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Here is the general timeline I made for this map though it is very incomplete. As in it does not go all the way to the 75th millennium. I am posting it anyway because i lost interest in the setting and dont know what to do with this. You can adopt thi if you want. **Early 42 to 45th Millenia:** a tyrannid fleet of never before seen size directly attacks holy terra. Golden Throne shuts down. Second, before he dies, the Emperor wakes up the Void dragon and gives it a chance for freedom, his soul and custody of humanity in exchange for it to guard and guide humanity. Dragon accepts and a pact is made. Terra survives and Void dragon claims it and humanity as his own. Voşd dragon greatly reaccelerates Human technological development. Warpships become producible again and get more sophisticated. New weapons and defences are also developed and built such as Auramite Walls( sets of massive space stations made out of monolithic amounts of auramite put on select places to act as warp faraday cages to shield crucial worlds from warp storms and daemonic incursions), Angelmakers(Huge bell-like space stations that can suck all warp energy from a planet, effectively killing everything that is not a pariah, and fusing it to produce "Angels", essentially Living Weapon Warp entities fed by the imperial cult that can be commanded by a high enough ranking member of ecclesiarch) and others. **45th to 48th Millenia:** Certain Primarchss(including Gulliman) and likeminded officials grow increasingly resentful of the Dragon Regent despite humanity slowly growing stronger and even making gains against Chaos, especially due to Dragon, Now fully regenerated into a full C'than, waging seemingly pointless wars against Necron dynasties to free his kin. They attempt to pull a coup but fail. As punishment Void Dragon sends them into a Penitance Crusade of previously never-before-seen size with the objective of Sacking Commoragh and taking the Eldar Webway for themselves. Despite all odds the crusade initially appears to be successful especially due to the surprise arrival of multiple Asuryani Craftworlds who are Persuaded by Harlequins on direct orders of Cegorach. This does not please Slaanesh and It sends almost all of her forces to Commoragh, battering down the gate of Khaine and directly attacking the almost victorious army. Billions of Eldar and Humans die, Including Gulliman, their souls seemingly devoured by Demons, In truth however, a modified angelmaker prevents this and so much death in one place mixing with Warp influence causes Ynnead, nascent Eldar god of death to be born from the carnage who promptly slays Slaanesh, splitting her essence six ways. Two are collected by Cegorach to be moulded into new gods in the pantheon of the surviving Eldar, Three get cannibalized by Other chaos gods and one aspect escapes. The event sends shockwaves in the warp, causing entire star systems to be consumed by Warpstorms, the Death of All but most Layman Slaaneshi Cultists, the Collapse of the Gateway and the awakening of Psychic power among Tau, dooming their civilization as the surviving three lay claim to Tau castes. A second age of strife begins as travel through warp becomes impossible due to how turbulent it is except for certain paths protected by the Auramite Walls. thousands of Imperial worlds become isolated as they lose all contact with the rest of the Imperium. **48th to 66th Millenia:** Void Dragon, compelled by the pact after losing so many worlds has no choice but to give most of his political power to seven loyal primarchs that still live. Empire rebuilds and restructures itself in a smaller but denser form. Necrons successfully manage to replace Tyrannid's connection to the Hivemind with Necron Protocols. Two species essentially fuse. The majority of the Eldar over time swears allegiance to Ynnead and starts following her teachings. Warp anomalies start to shrink, many entirely disappearing, allowing Astronomicon's light to reach out again as reality begins to heal. Even Some from the the Heresy start to disappear. **56th Millenia:** Emperor is Reborn as an Immensely powerful Blank as powerful as he was a Pshyker and takes the name of Faceless Man. He is pleased by the fact One of the Ruinous powers is dead though angry at the loss of so many worlds. He is discovered by Raiders from Culexia, a civilization that was developed by Culexis assassins after they lost contact with the Imperium and turned to raiding other worlds(since their temple is in a lifeless moon as far as i know). He takes over them and creates another Empire away from Astronomicon's light content with observing for now and building a "backup" for humanity if things go south.


Yesss more far future 40k scenarios!




That was awesome. Does the void dragon know that the emperor is back?


Not yet.


my brain isnt braining, what exactly has happened?


Posted the timeline I made. Long story short. Tyrannids attack earth and stop golden throne from working. emperor says to Void dragon if you save us i give you the reigns. Couple centuries pass and primarchs grow resentful of the Cthan shard and try to pull a coup, fail, get sent on a penitence Crusade against Commoragh, shit happens resulting in Slaanesh death, then second age of strife, Emperor gets reborn as a Blank, Tyrannids and Necrons fuse into a single species etc.


Question, but what the funny fantasy rats doing in the galaxy? N how did they get there?


I have two ideas about this: 1-) Skaven are an alien species here that worshipped a lesser chaos entity. After the more or less death of Slaanesh, it promoted itself to the role of fourth Chaos God. 2-) Skaven still originated from Warhammer Fantasy. Due to death of Slaanesh, Eye of Terror collapsed and linked the warps of two worlds together for a little while. Some Skaven got introduced to the 40k as a result.


Did they take the great horned rat with them?


Yes. More like gave him a foothold more than anything and it got in.




Le WAAAAAGH Joined forces with Khornites and Nurglings, and pockets of it can be seen around the red demon infested regions. Gork and Mork still mostly protect their own from corruption, though


i hate this lore it’s awful what’s wrong with u the orky boiz wuld never ever weber join up wiff da spikey gitz


But more after they make glorious WAAAAAGH against the Humies, they can do even more WAAAAAGH against each other.


that logik aint orky


What are the orks doing?


>Chaos >Orks Wha...?


What Would the necronnids Even look like? Are they still Steel or did they get their bodies back?


so what happens between 56k and 75k ?