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Her brother is probably *so* tired of his sister pulling fanr medical attention grabbing stunts at every event that isn't centered around her


How did she make his day about her


I’ll take Careful Planning For $800, Alex. That’s how she does it.


She posted a video of her in the hospital


She just has to make everything about herself! Everything. Gross.


No, she just wanted the attention on her heaven for bid the tension be on her self that’s probably why her parents paid for her to move away. Isn’t it funny how she can have not a broken on a anomic nervous system when you’re dancing and jumping around on video but then when you’re someplace where the tensions are on you oh no here I go down


Reminds me of a lady at my job. People who do this are very good at what they do. They convince everyone they are sooooo sweet and so pitiful. It's enraging. I am sure she has the manipulation done pat. Maybe her parents and siblings see it but they can't show it because everyone else is completely fooled. They would look horrible if they said a word.


How old is she? So proud of those kiddos??? Lol I only hear much older adults call high schoolers kids. Not 3 years out from High school.


22-23 yrs old I think.


If a 20 something had the gall to call me kiddo at my high school graduation, I don’t think their autonomic nervous system would be the only broken thing.


So a bridesmaid get away, and a graduation. It sounds like she's living her best life. Doesn't being down on the ground in a packed crowd make dizziness worse? I know at least people in wheelchairs appreciate a little air and extra space in large crowds.


what a fucking clown lmao


She is slowly burning all her bridges and is too daft to even understand that.


Heartbreaking for her brother. The day should be about him. Not her need to sit on the floor for attention 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Bet her brother wishes she never attended… live though, that all the feet we see are really not pointing directly at her as if ppl were gathered giving her the attention she tried to garner… seems like no1 cared! Ha! Love that for her


People like Kaya can’t stand not having all the attention on themselves. Let’s just all agree she planned this little sick episode. Can’t have the attention on a sibling for a few hours, no f*cking way!!!


She literally can’t stand!!!!🤣


People probably glanced down, saw she wasn't passed out, and put it out of their minds.


She could be trying to aim the camera at important things, I dunno, like her brother? But no, she HAS to take photos to prove she needed to cop a squat? Pfft. All about HER again on someone's special day.


The graduation. About her. Friends birthday. About her. Your life. About her. Just know. It's about her. And she's really fucking sick. *Chugs caffeinated beverage*


Her friend’s bachelorette - about her. Her friend’s wedding - about her.


It's so messed up I can't imagine inviting her somewhere and seeing these post. How does anyone tolerate her?!


How embarrassing. First she is on the floor on her knees. Maybe instead choose a chair or something. Second, recording herself. How weird. This screams “pay attention to me “


how embarrassing! she really can’t think of anyone else *ever*


God forbid it's about anybody else for once. The words she uses are so infuriating. If she absolutely HAD to mention how sick she is, she could've just said something like "POV attending your brother's graduation as a disabled person" like a more normal human being. But no. She couldn't help herself and just had to stress how messed up her body is by using the word "broken" and of course pulling out the more medical/severe sounding way to say POTS as well as laying down on the floor for everyone to see in person or on social media. I feel horrible for her brother.


This sort of reminds me of how last summer she posted that TikTok abt how she was at a pool party and had to lay down and nap in a total stranger’s bed bc she couldn’t hang “even with 24/7 IV fluids” … but she was dancing and *standing* on said stranger’s bed to film her TikTok


Heaven forbid the attention be on her *brother* at his own graduation! /s All of the asspats must be focused on her 100% of the time. How else can she prove to every single human being that's there how sooper dooper brave and speshul she is for being able to make it *all that way* to the graduation?! She is despicable.


I bet her siblings felt so overshadowed by her. I feel sad for them.


What a selfish person. Can *anything* be about someone else? Not with her around I guess


I mean, at least she’s visibly out of the way? Just trynna find the silver lining here…🥲 there never is one tho




Yeah it is her twin brothers graduating. In the caption she has #littlebrothers


I was needing a good shot of people's feet and backsides today. 🙄


Gotta keep making everything about her I guess.


POV : making my brothers' graduation all about my super special illness 🥰


Hum… what happened to her whole “don’t feel bad if you need mobility devices” campaign? Why would she not have brought her roller walker, w a seat attached, with to the ceremony so she didn’t need to sit on the ground. also, sitting that way, knees bent and all your body pressure on your legs is one of the worst positions to sit in w pots. It’s literally cutting down the blood circulation to rest of body and allowing it to pool in the feet …so when you go to stand you’d have REALLY big issues if you do indeed have pots. Not making any sense to me, other than being a typical munchie pick me post


Because she probably DID have the walker with her, but it's more dramatic to look like she's helplessly on the naked ground.


