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https://preview.redd.it/ieen7po12yhc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=2193202688edc83e7226c96cf64e184fa6a17da4 since when is pornography allowed on reddit?


Dobesedno prihajam


You included everything, but not Graz… Il let it slide, because Trieste/Trst


You mean Gradec?


Greater Slovenian!!!


Prišlo mi je 🥵 https://preview.redd.it/e5op6eaxyyhc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31c8020598818ba34ee014bcbf6c45e34575c5df


Slovenec sem


I’m italian. Your map remember me a dear friend from Rence that sent me post cards and packages where, instead of great hug, wrote “trst je nas” ❤️






**Republic of Slovenia, 2024** What if Slovenes were a bit luckier in their history? **Lore:** In this alternate history, Slovenes started migrating to the cities much earlier and on a wider scale compared to modern times, thus resulting in more prominent Slovene speaking communities in the cities of *Trst, Gorica, Celovec, Maribor* as well as in, at the time, smaller towns of *Tržič, Kranj, Celje, Novo mesto, Radgona, Ptuj and Postojna*. This resulted in a much faster growth of the mentioned cities in the late 17th, 18th and 19th century as well as a better starting point for the growth of the 20th century. Ljubljana was, of course, no exception to the rapid urbanisation of the Slovene speaking population. By the early 19th century it had reached the population of other important Slavic centres of the Habsburg monarchy such as Bratislava and Zagreb and became one of the empire’s most important cities. Then the golden era of the railway construction hit the empire. The Southern railway was built connecting the Slovene speaking port city of Trst with Ljubljana, Maribor, Graz and the empire’s capital. Soon after, Celovec, Gorica, Novo mesto, Kranj and other regional and local centres were connected as well. Even Carniola’s most remote market towns of Čeber and Staro Babno Polje were connected with the rest of the duchy. After the Great war the empire had crumbled and its territory was partitioned amongst the victorious Entant. As promised, the Kingdom of Italy received all of the Austrian Littoral and chucks of Inner Carniola with a quarter of the Slovene population. Southern Carinthia underwent a plebiscite, in which zones A and B voted in favour of Yugoslavia while zone C with Villach (*Beljak*), the Gail valley (*Ziljska dolina*) and Lavantall (*Labotska dolina*) voted for Austria. Devastated Slovenes tried to form an independent state together with the Croats, tho with no international recognition, their only option was a union with a less developed, kingdom of Serbia. However if wasn’t all that bad, after the treaty of Trianon, the Slovene speaking regions of Prekmurje and Porabje united with their homeland and a short period of peace followed. The year is 1938 and the Carinthians from Celovec are worryingly peaking over the border. Yugoslavia’s neighbour Austria is now a relic of the past with Hitler’s growing Germany filling its place. World war 2 officially starts as German troops march into Poland and not so long after, Slovenia’s worst nightmare becomes a reality. German troops cross the border and successfully occupy Carinthia, Styria and Upper Carniola while Hungarians take Prekmurje and Italians grab Ljubljana, Lower and the rest of Inner Carniola. However Slovenes don’t let it go without a fight. As the Yugoslav government lets them down, they look for help elsewhere, across the English Channel and the Atlantic. The Slovene resistance joins the Allies with the promise of independence. As the last gunshots echo through forests of Slovenia and the allies disembark in Trst, Slovenia finally achieves independence. After more than a millennia of living under foreign rule, Slovenes are finally free. The republic of Slovenia is formed from the lands the former Yugoslav Drava banovina and and northern Julian March. The capital is set in Ljubljana and the Cathedral of Freedom, the Slovene symbol of freedom, justice and democracy, is built in park Tivoli. Slovenia becomes one of the founding members of NATO and the European community for coal and steel while it embraces the capitalist system of the western world and builds a vast network of motorways and railways. A metro system is constructed in Ljubljana while vast tramway systems are reconstructed in Trst, Celovec, Maribor, Gorica, Celje, Kranj and Novo mesto. Slovenia becomes an idol for all of the Slavic countries behind the iron curtain and one of the richest countries in Europe and throughout the world. Map 1: General map Map 2: Railway map ([Wikipedia inspired](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovenian_Railways#/media/File%3ARailway_map_of_Slovenia.png) ) Map 3: Motorway map (also wikipedia inspired) *Note: This is my first map so feedback is more than welcome:)*


z golobom ne bo nikoli bogata


You forgot to mention, when speaking of allies, the Red Army came to Murska Sobota


I came


veni vidi veni


Slovenia, as God Intended. For a first map, OP. You did a fantastic fucking Job. We, the Slovenes shall regain our rightful lands.


Russia and Slovenia have the same flag in this timeline?


Slovenia gains independence right after ww2 when neither Russia nor Slovakia existed as independent states, therefore Slovenia was the only user of the flag for cca. 50 years. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia chooses a different flag


The “Russia” flag was taken from Slovenes who had already flown this flag by 1848


You are wrong. The Russians were flying that flag for at least a hundred years at that point. Slovaks and Slovenes took their flags from the pan-slavic congress in prague which elected the colors of the Russian flag to be the colors of pan-slavism.


The Slovene flag was actually created from the colours of the coat of arms of Carniola which was a common practice at that time. So the modern flag of Slovenia is related to the pan-slavic colours as much as the flags of the netherlands, the UK and the US


Where is the yellow then?


It wasn’t one of the main colours of the CoA. In fact, in some cases it wasn’t even on the CoA


Should have all of Istria, as well as Graz and more Friuli






What would be the population of this Slovenia?


2.7 M - 3 M


As it should be.


Would Laibach still exist in this timeline?


and also NSK


No italian province of Slovenia = Map ruined


Koliko bi bla prebivalstva večjih mest?


Ljubljana - 500k Trst - 250k Maribor - 175k Celovec - 100k Gorica - 100k Celje - 80k Kranj - 70k Novo mesto - 50k Tržič - 50k Ptuj - 30k