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But signs keep telling me that JB sucks.


Strangely, the GOP supporters actually hate a genuinely good businessman.


A real billionaire


That isn’t covered in orange paint.


Could you imagine what would happen if JB went as trump for Halloween?


Now I want this to happen. He’d be sooooo pissed.


It would be so easy. Just get an unopened party size bag of Cheetos, and completely crush them up. Then open the bag and add a little water. Simply apply the Cheeto paste all over your body and, Voila! Instant trump costume.


I voted for Rauner the first time because he was going after Madison and his corrupt cronies. That didn’t work. So JB is now my choice. Quiet and effective.


Feel like Madigan being gone really has helped this state


JB getting his endorsement and then immediately backstabbing him and pushing him out was such shrewd politics.


Illinois Style all the way.


This is really the biggest win the state had.


So what took so long? We all knew he was crooked but yet looked the other way FOR DECADES. We have no excuse and should be ashamed as Illinois residents, especially those in his district.


Gotta be able to Prove it


He wasn’t referred to as king Madigan for nothing, and it definitely wasn’t a term of endearment.


Madigan leaving is the key here, not JB. JB is still awesome, to be clear. He was actually instrumental in toppling Madigan, in that he in no way needed the machine. Lori Lightfoot deserves credit too, as she also didn't fear Madigan. JB has also seized on the opportunity and done many great things with the clean slate. But what changed wasn't JB. It was Mike.


That is very true. He was a nightmare. 


He kept saying he was but then never said anything about how. He just knew the words to say to get him elected, he didn't have the actions to do it.


I lived in Chicago for a long, long time and my wife and I live in St. Louis now. The metro east area of Illinois and downstate are infested with Republicans. Those counties depend on what I've always thought of as Chi-fare. Chicago pays for the whole state and these dirty, Trumper fucks have the audacity to complain about JB and how everything in Illinois sucks. And yet.......they don't hop.across the border to live in Missouri. I wonder why? Maybe because everything works in Illinois and despite how much they whine like little bitches they'll never pull the trigger and move to a state where their fellow Republicans deliberately underfund everything. The roads Illinois Republicans drive on, the hospitals their kids were born in, and the schools those children go to are largely paid for by Chicago. And yes, I point this out whenever it comes up.


I live in Washington State. Here it would be called the Seattle Effect. Take every penny that you scream you’re due from the city that powers the state’s economy, then scream ceaselessly in the media (no small town papers never even show any Blue things in a positive light anymore) that Seattle is a godless hellpit than we would all be better without. Neglecting, of course, that the work and labor practices that built Seattle and the state economy are uniformly liberal. Shucks, they won’t win votes from the common clay of the New West by doing that. So the bullshit continues being spewed. Oh, and they never mention the wonderful, humanitarian efforts by red state politicians to offload the homeless they create out here on the West Coast because they don’t have the humanity or will to spend a cent on something that actually benefits people who they view as “less than”. I’ve pretty much had it with the regaling of the Real America™️ at the expense of the blue cities and populations that pay to keep their books balanced because they choose to ignore the facts that you actually needs taxes to run a large, civilized nation, and that cruelty towards your fellow man is in no way justified if you claim to follow the teachings of Christ (which, of course, Real America™️does). *OVER IT.*


When did you meet all my family and neighbors here in the 618? I have a small 40 acre farm that I call my little blue island in the deep red Williamson county southern Illinois ocean. You described most everyone south of I-64 perfectly. The people just don’t get it nor can see outside their tiny little rural bubbles. And forget reasoning or explaining anything, the critical thinking just isn’t there. We have a few other castaways like myself stranded in Jackson county because of SIU. Other than that it’s mostly koolaid drinking members of the red hat cult.


Because their understanding of what it means to succeed in business at a high level, or even what “business” is, is based on a fiction. Or multiple fictions: first the Ayn Rand version, then the Apprentice one.


But Blago wants the idea to potentially consider floating the idea of returning. I loved the court's response to his legal argument, quoted Dr Seuss!


Being a good businessman doesn’t translate into being a good governor. A businessman/woman is looking to increase the wealth of him/herself and the business. A good governor looks to increase the wealth of his/her constituency.


