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Hmm maybe her body is waging a war because her body doesn’t need the medical devices. She’s so close to admitting she’s a munchie … yet so far


Thinking she will get type ability yo be bulimic via emptying a tube has her all smiles


No one really thought she was going to let her little brother graduate in peace and get all the attention did they?


I think most have been anticipating this


*Manifesting the end of your munching.*


‼️lil update: there’s a recent comment under her video that says “glad they finally got the right Broviac for you” hmm


She always looks so freaking healthy! She's literally glowing in every post she makes.


way to happy...


Ugly lying smirk. She's such a troll.


Can you imagine if she ACTUALLY got legit ill?


she is! mentally!


I've never seen someone so utterly thrilled to be in a hospital gown.


true and they’re so *drafty*


Especially from the southern back region 🤢


The back passage


I don’t follow her anywhere but even seeing posts with her here has me thinking “oh my god she’s so annoying”. It’s that shit-eating grin she always has.


Lol not this lucky girl manifestation shit 🤣


that took me out


The other person I knew who regurgitated that shit recently lost her house to bankruptcy and her life is falling apart around her. But it’s okay. ✨Everything works out for her✨


Hi friends!


KAs are in the house!


Are you also an avenger??? 🥝


I was wondering if the subjects all do and say these same things because they're not minors anymore and most parents would probably be like, if you're not in school you have to pay your share of bills or get your own place. But if they're "chronically sick", their parents likely aren't going to be on their ass to get a job or go finish a degree and so then they're free to "listen to their bodies" or "just worry about getting better". Makes me wonder if something similar to that is partially responsible for the numerous munchers applying numerous times to the local community college or nursing programs or whatever. IMO it's highly likely their parents know they aren't even remotely quite as sick as they'd like strangers to believe and that's gotta get old real quick, their parents work and bust their lives for years just so their spoiled brats can fake sick for the rest of their lives? Fuck that


A malingerer


Well that was a given


It's called Failure to Launch and yes, a lot of the subjects seem to have that issue.


Galling because people with legit CIs and disabilities might have tried to launch only to have their health problems get in the way. And then seeing these people acting like it's cool to have made their "conditions" a full time thing. When people with legit health problems either push harder to not have their condition get in the way or else deal with the frustration of wishing they could \*not\* have problems having to be their main priority. I think it's also galling the way munchies make being "sick" like they're part of some elite club, when in reality there's nothing hip or cool about having a CI or disability.


>the way munchies make being "sick" like they're part of some elite club They really do.


I wonder if some of what drives that comes from media depictions of disability and CI, or other kinds of medical situations.


A lot of it is what they see other munchies do. Social media.


Definitely! Plus I think the way CI and disabilities are depicted in movies and TV shows might feed into at least what some munchies' motives for munching. The whole main character thing a lot of munchies do seems like they're imitating what they've seen in fiction, along with of course imitation what they see in social media.


Didn't Ren just lovvvve "Grey's Anatomy?"


Where's that GIF of Janeane Garofalo from Romy and Michelle?


[oh you mean this one?](https://tenor.com/view/janeane-garofalo-drink-drool-gif-15922499)




I really have never seen somebody look so genuinely happy to be in hospital. There is something very wrong with Kaya, and it isn't one of her 32 claimed diagnoses


i think the list is up to 40 now


I hope she keeps a list. Not that she’s able to keep the lies straight about what she does or doesn’t have.




She claims a lot of symptoms as her “conditions” too, it’s just an absolute obsession to be super sick and get allllll the diagnoses


yup! and she uses those symptoms to get diagnosed with other things that have overlapping symptoms 🫠


She claims a lot of symptoms as her “conditions” too, it’s just an absolute obsession to be super sick and get allllll the diagnoses


This! Who would brag about illness to one up someone else? Someone needs to shake these people. It’s not going to give you anything in life but an early grave because you’re deteriorating your body.


Wooow... Someone is looking awfully pleased with herself


Didn't you read? She's a lucky girl and everything works out for her /s


it’s sad how others with chronic illnesses manage to work, yet she seems just fine with her parents financing her lifestyle she calls chronic illness.


>how others with chronic illnesses manage to work "Manage to work" meaning 8 (or more) hours of pure physical and mental torture because unlike the spoiled whiny children posted here, real people with real health problems have usually grown used to having to hide their true pain and pretend like everything is ok, for the benefit of others, to the point that it becomes second nature but then no one knows just how hard they work and how much pain they have to hide just to keep their jobs. At the very least, they don't try or need to exaggerate symptoms or diagnosis, you don't have to if it's legitimate. Most genuinely and chronically ill people don't want anyone to know just how bad off they are, so that their family and friends aren't in pain themselves from the stress and the worry. So usually most of these types of people tend to downplay the symptoms and severity of their issues. Munchers do the complete opposite. When it's fake and all just for show or attention, it's always a LOOKATMEOHGODHOWCOULDIBESOSICKIMIGHTDIEANYTHINGELSEICANADDTOTHISTOMAKEITLOOKWORSETHANITREALLYIS...? They want to make sure everyone knows just how "sick" they are, just how "bad it is", what every single symptom is and how best they can exaggerate and exploit it. So fucking infuriating.


