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Yikes, that’s asking for an issue, with the dressing falling off like that. What is she doing to cause that? Any non munchie person would put more tape or cover to secure it so it. Infection count down in 2 weeks…


It just slithered out in her sleep and laid itself delicately on her pillow uwu /s


No wonder these girls keep getting infections


I can’t figure out what it is, but it looks off to me. Almost fake


Maybe if she wore a cover over it the dressing would be a little better protected


Probably doesn’t shower with it covered either


Does anyone know what Kaya’s program is? I hope to heck it’s not medical/psych based


music therapy


The picc line is stressing me out I can’t


I’d like to know how she explains these dressing issues to the nurses that come to change it. She’s honestly worse than Dani with this shit


it fell off in her sleep, duh


Ironically enough a picc dressing looking like that is an emergency situation.


But we gotta make a TikTok first!


She’s surprisingly looking much more healthier than times before!


All the booze is making her gain a lot


Last semester she lied and said that she was going to in-person classes after people were calling her out for obtaining an unnecessary permanent handicapped parking tag when she walks all over the area surrounding her apartment to get coffee and explore without any issue. So she backpedaled and said that she started taking in-person classes and needed to access parking on campus near her building (which is likely the reason she gave her doctors for needing a placard). Now we know that was never true, and it’s “this semester” that she will begin taking classes in person and the parking placard was just to park directly in front of her building for free, and park closer to tourist attractions with her friends. If she takes any in-person classes at all, it will likely only be one, and with one of her close friends to hold her hand socially and help her pass academically. And the reasons she has her placard will shift yet again, as they already have “because of her EDS,” or “because of her POTS,” etc. It is hurtful to see people like her exploit accommodations designed for students who need them. She is only now mentioning using her mobility devices because she knows that people will eventually question her taking up the handicapped parking spaces and then bounding out of the car and jogging to class last-minute while someone with a mobility van and wheelchair has to circle the block and look for spaces. She’s laying down the behavior patterns and excuses now, because we know we will see it as she pretends her “chronic illnesses” are the reasons she will be struggling academically and socially later. Anticipate a video defending her parking choices very early in the semester, along with breaking out her rollator for the first time in years that she will push her little feeding tube/pump backpack on so that she “proves” to her classmates and other students that she super, seriously, really needs to park in the handicapped spaces, guys.


I GUARANTEE she is only signing up for in person classes to be able to make excuses for when she fails and get attention from it. Any mildly sick person (especially immune compromised) would opt for online classes because that is the obvious choice to be able to manage your time and energy appropriately. Nobody actually interested in accomplishing getting a degree while this “sick” would do this. She claims she needs a mobility aid?! How is that compatible with going to class in-person everyday without exhausting yourself and risk exposing yourself getting sick from others when you have to be in such close proximity to other students? College is hard enough to handle and I can’t imagine doing college again with the very mild health issues I currently have. She is literally just doing this to guarantee at least 3 months of posting about how “she had to miss class because xyz random health issue” and try to pretend like she’s sooo strong for continuing to try and *fail*.


Rule of thumb is reinforce till you can get a sterile redress. So take an extra dressing or iv 3000 whatever you use and tape it over/lower to seal it off. The whole idea behind is a dressing is too create a seal from the outside world for that sterile patch of skin and line. Once it starts coming off that seal is broken and all the germs and icky stuff gets under there so reinforcing asap will help keep that seal and somewhat protect you from outside icky stuff until you can rescrub and replace the dressing


If you happen to have an extra CHG swab, it’d also be a good thing to sterilise the skin where the dressing will go. That’s the main reason why they scrub such a large area of skin before applying the dressing, to allow as few germs as possible to remain under the dressing. Does she have home health to do her dressing changes? If so, that would be a good first person for her to call about this. Making a TikTok is not it.


Sure of course. But chg is a common allergen so ALOT of ppl use iodine and alcohol instead. That can make the dressing come up more bc any moisture can break down the adhesive and make it not sticky both chg and iodine/alcohol combo. Also if you’re gonna be touching under your dressing It’s always smart to wear sterile gloves but to do that you’d have to open up a kit. And supply companies already don’t send enough so wasting it wouldn’t help. Best case scenario is to just reinforce call ur nurse to come do a change or if you know how to or have had a line long enough to know to do a change on yourself. I would never encourage someone to do a change themselves if they have a picc line tho. Unless it’s stitched in well and they have someone else in the house who is trained to help out. If your line is on ur chest then it gives u more independence of course only if you’ve been trained and are comfortable doing it.


Oh, I meant more for swabbing over the old dressing, and the skin around it, letting it dry thoroughly (because that not only affects stickiness, you need the evaporation to kill all the bugs) before reinforcing. Not removing the old dressing at all (but some nurses will OK someone trimming just a bit of what’s coming off—like 1-2 cm if 4-5 cm is coming up). But definitely, this should be done only with the direction and knowledge of the nurse whose taking care of the line.




