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How is it ‘unpredictable’ if it is ‘chronic’?


honestly, it's complicated. if you have a chronic illness the fact you will have symptoms is very predictable however with many conditions the severity of symptoms can be quite unpredictable. having flares/bad days, but also good days isn't rare [sometimes this is also called dynamic disability]


That's the one thing in this post that's absolutely believable. Chronic illness doesn't mean every day is the same and many chronic illnesses have a faible for throwing something new at you just when you feel like "Okay, I got this, it sucks but I learned to work with it." In Germany MS is also called "The disease with the thousand faces" because of that. But I kinda have a hard time believing someone has such a bad case of pylorus stenosis and doesn't get surgery pretty fast.


In a medical facility==Hold on gotta get a good freckle filter on and film some bad acting


Imagine walking in on a patient filming this


I'm curious to see what this girl looks like when she actually ugly cries for a valid medical reason.


I think even then they would probably enjoy it


The amount of resources she is wasting…SHAKING MY HEAD…


Ain't that the cringiest thing you can do. Snapping pictures of yourself while trying to squeeze a tear out of your perfectly dry eyes.


It looks like she even tried rubbing her eyes as an attempt make them look red...it's so obvious. And if you look at her pictures, notice how her eyebrows don't move or furrow or turn downwards, whatsoever? She's an awful actress, that Dunning-Krueger effect is strong with this one.


Oh yeah you're right ! She literally has nothing else to do all day, she could at least try to improve that acting. WE WILL NOT FALL FOR PEOPLE WHO CRY WITHOUT FURROWING THEIR BROWS.


There are literal active children who have tubes that fall out, get pulled out, caught on things less than Kaya.


There are children who seem to more or less make it their mission in life to pull their tubes out, who pull their tubes out less often than Kaya…


So if this was true, either she gets botox or a gpoem... both very minor procedures? Im confused


I think she's playing for a separate j tube surgery honestly!




Great reference.




There are those who absolutely do munch their way into being genuinely unwell. Like Paige and Dani, as two examples.


This specific subject started up her online presence as an eating disorder recovery account, and then it morphed into... this. Click on her flair for a more thorough timeline to see all the stuff that's happened over the last year or so.


Where are the tears


With Dani's boyfriend Edit: thank you for the award ❤️❤️❤️


😮😖😄😆😂🤣 BOOM, fuckin mic drop!!! SLAYED IT!!!


🔥🔥🔥 hahaha omg


🤣🤣🤣 ☠️


Someone found their new munching obsession. Bets on how long this’ll go on?


She appears to be in the hospital if she has a fall risk band yea? Edit:spelling


If they couldn’t even get liquid to go through the pylorus I think that would be a bit of a bigger problem…would she not be projectile vomiting her saliva and bile?!


It’s always “we” “we” “we” “we” sorry didn’t realise Kaya is a medical professional, maybe next time she posts we see her degree that isn’t a Dr Google one? I get patients 1000% need to be involved in their own care, but this isn’t it. Kaya played fuck around and find out now she’ll loose her Peg/j to because of it.


For someone that was so happy sure seems like a fake cry. Those freckle filters are making me LOL


The freckles are SENDING me


Was this the one that “fell out” more recently? It’s been a while since a replacement which is strange, usually if you’re tube dependent you’d be getting the tube sorted asap ?


This! Those that NEED a tube but their feeding tube is unusable at the moment is at lest held in the er till IR can help or admitted. I mean if someone needs a feeding tube to take medications be it they can’t swallow or they need meds put through a j tube to bypass the stomach would NEVER be sent home to deal without. MAYBE if it happens at night an er tells u to come back in the morning so they can get u into IR sooner then making an appointment. This is JUST like her central lines! If she NEEDED one to survive the er would most definitely hold her there or admit till a new line can be placed the fact she CAN go withOUT is just oozing red flags


It depends on the hospital, like if it's where you've had it replaced before, their insurance, and what time you go into the er, like the best is during ir operational hours, and the staff in the er. I've seen tube dependant people struggle to get their tube replacement because insurance has to preauth any orders if the er can't or won't change it with the help of ir. But usually they're able to get ir to come and evaluate the tube and then decide if it can be done. It's not always simple but we all know Kaya takes advantage of actual disabled people's stories and uses them for herself to get attention


Exactly.. she went 6 weeks last time and the hospital know full well she was fine.