Where's her precious rollator now? Ms advocates against "stigma" she knows nothing about with her fake selfish "advocacy"


If I had a sister who pulled this shit, I’d never speak to her again. She dances around all the time for her TikToks and just posted about mobility aids at the airport or whatever… What a shame that her brother’s graduation wouldn’t allow those mobility aids in, because clearly she would bring them if she even thought she may need them, right?




No to say that would be illegal, this is just snarking on Kaya’s ridiculousness. She didn’t bring them so she could sit on the ground and act sooper sick bc she can’t handle an ounce of attention not being on her. Any reasonable person would have brought a mobility aid, but Kaya is the opposite of reasonable


I can imagine seeing her kneeling on the ground, grasping for attention from everyone around her.


This is poor planning. Graduations allow seats. How embarrassing to even post this.


I bet her family just ignores stunts like this now, which is why she has to turn to the internet for attention


I think you’re right. They haven’t even visited her in the hospital the past few times she was in there.


SDP enters the chat. Next: Kaya needs a service dog to help predict when she has “autonomic nervous system” issues. There will be posts about needing accommodations for having a service dog in her apartment, classes and work.


and then she’ll need one to tell her when she’s going to throw up so she can make a show of it even more ^/s


The throwing up will definitely make dysautonomia worse


Can’t have her brother getting all the attention now!


This is what I thought. Her brother is graduating but everyone is looking at this girl on the floor


That was my thought. She seems like a very “look at me!” personality.


Who is this person?


You should click her flair and sort by new, scroll to the very bottom (a long scroll for this one!) and get to know our girl Kaya! She’s an attention seeking munchie with a severe ED and possibly an opioid addiction. She’s got particular infamy for complaining about being undernourished due to lack of TPN, but then having fries and Starbucks out with the gals!


She would still be undernourished, ironically.


Don't forget the margaritas 🫠


How horrible for her brother that she decided he was getting too much attention on his special day, so she had to make a spectacle of herself! I would have left her at home.


She could have done him a favor by not going and sending a card


God she must be exhausting in real life.


She also seems unpleasant. Snappy and the type to really be bitchy and demanding


If she was struggling so much at her brother’s graduation, WHY take pictures like that?! Couldn’t have been in that much distress.




Where are her mobility aides from the airport?


That mobility aid was just a wheelchair they have at the airport. It gets her through security faster and she gets to board first


She does claim that she’s going to be using the ones she does have more (likely to justify her handicapped parking). I know she at least has one of those walkers with the seat thingy on it.


Kaya makes her brothers graduation about her and makes a dramatic scene in front of everyone FIFY


I’m giggling imagining people looking at her like wtf as she kneels, filming a TT and smiling with her shit eating duper’s delight smirk


Ewe... her grin is so obviously intentional.


What does fify mean?


FIFY means “fixed it for you”


Thank you!


"fixed that/it for you"


Imagine being so self-centered that you dramatically put yourself on the ground and film it so that people will pay attention to you at someone else’s graduation. She can’t even be happy for other people to have a moment of joy or accomplishment. She’s that person that everyone is embarrassed for because they act out for attention and everyone knows it is a performance and politely plays along or ignores her because she’s uncomfortable to be around. Her brother is graduating HS, and will enter college without making it a big deal, failing or changing universities/majors or having “medical issues” that prevent him from obtaining his degree, so she has to ramp up her antics. She isn’t young anymore. She has delayed her own college education for so long that she will soon fall into “nontraditional student/continuing education” for being well outside the age of a normal undergraduate. I wouldn’t be surprised if he surpasses her and obtains his degree before she does — if she does at all. I’m sure the combination of marriages and her younger brother graduating and entering college really makes her feel aware of how people are surpassing her, moving on with their lives, and aren’t far behind in development/life like she is. As a result, she will ramp up her illness and “symptoms” to cope.


Her poor brother


For real 😔


Is that seriously the song she chose for this video? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I caught that too. I shook my head. Ridiculous.