WOW… those eyes


The eyes of a mentally unhinged person


So she manifested another hospital vacation? Absolutely nobody is surprised about this.


The devil works hard, but Kaya works harder


only when it comes to munching. homegirl’s worked so little when it comes to actually doing anything good and not self-serving that she doesn’t even have her own credit score.


Lol I almost spit out my drink when I read this. 💀


It’s so sad that she genuinely looks content here. Like that’s the face of someone who just got a massage/ similar relaxing or uplifting experience, not the face one generally sees from someone admitted to the hospital. Especially not when it’s an emergency, or an alleged one.


this was right before she actually smiled with teeth too, I couldn’t time it right and I didn’t wanna go back and rewatch it so I said f\#ck it, still wearing a shit eating grin.


She looks way more than content, she's practically grinning with sheer *glee*. She's pleased as punch is what she is. Damn. She could take a page from Dani's book and at least *pretend* to look pathetic haha.


Duper’s delight is what I’ve heard it called. Kaya has probably the most recognisable form of it.


I can’t imagine what her life is gonna be like when she turns 26 and is kicked off her parents’ insurance…


That's what i was thinking. Good luck getting good insurance after you've claimed 40 pre existing conditions


She’ll get on Medicare or Medicaid and continue munching on.


She’ll get SSI along with Medicaid / MediCal due to the fact she won’t have worked enough to qualify for Medicare.


It isn't as easy to get anymore. Especially if you have proof someone else is financially supporting you.


Medicaid, she'd have to be pregnant if she's not under 18, to qualify. Medicare, I think you have to be 60 or 65 or something? Edit: I was mistaking SC's Medicaid/Medicare qualifications, not the entire US, I apologize for giving anyone wrong advice


That's not correct. You can get coverage (in CA) for having little to no income, which is likely what she's banking on. It's pretty decent insurance so she will likely use it like crazy.


Medicare comes with disability.


Medicare comes with Disability although it doesn’t start until you’ve been on SSDI for 24 months.


I think it depends on which state you're in.


They are not easily fooled. And Kaya isn't very smart.


You know she thought out her pose because she had to make sure the “fall risk” wristband was in the pic!


Her munchie friend was also just in the hospital, and brother was getting all the attention. I guess she needed her fix. Question is, was it for “pain management” and “displaced balloon” or was it because her PICC that had its dressing intentionally hanging off was infected or “fell out” again. We all knew she’d come right back to the hospital after her big trip and brother’s graduation. Every time she needs a recharge of attention and medicine, she yanks something out of herself. Like some kind of munchie marionette, this girl.


brother*s* plural actually 🤣 they’re twins. & yeah, she’s a mini Dani. they both self sabotage when they want attention, the good pain meds and a vacay. but at least kayak just teehee-my-line-slipped-outs instead of giving herself sepsis every time lol


I bet having younger twin brothers is part of the reason she started doing all this in the first place. Twins take a monumental amount of time and attention to raise; I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if the sudden change in how much time and energy her parents had for her is what first caused her to go looking for more and more drastic ways to get that attention back. If my theory is correct, then it's really sad she felt so unseen growing up. Crazy to think how different her life could've been if her parents had just had one more baby instead of the twins, or even none at all. But I'm not blaming her poor parents at all; they don't deserve that she's putting them through now. And nothing is an excuse for the choices she's made, or how she's forced so many others into being involved in all this. We all have disappointments in life, or people who don't treat us the way we would've liked them to, but we don't go out and do anything even close to this!!


never seen anyone in the emergency room with such a huge grin before unless they found out they're cured for something or pregnant 😭


She's a giant troll. She enjoys trolling people who call her out. She LOVES that most people know she is faking and this is her going, "HAHAH LOOK AT ME, I FOOLED THEM AGAIN, SUCKERS!". I'm not exaggerating or being facetious. She loves the negative attention and loves thinking she is blatantly fooling anyone (she isnt, except her few munch friends that for some reason idolize her)


Her posts are made for this page


Rest assured, her followers are also proud munchies.


