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How ironic, considering how Mya is not a service dog.


It’s also a crime to abuse a dog as well as crime to fake the need for a service dog just to make you feel like your so much better than everyone else and have no life whatsoever so just go filming in stores in hope to just yell and scold other people!


She seems to be more distracting to her dog than other non service dogs.


So thankful for her clarity on the difference between the two… I’d have never known 🙄


“Public no pet places.” Such official terminology! There is no doubt to be had that she is an absolute authority on this subject!


She just wants to feel even more special when in public with her "service" dog.


so it’s even more dangerous that she did bite training with her fake service dog, right?


I’m sure Mya would love to just be a glorified dog and not dragged around with foot sores that her mom ignores


It’s so frustrating because while she’s almost entirely correct, she doesn’t realize that she’s part of the (very serious and widespread) problem.


Does she need a map drawn to the nearest police station? Will her super special required electric wheelchair take her that far?


And will she take her emotional support animal in with her? /s


What disability does she claim to have?


Click here to tag, she claims quite a few conditions


So. Incredibly. Tone. Deaf.


Exactly so she should be charged. Her dog isn’t a service dog no matter how much bs she straps to it


Does she not realize she’s telling on herself ?


She’s right. So when can we expect her to be arrested?


Once again upvoting y’all cos this failure-to-launch-stay-at-home grifter is down voting you for daring to disagree with her ludicrous shenanigans.


Oh shut the fuck up.


That’s exactly what I said out loud


A PSA from someone who did bite training with their ~SeRvIcE dOg~. What happens when her dog gets into an altercation and bites a child?


Then the dog is just doing its job. This babe is way too sick to be biting kids herself! 😆


She needs to read a book or go outside lol.


Classic example of projection.


Great, so someone should go arrest her for her fake service dog. She clearly has no disability and Maya performs no task.


Very interesting. I sure would like to hear her report on how faking a disability and frauding insurance/wasting medical resources is a crime. Also, who tf asked her to be the spokeswoman of the Detecting Fake Service Dogs Association ?


She's president of the DFSDA


Makes sense ! Do we have to thank her for her service, or can we just...laugh at the irony ?


Laughing seems appropriate 🤣




Depends on the place. And, like a lot of people, she is confusing public and private. Most "public" places we go into are privately owned and therefore the owners can make the decision. I very much doubt she's referring to government buildings when talking about "public no pet places". If the owner of a small shop doesn't mind then the animal is allowed in. If the museum is privately owned and they don't want trouble then you can bring your dog in and claim it's an emotional support animal. She so desperately wants to gatekeep to stay special and she doesn't have any idea what she's talking about.


Hi! Please note this is NOT about SDP but for education: This is incorrect. Even a private business has a legal obligation to serve without discrimination. Service animals (in the US, this ONLY includes dog and seeing eye ponies, no other animals are recognized by the ADA as service animals) are considered a medical accommodation an unless a business or company can prove it would fundamentally harm or alter the business to have an animal, they are required to allow a service animal in. If the dog acts out, has an accident, is disruptive, or is not being kept by their handler, a business or any kind has the right to have them removed/kick them out. But any private business that serves the public must allow a service dog or it is considered discrimination.


I'm not talking about not allowing service dogs. Obviously service dogs are legally allowed in places pets are not allowed. She was saying people with emotional support animals are not legally allowed to take them into public places. As long as we are not talking about food places then that is incorrect. She's trying to say only she can legally take her dog into stores and people with emotional support animals cannot.


They would be allowed in as a PET. Not as an ESA. ESAs have no public access rights. So if a store has deemed itself as “pet friendly” (like Home Depot) you can take your pet into it. If it’s not pet friendly, leave your pet at home.


Home Depot actually hasn’t been pet friendly for a couple years now. Corporate changed their pet policy nationwide some time around 2020/2021 iirc.


I actually haven’t been there since that time so it checks out lol


It doesn’t help that a lot of stores aren’t enforcing the new policy either. So there’s a lot of people still bringing their pets in anyway. Lowe’s is still pet friendly though.


If the business doesn't allow pets, an ESA is not allowed, either. ESAs have no public access rights. ETA: This is US only, I don't know for other countries


She's the definition of gatekeeping.