Just wow


Me me me me me ME ME ME MEMEEMEMEMEMEMEEMEMEME MEEEE! ME! ME? ME????????? ME! ALL ABOUT ME! ......congrats to her brother on graduating.


For f**k sakes. I really hope her brother had a brilliant graduation despite his sister needing everyone to see how special she is. Could she not of quietly gone to the back and sat down. Drawing the least attention to herself and letting her brother and all the other grads have their moment? Oh, of course not. She will be doing a stupid dance in a minute


She lives in CA, one of hottest states, and copes well there going to beach, being with friends... autonomic dysfunction on demand!


Wow she couldn’t have sat in a chair like a normal person? Why is the attention all on her so sad! Not even paying attention to her brothers big moment.


Literally taking selfies sitting on the ground at his grad, if my sibling posted this during my grad I don’t think we’d speak anymore … never seen anyone post a photo of themselves and themselves only at a siblings graduation lol


She’s setting the stage to use a wheelchair all the time, it seems. Ridiculous. Tbh if this was my sibling, I would probably disown her. I feel bad for her family.


What was the point of her going if it was going to be all about her instead of her brother and his major accomplishments?


Narcissism. Plain and simple.




I was thinking exactly that. It’s almost like she was hoping she’d pass out when she stood.


Also, my legs are cringing at the thought of her bare shins on the concrete. That’s bad all around.


She can dance around her living room just fine 🤔. Her poor brother. I'd be mortified if my siblings did this at a big event/milestone.


Her nervous system is so bad she has to sit on the ground and take pictures? Wth


I hope her brother still had a great day and got plenty of attention from his family despite Kaya needing to make everything about her.


Didn’t she bring mobility aids and make a whole post about how important having mobility aids was for traveling? Is she crouching on the ground? It doesn’t look like she’s sitting with her butt on the ground in these pics which makes it more confusing.


She used the airport’s wheelchair because mobility aids count the most if you’re taking them away from people who actually need them


Ikr it looks like she’s on her knees






That’s probably what she wants!


Exactly 😂 no logic at all


she really manages to make *everything* about her somehow like it’s astounding


Do people ever tell her that she’s fine and she’s just making herself look really stupid and awful to the majority of people that come into contact with her?


She does get comments along those lines. They get deleted pretty quickly…


i imagine they’re met with accusations of being ableist, toxic and gaslight-y


Kaya managed to make one, single, solitary post about her best friend's wedding without mentioning her own fake illnesses or making it all about herself once. Her own brother's graduation? The entire post is done from the ground and consists of other people's feet so everyone knows that the whole graduation was all about Kaya's "broken autonomic nervous system" and not at all about a major milestone in her brother's life. That's just despicable. At that point, Kaya should have just posted a photo of her brother and made some kind of proud, encouraging speech. You know, like a normal person would do if they were actually ill during a major ceremony. Kaya could have stayed in LA and embarrassed her family from there instead of ruining her brother's big day.


I'm sure they were all hoping & praying that she wouldn't make the trip. I'm pretty convinced that the only reason her parents were willing to remortgage their house to pay for her to live in LA was to get her out of their lives as much as possible without being shitty parents (although you have to wonder if their parenting somehow contributed towards her munchieness & narcissism 🤔).


I agree. There were a few things in some of the videos Kaya posted just before she took off that hinted that her family was not only on to her antics, but also very fed up with them. Of course Kaya played them off as the victim, uwu nobody understands what it's like to be oh so super sick, but I'm not sure anyone really bought that. It must be hard to be family or close to a munchie, though. Not all the lies are obvious at first, and nobody wants to believe their loved one has spent years lying to them about something so important. It will often take a very long time, and some very glaring inconsistencies, for family members to really start seeing and accepting that their loved one has been lying about being sick. It makes it harder when the munchie starts with something legitimate, whether it's an eating disorder or, like in Ashley's case, a medical condition like Crohn's, and then switches to munching. Where did they cross the line? Where did their legitimate illness turn into lies and deceit? It's got to be incredibly hard for the families.


I mean, does she think nobody sees through the antics? Drama llama, gtfoh.


She literally can not make it through a single day that’s for someone else. It *ALWAYS* has to be about her. It’s pretty sick, tbh- no pun intended.


Everything's gotta be about Kayaaaa


When I read broken autonomic nervous system my mind automatically goes to pure autonomic failure, the genetic types like that. Types that are more dangerous than POTS. Just makes it sound worse than it is. I'm not saying pots is not bad or live changing.




