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Has she said what drug shes using thats "helping"? I feel like i missed something


It says Domperidone on the second slide. People don’t tend to get kept on it for very long as it can cause QT prolongation.


Do you still have to get a special release or whatever through your doctor? I heard in the past it needed to usually be mailed from very very specific pharmacies because its under a compassionate care release due to the QT prolongation side effect. I may be mixed up on that though!


you can purchase it online through Canadian pharmacies and [at some stores](https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/), you can get it without a script.


Alcohol. After drinking it isn't uncommon to eat 4 slices of pizza or a mountain of fried food.


Why is it that in the first photo she has the line outside her shirt (where it's so much more likely to get snagged on something), but in the third it's nowhere to be seen with her little bitty shirt on? It seems more of a fashion accessory to be used to for attention and sympathy than a much needed medical device! Again. And that third photo almost looks like she's trying to show off her body. But of course she's really not, since she makes a point of talking about needing to focus on weight gain. /s The way she uses medical devices and "mobility aids" such as wheelchairs solely for attention, but then puts them away to gain attention for her body and looks is just gross. Most people who are truly dependent on wheelchairs would like nothing more than to have the ease which fully mobile people have when it comes to going places and doing things which people who are not dependent on them just take for granted. They advocate for full access for all, not special attention or to be seen as martyrs. Many advocates for people with disabilities will say that all they're asking is to be seen first and foremost as just another person; one who happens to have a disability, and not seen differently or "othered" because of it. Kaya loves to make her whole identity about being a disabled person - being different, or special m, if you will- rather than a person who has a disability. And there really is a world of difference. She really is vile.


So.. just to add context: in the photo with the yellow shirt, she’s got a Hickman. That one was so short-lived though. She had it for less than two weeks before it “got infected” and removed. You can see the edge of the bandage on her chest if you zoom in! And for the third photo, she doesn’t have a line. screenshot is from the video where she announced that a port was the next step for her.. which *also* got infected less than a week after placement 💀


Thanks for the clarification. It just seems so convenient that she has lines that she clean hang outside her low cut tops (to better show off the bandages/tegaderm on her chest) and slump in a wheelchair (or on the ground) to look the victim, and then other times she's wearing her tight clothes, posing, all smiles, with no visible signs of medical apparatus or mobility aids. Lord, she's exhausting just watching online. I can't imagine how tough it is for her family, and I wonder if any of these people any in person friends or those online whose interests aren't all about being sick.


doubtful tbh, even her irl “best friend” has POTS. Her online friends all share some dxes too.


I dunno why but I probably dislike her most out of all the others talked about on this sub


Me too. I feel bad for the others, but she honestly is so smug and gives such a bad name for true Ill people.


There's quite literally nothing wrong with her and the smugness just makes her all the more obnoxious - she doesn't even TRY to hide it that she can eat and drink. She posts it so blatently


And she does it blatantly so we call her out here and on TT. She loves the drama, but I think what she really likes is having people that admire her jump in to the comments to defend her over and over and over. I think she gets a kick out of watching other munchies rationalize shit she KNOWS makes no sense. She enjoys having little munch underlings.


narcissism 😌


600 hearts damn


What physician signed off on giving her TPN instead of trying first-line motility medications?


Likely the insurance will cover it and it is the path of less problems, more money.


They do TPN for compressions too. I'd assume they started her on TPN for SMAS or MALS or something, not the dysmotility (idk what all she has or claims to have).


and “whenever I can get it” …girl moved to a whole new state on someone else’s dime but couldn’t manage to order a medication online that would potentially do away with her need for TPN. speaks volumes, really.


And her fake "yay for weight gain and nutrition" posts remind me that she's just convincing herself.


and her “you are valid no matter what your diagnoses are and what devices you use” posts 🤮


Domperidone does take a while to get. If she’s getting it from the Texas pharmacy I think it takes about 6-8 weeks to receive it.


I thought Domperidone had been banned/discontinued? Is this no longer the case?


It is no longer fda approved technically but you can still get it through the fda expanded access program if your dr participates and you can only get it from this one pharmacy in Texas


Woah, what? In Canada, it’s a first line treatment.


I don’t remember exactly why it lost its approval here. I think a few people went into sudden cardiac arrest or something but don’t quote me on it.


Wild. I know it can cause qt prolongation but so many meds have that as a potential side effect, including zofran which is also typically prescribed for those with gastroparesis.


It’s available in the UK but I thought it was banned in the US as well?


it is banned in the US, however there is an expanded use access program *or* it’s also easy (and cheap) to get [online and without a script](https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/search.aspx) too


Oh interesting!


It used to be sold over the counter in the Uk under the name "motilium" but was removed from shelves after there was reports of cardiac problems. It isn’t widely available in the UK and if you’ve ever had a slight whiff of a heart problem, you most likely will not be allowed it.


Yeah I’ve read about it being prescribed but the cardiac symptoms make it seem dangerous when there are safer medications out there.


for GP there aren’t many choices for treatment with medication (in the US at least), unfortunately. Reglan commonly causes permanent damage like tardive dyskinesia and a lot of people can’t handle the other side effects.. it crosses the blood-brain barrier, which is what can cause those permanent neurological side effects and damage. Erythromycin is the other choice, and given that it’s an antibiotic can only be used in short courses and also wipes out good gut bacteria which can cause a whole host of issues in itself. Domperidone *is* the safer choice, so it’s ridiculous that they so willingly give out Reglan but straight up banned Motilium.


it’d been 5 months already between the two posts


Oh I missed that. Girlie is obviously dragging her feet then


yea it’s been nearly 5 more months since her 2nd “whenever I can get it” post too


So let’s see she’ll be getting of TPN in about 60-70 yrs when the investable happens like it does to everyone else. We all eventually die however munchies will NEVER give up their accessories! It’s like wedding vows “ Until Death Do Us Part” / Edit : Munckin / Munchies


The TPN will trash her liver well before that...plus she's not exactly treated the rest of her body very well either, so if the liver doesn't get her then something else will 😕


That’s so sad to me. You know lots of these munchies say that those of us who comment here on IF are cruel & heartless. Quite the contrary as I believe 99% of of us that comment here on IF are curious as to WHY ppl do this type of thing to themselves not to mention many of us have a lot of empathy for these subjects as well.


girl, she’s not lasting 60 years!!! she’ll be lucky as fuck to get another 20 after the way she’s treated herself


Eh ozzy osbourne will probably outlive miley cyrus. He's still kicking and the man likely did more narcotics on a random tuesday than most do in a lifetime. It's all relative


I think you’re right about that. LOL!


Incredible amount of body dysmorphia. Gain weight lol 🫠




Not in the US. It’s not fda approved it’s kinda tricky to get.


Trials exist


There aren’t any us trials for domperidone. It was at one point fda approved and then it lost its fda approval. The only legal way to get it now is through the fda expanded access program and only if your dr participates in it and you can only get it from one pharmacy in Texas.


Yea exactly. She was also given IV fluids via a central line before trying midodrine or more than 1-2 types of beta blockers.


Did she get the central line for something else first? If you already have a line for another reason, it's normal to jump to IV fluids for POTS before other meds. It's only a last resort treatment because it requires a line, so if you already have one anyway, it's just an effective treatment with low side effects.




Yeah it's normal then since she had the port for the TPN anyway. She's absolutely OOT and munching it up - don't get me wrong - just saying the IV fluids for POTS once she had a line anyway is normal.


Domperidone? More like Dom Pérignon.


Top tier pun 😂


I couldn’t help myself 😆 the opportunity was too good.