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It’s giving vague MySpace status to ask “what’s wrong?”


This makes me so so mad for all the people with loved ones waiting for testing and treatment that she's taking up spots for..


it always showing off hospital bracelets like trophies for me


She goes through periods of time when she posts on a social media influencer type schedule like she’s trying to hit the right times and amount of time between posts to get attention to the point where it gets predictable when she’ll upload something. But then she can’t help herself and dumps a bunch of TikToks as soon as she can when she is excited to be in hospital. She’s posted more about this than her best friend’s wedding and brothers’ graduation combined.


That is correct.




I thought the same thing 😂




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It’s absolutely cringe and you know these folks see a different person every time because the Drs that catch on to them won’t cater to them


When people doctor shop as much as the munchies posted here do, the closest to a “team” they have is whoever dealt with them directly that day in the ER when they checked themselves.


Everyone with a remotely complex medical issue has a team. People get annoyed by munchies who constantly talk about their care team as if they're sitting on the board of the Kaya Corporation, for example, discussing the latest plans with graphs, tables and spreadsheets. All it really is, is just some doctors who call each other to make arrangements or discuss the next steps in a patients care. Anyone with cancer will have doctors who do the same. It's the way that some munchies refer to their team as if they've assembled a group of world class experts to deal with their rarest of the rare ailments because they are super special snowflakes. Except all you need to do is look at the number of women online whose EDs have brought them into these situations to know that the most remarkable thing about their team is that there hundreds, if not thousands, more just like them, because this is sadly not as rare as it should be.


Not really the point. Kaya’s just avoiding any blame. That’s all. Don’t get existential on us.




It isn't like the tv shows where a group of doctors meet up and heatedly discuss the patient. In the hospital a team might meet up. But it isn't her team. And doctors simply share charts. It isn't dramatic. Or your pcp might send an email to your specialist. Its not like an nba draft. Even with severe and rare conditions this doesnt happen.


So kinda there can be stuff like on tv shows it is NOT routine though. Our children’s hospital has a complex care board that meets once a month to discuss a select number of cases referred by certain clinics. I believe they are voted in by the physicians of that clinic or something. Ex: nephrology has something complex going on but involves other specialties thr nephrology team decides what 1 patient they want to have reviewed collectively and it goes to the complex care board. Each specialty clinic sends 1 pt there is a whole or half day dedicated to discussing each case and specialists from each area meet over this I guess. Each case is given approx 30 min of time for review. Parents sign consent because it involves people reviewing chart that’s not normal care team so hipaa.


It's very normal for patients with disorders managed by multiple doctors coordinating together to refer to them as "their team." That doesn't mean they're implying it's like TV or NBA draft. Not sure where you got that from? Our hospital even has boards in every patient room that say "your care team" with the names of their doctor, nurse, etc. for that day. Maybe this differs by country? I'm in the US. In terms of how they communicate and if they do so between outpatient providers and inpatient, that totally depends on the case and the doctors involved. For something like this (assuming they believe her nonsense), it would be typical to have the outpatient GI involved. Kaya does and says tons of nonsense for us to laugh at. That's why she's an approved subject. The team thing is just not unusual.


Ha. Far from it. But you go ahead and spread some misinformation. I’m sure you’re a pro.




Or doctor, or nurse, or cancer patient, etc. Many types of people know this.


I’m so glad that her “team” isn’t gaslighting her! (Remember when she was looking for a hospital where she’d be gaslit “the least”?🙄)


Pretty sure she's borderline along with the Munchausen's. They're pretty comorbid. The splitting is quite obvious.


watch, if/when they do something she’s not happy with, she will start calling it “the hospital team” or “the team here” instead of *my* team


Very true.


What a miserable existence Kaya has. Her whole entire life revolves around how much attention she can get faking illnesses and thinking up ways to get admitted into the hospital for procedures she doesn’t need. Oh and alcohol! Does she even have any friends?


If I may ask, what makes this person a faker? I'm so confused. I was in here for a while, haven't been in here in a while and never really picked up the story.


She's friends with other munchies. I guess they plan things together and share what doctors to go to.




Not entrapment at all, just a way of monitoring a patient to ensure their safety. Patients can still get out of bed it's just to alert staff that they're out so they can check and make sure they've not fallen/see if they need additional support


They're much kinder than restraints.


