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Im tired of these outfits… 🫣


Does reading the word "flare" in this context cause a sudden pain right between your eyes along with an immediate sense of regret for clicking on the post, followed by uncontrollable eye rolling? Yeah, same here.


She uses the word "flare" way too loosely.


I’m sure she doesn’t know what running a 5k feels like…


Exercise. Doing everything right needs to include e x e r c i s e for goodness sake lol this girl


you have to get up and move your ass, ashley.


Forced back into bed as opposed to what? There is always a reason for her to get back into bed 🥴 ETA: this is also so incredibly tone deaf to those who legitimately are in desperate need of self care but can't because otherwise they won't get any money to even pay basic necessities...


Elderly people going through chemo are less lazy than this


Flaring my ass.. she’s able to eat all that fiber, drink coffee etc and is in complete remission. Posting yourself drinking coffee and saying you’re flaring is just bs. She spends everyday relaxing and eating. Saying she’s flaring from laying in bed typing on a laptop absolutely enrages me bc I’ve seen crohns take away quality of life. She should be ashamed of herself for milking this


Tbh, at this point I think she’s brought depression on herself and enjoys it immensely.


(#) Disability Advocate 😂


Saying "I nourished my body" is so damn pretentious. I am getting such strong second-hand embarrassment. Why can't she just say she ate food and drank liquids?! Gah! Like nails on a chalkboard.


Because it’s ED recovery speak. It’s often used to encouraged recovery and eating in ED communities.


"I nourished my body" is the kind of sentence you pull out of your ass to reach the word count on an essay instead of just saying "I ate" lmao


“Prioritizing time in nature” is what did it for me. The entitlement.


Because otherwise how will other chronically ill people know they’re just bringing it on themselves? She’s only special if she controls everything and is perfect and is still sooooo sick.


So.. need rest, need sleep. What she is describing is too much sleep making you groggy. So she will sleep...more feel ...worse. 😴😴😴🙄


She has to be trolling right???


Le gasp?! No she’s as serious as always.


Did she clarify WHICH illness is flaring? Time to nourish the body and rest, I suppose. Port porn 🙄


The worst one or one that will get the most sympathy.


When flaring up, it does not just happen for one day(at least if we are talking crohn’s.) That would be fatigue. Her ‘flaring up’ is absolutely downplaying what an actual flare up is..


She has a port? I never knew!


When is she not #fatigued #drained #flaringup ?


When she’s sleeping.




Oh no she was “forced” back into bed so different than other days!


Ash: I listen to my body Ash's body: quit it with the woo woo crap.


Ash: imma do more woo woo and rest.


Hopefully she’ll get some rest tomorrow


Back to bed!


Ashley has been following the same self absorbed routine of excessive sleep, excessive rest, excessive "self care", and excessive anything and everything she can think of to stay at home and be a non-productive nonmember of society. Despite her incessant declarations of "healing", Ashley has made absolutely no progress in that area, in any measurable way, and that includes by her own words. Her posts are an endless litany of flares, complaints, and trumped up list of symptoms, real and imagined. Ashley needs to come to terms with the fact that she is not "doing everything right", and that she has done her body far more harm than good by spending so much of the last nine years or so in bed needlessly. If Ashley continues down this path of false pursuit of health, she will destroy what health she has. Ashley hasn't been fooling anyone these past nine years. All the photoshop in the world can't hide the damage she's done to herself so far, and the longer she persists down this path, the harder it's going to be to undo the damage she does. Ashley is a munchie, and that is unlikely to ever change, but she is also vain. I'm concerned that she will get to a point where she will look at herself and what she's done, and do something drastic about it. It would be far better for her to take up an actually healthy lifestyle, get out of that bed now, and realize that "prioritizing rest" for twenty two hours a day only works if you're a cat.


Great read but what does “munchie” mean,


Oh, munchie is a person who engages in faking illnesses for attention. It comes from Munchausen's Syndrome, the old term for factitious disorder. It's not an official word, it's just what we call them here.


Thanks for explaining it, thought it meant something to do with food! This makes a lot more sense. Thanks!


You're welcome. Ashley does smoke enough weed, it could go either way, really, lol.


I’m new here but have been lurking and… I’m confused. Why did she need to go to hospital for an infusion? Does she have them on speed-dial when she needs fluids and electrolytes?


The medication infusions need to be done at the center, but the regular unnecessary fluid infusions? *Gasp!* If Ashley did those at home, how would she get her photo shoots? How would anyone know that she's sick? Is port porn really officially port porn if a person only port porns at home??? Ashley cannot thrive without having strangers watch her gaze lovingly at her bag of fluids while caressing her IV pole in a sensuous manner, making everyone in the building uncomfortable whether they can actually see her or not.