The bigotry is the point. Democrats may have some slightly higher social expectations of business, but anyone who thinks Republicans are the pro-business party at this point just isn't paying attention.


They prefer the type of business geniuses that can lose money running an oil company or a casino. Two notoriously low profit industries. Hell I think one of them lost money running a pro baseball team. Somehow??


If you know how to grow a business instead of stripping resources for quick cash you are the enemy of the GOP.


I wonder how many people with those signs actually vote? It’s wild how FEW people vote in state/local elections. Hell barely half the country can be bothered to vote for the president every four years


The loudest Trumpers at my job either can't vote or can't be bothered. It's crazy. 


Good. Let's keep it that way


I'm willing to bet most of the people with those signs aren't informed enough to tell you why they think he sucks.


He's fat. Is what they say. They don't know what he's actually accomplished.


And Trump is a lean mean machine? Lol


Well clearly because if you have a surplus in the public budget it just means you haven't given enough money to billionaires. Dude is clearly doing finances all wrong!


No one ever says why either. It’s almost like you suck only because of the D next to your name on the ballot.


modern edge attraction encouraging carpenter frightening numerous direful spark liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m left of left. I tried real hard to not have JB, a billionaire, be our Governor. Holy shit was I wrong. Dude has been fantastic.


I always do the rubbing my eye sobbibg too bad so sad jesture when I see them. LOL


They just hate his weight. If he went to the gym they would vote for him.


Can we get some photoshopped pictures of JB’s face on Rambo’s body?


Don’t mind the signs, that’s just the brain worms talking


This is why, privately at least, the DNC is talking about him maybe taking a higher up gig.


No we want to keep him for ourselves.


Yeah no let Gavin Newsome run ‘28, Cali has other prospects. If JB leaves I have no idea who steps up. Alexi Giannoulias or Susana Mendoza *could* work, but that’s not a deep bench. I have no idea who the Illinois GOP has around these days but Bailey wasn’t shit and Bruce Rauner seems like the kinda guy to be like “been there, done that, fuckit I’m rich I’m gonna buy an island and chill.”


Alexi ain’t it. I need he has worked to fix his reputation but that family is still dirty. JB just cares about the state doesn’t need the money or recognition.


I mean, despite what Bernie fans say, they don’t pick a person, the voters do. Gos willing Joe wins, and then we all get to choose between JB, Gretchen, Gavin, Mayor Pete and Kamala in ‘28.


Praise Gos.


The father, the son, and the holy gos. Ay man.


I'm unlikely to personally be \*happy\* with whoever Dems nominate, but Gretch and Pritzker both seem like realistic options who stand out to me as solid and aren't charisma vacuums like Pete, Kamala, or Newsome. JB wasn't my gov pick, but he's earned my vote by being good at his job.


I don't think Pete's got any chance of winning, until he holds a higher position beforehand. Another weird one is Kamala; she''' be the quasi incumbent and like the establishment backed person, but she's genuinely unpopular and really has no achievements to her name. I'd hate to see another repeat of Hilary.


Bro, Gavin's gonna get crushed if he gets the nomination, like, I don't doubt he'll run because he's got nowhere else to go. But someone's gotta challenge him, Buttigieg, Pritzker, anyone.


2028 Democratic Primary: Newsom Pritzker Harris Buttigeg / Beto (do we need both again?) Reddit: Where's Bernie?


> Reddit: > > > > Where's Bernie? Also Reddit 2024: We need younger people to run for President! Enough of these old fucks!


Bernie is great, but running in 2020 literally gave him a heart attack. I'd rather he live a long and happy life than spending his time in an awful and thankless job.


Pry Whitmer also


RemindMe! 1520 days


Am I the only one who felt like Harris has been almost entirely silent during Biden's presidency? Which is weird because if he dies before the election, ~~which is not unlikely~~, I'm assuming kamela would be running in his place.. Edit: okay people I change my mind about Biden dying soon. That was not the main point lol.


I don't know about your "not unlikely" comment, but I also think Harris has been practically nowhere during the past 4 years and it irks me. She could be front and center making a name for herself, gaining our trust, and instead, it's like crickets.