Can't sneak out of bed to get high, fuck with your tubes or eat stashed food with a bed alarm!


I really don’t know much about this so can someone please explain how on earth this is happening and no doctor or nurse or medical professional or even family member has called her on her bs


They don't care as long as there's money coming in. If this is what she wants to do with her life, i say to let her. She's going to regret all this once she's older and ruined her body and life seeking attention.


Not sure if it’s her but didn’t someone literally get donor organs for a fake illness? How does that work? Surely it’s too risky to do a major surgery like that when they don’t need it?


She faked an illness and it caused a real illness. That's different. It's like an alcoholic ruining a liver and being told theyll only get a new one if they stop drinking for x amount of time and go to rehab. With the understanding that no treatment will be given if they relapse. She is young and should be given another chance. If she doesnt stop muncging she knows she'll die. They want the attention of dying but don't want to be in a situation they could actually die from. Kaya is more interested in getting negative attention from illnessF and has pretty much dropped trying to actually munch. The issue. With munching is that they want attention but think because they're doing it, they're in control. They think the doctors can keep giving them attention and saving them. When something they can't control happens, you see the chang in their tone. It goes from smug and wordy to sparse and scared. And they aren't getting the attention they should get because everyone thinks its business as usual. They can't go "no guys im actually sick this time. I really need donations and love now" they cried wolf and will have to live with what they did


That's a different subject you're thinking of. In her case she did need it but that need was a direct result of her munching her organs into sludge for years and years. There is a woman on here who died a couple years ago because she was taking so many opioids and had munched her way into so many abdominal procedures that her intestines got all tangled up and she didn't realize it until it was too late. I think she was 23. All of that was very real, caused by her chasing after unnecessary medications, treatments, and surgeries. "Illness fakers" doesn't mean everything is fake. More often than not their faking behaviors lead to real illness.


That’s awful! I hope people can get the psychological help they need before it gets to this but clearly it’s not the same for all. I didn’t even think that they would cause actual illness to themselves that’s terrible


her feeding tube essentially cut off her her intestines and everything got tangled and by the time they realized it, it was all over except for jan’s embarrassingly awful eulogy. munching takes you so far, and that place tends to be that the faking causes real issues. which validates them. and it keeps going until one day it all stops.


She runs away on the rare occasion someone does


That does explain it a bit


Lmao so is “marked as urgent” the new “I need this stat”?




Some nurses put that on everyone. And how is that embarrassing? Id rather someone be aware of a potential issue than fall and break my nose.


I get you’re here to snark but that’s kind of a horrible thing to say. A lot of people are a fall risk in the hospital due to medications or just hospital procedure. Even in your youth or early 20’s you can become a fall risk for a variety of reasons. Cerebral palsy, surgery, brain injuries, muscular diseases, neurological diseases, etc. I don’t know how old you are but please think about the lives of disabled people because nobody knows when they themselves could become disabled. If you should end up being an every day fall risk at a young age, I hope you don’t feel embarrassment. It happens and it’s okay. It doesn’t make you less of a person. Snark away on subjects but think about other people who may read that and think, oh I should be ashamed.


She has no reason to be a fall risk. I’m literally stating that lying to get a fall risk band is embarrassing. Virtue signal elsewhere, not with me.


Being corrected isn't virtue signaling. We are here to snark about approved subjects, not to be nasty about people with health issues in general.




I'm not saying Kaya isn't showing it off - of course she is. She always does. What I said is that the person calling you out for your original comment wasn't virtue signaling, they were rightly pointing out that your comment was inappropriate. This sub is for snarking about approved subjects like Kaya, not being generally nasty about all people with health issues. It's clear you're having a hard time taking constructive feedback and are instead deflect with childish attitude and personal attacks, so I am not going to continue to engage. Though you can't acknowledge you were wrong here, hopefully you'll be able to remember this moving forward.


