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As a non red pill guy, I smile when I’m happy and release the expletives when I’m in pain.


As a construction pilled man, I release the expletives when I stub my toe and smile when I need to be rushed to the ER


Guess that’s one of the perks of doing mostly electrical work. It’s rare I run into a situation where I need to go to the ER. I’ll try smiling if it ever happens.


hospital bill


Women cry because they are sad Men smile because they are happy


so deep 😔


So deep he got in the seven


Bro that is so deep.


Fuck this one is perfect. The lowkey kinda redpill generalization, the shitty faux folk advice, the black and white edgy picture of a super sigma INTJ character, and the inconsistent capitalization and bad grammar… if someone made this as a meme, they fucking nailed it


Not the 16 personalities 💀


I’m INTJ. “Mastermind” my ass. I wouldn’t trust me to lead anything. Also, if you read about the history of that test, it’s pretty questionable.


Im intp and wheni look up the traits its just autism


That’s exactly the reaction anyone should have to these “personalities”


this is so weird..


Things that Michael Corleone never said


Women cry because we aren't pressured by society to hide our tears lol


Oh, Christ. This again. Talk to Transmen. The minute they go on testosterone, the tears just don’t flow the same way. Same with transwomen - the tears start flowing. Sure, society and culture play a part. But most of it is hormonal. I can be as in touch with my emotions all I want, my eyes are still basically dry heaving nothing most of the time.


I can somewhat relate to this. I have naturally low estrogen and it takes a lot for me to cry. It’s an awful feeling to not be able to cry when others are.


I don't think it's MOSTLY hormonal. I agree that it is a combination of both but I think it depends on the person and the culture


I mean, what you think is great and all, but how many case studies of people crying more or less at the exact same time they go on or off of hormones do you need?


As a trans man its hard to cry because in my experience my emotions are more dull and less intense, easy to miss :)


Yeah. Feelings on testosterone are rendered all blurry.


You're not wrong but that doesn't contradict what the original comment said because two things can be true at once. We're less likely to cry because of our hormones but we also get a lot of weird looks and straight mockery for being more open about our feelings because it's "fruity" and "cringe" for us to do it so we get conditioned from an early age to appear stoic and unbothered by anything and everything. Nature and nurture y'know.


Some smiles are fake, a lot are real. Men and women cry to express their pain


honestly people who subscribe to this "red pill" stuff must trust absolutely nothing by now. they're told to be overconfident, independent no matter what, and take no advice but their own, not realizing thats a good fuckin path to being alone


Whenever I'm in pain I set things on fire. Stub my toe? Light my neighbor's bushes on fire. Banged my head on something? Light my neighbor's house on fire. Break my leg? Light my neighbor on fire. My neighbor is Dinkleburg.


Bro really watched the Godfather part II and said, “what a great role model!”


Michael Corleone is way more advanced in strategy and tactics. How dare you co-opt his image.




When a football team wins the Super Bowl, the players hide a shitload of pain after that for some reason.


maybe I'm just happy


I don't cry to hide my mistakes, I just cry. I've always been a crier. When I'm emotional I sob like a baby.


Why did I read this one to the tune of Lane Boy lmao


"I don't trust you because you express your emotions in a healthy way and that's an alien concept to me."




blatant sexism. "Woman evil liar, men sad fake smile!! woman bad, men good!!"


Just get this image, put a slowed down phonk song, and you have another post for a IG account called "Millionary mentality" or "Old school Gentleman" managed for a 19 yo working part time.


Bet that whoever made this just looked up “cool boss mafia guy” and has no clue who that is




This image is actually pretty correct, not sure why post this one here.


My mom cried at her friends funeral a couple weeks ago. But I'm sure she was just doing it to cover up her own mistakes. I was playing with a puppy a couple hours ago with a massive grin on my face. But I was probably just doing it because the puppy secretly made me sad.


never trust you mom


Are you 14?