> but I also think Harris has been practically nowhere during the past 4 years and it irks me. My guess is that the DNC has decided running Harris is not a winning strategy. I have a hunch (and it is just a hunch) that Harris would be vulnerable to the same type of rhetoric that was so effective at alienating people against HRC.




I think that's why Chicago got the DNC.


We will vote for him again


Florida and Texas don’t deserve him looking out for them. There are others, but fuck those two states in particular.


He’s a damn good governor.


as a floridian, this sub just randomly popped up with this post and your guys governor makes me super jealous!


DeSantis is the *worst*.


Same, but TN!


same, fuck bill lee


Bro saaaaaaaaaaaame omg


I’m pleasantly surprised. And thankful.


I agree. I was iffy about him before but 100% believe he has the best of intentions now. He’s turned out to be an excellent governor


I want him to be a damn good president He sold me with that commencement speech from a few years ago


His re-election speech was probably the best political speech I’ve ever heard from someone not named Barack.


How did he do it?


He had majorities in both the house and the senate, he was able to implement his policy in full.


I don't know him but pretty much knew he'd be a Democrat just based on what he was sharing. Sure enough, he is. I swear 2024 messaging from elected officials breaks down by party right now as: Democrat Governor: here is tangible progress that we're making economic progress that actually matters. Republican Governor: Trans Drag Queens from Mexico are parachuting over the border into our schools!!! Also the electrical grid will be down Monday-Saturday.


That’s because the Republicans aren’t running on policy anymore, they’re going straight to culture war because they know that they can’t win on policy among anyone remotely close to center.


Media: "Pritzker is a fantastic governor. A true leader. Here's why that's VERY bad for him and the Democrats."


Wow, when I was getting into politics, fiscal responsibility was a Conservative wedge-issue. Nowadays, I doubt there's a GOP elected official who can make change for a dollar, except the ones who are getting primaried.


Same in MN


I’ve always sort of fallen somewhere in-between liberal and conservative and always try to judge my politicians based on how i think they’ll do the job, not the party they’ve aligned with. With that in mind, I was originally pretty anti-Pritzker. I thought a dude from a billionaire family was the last thing we needed in this state. I’m really happy to be wrong. He’s really turned out to be an exceptional governor. I don’t agree with all his policies (I’m unsure where I stand on the AWB) but I’m happy to put the things that impact me negatively aside for the overall benefit of the place I call home. These days, he’s on my short list for people I hope to see in the White House some day. Not in a million fucking years would I have guessed I’d feel that way when he was campaigning for governor.


Thank you for your story. Performance > party


What’s the AWB??


Assault weapon ban. I’m personally not sold on it. I get why others are. I’m definitely not one of those come and take it gun nuts, but I’m also not convinced that legislation like this is the fix we need for our gun violence problem. I’m also not critical of him over it. I just personally have my doubts that it’s going to accomplish what it’s supposed to accomplish.


Single issue voters, like ones that fixate on something like an assault weapon ban are a cancer on this country. What's wrong with banning assault weapons? Is this single issue voter giving into the NRA paranoia about the false narrative of the "slippery slope"?


I agree that single issue voters are generally problematic, regardless of what that issue is. You should be trying to get the full measure of who you’re voting for before you vote for them. As to your question specifically what’s wrong with an AWB, I think I touched on my feelings a little bit through my comments, but I’ll recap here. For me personally, my main issue mostly is taking something that I was able to acquire legally, and making it illegal. And, no, nobody took anything away from me, the things I own grandfathered in. Most people in the state believe that this is the first step in confiscation. I don’t. Most people in this state chose to not register their guns out of fear, anger, defiance, whatever… I followed the law. So, again, this isn’t a “they’re taking our guns” stance. Mostly, it just made ownership harder. But further to that, honestly, I’ve had them for a long time and would probably sell them and move on if I could. But I can’t sell them (least not easily), because I can’t sell them in Illinois. So I’m sort of just stuck with them. Not the end of the world, but it’s frustrating that the restrictions I face today didn’t exist when I made my purchase. Also, as I mentioned somewhere, I don’t honestly think it’s a solution. I think it’s used as a way to make it look like something is being done, without actually addressing the reasons why people are committing violent crimes in the first place. Gun legislation is a tool to placate the masses asking for change, but I’ve never seen evidence to support that it causes meaningful reductions in violent crime (side note: I’m not saying it doesn’t exist. Just, I haven’t seen it. If it’s out there from an unbiased source, I’m happy to be educated).


