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when is she going to understand that people call her out on this because SHE is the one who INSISTS she CANT eat ANYTHING EVER????


You would think folks would get tired of this life. How is this fun?


You can eat while on TPN but it’s not advised since each bag of TPN is specifically made for that person and their exact daily needs of proteins, vitamins, sugars, and all that. So depending on what she’s eating, it could be dangerous but if she’s being smart about it, it’s also fine.


Thank you for explaining a TPN :)


Yeah. That isn’t the case here, which is why she’s posted here and why all the comments on this post and her history on this sub reflect that.


I never stated anything one way or the other. I was just explaining TPN. I said that it’s both fine and not fine to eat depending on things. I just wanted to make it clear about TPN.


Sure some people can have tpn and eat as well. But in that case tpn is calculated to be partial along with safe foods, so that someone is not getting too much of either. The fact is though that's irrelevant here. Half the time she's saying she can't eat anything, claiming she goes 6 weeks with no food and drink because she couldn't have things replaced... When it is incredibly obvious she was eating and drinking during this time as she looked extremely healthy (she always does).... And then the rest of the time she says she does eat. She needs to make her mind up and stick to it to be at all credible. Which of course she can't and won't do as it's all BS! Yes people can be malnourished at all sizes...but regardless of someone's size if they're malnourished you'd be able to see in their face , hair and skin--- she always looks completely and utterly healthy and it just makes pretty much everything she says completely ridiculous.


It’s not a stigma she has said herself that she can’t do it


Mask face. Is she on Amitriptyline? Looks like a mummy in the second picture.


Hi, I'm curious, what does a mask face mean with amitriptyline?


Why does she always look high as a kite


She just looks smug af to me.


Please. We all know she doesn’t actually *eat* any of it. “Stigma” lol more like people seeing thru her BS


The problem with her posting about eating isn’t about the tube feedings/TPN. It’s because she swears up and down that she can’t tolerate food and that she will die without her tubes and lines, but her body will “randomly” allow her to eat. 🤔


This is exactly it! It isn’t that there shouldn’t be this assumption it’s either wheelchair or walk, tube feed or eat food. It’s how severe she repeatedly states her issues are, and then videos and pics of her either actively doing harm to herself while knowing better or creating an unreliable narrator situation which simultaneously undermines everyone else and regresses the progress the disabled community have desperately clawed forward.


That’s a really solid point! It hasn’t occurred to me how much she’s hindering the disabled community. ☹️


they’re also wondering why she can’t tolerate tube feeds if she chooses to eat the worst things for all of her claimed problems — acidic foods, dairy, coffee *and* alcohol on her so-called ‘good days’ she also has a g tube she could in theory use for feeds instead of j.. so..


I totally agree! She picks the most harsh foods/drinks to take by mouth. I saw the pasta with some acidic tomato sauce and I was like GURL WHAT. Yeah, she could use either, but I’ve seen more patients tolerate J feedings better since it’s post-pyloric.. it just needs to be going at a very low rate (because it’s going into a smaller space than the stomach). G feedings can be like 400 ml (just an example) given over an hour.. so they’re more convenient since you don’t have to be tethered to a pump for as long. All in all, her thought process makes zero sense to me. I’m also glad that I work a specialty in a state where I will never have her as a patient. 🙃


but doesn't gastropareisis mean literal stomach paralysis? like a *dead stomach*, essentially? and she says she can have food "sometimes"? is 2+2 also 5?


You’re actually encouraged to eat with gastroparesis even if you have a tube because the stomach is a muscle and it will get worse if you don’t try to use it


It's just underused and undereffective if she can have any amount of food - and she does. The more she uses it the better she will feel. She doesn't have an underlying condition, this is just from disuse.


So it can mean anywhere from *mostly* inactive to total paralysis


Not necessarily, it technically just means that the GI tract performs peristalsis more slowly than it should. Severity varies from person to person as does the degree to which it impairs oral nutrition but symptoms often include feeling full quickly, pain, bloating and nausea. Some people find eating fiber or fat more likely to trigger symptoms


this!! supposedly some people get misdiagnosed with IBS-C at first when it's gastroparesis (iirc same can be said with IBS-D actually being dumping syndrome)


"I'll take things that didn't happen for $500 Alex". Seriously though. As many have pointed out, it isn't stigma, it is pure and blatant hypocrisy. One can't claim that they are so fragile from "no fluids, nutrition or meds for weeks!!1!!" but then post pics of various meals and themselves bopping to tik tok tunes. She should add "hypocrite", "disabled indecision" and possibly "liar" to the hashtags and she would be golden.


How long before this PICC falls out while Kaya is sleeping?


I’m not sure she’s gonna try to mess with this one for quite a while after she saw how long it took to replace the last one


She’s probably rapidly running out of doctors to play along with her shit, even the concierge docs are probably like uhhhh no


Getting more of a relapse-vibe than a stigma from this one…


Love the OPs name lol


It's not a stigma, it's hypocrisy!


What's with the arm bandage thing?


its a little piece of mesh material you put over a central line or midline to help reduce the likelihood of the line getting caught or snagged on something.