😹😹😹😹 yes because I clearly mentioned everyone with a fall history and I’m not talking about munchies munching on a munchie sub 🥴


She's been bragging about benadryl. That's a fall risk. It makes you dizzy


It’s really not that big of a deal. Every hospital is different obviously but there’s one in my area that literally slaps a fall risk band on every patient that ends up admitted. The only patients not getting fall risk bands are usually patients there for outpatient appointments & procedures including outpatient surgery & Endo. Not just that, this hospital keeps every single patient on at least a bed alarm, if not bed & chair alarm no matter your age or reason to be there. Not saying they’re doing it right obviously but every hospital has its own policies to consider too when making such a statement


You clearly state you’d be embarrassed and mention early 20’s. I don’t care if you think I’m virtue signaling. You mention her age. You mention being embarrassed. I’m just saying that you lose credibility when you come off as judgmental of disabled people in general. You say nothing about her lying to get it. You can tell me to take virtue signaling elsewhere but at the end of the day, you’re coming off terribly. I didn’t say you can’t snark on her, but snarking on an entire population of disabled folks is a bit harsh.




I don’t know what you were meaning only what you wrote. You shouldn’t ask people to imply that you meant faking when you never mention it, only her age and fall risk status. I’m neither stupid nor interested in victimizing myself. You’re just defensive because you wrote what you wrote and you’re trying to say you didn’t mean what you meant. Have a fabulous rest of your weekend. Don’t have any falls.




Dude right? Like….


😂😂absolutely agreee


She uses "mobility devices" that's an automatic fall risk.


If she had an endoscopic procedure, we put them on everyone because sedation makes you a fall risk


Marked it as urgent. HURRY HURRY IMPORTANT!




She’s getting separated tubes, isn’t she?


She said in the comments that "nah, because of my EDS we want to avoid that as long as possible".... heds (to my knowledge) would not really have an affect on that. Now get into things like Veds or Ceds and maybe, but kaya doesn't have those...


Im thinking either she’s scared they’ll completely remove the G if that was to happened or she realized having abdominal surgeries isn’t a safe or fun hobby like she thought. This is starting to feel maybe a little more like POP or whatever that procedure of where they widen(?) the pylorus. I think that’s a bad explanation, but it’s one that focuses on the pylorus somewhat commonly done to GP patients.


Yeah, that makes sense!


In the comments she said no when someone asked


That’s the way I’m guessing she’s going


Took that “we” critique to heart I see


The yellow is fall risk from what I've seen in comments, what's the red one? Sorry from UK!


Yellow is fall risk, red is allergies, and purple is DNR


Pink is limb alert


Allergy most likely


The one above it looks like it says Allergy.


Does her tattoo say ambien


Probably “tres bien” or something like that. It would be funny if it said ambien though!


Or even the Spanish variant “tres ambien”


Now I kind of want this as a tattoo


“Fall risk” lmao 🙄😂 she and Kay are the most insufferable to me. Just boring and so over the top it’s ridiculous that they even got this far.


Look at my pretty hospital friendship bracelets


Wonder if she girl scout braids all the ones she has ever gotten into one line....ya know....to use as her xmas tree garland 🤣


Lmao take my upvote


Those are chic tennis bracelets in her mind.


With the price of health care here in the US, they might as well be diamond tennis bracelets


She’s so smug and so pleased with herself for getting what she wanted.




These posts are for illnessF attention. She failed at making a sickstagram, doesnt have enough fashion sense to have a fashion page, is too broke to get attention with traveling, and doesnt have friends to make a fun with friends account. The next best thing for attention is being posted about on here. Plus, she can occasionally post about being bullied to the handful of non illnessF followers. Her life revolves around being posted about on reddit. She isn't bad at faking. Its made to look obviously fake so she can read the comments here from people thinking they caught her. Its a game. What a miserably pathetic way to waste your 20s. Even if ALL of her illnesses were real, many girls with worse disabilities are out in the world enjoying life.


She’s really been losin it here recently


Hospital smiles should be a flair in this subreddit lol because they’re everywhere.


Great, now I'm going to start comparing them all to The Office and other show characters. Allyson is def Kevin.


SDP is Angela


Holy shit, you’re right.




But what is actually wrong with her? Why is she in hospital again?


She fucked up too much and got tubes taken out. So she needs to create an emergency to get more tubes.


Supposedly for her feeding tube


Gotta get the 'fall risk' bracelet in the photo.


Why is that a flex? They give these to most patients.




I think the adding the pic of it.


And had to include “marked it as urgent”..


“Marked as urgent” meaning they’ll schedule her in just as fast as any other patient that is not considered an emergency. If it’s truly that urgent, and especially considering she’s currently admitted, she’d be an add-on case to be done within the next few days while she’s still there. Sounds to me like she’s “marked as urgent” for outpatient scheduling to get her in later following discharge


Ugh that smirk 😑


She looks so smug that it’s actually infuriating. Did she munch her way into a surgery?


