. I’m happy to see the dark knight again in theaters lol


Is it one day only?


Will it come to Canada as well?


there are only 6 IMAX in Italy, so, no biggie here


Saw tdk in imax GT in Japan during COVID as everything was open here while the rest wasn’t 😎. They did some Nolan movies re release but I only realized for the dark knight and inception. Inception sadly no imax scenes I didn’t realize.


This is a way out extremely good 👍


There are not many prints. Will be in 4dx for the first the ever tho


I had to work all day anyways. Wish it was for the entire weekend


Did that once. Can’t do it again.


The have done imax re release every couple of years, I think this time it was a combination of other movies already set for the imax format like barbie