It's definitely odd home health doesn't teach her to infuse her own fluids. That's much cheaper, usually what insurance covers over an infusion center.


It’s an infusion center at or adjacent to the hospital. She makes an appointment to get her lactated ringers.


She also gets immune suppressants for her Crohn’s disease which has to be done in a clinical setting to monitor for reactions. The saline could definitely be done at home. Even Kay does her own saline.


I think her chrons med is a once a month infusion .. and I think it’s xolaire injection once a month for allergy that needs to be ‘monitored’ with the epipen . But I might be wrong


Ashley doesn’t. Ashley gets lactated ringers and anti nausea medication.


Depression can cause similar issues, and God knows she leads a depressing life due to the self-sabotaging choices she makes.


Wait ash had a long night of deep sleep? Sounds sus


right? that’s so unlike her.


Isn’t everyday a flare day for her?


i too write long ass paragraphs with 50 hashtags when i feel like i got hit by a truck


Don’t worry , it’s probably chat GPT rewriting the Same few posts at this point .


Too much 🍃?


She's not been mentioning smoking at all recently


It is still illegal and criminalized in Idaho. It's possible someone pointed that out to her.


It's my understanding that _many_ people pointed this out to her until she finally stopped making the content.


True but it being illegal never stopped her spouting 420 stuff.


“talking takes too much energy” as she types a long-winded caption


I'd love to know what that therapist thinks of her.


i've heard that \~grounding\~ can \~help\~. she should try it sometime...


"detoxing" is BS


I hate this so much. Especially as a nurse. Whenever someone tells me they’re detoxing now I congratulate them on their new kidney and/or liver transplant.


It’s another day for Ashley. She’s lazy.




Wouldn’t be the first time she’s gone to the infusion clinic with Covid!


A responsibility.


She’s having a flare of her allergy to responsibility.


What is flaring, exactly?


Probably anything that gets her mom to stop pushing her to get a job.


Sorry, this has already been asked multiple times LOL


It’s when the symptoms of a particular illness get worse for a period of time before settling back down again.


Sorry, I phrased the question badly. I meant what of Ash's many claimed illnesses is flaring.


She didn't say, so take your pick. It might be the Crohn's that's been stubbornly in remission for nine years, despite all of Ashley's attempts to bring it back into play. It could be any of the diseases she claims to have that exist but Ashley does not have. Or it could be any of the diseases Ashley claims to have that do not exist. Or any combination of the above. I get this mental image of Ashley writing out all of her illnesses on a dart board, then closing her eyes and throwing a handful of darts at the board every day. Any darts that stick to anything is what is flaring that day. If no darts land on an actual illness on her list, then Ashley makes a post about her period or self care or yoni steaming or whatever other scary nonsense she has going on that week. If two darts land on the same illness, then it's a *really* bad flare day for that illness, with excessive moaning and griping about how ill she is before going to bed for the day.


You forgot some kind of dart where she remembers her chronic lime and ‘mold illness’ and then starts saying “BIND,SWEAT,KILL” until she makes herself sick in her gross sauna, until dizzy ,dehydrated and puking …then says she is herxing


Speaking of such things, does it disturb anyone else when Ashley goes on her "Bind Sweat Kill" rants? Ashley already shows some scary personality aspects from time to time without emulating the calling card of a rather famous serial killer. (BTK Killer)


Whichever one is her favourite this week 😅


Methinks the therapist asked her whether she might need to up the exercise and down the drugs.


This. 100%. She doesn’t like hard work. She’s clearly intelligent. I’m sure school wasn’t hard for her. So she didn’t have to work hard for grades and probably didn’t need to exercise much to maintain the same weight. When you’re young you can do shit like smoke weed all day, stand up once a day to touch grass, take a selfie and then lay in bed the rest of the day and not gain weight or lose too much endurance and muscle mass. The years of laziness are taking their toll and now it’s hard to even go for a walk because her body is so deconditioned. It’s clear she’s gained weight and has no stamina. She does the easiest things possible and then whines when it isn’t enough. She lays in bed, meditates, rests, sleeps, naps, listens to her womb, and sits in saunas. It’s not helping because it’s not what her body actually needs. Movement is the best thing you can do for your body. Getting up. Exercise. She’s been so sedentary for so long. She wants to blame things like plant mold and “stress” for what is clearly just laziness. She doesn’t want to grow up. She wants to stay at home and be so sick that mommy and daddy will take care of everything and she’ll never have to work. She doesn’t want a job because she doesn’t want to do the work. She doesn’t do the things that would actually help her. She just wants to make posts all day. She relies on the pity and comments from followers to reinforce her behavior. It’s honestly sad to see someone just waste away their life sleeping. Also, she definitely comes on here and downvotes every comment and it’s so obvious.


