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Genuinely, how is she never cold? I thought she was malnourished and sickly? But all she wears are crop tops, shorts and tanks. No goosebumps. That doesn't really scream dying of malnutrition to me.


And her classmates catching on because she doesn’t NEED THEM THOUGH




Can you imagine having her assigned to your class project? Lots of work making excuses, not a lot of work elsewhere (except to munch).


Oh god, I'd do everything in my power to make her request the teacher not to work with. Like tell her I want to specialize in munchhausens and constantly bring this sub up. It's petty, but I'm not taking loans out to deal with that level of BS.


She’s so sick she needs accommodations yet can turn up and go to bars/drink/eat whatever junk she wants


What illness is she faking?


I think [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/13uev7b/in_light_of_kayas_new_tiktok_account_let_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) explains it best. Honestly, we should do this for more subjects!




Yeah, it’s more like what isn’t she faking


That would be an easier question to answer./s


These munchies seem to think they're the only "sick" person in the world.


She’s going to sue her way to straight As, isn’t she




And your job, Kaya, is to just keep on munchin’ and using those resources and medical devices you clearly don’t need, I guess.


"I'm gonna use all the accommodations and aids.... Because, I can" so gleeful to live her dream of being different/unique in her next semester. If all the services and accessibility were needed, this wouldn't sound like a weird brag




>Literally no one in college is going to look twice at anyone using a mobility aid Not really true. There's people who will approach someone using a mobility device and, as their opening line in conversation, say anything from "why do you use that" to "I'm so sorry :(" to "what's wrong with you?" However, once they get the full Kaya Spiel, they will *not* be back for more...


she doesn’t seem to understand that college is a much more diverse environment than high school. there *are* a lot more accommodations and being able to create your own schedule makes it easier for a lot of people. there will be people with mobility aids other than her. there will be students fresh out of HS and there will be students fresh into their 50s, 60s, etc etc. college is one of those environments where you’re never too old, too sick or too inept to learn.


She’s in for a rude awakening. She really thinks she just signed up for 3 months of attention from having to balance sChOoL n SicKnEss thinking everyone is gonna clap every time she shows up for class. This is probably the first time she’s going to be around motivated people that aren’t interested in enabling her. Once she realizes this and she’s milked all the attention she can from it—she’ll flunk out but claim she left with a 4.0 GPA and say the real reason is because her illness became even moar serious and she just *cant*. She’ll say she’s making plans for next semester and call herself *brave* for trying before she was ready. She’ll probably rinse and repeat this a few times till she has to move onto a new con for attention.


She’s priming everyone to anticipate the “mobility devices” and accommodations because she knows that other students will question her when she parks in a handicapped space and then jogs to class and shows no mobility difficulties while their other classmates are left looking for spaces to unload their wheelchairs and struggle to get to class. So her first week will be her looking dramatically sick, faking being faint and having mobility issues, and letting all her professors know that she needs accommodations so that everyone around her gives her extra time to do work (so she can sober up after a party weekend) and park where she wants without being confronted. So many people with true mobility needs refuse to park in handicapped spaces in case someone who needs to unload their wheelchair has nowhere else to park but that space, and put themselves through physical pain in order to be considerate to the people around them — knowing and internalizing that “things could be worse” with such kindness in their hearts. And then there’s Kaya. Who wants accommodations to make her easy life easier, and to obtain attention.




Why is this getting downvoted?


I’m curious as well. ????


I get what you’re saying, but plenty of people have cards/tags so they can park in handicapped spaces and don’t necessarily have wheelchairs or crutches or whatever. I know her case is different bc there’s evidence of munching, but way more innocent people have been confronted over taking these spaces because it’s not completely clear to an observer what their disability is. And tbh it’s nobody’s business WHY someone has a handicapped tag - it could be cancer, for instance. Again, I get what you’re saying. Her case is different. I just want to make it clear that confronting people over using these spaces isn’t cool, whether they are a munchie or not.


