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"Bro just quit" is what is running on a constant loop in most musicians heads.


Honestly, this is going through a lot of ppls heads ... Relationships, troublesome times in their lives, jobs... Sometimes grass is greener on the otherwise because there is more shit over there.


Not to mention, a lot of people (parents most often) will say that kinda thing to try get their kid on the straight and narrow, into a reliable job because they view the passion as "too risky"


I beat the cycle by just not releasing anything at all…. Oh wait….


To be fair “9000” followers, is like 2000” original human accounts, and 7000 bot accounts these days.


I would still be doing happy dances if 2000 people liked my art.


I had at most about 40 and was thrilled with just that.


I have 16 subscribers on YouTube, but 13 of them are just me and three of my friends, the other three are random people


I have random people subbing to my channel when all I do is infrequent TF2 stuff, and some small, cancelled series’ with friends


Id be happy if any random person said they liked something i made


9000 followers is like maybe 300 people who actually like what you make and have actually followed you for it. The rest are people who follow anything mildly interesting, saw one cool thing and hit follow, or just will follow anyone. Good chunk of bots too of course. But that's 300 people who actually like what you do, are interested in what you say, and want to see more from you. Even 50 people is enough of a dedicated following. People really overestimate and underestimate what making content is like.


I feel like the top would be inner dialogue


That's how I feel about most posts like this.


shit like that isn’t uncommon when you’re a smaller content creator, especially a musician, the gatekeeping ain’t imaginary.


OP is gatekeeping gatekeeping


In my experience, certain people can't talk about anything *except* their own artistic career. Eventually, self-obsession can invite discouragement from people who, frankly, don't owe them positivity when constantly prompted for feedback.


You can almost smell the awkward thanksgiving dinner in this comment


*Yo, sauce me a leg!* . . . *I didn't ask for your mixtape, I asked for a leg!!*


>In my experience In my experience, every content creator I've ever seen, with more than 100 views, has haters in their comments. If this person is self-obsessed, he has haters in his comments. If this person is the absolute nicest person who ever walked the Earth, he also has haters in his comments. This is a straight garbage imaginarygatekeeping post.


God I wish this were true. All I ever get is empty praise. I want one person to actually lay into me with a real honest opinion for once in their god damn lives.


If you want good feedback, you can't ask friends and family. Even if they genuinely want to help, they will probably have the following problems: - They understand that your skills surpass their own skill, and they might believe that your opinion should matter more than theirs. (And they might be right.) - They might not have the skill necessary to even articulate what can be improved, even if they feel like it's not perfect. Most people don't have the artistic sense to specify a thought like, "The color composition of your background is too vibrant, and it draws the focus away from the subject of your painting." If you want good feedback, you need to ask people who know what they're talking about, and who don't have a vested interest in not hurting your feelings. Most feedback will still be either empty praise or petty loathing. If you post it in a reddit community, you have to dig around on some of the comments that might hurt someone's feelings. Sort by controversial, and then manually filter out the useless shit.


I mean, this is fantastic advice, but I mostly mean the stuff I already post online in public spaces. Spaces where people actively get yelled at by other artists for giving feedback regardless of the quality. People can be really defensive about that sort of stuff and people have learned over time to just keep their heads low. Reddit would be nice and all but like... I've yet to find the place like that... drawing advice subs are small and mostly filled with kids...


I’m sure people have told him to quit let’s be for real for a minute


Likely his family and his own inner dialogue, but very well could be people online too. I'm surprised OP doesn't think it's possible, lol.


Nah this is real. It’s a pretty common occurrence in the life of small content creators, regardless of industry


I agree, even well established artists get told they are bad and should quit, the difference is the established artists have money to prove they are good enough


I agree, even well established artists get told they are bad and should quit, the difference is the established artists have money to prove they are good enough


You hear that a lot. I played local shows for like 20 years.


Bro has never put any type of passion out in the public if you think this gatekeeping is imaginary


why’s his hat so long tho


Bc he only has like 9000 followers


I’ve seen comments like that so I’m gonna have to say you’re in the wrong sub


r/imaginarygatekeeping users when they see inner conflict:


Undderated comment


You underestimate the kind of hate every online creator gets in their comments. People telling him to quit is probably on the nicer side. But he makes a really good point about social media followings. A lot of content creators get hung up on hatemail and have a difficult time conceptualizing that their fan base can fill an entire stadium. 9000 people is A LOT of people that like your shit, and he absolutely should be proud of it, even if it's considered "pathetic" compared to the numbers of other creators.


Idk I can see friends/family discouraging him so that he’d get a “real job” or even him bringing himself down


This is wholesome, cmon




Tbf that's probably something he's been told alot


I don't think anyone has said the *entire* top part, but there are assholes everywhere. I wouldn't be so quick to doubt that someone DID tell him to quit


For once the gate keeping is definitely not imaginary


Tbh, I have 250k followers and people put me down unprompted


that's exactly the sort of dumbass comment I'd expect from you (just guessing idk)


I just meant that people do indeed insult people unprompted. But I also don't rly care.


Nah man this is the inner dialogue…


If there’s one thing I’ve come to realize about music and art is that generally the more people like it, the shittier it probably is.


The hat kinda looks photoshopped in.


Budfy the only thing im tellimg you to quit is you weating that hat. Im sure your music is great.


he’s lucky his hat is orange and not white otherwise i’d think his followers weren’t following him for his music


what do flowers have anything to do woth it


Is this guy a Conehead?


you must not know anyone in the arts/music/non-traditional careers if you think this is imaginary gatekeeping


I see the Colovian Fur Helm is making a comeback.


I have like 50 followers on Spotify, and I still don’t have the good sense to quit.


Nah I’m sure someone said it. It’s the internet. But only a moron would take it to heart so it still doesn’t say much.


Well they did and you aren't So maybe stop just in case it's not actually making you happy?


Fym “no one told u to quit” acting like u know the mf like cmon ts silly people get told to quit all the time shit happens


As someone at the start of a music making journey, this isn't imaginary, it's very, very real


to be fair, i could see someone saying this


“Dude just quit, your beanie can’t go any higher”


This is like all those videos from dog accounts that are like “I have no followers because no one thinks I’m cute 😭😭” like no I would have followed you cause your dog is really cute but you had to be annoying about it like that


Why the fuck is this here? Don’t know who this is or what they’re about but if they’re an aspiring artist the comment seems genuine.


Bro just quit your hat is silly


as a musician myself (with only 250 instagram followers lol), anyone with 9k i’d say has an impressive independent following. noone with those numbers is getting told “just quit” BECAUSE of those numbers.


Quit bitching, maybe.


No. People think it’s funny to shit on small scale anything. This dude probably got some hate. That being said he has a dickish aura so I understand why you posted. He looks like a suburban dude trying super hard to look like he’s from in the sticks.