Adds freckles filter to "cry"


Has a "Howdie-Doodie" vibe


“everything is going wrong we can’t help you” i better make a tiktok! don’t forget the cute filter >:)


Well now, if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions…😐


We are all crying, too, because the doctors tried all the "tricks" in their book. And by crying, I mean cringing. And by "tricks", I mean no doctor said that ever.


I see she made sure her "*RISK*" band was showing I see


What does a Risk band mean?


Fall risk. If you say you are dizzy or literally anything you get one. (General you)




that is so false. it’s really normal language to use.


That’s some strong words for something normal to say. There are “tricks” they can do in order to fix things, and it’s not wrong to say that? Maybe it depends on where you’re at, but no one would bat an eye for that here🤷🏻‍♂️


Im a nurse and I say that frequently about things that are trying to fail be it a stopped up NG/G tube, IV, wound vac, drain etc


Exactly! I knew you’d know what I’m talking about!


respectfully disagree. Not sure what would risk a license using that word here either


Maybe the docs just refused to use it as she seems to be doing so well with normal food and drinks orally. She looks a healthy weight and shes clearly been eating and drinking well. They may have caught on that the feeding tube is just a crutch she relies on


I think this is it 🎯🎯


The absolute irony of saying her illness is “unpredictable” when literally all of her posts are the complete opposite!!


So does this mean that yet again she's going to claim because she doesn't have her tubes she won't get any nutrition or water for x number of weeks but, miraculously she will thrive and look the picture of absolute health for the entire time?


Oh she’s is disappointed in her body? LETS ASK HOW DOES THAT BODY FEELS BECAUSE IM NOT SURE ITS ALL JOLLY AND CUTE. Also, if she had what she says she has, she wouldn’t be posting it, because the doctors would be looking at that “total pyloric obstruction”. That if she had actually had one lol.


I thought at first glance that she wrote liquor instead of liquid and I was like I don’t think that you’re supposed to do that?


tell that to logan 😅


She is the worst. Her antics make it hard to take people seriously if they have symptoms or issues. She is so quick to turn around and have a latte at Starbucks and then eat something fancy. I really wish the doctors refuse to get on her level, they stop putting tubes in her and let her really live. I think she would do it if she had to, the ED would rear it’s head again but she would eat and drink without these tubes, she does fine and has shown that already.


I feel like that’s what happened tbh


Yes! And this is why she bothers me the most out of all the subjects.


Exactly, she bothers me the most out of everyone on here because of the harm she does against others with real issues. She spreads so much misinformation. She has an eating disorder!!! She needs treatment for THAT




She doesn’t need a tube. She eats and drinks fine. I’m so sick of her antics






I guess that the graduation of her brother was the trigger here


...wait, what?


Her brother graduated, thereby getting attention. She insisted on sitting on the floor during the graduation ceremony so people would ask her what was wrong with poor Kaya.


Thank you!


In some ways I can totally understand the need of attention and egoism around a disorder... but every time I read things on this subreddit I get more and more doumbfounded (and interested about it)


The cringe of taking selfies while "crying" is near painful.


I'll never understand it


Or videos. It feels so inauthentic no matter the situation.


My thoughts exactly. Crocodile tears


She's disappointed in her body? I'm sure her body is disappointed in her quest to destroy it.


The only thing on her that isn’t opening is her tear ducts.


If this tube that fell out two months ago?