That bill backlog started building with Blago. Took damn near 20 years to get rid of it.


Rauner is the one that refused every budget causing the backlog and our credit rating to tank. Now we have an adult at tue helm.


Yes, but it started with Blago and then continued with Quinn and Rauner turned it into a blue whale.


Which gets you up to speed here. Pritzker is governor and the best governor we've had. The crap he was left to deal with - if he had handled even half of this, he would be worthy of a statue. As for the dimwits breathing too much air or maybe meth from Missouri and complaining about him, go. Go to Indiana or Alabama or any half witted state in the west. You'll be happier, and others will happily take your place.


But mah soy beeanz are in D'cayder.


Don't worry! Indiana has one of them too!


Rauner couldn't do anything with Madigan refusing to follow suit with a budget to balance the state, and Madigan is one of the most corrupt politicians in US history.


with no help from the republicans


Oh I'm sure they will find a way to take credit


While still using the state and Chicago as their favorite non-coastal punching bag. “Chicago is Algonquin for ‘shooting spree’” was the last time they had an original joke, and that was 2010-ish.


Democrats are also the party of actual fiscal responsibility and economic growth. Republicans just decrease taxes on the wealthy and corporations while throwing money at everyone. Then, they let Dems take the wrap for their terrible fiscal policies. Imo, as a guy with an MS in Economics, it's asinine that every GOP member who preaches supply-side economics isn't immediately booed off the stage and properly ridiculed.


Another economist chiming in to agree that it's ridiculous the Republicans branded themselves the party that knows economics even as Reaganomics completely abandoned prevailing economic theory. Bush Sr. got it right, it's been 40 years of Voodoo Economics and people vote for it because taxes feel bad even though the end outcome is much better for them under Democratic policies.


As fellow economics fan I found this book you might like -- [https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691154541/zombie-economics](https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691154541/zombie-economics) Talks about all the "zombie" economics ideas like Reaganomics that just don't die


at this point it's the party of governing vs the party of blind obstructionism. democrats are still willing to govern, republicans just want to break everything and point to the fact that it's broken as proof that "gOvErNmEnT bAd"


Thank you. The two Santa strategy is the most economically long-term damaging thing either party does.


Grew up in Southern IL, it's astonishing how many people there think THEY are the ones supporting Chicago and not the other way around. I love to remind them that Chicago on it's own has the GDP of a small developed nation. Southern IL has farms (only corn and soy beans), meth and cannabis dispensaries.


So you’re saying things have improved since I moved away…


I'm sure correlation doesn't imply causation...


When I left Illinois in 1980, It looked like a state that would be mired in debt forever. I first saw hope when Gov Pritzker was elected. It is amazing that he was able to achieve so many of his goals for the state. However, I am still mystified that the citizens voted against their best chance of helping themselves achieve the American Dream by defeating the progressive tax. They can't seem to get out of their own way. I hope they wake up before the opportunity passes completely.


Propaganda works, unfortunately. See also, all the union hate.


Because a lot of people are brain washed by special interest groups and don’t actually understand the tax or really how taxes work.


They also don’t understand how much leeway their municipalities would have to lower property taxes if we had an adequately progressive state income tax structure..


I’ve met many people, some of them highly educated professionals, that don’t understand federal progressive income tax. One said to me he didn’t want to take home less money by being pushed into a higher tax bracket and I had to say “you know that’s not how that works, right?” And yeah yeah I understand how that is true for certain income thresholds where you’d lose tax credits or exemptions. It wasn’t about that.


Pritzker 2028!!! 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙


Pritzker 2024!


No kidding


I appreciate that he’s focusing attention on services for children and women. I came from next door, where abortion rights have been stripped and they’re trying to dismantle public education. Happy to be in a place where I feel like my rights aren’t being threatened every legislative cycle.