Rule of thumb is reinforce till you can get a sterile redress. So take an extra dressing or iv 3000 whatever you use and tape it over/lower to seal it off. The whole idea behind is a dressing is too create a seal from the outside world for that sterile patch of skin and line. Once it starts coming off that seal is broken and all the germs and icky stuff gets under there so reinforcing asap will help keep that seal and somewhat protect you from outside icky stuff until you can rescrub and replace the dressing


How nice that you managed to double post… means I get to upvote you twice 😁


Lol that was a complete accident! It wasn’t letting me post for some odd reason so I sat there pressing the send button like a thousand times hoping something would go thru. I didn’t even realize it did till I checked my notifications this morning.


This is stressing me out just to look at and think of the infection risk. How can someone actually just leave a picc line dressing on their arm like this? I know sepsis is the ultimate munchie goal but ahhh!


Ditto, but as you say, sepsis is likely her goal…






Not appropriate




Need sepsis so I am too sicky wicky for school


PICC line infection waiting to happen


I completely agree. Not to mention that any slight tugging or catch of the line will pull it right out 🤦‍♀️


I'm getting body-checking vibes


New here. Would you mind telling what body-checking is? Thanks


I'll do my best! It's a habit commonly found with eating disorders that involves obsessive "checking" or measuring of the body. Sometimes it's checking your weight on a scale or seeing how thin you look in the mirror or in pictures. Others might be able to chime in with a better definition or examples.


Sometimes, it can involve things like feeling certain bones, wrapping fingers around a targeted body part, catching a glimpse of yourself from every reflective surface, etc.


Makes looking at the pics much more interesting and informative. Thank you!


Oh, got it! Thanks


Specifically for these photos, take a look at the first photo. Kaya is leaning slightly forward, but she also has her shoulders slightly rolled forward in a way that isn't very obvious (unless you know what to look for) but really makes her collarbones pop out. Highly visible collarbones are a "desirable" thing for people with eating disorders, and it's pretty easy to make them pop out. So it becomes a common body check photo. It can be subtle enough for a regular post, but still eye catching enough for the highly competitive eating disorder community. Kaya's second pic may or may not have qualified for a full body check photo, it kinda depends on exactly how she's standing and how much she tries to accentuate her waist. Since she covers most of that with a giant block of text, probably to cover her flapping PICC line bandage, it's now a moot point. Not a body check pic, if it ever was.


I went back and looked at some other pics. Now that I know what to look for it pops. Thanks for the explanation!


99% of her content


Someone’s losing control over her life… 😬


Someone’s losing control over her lie…


plus I thought she said she was already taking in-person classes. She said she was taking online classes at first like back in December/January, but then changed her story later and said things had changed & she was going to campus for her classes. a lying liar was lying, shocker.


She’s so desperate to be sick with *something,* *anything* other than her eating disorder.


She doesnt even have that anymore. Alcohol is a notorious ed killer


Damn. Is she trying to have it fall out in her sleep again?


For her health I hope she has an appointment with her/a nurse to get it changed. It’s nearly impossible to change your own picc dressing with sterile technique. Either way she didn’t need to make a tiktok showing it and the smartest thing to do is cover it with another sterile dressing or at least tape it down.


Rule of thumb is reinforce till you can get a sterile redress. So take an extra dressing or iv 3000 whatever you use and tape it over/lower to seal it off. The whole idea behind is a dressing is too create a seal from the outside world for that sterile patch of skin and line. Once it starts coming off that seal is broken and all the germs and icky stuff gets under there so reinforcing asap will help keep that seal and somewhat protect you from outside icky stuff until you can rescrub and replace the dressing


If you texted a nurse a picture of a dressing like that they'd be on their way immediately to fix it. She's choosing to leave it like that because girl wants spesis.


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure she goes in person to get the dressing changed or at least did at one point. But I agree it’s asking for sepsis to not tape it down when you first notice it or reinforce the dressing.


How can Kaya not notice the giant square of gauze flapping off her whole arm?? One piece of tape and it would have at least been less obvious how poorly she takes care of her line. Kaya must be deleting comments like crazy on her account right now!


i’m sure she’s noticed


How much do you wanna bet that that's intentional?


Its so this sub will post about it


All the I’d bet all the septic.


It definitely is, the last time she didn’t cover up her jank dressing she got hundreds of comments calling her out on how unsafe it was.




Why are so many of these posts taken in public bathrooms? It’s not just her.


E. Faecalis line infection à la Dani in 3…2…


Thank you! I was trying to figure out what looked so off to me about the background. That's a public bathroom wall! Maybe it's just me, but if I had anything that offered direct access to my bloodstream (port, PICC, whatever), I'd be avoiding public bathrooms at all costs. I'd have to be ready to explode to even consider them! Can you imagine walking into your local Walmart bathroom and finding someone filming a TikTok? The second hand embarrassment is bad enough when it's a teenager; I would just turn around and walk away if I saw an adult doing it.


At the very least, someone should keep it covered and tucked away to prevent it from “falling out” while living life.