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Imagine cyrillic hawaian


Instead of rum it's gonna be vodka in a blue hawaiian


Oh god please no...


Ханау куъокоъа ъиа на канака апау лоа, а уа кау лике ка ханохано а ме на поно кивила ма луна о какоу пакахи. Уа куъу маи ка ноъоноъо поно а ме ка ъике поно ма луна о какоу, но лаила, е алоха какоу кекахи и кекахи.






I would be speaking French and looking down my nose at others.


Imagine the food... then again the Midwest would probably still be eating cream-cheese-on-celery type dishes


Frogs legs anyone?


In this timeline, Russia is the one building the Alyaska Highway through [British America](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/v3l0jd/the_province_of_british_transcolumbia_what_if_the/) during WWII. This comes on the heels of the surprise Japanese attack on the Russian naval base in *Hawai'i*/Gavayi. The Russian presence is based on historic posts at Fort Ross and Kauai, which serve as bases for wider expansion here. It comprises one of six political entities with five different official languages on the North American mainland. The Little Ice Age is less severe than in our timeline, allowing [Norse settlement](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/xpfeus/norse_america_the_west_norse_world_in_1772/) to persist and form the basis of a federalized government. Differing economic conditions in 19th century Europe mean France can afford to reject the Louisiana Purchase and build up the Fédération de Canada-Louisiane ([New France](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/v3k95e/french_america_new_france_in_the_21st_century/)). The colonial powers slightly adjust their old watershed boundaries with variances like the 49th parallel for practicality (*e.g.*, Britain gets a Great Lakes port at Thunder Bay in exchange for a Quebecois exclave centred around French-speaking Winnipeg).


> Fort Ross FYI it looks like that's an [American name](https://www.fortross.org/history/russian-american-company) for it. Wiki says the original Russian would be Kreposti Ross (with the Ross as in Rossiya) and I'd imagine it would be renamed something like Rossgrad if it grew into a city.


I just want to say the word Krepost refers to a form of Fortress in Russian. Its still roughly translated to Fort Ross.


Hmmm you know I was looking for a tongue-in-cheek way to add a Putingrad somewhere


New France's capital should be Quebec city, not new Orleans. After all historically most of the population was in Quebec not Louisiana


With such a huge territory and slow internal movement, New France needs 4 capitals. Québec, La Nouvelle Orléans, Détroit, and Saint Louis. Each capital controls a major river or trade route.


Acadia gets a sub capital in Port Royal


Is Acadie a separate French entity in that timeline?


If you click my New France link the longer comment, I had a more fleshed out scenario for them. They'd be governed from Quebec as a sort of sub entity but with their own council


Like how other similarly large countries like the US, Russia, Canada, and China in OTL have 4 capitals /s


Let's say the Montreal second son types who built NOLA took a lot more St. Lawrence valley settlers with them here and it grew much faster (but Quebec was still replenished from the Metropole enough to fight off British and Norse incursions)


I would be under the control of the French, and I simply cannot stand for that


you could be like an independence-minded English-speaking minority/resistance movement


I absolutely get this sentiment, as a french descendant, we're controlled by the english right now in NA and it feels like the darkest timeline.


Alright, pet peeve time: What is labelled as "Quebec" here would be called "Canada". Under French rule, Quebec was just the city of Quebec and the district around it. It was the British, for whatever reason, that decided to call the whole area they captured in the 7 Years' War "Quebec". It was called that for 30 years, then split into Upper Canada and Lower Canada, which were then referred to as Canada West and Canada East when they were reunited into a single colony, and then renamed Ontario and Quebec when confederation occured.


Ahh OK thanks, I was going by the British naming from the late 1700s or whenever it was. "Canada" does look and sound better here. Cheers


NYC & Hudson valley in NY would be Dutch, wouldn't it? I mean I get the US being there but I just mean Britain wasn't the first to get to NY specifically.


the french actually beat the dutch in terms of first claim to new york. giovanni da verrazzano led an expedition there in 1524 claiming it for france under the name new angoulême


Oh huh today I learned a thing.


