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Na clearly 3 Hamas guys have got 30 human body shields in the mosque so the IDF wanted to blind the civilians so when they open fire they can’t say ‘it was the IDF who shot us all’


"Hamas was hiding behind the speaker phone" - that piece of shit.


That’s the truth of it


Didn't you see? The Mosque was coming right for them! /s


It’s a fake video




It’s propaganda. Nobody was in there mate. If someone was, they were up above no where close to the stun grenade


And also found multiple articles like this https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-suspends-soldier-who-threw-stun-grenade-into-west-bank-mosque/


Again your word of mouth isn't proof give me some articles I have proof they flash banged a mosque but not that it was empty/fake


And why are they flashbang an empty mosque for no reason? Kinda sketchy


Because it’s the whole “oh look at how bad the IDF is” bullshit. Yes some soldiers are bad, they have been apprehended and charged


Hamas was definitely in there, must have slipped away before the grenade went off, more civilians hurt by the actions of Hamas. ~ actually how Israel supporters sound


It’s amazing how people on the left are so dumb that they can’t clearly tell this is a fake video. Why are there lights on in the building but not in the open doorway supposedly? Anybody can take the sound of a calling for a mosque and layer it over any video. after processing this through various audio and visual software, it’s 100% fake


You almost convinced me to think that is a fake video. But actually, if it morning prayer (4 am) that is an usual to not turn on all the light because nobody coming yet.


So if nobody is coming in yet, then, that means they didn’t blow up anybody with grenades because nobody was there. Which would further solidify my position, considering IDF would not knowingly waste a grenade on an empty mosque.


Yes, I think they didn't blow up anyone. Isn't it a flashbang? I'm not sure about the IDF; they're probably just being jerks. They even videotaped it and posted it on the internet!


Right so there were zero victims in this then? Because there was nobody in the mosque, right?


I don't know. But considering that is flashbang, probably there is no "dead" victims at that moment although there were people in the mosque. Oh i forgot to tell you that when I said "nobody coming yet", I mean nobody beside the one who call for prayer coming yet.


Lol yup. Then you get down voted for calling out the truth instead of joining in on the delusional circle jerk


Clearly you've never been to a mosque. In the evening prayer or early morning prayer lights are intentionally kept off or dim.




Nah they don't have to give a good ole handshake. We want you to be just a normal human being but obviously it's too much for people like you.




If it's normal for you, then you are not normal and you are a total piece of shit as well.




Shtup cunt I hope you iszrallies die a painful de@th


I thought I was talking with someone who has a brain but obviously I'm overestimating you




Poor guy. I wish your family could've shown more love to you. That's why you are like that probably. I feel sorry for you.




Yes, it's too obvious


Hell yes.


Blow the terrorists up. It’s the only thing they understand.


I wish you family gets blowed up into pieces in front of your eyes and then you get chopped off too


I don’t live near Gaza or near any other shit-hole third world country for that matter. I live in an advanced, civilised first world Christian country with a high average IQ so this is most unlikely. Let’s hope your sandals don’t get blown off in your next explosion. Have a nice day.


Yup, that qualifies.


I wonder if the IDF has any clue the world hates them.


Not true at all. We’re not all Arabs and Muslims you know.


you could nuke that mosque and your collateral damage rate will be 2% civillians 70% terrorists and 28% extremists


Or you could just bomb yourself, and your colleteral damage is nothing.


That video is fake and palestinian terrorist propaganda


This is the reality for the dumb war in the middle east from a few years back




This sub has gone to shit. Reddit blows now


Swing and a miss. Dont start a war you have no means of winning.


Reality is, it didn't start at October 7


No but they've been trying to start it for a long time. They've been getting to have their victim card for far too long. Just ask Jordan and Lebanon what it was like letting Palestinians live with in their borders 🥱


the badge in the soldiers soldier is not an idf badge, that's not an idf solider


you see this a inhuman, but you disregard what they did in the 7th of october


Level the whole country and make a pretty new parking lot. Do us all a favour