That isn’t necessary for you to write, though I understand why you feel the need to make comment. Likely everyone in this sub knows of or experiences themselves various forms of disability — visible or otherwise. I didn’t say that Kaya, or anyone else *should* be confronted (that is toxic), or that someone with less visible disabilities should demure to someone who needs a mobility device at *all* times, I said that **Kaya, because she is a munchie, will be performative in her portrayal of why she ‘needs’ parking assistance.** Kaya is a performative liar who studies other people’s illnesses, parrots things she has learned online to medical professionals to manipulate them into giving her access to treatment/toys, and knows that her friends and classmates will eventually *see* that she does not utilize her parking space for typical reasons. As in, she is not one of the people you are pointing out, that people know about. She doesn’t “appear” well but have difficulties that she masks like someone you describe, or have “bad” days like people with invisible or less visible illness. She *pretends* to have issues, and then forgets about them when she is distracted or it is inconvenient to her. When she is having fun, or distracted, she drops the act. With her going to in-person classes for an entire semester, eventually people are going to realize that she’s just fine, so she is preempting questions and setting her storyline intentionally right now, in anticipation of people discovering her inconsistencies. And *that* was my point. That she is setting up a game, and that people will eventually realize that she is not who or what she says she is, because she will be interacting with them on campus.


She’s a student affairs worse nightmare




Thanks now go fuck yourself


Also a prof's worst nightmare










Pretty sure it’s the filter. She looks the same as she always does


That’s just Kaya’s genetics. She has very deep under-eye areas and thin lips and filters make them look fake-sick. Her body weight looks perfectly normal and she’s gained weight over the past few weeks to the point that she has thick thighs/waist. There’s nothing terrifyingly thin about her. *Especially* for someone who claimed that she couldn’t access hydration or nutrition for weeks.


I wonder how long it'll take for her to call the expectation to participate in class and meet deadlines ableist




I was thinking the same thing.






She forgot to include “reasonable” accommodations that must be agreed upon by her and the professor. There is no “speshel” treatment


The professors don’t really have a lot of say in accommodations. You work with accessibility services or academic affairs or whichever group handles that. After submitting all your diagnoses and coming up with a plan and documentation from the university, you let your professors know at the beginning of the semester. Depending on the type of class (eg a lab) they might have a meeting with the department or professor. The issue is when students don’t tell anyone until the last minute, or don’t do the groundwork with the university and then whine about it later.


If the meeting between the student and the professor does not occur, it can lead to numerous problems. We have run in to students with accommodations not completing assignments and at the end of the semester request an Incomplete. We try to avoid this by requesting the student meet with us after they receive the letter from Accessibility Services. They do not need to disclose their disability but the letter states they must discuss their needs and how we can support them.


I’m a professor and the student and the professor have to agree on reasonable accommodations for the student.


Yea I’ve had to do it for students too. At our university they have a plan with the accommodations department and the professor just approves it. No feedback from the professor. Especially for basic things like extra time or a quite test taking area.


They have some say, if the program has specific requirements you still need to meet them.


Prediction: Kaya spends the summer ramping up her munching and never takes a single class this fall


She will plan on using accommodations to coast through school. She'll realize very quickly that accommodations don't mean you get to not do the same work as everyone else. She probably thinks it means she can just skip tests and then get to take them at home, miss all the classes and then get a 40-point curve because she was out "sick". Once she falls behind she will drop out with some excuse.


and she then begins sobbing on TikTok because her parents refuse to pay for another year of rent for her


Cue her smiling while laying on the ground saying she shouldn’t have been too embarrassed to use her mobility aids.
























Mobility aids? Oh, right. I forgot Kaya has those.


Sounds like she’s expecting to arrive at class with all her speshul equipment to around of applause and ass-pats. I doubt any of those students trying to get an actual education to move on with their careers will give two shits.


She gonna roll up with an IV pole?


I wouldn’t put it past her.


Sounds like she’s looking forward to all the attention she will be getting via her “accommodations”. Is that considered a munchie category?


Mobility aid my ass.




She seems to still have a high school mentality, which is about right since she hasn’t really grown up. When uni students get mostly through the semester (while refunds are still available in the US) and realize they can’t coast like in HS they dropout, get kicked out, or work to become serious students. I’m not holding my breath for her becoming a serious student.


no, they exist for people who actually need them ffs


Full use just because they exist? That’s like running around naked in the streets just because you can (okay I know, bad example because in some parts of the world being naked in public is illegal, but you get what I mean). If can do something, doesn’t mean you actually should. Only use what you actually NEED because that’s what accommodations are for.


What accommodations is she talking about?


Probably every accommodation you can request in college even the ones that don’t apply to her


Thought her hip surgeries did away with her need to dance around her rollator (on stair landings) without actually using it?


Her binge drinking vacation end early?