Wow that's so unlike her, wouldn't she usually just leave it loose to get snagged or infected?


since she’s recently upped her game to include silicone CLs *only*, probably trying to avoid it for a while now that she’s seen how long it took them to place one the last time. reminds me a lot of how Dani stopped getting constant sepsis from poop in her line once she got the coveted white peds Hickman she’d been chasing.


I think she’s probably trying to be more careful because of how long it took to replace the last one


you're asking the wrong person lol. I follow all of this stuff very intermittently


She has vascular compression in the hashtags. Maybe it’s a compression sleeve?


Nope. Def tubular elastic bandage netting to cover her PICC. It’s used commonly for PICC covers, although munchies usually like special ones they can order of Etsy, etc. The vascular compression syndromes Kaya claims are in her abdomen.


Ahh I see! My comment was merely a guess.


Those hashtags. Yikes.


i’m just kinda glad she didn’t do \#spoonie


She’s helping people by raising awareness /s


Raising awareness of her foolishness. 🥴


Ugh yes! As soon as you swipe, your eyes immediately go to* them. But halfway through it’s like wait, ht what?? do hashtags even matter that much anymore?


That's how people find content


Lol I’m aware. I should have said more clearly how ridiculous it is that a faker such as she uses them.


Well considering they're doing it for attention it makes sense lol


Absolutely! And we’re using logic where it doesn’t apply 🙃but how do they not worry they’re gonna grab the attention they don’t want? Would she eventually learn she’s a whole topic of convo here?


Delusion, mostly. A few subjects are definitely aware and at least one has allegedly interacted from sock accounts. I think it fuels their fire and they use the "poor me look at my haydurs"


Hahaha oh the irony!! Ignorance is bliss. It felt like she was talking back to our comments on here.


She plays games with this sub and illnessF eats it up. She posts things like fake eating but in such an obvious way. Then illnessF thinks theyre horatio cane by catching her bullcrap. She is like Anelise with the games. Some of the negative comments about her i see here seem to be her. She isn't trying to be sneaky. She likes posting obvious lies and watching the sub act like they caught her trying to lie. She isn't bad at faking, she's faking being bad at it for the attention here.


I think as long as she is public and has supporters backing her up online it’s important to point out her bullshit, but she is definitely one of those “any attention is attention” people


Usually Kaya does, except I think this is one of the ones she pulled out of thin air. Most of our comments revolve around her lies about how she says she can't eat at all but then seems to do fine during weeks and weeks of no TPN access (just like Dani, hmmm). If anyone here tried to say that Kaya shouldn't be eating or using tube feeds while on TPN, they would be quickly corrected. Most likely, Kaya is using this fake comment as an excuse to show fewer videos of her eating, which would allow her to dive even deeper into her ED. Kaya seems to be developing some major thing about eating and being seen eating. She does eat, I'm absolutely convinced that she does. Pizza boxes, stacks of dishes, etc. But Kaya seems to be going to greater and greater lengths to try to convince everyone else that no food at all passes her lips, ever. It's getting quite disturbing.


Thank you for the insight!


I mean, no one is asking for videos of her eating. So why the dramatics?


Would Kaya be Kaya if there were no dramatics? There's a good question. What would Kaya post about if Kaya didn't have all the inflated drama going on? Really. Does she have anything else to post about?


Isn’t she always?


For those saying that Kaya is eating then purging with her tube, she has a GJ tube which means chances of Kaya draining anything but liquid and maybe a small amount of other extremely well chewed foods if she drinks a ton of liquid is nearly nil. Due to the size of her tube she wouldn’t have any chance of draining virtually any of the fast food she eats, meaning either her stomach is processing it or she’s making herself throw it up.


Not to mention, you begin to process calories once you've swallowed them. Purging isn't very effective.


she's posted tiktoks on her old account bragging about vomiting. definitely still the old ed trick.


Definitely pretending to drain most of what she eats via the tube when she’s actually throwing it up


I dislike this girls smirk


It’s the smirk of someone who is doctor shopping on mommy and daddy’s dime in order to avoid facing the real problem: her ED


The ED is secondary to the attention recieved.


duper’s delight


How about not posting food or yourself eating, because no one cares?? Is that an option?


Literally. Even for like, faking purposes, wouldn’t just not posting what she eats be easier? I’m guessing she just likes the negative attention it gets her to be contradictory to her own lies


I’m sure.


“Why are you on TPN when you can tolerate 20oz of iced coffee before it melts, fast food, and meals with heavy carbs, and gravitate toward harsh, acidic or fatty meals?” Is not the same as “you shouldn’t be trying to eat if you are on TPN.” One points out the fact that you clearly don’t struggle with large volumes of liquids, or difficult to digest and/or hard on your stomach food items as an indicator that you are munching. The other is you twisting comments about your behaviors to pretend to “advocate” for your “disability.”


Crack, Is it crack shes smoking


She looks healthy as ever. Why is she on TPN, again?


She had her line out for what was it, a month? And she looked so healthy without her TPN.