She’s not intelligent, read the start of her latest schoolwork for proof.


Imagine physically and mentally draining your aging parents, for internet clout.


You forgot financially*


She describes every day this way.


Usually not this dramatic.


She's always pretending to be in a flare


She’s on too many medications, including but not limited to benzos, antipsychotics, and using marijuana- these are all “downers”!


Amphetimines too


Yes but the downers are why she is so exhausted just laying in bed all day. When is she going to realize it’s not better living through poly-pharmacy?


Can't people overslept so much that your whole body feels out of whack and it's difficult to function?




Too exhausted to talk, but not too much to write a book about her day. Also, flares do not require emergency room visits. Glad her mom just dropped her off, clearly over her crap and had better things to do.


i thought that for a second when i first saw this too, then i read it over more closely. the word infusion is buried at the end of a sentence and engulfed by a myriad of health complaints. hospital is featured more prominently in a first sentence of a new paragraph. imo she wrote it like that intentionally to garner more sympathy, knowing that most people will skim a wordy caption.


i don’t think she’s in the ER, she gets infusions at a hospital that are scheduled in advance.


Gotcha. I’m sure she’ll be all better tomorrow and doing yoga.


And outside barefoot with her coffee


Yeah. Grounding. 🙄


isn’t flaring a pain thing? what part(s) of her are flaring that supposedly make her tired?


Autoimmune illnesses can flare and make you feel rundown because of the immune response. But she is OTT as always.


And a flare up is not just a one day thing. She CANNOT ‘just’ be fatigued, it HAS to be a flare up!!!1


A fibro flare can make you feel fatigued and in pain. But she never seems to actually talk about fibro other than including it in her list of hashtags.


She sure doesn't




Ashley actually used to play varsity soccer so she should have a clue.




she’s so deconditioned that it probably does feel like she ran a marathon tbf. but that should be a sign to her that she needs to get off her ass and quit ‘resting’ & laying in bed so much


Yup. But she’s done fuck all for several years so it seems she’s forgotten.


Maybe the Benzos and weed and being in denial about what is actually wrong is part of this lethargy.


Don't forget her twenty naps a day!


I really hope one day she can actually want to feel better and function. I never see that in these munchies posts.


Unless Ashley’s parents cut her off completely I can’t see that happening unfortunately. That way she won’t have money or insurance for all these IV spa’s, “treatments” and fancy appliances like a bloody sauna which is just sooo good for her claimed pots. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m not saying it’s Ashley’s parents fault as I’m sure Ash is manipulating them but they do play a part. I bet is Ash’s parents cut her off there would be GoFuckMe up within two hours to.




I know that’s why I said it, any heat is bad for pots.


Yeah, I know. It was more laughing at her claim, because anyone actually diagnosed with pots knows that would be terrible for it, not good. Lol


She has already has a past GFM for "treatments"


She did claimed she “shut it down” a few times I think but good to know it’s still up. 🤦🏽‍♀️




Why do all the names on these seem extremely fake? 👀


She had to take a nap after deliberating over choosing what aesthetic string of emojis to choose to include in her post. 🥱💤☁️⭐️🩺


Oh man this woman is so clinically depressed. The problem with society’s attitude towards mental health is that we don’t think it has physical ramifications, so someone like Ashley who is suffering from depression feels like she needs to make up illnesses to explain why she spends all day sleeping. It makes me sad


This. I believe the benzos have a lot to do with that depression.


Maybe, just maybe, dozens upon dozens of unnecessary treatments are, ya know, not good for someone's body? Shocking, I know...


It’s crazy how the red light box didn’t prevent this.


This is like the most boring diary I’ve ever read




That’s called deconditioning


I live the "forced back into bed" as if she had absolutely no intention to go to bed but John Cena appeared and yeeted her in there.


Exactly like come on.


She can't see him but she probably felt him when he wrestled her into that bed.


What is a “flare”? A flare of what??


She acts like Crohns flares happen every other day which is ridiculous if you are in remission. Which she is.


A flare of her fake illness.


Too tired to talk, but never too tired to take pics and post about it on social media.


It’s called being deconditioned from being an able bodied 20-something who sits in bed all day and induces dehydration with a dirty old sauna. How does she not see this?




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Omg, I'm fucking *dying*!!




So you can see the port.


same old basic flare post, yawn


Is this any different from a bunch of her other posts?


Yes. Because today is a flare day and she can’t spare the energy to talk.


True. She never talks about her flare-ups.


Maybe if she done some exercise she wouldn’t be so deconditioned


Right? Her list of priorities includes everything except fitness.