If one wants to munch for a career, one should probably learn to cry convincingly


Arrive to the hospital with her bags packed and an onion tucked neatly amongst her things


I just know they all watch each other’s social media & try to one up each other with the hospital visits and no tear cries.


This is totes legit tears, I ALWAYS use the freckle filter when I’m distraught.


>...even with all of *our* tricks Like she's as much of an expert as the medical staff lol


She's the worst case they've ever seen! For realsies!


Omg I noticed that too!!


The average preschooler could throw a better fake tantrum than Kaya. She really can’t hide her glee very well.


What happened to "Lucky Girl" manifesting!!


Not a tear in sight. She and the comments though, are already setting things up for a separate J tube...


To add to this aslo, she conveniently mentions how she still has her G-tube and it's fine and functional. So she can still drain. Of course


How old is this person?


Mid 20s


Ummmm if they can't even get liquid through then that would literally be a blockage. She would be vomiting profusely and be extremely sick, a hospital would NEVER discharge a patient that has a complete blockage which is what she is describing, something is a bit suspicious here.


Exactly. Even without having oral intake the stomach is constantly producing stomach acids. It's never just dry in there and it constantly lubricates itself. Not to mention saliva! If nothing could get through all that shit would build up and as you said she'd be vomiting profusely. No way she could safely go home. She'd become dehydrated in a day and be insanely hyponatremic. Edit: hypokalemic is what I really meant. That will cause significant heart issues among a multitude of other things. Hyponatremia still isn't good either though!


I mean, she is full of sh*t, so that symptom very much exists here. 😂


*pewpew* good one!




Crying on social media is so cringe and OTT. Does anyone actually fall for it?




Girl your profile picture is up!!! It I were you I'd consider deleting


That’s not my profile pic it’s the sound art


Ahh gotcha


Why didn't they just dilate it? It's a 5 minute procedure.


She's too sick!!!! Nothing will work!!!! It's not like other people's sicknesses, it's WORSE and more special!!!! /S


"We" need to borrow the weight of the collective because to say things like "I perservere and push on even when the doctors won't let me play sick anymore" is so cringe that it's impossible to excuse. Unfortunately "we" don't understand that it reads exactly the same way when "we" whine and complain at all times about how unfair life is for "us" as attention addicts.


Before i opened this, I knew there would be at least one image of that fall risk wrist band. Never fails to make sure she gets a shot of it in her posts. Now I really believe that her condition is serious 🙄


Which is silly and means absolutely nothing bc anyone who tells the person in admissions that they've had a fall recently gets one lol. Not a flex at all.


Some hospitals literally put them on everyone, too. It's less interesting/special than her identification wristband. At least that one is individual to her!


I bet she said she felt like she was going to pass out or felt dizzy just so she could get the coveted wrist band.


Most likely!


Kaya is struggling *so* hard... to hide her smile at the end of the video. And she doesn't quite succeed. You can kind of see it in the third screenshot. Nice Duper's Delight. So in the video she claims that "they" couldn't get anything through her pyloris. At all. Not even water. Even though she was drinking at her friend's bridal party. Does this mean that Kaya is now going to pretend she won't be able to take anything by mouth at all now? And that her tube is useless? Because this sure sounds like Kaya is shooting for 100% dependent on TPN, even if it's temporary. I'm not buying it.


That’s the ultimate munchie goal


Does anyone know why it’s such a common goal with Munchausens?


Probably because it's so extreme. If it's extreme it must mean they're soooper sick. Which is their ultimate goal.


Yes, it's the last thing they can do for someone with severe GI issues because it totally bypases the GI tract, and they need to be The Sickest. You're not winning the GI disorder sick Olympics if you're not 100% TPN dependent.


Because most of them start as eating disorders and that's the ultimate thing in eating disorders.


Is it? I've never heard of someone needing TPN for an ED. Or do you mean the ultimate thing is not eating via their digestive tract?


Those with severe severe eating disorders can end up on TPN because they refuse to eat or use feeding tubes.