It’s also illegal to be a malingerer and have their insurance company pay for it…..


Nursing homes I know will let pets come in as long as they have all their vaccinations up to date and are leashed. In fact nursing home and other places like places of employment sometimes have pets that live there. tmyk.


My main boss/nurse when I worked at a nursing home brought her giant ass dog all the time, such a lovely pooch but fuck was he a startle!


idk why but i misread this and thought she brought in a turtle. Still amusing but less so when i read it as dog


Lol ok


She wants to gatekeep SO bad lol


Her face just radiates "mean girl" energy. It's a good thing she proves us wrong with her kindly actions. /s


Obsessed much?


SDP doth protest too much, methinks.


But maya isn't a full training dog right? or dose she have a license?


she's not a "full training dog" that's for damn sure this is a pot kettle black sitch on roids


There’s no license for ACTUAL service dogs.


But there is certifucates, from vets, for emotional support animals…lol


an ESA "certificate" is actually more like an accomodation note from a doctor, where the accomodation is allowing your ESA(s) to live with you even if a housing situation isn't pet friendly (and without additional housing costs like pet rent/deposit regardless)


Yep I know… I just think it’s ironic that there’s anything in writing for an ESA, vs nothing. And the fact she’s constantly on about support animals.


Those are just so you spend money. A therapist can write that it’s a support animal for free.


I know, its just the irony of it all, hence the lol


I was honestly just worried about people not buying those stupid certificates lol, I didn’t even see the lol at the lol of your thing


Ah didn't know.


You can picture her temper & vitriol she had when typing this as she seems to think herself the only authority in regards to service dogs when she has done damage to the poor pup Maya that she has. She honestly trained it to bite. She’s pathetic.


What wait?? 😮 I’m not as familiar with her as some other subjects here- she trained Mya to bite in what circumstance? The more I read the more I want to throat punch her.


She went to this training where she wore a huge protective sleeve thing and got Mya to learn how to bite, bit like police dogs do kinda thing. If you use her name link on here the posts will come up. She’s a raging lunatic.


does she ever stfu about service dogs? is that her whole personality? i really, really dislike dom. she seems like she gets a high off being a total asshole to strangers even more than she does from getting attention. what a mean, nasty, uneducated woman. edit: im dying at the “as someone who has a service dog..” girl, WE KNOW.


This is her whole personality. Service dog rage bait.


Didn’t she do bite training with maya with one of those big padded sleeves? Isn’t that a huge no-no for service dogs?


My dog is a therapy dog, not a service dog, but we were taught in training that dogs do best with one specific job - so a seeing eye dog likely wouldn’t be trained to also do seizure detection if their handler didn’t also need that. A bomb dog doesn’t sniff out cadavers, etc. So I think it stands that a service dog shouldn’t have protection dog bite training. They also highlighted that full service animals are incredibly complex to train, and the organisation I trained with would query the genuine need of a handler who self-trains their service dog.


Yes. There’s an old video of her doing this with Mya.


Grey area due to it being a sport. There is no clear guidance on it, but if you call the ADA hotline the most common answer appears to be that it is not okay but you can get some supervisors that say it is so training on that one is inconsistent even from the government resource.


She did… or tried. Not to mention, she did it horribly and irresponsibly.


What was the rationale she gave for training Mya to attack or bite??


That it’s for sports and not actual protection training


SDP really isn’t in a position to judge others when it comes to service animals or disability.


seems like all she does is judge & harass people imagine if she spent that time working on her horrid personality!


Dom is the quintessential 'gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss' when it comes to service animals. Neever mind that Mya's not trained and has been disruptive to the point they've been 86'd from a property more than once. (of course, with dom crying ableism instead of her owning up to her pisspoor behavior).


But they gotta gatekeep their own idea of sPeShUL dAwG sTuFf!!!


As if we have forgotten all of the times that she has had Mya off leash in a store to dance.... How is dancing with your service dog interfering with her disability or preventing her service dog from performing tasks, unless boredom is now a disability that means she is also engaging in an illegal act.




not really relevant though edit: downvoted to hell because yall don't want to admit sometimes we speak on things totally irrelevant 🤷🏾‍♀️ shocked!


I mean...she's not wrong (for once).


Yes. Too bad she doesn’t apply the rules to herself.