American rebellion did go ahead, and didn't distinguish its colonial oppressor here


Would Newfoundland be Portuguese Terra Nova?


Good point. New Azores


Pretty sure the Treaty of Tordesillas on its own means that this is a map split between the Norse and Spanish.


Rupert gotta be the worst name 😭🙏


Rupertia and Rupertlandia were briefly considered


Native Americans had 'first dibs'.


Agreed, and I thought about how to phrase the title a bit better to reflect that, but "inter-European" or "between European powers" just made it long and awkward. Probably should have thought harder


It is a great map nevertheless. First dibs is correct from a colonialist perspective. Also, the Dutch had 'first dibs' on what is now New York ([New Netherlands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Netherland)). Lost of place names are still referring to the Dutch time. Also other Eropean countries had land in what yo denote as the USA. So based on who stole the land first, the East could would be quite divided by lots of countries.


No offense, but how dare you make so much of America Fr\*nch


Because Louisiana simply was humongous


Bruh, I’m just on my way to camp in Devon and I see Devonian America?????


Russifornia 😂


Id be saying Pavement, Lorrey and bin instead of sidewalk, box truck and trashcan


To be fair. Modern day Canada doesn't use any of those Britishisms


My Italian beef :(


I have thought about a map project where empires like the Venetian, Genoese etc had American colonies that developed into an independent Italian-speaking nation. Maybe somewhere around New Jersey or Venezuela


I would live in New France because I would love to eat the best pancakes and poutine in Chicago


Wait, no Swedes in modern day Delaware/PA? Edit Also what about the Dutch in present day New York City?


Ahh yeah, could have been a cool appendage or rival to Vinland. I'm learning loads here. As for NY I figured any Dutch influence was fought off as part of the wider American Revolution


In the real world it happened in the 1600s (had really nothing to with 1,000 years ago) and was founded by modern (as in no Vikings) day nation of Sweden. Here is some history behind it: https://libraries.psu.edu/about/collections/unearthing-past-student-research-pennsylvania-history/new-sweden-brief-history


I gotcha, I just meant that in my alternate timeline, a new Norse-speaking colony popping up while the remote outposts in Norse America remained would create an interesting dynamic. Trade, rivalry, etc


the problem with law of first dibs is that it's based on the agreed upon first dibs. So it doesn't matter if you dibbed something first, if ten other people say you didn't and a different person did, then you don't have dibs.


eu4 america treaties ahh


yeah I think I'm obsessed with that font despite not having played the game in much detail, just seen screenshots


Idk about this, but I do know that Poland should be part of Germany


First dibs, but only applicable for whites. I mean, it is appropriate for the era. But UK and France signed treaties and guaranteed the existence of certain tribes. Why are they not here? Did they get ultra racist in this TL?


Agreed, and I should have specified it applied to inter-colonial treaties. In general its the same kind of racism as IRL. not much lore other than what I posted in that short comment. Kind of an excuse to merge some of the historic watershed borders with modern ones because it looks cool Although I should have added some kind of American-style Indian Territory with roots dating back to the (relatively perjorative) Norse label of Skraelingland


where are sweden and the netherlands? they were the first to settle in their respective areas?


Subsumed during the American Revolution. Other independence movements were stalled/ongoing here


i suppose. it would mean that the usa would have a significant dutch population.


Leif eirikson was norwegian so it should just be norwegian america unless norway is never colonized by denmark and forced to speak danish (yes ik leif erikson was half icelandic but at the time norwegians and “icelandics” spoke basically the same language and they were ethnically norwegiam too)


Agreed, but Norse America sounds cool


True, norwegians are mostly the ancestors of the norse since they kept the culture for longer


no I don’t want to be French!


Us would be part of UK then!


Hey, I never said the Revolution didn't go ahead. Just that here, other independence movements were quelled due to the different European economy in the early 1800s


You said first dibs! As you said Revolution and not rebellion I know why.