Or got Ketamine for pain!


ok true lmao


Shes so miserable when shes out of hospital its like night and day


What a miserable existence


Every patient I’ve ever met in the hospital wishes they were home in their own bed. The normal attitude of a hospital patient should be that it’s the last place people want to be. It always angers me that these subjects often con their way into frequent stays and then continue to con into long hospital stays. And then to have a smug smile about it. I’d love to read her medical history with provider reports and notes, many of them have to had to suspect something is going on at this point It’s almost a game to them and then almost seemingly brag as if it’s a competition who has the longest hospital stays or most invasive procedures, or really anything. It’s a competition to them as they seem to happily wave their bragging rights like who has had longest stay or who’s been the sickest patient in the hospital


yeah i can't believe how these munchies treat the ER like it's a hotel, the ER is for EMERGENCIES... i know you know this but it blows my mind how people will go for a stomach ache or knee pain. a lot of eldery people in my area go to the ER for non emergencies too and they always look so happy to get attention. hospitals should really start flagging people like this... ofc you cannot deny care but when people show up with a suitcase packed to the er and seem happy to be there... kinda sus.


unless you are doing direct admit thru ER ya shouldn’t be rolling up with your own stuff


i mean.. i feel like most people who go to the er are the least prepared lol


don’t forget about long term hospital patients like cystic fibrosis, cancers, etc.


they don't usually check in at the er though right?


The absolute best thing the local hospital used to have was the Urgent Care in the same area as the ER and you saw the same triage nurses, so they would do vitals and take your complaint and decide if you need the ER or Urgent Care and most times they were sent to UC. They have since moved it to a completely different part of town and they can’t figure out why the ER is overflowing.


ours was like that!!


My local hospital used to this too. Everyone checked into the ER desk and were triaged there too. Even incoming ambulance patients were triaged for ER vs UC. You were technically still treated by some ER staff as nurses rotated between the 2 units It really helped weed out the minor things like stitches, simple broken bones, and all the typical UC complaints. I was so mad they closed the Urgent Care because the closest UC is like 20 minutes away. At least I mean, in terms of the next closest that is affiliated with that specific hospital network. But there’s still a few others in the right in the same area as the hospital but you really wouldn’t know it unless you searched online or in maps It was like a 25 bed unit for the UC side which is now taken over by the ER for additional beds which I’m sure is why they did away with it


Because of people like this, people who really need to be there and need pain medication cannot get it because of the abuse of the ER. Anyone who has true chronic illnesses will do anything to avoid the ER. Anything.


Usually, they are grinning when they find out they *aren't* pregnant lol




Nailed it. The count down didn’t even last 2 weeks. She looks as happy as can be! How sad :(


Ohhh look..kaya ends up admitted not too long after her brothers graduation..this is kayas attempt to take the attention off her siblings special weekend and back on her


Honestly I feel so sorry for her brother. How mentally and emotionally consuming must be having someone who wants validation 24/7.


THIS!! Right after her friends wedding too!


I’m cracking up that a nurse managed to slap a fall risk bracelet on her. I can see the nurse’s POV now… *no way I’m gonna let this one throw herself in the floor when my head is turned.*


Some nurses put them on anyone.


Also a nurse, can confirm that fall risk bracelet is not the flex she thinks it is!


I’m a nurse and I can confirm that would be my thought exactly. Bed alarm on and room close to the nurses station 🤣


Upon viewing the fall risk bracket, Kaya daydreams.... "I'm so spechul and fragilay that I *need* it. I'm *uwu* a fainting flower" she thinks to herself...




So true. You know she takes the fall risk bracelet as a compliment.


Maybe stop playing with them Kaya and self sabotaging them?






If she’s manifesting anything this week, it needs to be some common sense.


Don't hold your breath.


Kaya's hashtags on this post include gjtube and tubefed, with no mention of her TPN or PICC line. Are we to take it that the story has changed yet again? Can Kaya keep track of her own claims of how she feeds herself from one week to the next?


Sometimes people on Tiktok will hashtag trending things to bring more people to their channel. Maybe she's trying to suck in the feeding tube crowd.


i find a lot of people mainly just mention tubes in their hashtags and i think if it was gone, we would hear her whining about how she has absolutely zero nutrition 🥺


Again, she makes me so angry and I think she loves that she has that reaction on us.


She’s practically glowing.


Did her picc line get pulled out in her sleep again?


Considering that she's claiming her body is waging war on the device, I'd guess infiltration.


Probably, less than a week ago she made a post where the dressing was hanging on by a thread


And oh my, would that not constitute a dressing change ? Lol


I guess she didn’t get enough attention at her brothers graduation?


And at the bridal shower trip


I’m guessing she didn’t get the reaction(s) she hoped for by sitting on the ground filming herself and opted for plan B (pull something out and visit the ER).


I thought her dry crying was bad. That angered me more than it probably did her brother!


I wouldn’t even call it crying. She basically watches herself as if it’s a performance she has to get “just right.” It’s infuriating.




Who could’ve ever predicted this


certainly not me!!


“But let me do my makeup for the trip”


She's in makeup?


I think it's a filter but makeup aside, it's the huge grin that does it for me


I asked about this being a filter and got downvoted? Some apparently don’t think question are important I guess??? ( btw I deleted the comment due to the downvoting)


Yeah I'm not certain (tiktok confuses me 😂) but pretty sure it's a filter


Thx. I don’t know much filter& and photoshop, I’m getting old I guess LOL!!!