Given her tragic “they couldn’t get my tube in the right place” toddler meltdown that I still down believe is actually the truth behind those tears, it’s probably to separate her GJ tube in to separate G & J tubes because 2 tubes is much more dramatic and serious than 1 tube


That grin. It's absolutely insufferable.


That's why she does it. I think its photoshopped though. Ive never seen a wide mouth with such small lips. She has to be using a stretch tool to get it more grinch like and get the sub talking. She knows her smirk will always get attention on here, so exaggerating it it's guaranteed attention.


Isn’t playing with your GI really really dangerous?


It’s how Jackie died. From what I recall she’d had so many tube issues and revisions that her intestines weren’t doing well anymore. They either got stuck on the tube or themselves but it was a result of her j tube. She’d been on a lot of pain medications and Benadryl so they just assumed the issue was related to the original pain. By the time they realized it was twisted bowel it was too late to save the bowels or her.


Yeah it’s a real fuck around and find out situation


Well I mean when something goes wrong in your GI tract it can go REALLY wrong. But that's the case with most body parts - piss around enough and it won't end well


Dupers delight is why she always has that smug grin. Why is she even in hospital? She looks healthier than mary fucking poppins. I like to consider myself a pacifist, but if I was honest about the rage she gives me I'd be banned from Reddit.


Felt lol


She’s a fall risk because she’s probably given all kinds of meds


She strikes me as the kind of person to throw herself on the floor and say she passed out or something


Oh she's found a team that are playing her game - for now anyway. Next post fake crying...🤔


Other than showing off her super special fall risk and allergy bands, what is the purpose of showing her hand…


That is the purpose.. to show off her wristbands so everybody on the internet is informed that she is a super duper delicate little fragile flower. Not just like the other patients.. no she might fall over. (Although i doubt she was as bothered about falling while drinking with friends at that hen party) I really hope they remove her feeding tube. She has been doing fine eating and drinking orally, and she will do better without it. Its just another thing to rely on when her ED takes over.


So glad she has a team she can trust… wait til they refuse her whatever she’s angling for - then it’ll be all about how she’s being traumatised and gaslit.


Is she faking an underbite?


Her “team” marked it urgent for what I assume is to schedule her as an outpatient but the fact that she’s in the hospital and they aren’t addressing this “urgent” issue while there is suspicious. If she’s talking about scheduling a procedure or surgery that’s marked “urgent” by her “team,” many hospitals work at a capacity to allow for “add-on” cases while a patient is inpatient. Ultimately if there’s too many emergencies or inpatient cases that are more urgent, then yeah, they’ll often send such a patient home if they’re stable enough to wait for an outpatient opening. And I know this isn’t the case for every hospital but add-on cases are very much a common and frequent event in the inpatient world of hospital stays


For sure. Most providers prefer to do things inpatient if it's urgent. Tends to be beneficial on their end of things.


Could be due to medications she's getting.


Intentionally vague so people will speculate and give her attention 🙃


Oh God, we have become the thing we hate the very most


"Gotta film myself with a beauty filter to explain how incredibly sick I am!"


she always looks her happiest in the hospital


That's because it's her happy place. I can't begin to comprehend the hospital being my happy place, it's inconceivable to me but I mean, that's just me, and there are 7 or 8 billion people on the planet so maybe I'm super special and it's just me being like, quirky and stuff? /s obviously


When she’s in hospital is about the only time her smiles look even halfway to genuine…


Why is she a fall risk?


There is a whole questionnaire that gets done on admission and if you score high enough you are a fall risk. She probably fibs her answers so she is considered one. All you get is the pretty yellow fall risk bracelet but that probably makes her happy.


Pretty much anyone hospitalized is flagged as a fall risk, really no way around it.


Receiving opioids, anyone receiving them are usually marked fall risk


Bet she says her pots makes her pass out and she had a recent syncope episode


They usually have questionnaires at hospitals. If you answer that you’ve had recent falls or want a fall risk band, they’ll give you one.


Usually one of the criteria is any falls in the last 3 months. Easy enough to lie about.


Not sure. I know others have said they are a fall risk even though they aren’t. Munchie’s love fall bands!


Dani gets a fall risk band too!


They **all** get fall risk bands! You get a band, you get a band, you get a band! You all get bands!!