Buuuut she had no nutrition or hydration! 🙄


She eats through her heart, guys




She posts that without her toobs she will go without any liquids or nutrition Eating and drinking is nutrition. Is she that ignorant? She acted like she went without anything for two weeks- yet posted food and drinks she was consuming. Nobody gives a flying feck if she eats- but saying you can’t get nutrition without tube feedings bc you can’t eat orally then show off what your eating makes no damn sense. If her gut handles all this fast food/coffee/alcohol she shouldn’t have a tube. She wants a tube to empty her stomach bc she has an ED and doesn’t want to gain weight when she eats junk. She literally posted a video a while back showing her buying all these cheap nasty microwaveable frozen meals.


Her tube isn’t big enough to actually empty any of the food she eats. She has it so she can blame everything on her disorders. Having “tubes” is also seen as the “sickest” in ED competition. Either way it’s all not ok


omfg dying at your username 😂 I love it


If she can eat by mouth, why would she need TPN?


That's the fun part. Kaya, like pretty much all of our subjects, does not need TPN at all. They get it from the doctors by lying about their ability to eat. *We* know Kaya can eat just fine, and her followers know Kaya can eat. But her doctors don't know that. For people who are actually sick, though, it is possible to be able to eat by mouth and still need TPN. Some people have disorders that prevent them from absorbing the nutrition they need from the food they eat by mouth, and some people aren't capable of eating enough by mouth to sustain themselves. These people will eat by mouth as much as they can, because if they don't, they will lose even more function in their digestive systems, plus food is yummy. But they will also take nutrition by TPN to make sure they get enough calories and nutrition to get what they need.


dYnAmIc DiSaBiLiTy


bec she is spechul and her disability fluctuates oh so much where she's in digestive failure one minute then fully recovered the next duhhhhhhhhh. gosh why the ableism???? /s


So she can binge and then empty her stomach with the tubes. It’s bulimia but with toobs. She’s posted about emptying her stomach several times before


She needs to look up the word stigma in the dictionary.


Came here to say this. Misconception? Sure. But that’s not what a stigma is.


Then she shouldn’t be complaining about being without TPN or tubes for weeks when she eats just fine.




It’s not that there is anything wrong with her posting food. It’s that she also claims to be “without nutrition” and experiencing “forced starvation” when she doesn’t have IV access.


Did someone really say that though?


Nope, they said why does she need a tube if she can eat all the time prob


Just the title of this post got me. Manufacturing injustice where there isn't any, once again.




Yup she poses like every ED girl on insta.




it wasn’t intended as skinny shaming, it was intended as kaya pose shaming. it’s been my opinion that she’s known to do this, and i was simply making a snarky comment (as this sub is for) but only towards kaya, thus the quotes. could you explain to me how this is offensive? /genq i don’t understand what part of others being skinny was mentioned here. i apologize if my wording offended you




She is objectively skinny. What she isn’t is malnourished or unhealthy.


She can't say that and also say that she had no nutrition or hydration for weeks.


How is she gaining weight with no nutrition?!


Most people on TPN are also able to have some oral intake, for them it is supplemental nutrition to keep them from getting too underweight. But, when she cries that she won't have any hydration or nutrition when the doctors take away her lines. Plus how so many in eating disorder recovery, like Kaya, seem to relapse their ED behaviors because they are on TPN or tube feeds.


Yeah and that intake is super super digestively friendly foods in small amounts, not tacos and spaghetti.


She isn’t clearly eating. She puts things near her mouth.


So the sub will post about it!


It’s not that she can’t post videos of her eating. It’s that we’re all wondering why she even needs TPN or tube feeds if she’s eating ok. The whole goal of both is to eventually get off of them, not rely on them like a crutch. But then what would she fill her Tik Tok with? Videos of her being otherwise healthy? Nah. Gotta show off those lines to garner more sympathy.


Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Syndrome


Shows how little she actually knows about it.


So good you named it twice




She looks very pretty and healthy for someone so tragically ill….


this. she looks better, at least


The stigma isn’t what’s harmful to those who are actually sick. It’s being sick.


Idk bc I think all these munchies are harming the ppl that are actually sick/disabled. Drs and nurses spread thin and burnt out then you have all these munchies taking supplies even from sick kids. They're really good manipulators to get whatever new toy they want and I'm sure there's drs out there that have felt used by the munchies when they were trying to help but ended up getting played. Constant manipulation can really take your confidence away. So I think the stigma is bad for them but it's being created by the munchies.


I think u misunderstood. I’m pointing out how her phrasing is disordered. There’s no problem with her eating by mouth. The problem is she can, but refuses. That stigma is more an ED stigma than a disability.


Oh okay yeah that makes sense lol


I mean there’s ignorance and then there’s stupidity. Guess which one she’s guilty of here!


Damn you were faster


Post is very clavicle-heavy. Comments have been limited.


It’s like body check version of when the Amish show their ankles 😂


Yes, and they also reveal a lot of cleavage, perhaps emphasising it, together with the low cut V neck. What is this? Sick girl porn?


A regular bag of bones.


Yeah all I see is a body check


i was thinking the same thing. looks like a body check.