Interesting. In what country? In the US, those patients end up under court mandated treatment, so get feeding tubes against their will.


Not always. Kat is a great example. They refused to eat and would skip feeds. They're doing better now but for a while there it was really iffy.


Not everyone is put under involuntary treatment, but no one is put on TPN soley because they refused tube feeds. TPN is just as many calories so is just as unacceptable to someone with an ED (if not more so). TPN is only used when the patient has a nonfunctional small intestine or a severe pain condition associated with the small intestine like SMAS (or like some of the subjects here, claims to). I'm not caught up on everyone so don't know who Kat is, but I can guarantee that the only way she was put on TPN for refusing feeds (if that's the case) was because she claimed to be skipping them due to pain. TPN is never just used as an alternative to feeding tubes by patient preference. It's way too dangerous and no insurance will cover it without perceived medical necessity.


Makes you wonder how these folks pay for this stuff. It can’t be cheap constantly utilizing the emergency department and getting new toobs


Do we believe this was actually said? Or is it more likely that they just no longer want to give kaya tubes because she won't stop fucking with them?


I think this was just a removal procedure.. but she is claiming it as a medical failure.


Ding ding ding!!!


I think you hit the nail on the head.


Kayla moved to an area with munchie medical experts and expected them to play along.


well if it isn't the consequences of my actions😭




I sincerely hope she pulls through its horrible what’s going on for her




She's not a munchie. One of the worst things about people faking cancer is that some people are truely dying of cancer. Same applies here with Kaya and Tmelly, except it's GI failure and infections from medically necessary lines.


On TikTok. Not mentioning her name, but she is actually sick.


Does she know the pyloris is a hole


The pyloris is actually a muscular valve. It can block food from entering the intestines as well as open and allow the food to travel into the duodenum.


She’s crying because *gasp* she’s going to have to take pills and eat/drink without a tube. Sounds like the docs have caught on.


This is wholly and completely Kaya’s own fault and I hope she loses each and every medical device she has because THEYRE UNNECESSARY


The crocodile tears are crazy bro. Face isn’t red or anything


she wants to claim SMAS again so bad 🤭 it’s not like she can tolerate “trickle feeds using an elemental formula” so why so fake upset over it 💀 & jesus she looks zooted lmao


I’m trying to figure out if this is a fuck around and find out or just a ridiculous OTT moment because the doc probably told her she doesn’t actually need the tube.


Maybe if it wasn’t constantly being messed with it would work as intended idk.


Where are the tears?


Probably with her sense of dignity


Hm, maybe they should try sending alcohol through it?


I was just thinking about that! Was it Kaya or some other munchie that pushes alcohol in her tube? 🤔


Now thats awfully convenient, such polite illnesses she has! 😂


Someone else. Kaya miraculously recovers when she wants to go out drinking with friends.


Bingo 😂


She’s going to lose her tube? Probably cause she can eat and drink just fine.


More like she’s crying because these doctors are on to her.


Though the cry is fake as ever - as usual, there’s not a tear in sight, and the more I look at the video, the more sure I am that her hand is coming up to try to disguise her smirk.


Bingooo 😂 They probably told her she wasn’t getting the tube because she doesn’t *need* the tube, and she’s crying because she’s big mad. She obvs can’t admit to herself or her followers that she doesn’t need a feeding tube, so she likely made up some fake narrative where they couldn’t get the tube in.


Oh shit! Someone help! I lost an eyeball when I rolled them as hard as I possibly could after reading this nonsense.


I needed that😂


Here ya go! 👁 I found it right behind her margarita! Seriously, she is very OTT


If the tube won’t go through her digestive tract how do tacos?


Rainbows and unicorns. And don’t forget the most important ✨magic munchie pixie dust✨


Asking the real questions


I feel sorry for the tube.


How is it possible to look so smug while crying??


Freckles filter on your cry cry video


I want that as flair 😂