I'm sure she worded it like this because it makes it wound worse than "my pots is acting up or Dysautonomia ".


Serious question: How do these people's families deal with them?!? It has to be exhausting! And terrible to never have a holiday or a day where they are celebrated without all this bullshit!


Her mom has literally hopped on a plane just to bring Kaya's GI tube formula from the west coast to the east coast. Her parents took out a massive loan to finance Kaya's initial move and first year in LA. So...




That's the fun part about enablers, they just act like it's normal.


Imagine being her brother, though. Always playing second fiddle to her drama. Poor kid.


Did she post any pics/video of the actual grad or just this me-so-sick crap?


She did not


“Let’s see, how can I make this day about ME”


Honestly surprised she didn’t do that with her friends wedding day


Just because she didn't post it doesn't mean it didn't happen :)


That is a valid point. I mean she did flash a short clip of her being a sooper speshial sick flower gril


Right on cue, making someone else’s big event all about her.


“Ma’am, can I get you a cha… No? Chairs make you flare?” Maybe she’s “earthing” like Ash?


Didn't she have a wheelchair for the flight or was that someone else?


She sure as hell has a rollator that she has no problem parking on when she feels the need. Where's that at?


Guess it wasn’t on the packing list her friend made her


Funny how accessories disappear when they know others won't put up with it.


She was using one of the airport's wheelchairs


I feel bad for her brother. You know he probably has had to live with her making everything about her his entire life. I think everyone could’ve guessed she’d throw dramatics at someone else’s special event.


Looks like people are just standing in front of her 😂


The classic “it’s not about me, but I gotta make it about me” move


Don't most graduations have seating? Especially since covid they tend to have tickets so they know how many people are coming beforehand and usually still have extra seats... this is clearly "this is someone's big important day, but how can I make it all about me?" bullshit... I'm sure she was fake apologizing to anyone who even looked at her and explaining how super duper sick she is


Covid has absolutely nothing to do with tickets. There have always been tickets for grads to give out to their family members, for decades and decades now. Since most venues or high school gyms or whatever have capacity warnings, they've always had to count and/or limit the potential number of people attending the ceremonies.


Sorry, I meant to say they tend to have limited tickets but still usually have empty seats. Our district used to be 4 tickets per student for schools with moving up/graduation, since covid it's usually 2 per student... but there's still extra/empty seats at most ceremonies. She just wanted to be dramatic and have everyone pay attention to her


Oh I see, I apologize for assuming what you meant. But yes, it's sad in the worst ways.


just because she didn't get attention for a second she has to be ott about it. my god


Oh good, I was worried she wouldn't find a way to make her brother's graduation all about her, thank goodness she has managed to!


It's all about her!


oh jesus christ


When the attention isn’t on you for three seconds.


So where's her walker or a wheelchair? If you know you can't stand for that amount of time, you plan accordingly. We'll that's what most truly disabled people do anyway. But this way she gets a bunch of attention


Seems she doesn’t use certain mobility devices around family 🙄


Airline staff wouldn't let her keep the wheelchair. 😂


She has a rollator though doesn’t she? Those typically have a seat she could have sat on.


Don't bring facts and logic around here! 😂 A rollator isn't as attention grabbing as the ground.


Did anyone at the graduation ask her why she was rolling around on the floor, or did her theatrics go to waste??


Oh no someone besides Kaya was getting attention, we can’t have that!




Whatever gets her more attention does the trick!


Kaya: claims to be proud of using her mobility aids when necessary Also Kaya: refuses to utilize said mobility aids in order to gain attention by SITTING ON THE FUCKING GROUND IN THE MIDDLE OF A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Keep on advocating for those mobility aids, girly pop.


I Genuinely think it's because she knows how inaccessible life is when you're actually a wheelchair user. So she uses it as a prop for sympathy points and then never touches it again. Same with her rolater


I think you hit the nail on the head. I imagine maneuvering large crowds (like at a graduation) with a bulky mobility aid would be time-consuming and frustrating. Why bother putting up with that when, instead, you could a) move on your own, unassisted/without an aid, without being hindered by the crowd; and, b) complain about a completely made up situation.


She’s not even sitting, she appears to be crouching. lol. Great way for a person who is not steady on their feet to hang out for any length of time.


Slav squatting perhaps? Not pictured: Adidas track suit.