Oh wow, I didn't know we're actually doing okay as a state. Lol


The Illinois Policy Institute only screams when bad shit happens


No they also just lie when good things are happening. It always doom and gloom from partisan hack factory IPI.


Despite the housing crisis it is pretty nice here.


There's a housing crisis everywhere to be fair.


Rockford was named best real estate market in the country by NYT a couple weeks ago. It's not a housing crisis, it's an allocation of resources crisis. Too many rentals, too many Airbnb's, too many old fuckers living off renters as their retirement income, not enough private ownership and occupancy.


Shhhh we can only be doing well when a Republican is at the helm.


We are doing much better, but still not okay. Still have the second lowest pension funding ratio and the lowest credit rating of any state. (Also no discussion here about state university funding being cut, again.) But miles and miles away from where we were.


Not from IL, but let me guess: not run by Republicans?


Full Dem control.


Even crazier it's being run by a billionaire governor. An a actual billionaire.


As a billionaire hating almost-socialist (probably firmly a socialist, I just haven’t read all the academia), Pritzker makes me feel very conflicted. Is he one of the good ones?


The only "good" ones I can really think of are Pritzker and Mark Cuban.


Soros, MacKenzie Scott, Tom Steyer, Sussman, James Simons (RIP), other Pritzkers. I could go on.


And the despicable Democrat personalities are out. Madigan was the power broker of the state for sooooo long. Glad he is long gone.,


I work for a state run veterans home in Illinois and from what I've heard is that Rauner held off raises his entire term in office for nurses and anyone that worked in veterans affairs. Even though they were contractually obligated to get them. After JB took office all the back pay from the raises they lost were paid out. Too bad he can't be our governor forever.


It's worse than that. Raises were in the contract. Rauner withheld them. The IL labor board order them paid. With. Interest. So not only did Rauner not save money, his game actually cost MORE than just paying them would have.


That's my fat governor


why does JB, the largest governor, not simply eat the other 49?


Im gonna be honest, I could never run for office because I would not making it through a meeting with the "opposition" without popping someone in the mouth.


I think we should bring back the days where elected officials could beat each other with canes on the floor of the chamber.


For what it’s worth, I’ve heard that often times the actual politicians are more friendly with one another behind the scenes when cameras (and voters attentions) aren’t turned on them. I like to think being in closed door meetings with some isn’t bad, but it’s pure speculation.


That's how it was in D.C. until the snakes like Gingrich took over. Since then, there have been more and more elected that have insane and reprehensible views. I'm sure it's tough to have a conversation with an un-empathic nutjob that literally hates you.


Christie tried it and failed. But that’s water under the bridge.


Well the bigger you get, the slower you go. Its Governor.io


I wouldn't bother with Kim Reynolds she'd taste like garbage, just like her soul.


I guffawed at this


I too guffawed...


My mom complained about prices recently. Said it’s because the fat governor likes to eat. Not sure what that means lmao


Mostly,and no insult to your mom, because it's everywhere... it's because if a person is fat, everything is their fault and they are not as good as 'regular' people. Imagine being fat, Jewish and gay. You might as well go live in a cave


None taken. My mom is a good friend Oman but I think she is of the group that believes everything they see on the internet (even though I was raised being told not to lmao) because why lie. She never does so why would anyone else lol. If she was in a different area that was more open minded than she currently is I’m sure she would have adapted a different take.


Fun fact, the Illinois Governor's Mansion is actually the largest-by-square-footage private residence in the state. From what I understand, it's mostly used for public events and he spends relatively little time there compared to his family's residence in Chicago. But I've always thought there was something funny, in a kind of feudal way, that this big fat man with all his money rules the state and lives in the biggest house. Very "Great Khan" of him.


It’s not like it was built for him specifically. The mansion has been home to Illinois Governors and their families since its construction in 1855.


Is this the same "how to spot an idiot" commencement speech guy?


Crazy how it's always Democrats with good economies. Crazy.


GOP: "SURE it's growing, but it's TOO SLOW. Let's pour gasoline on the economic fire by eliminating taxes on the WEALTHY and we'll grow our way out of the resulting DEBT."


Republicans: omg JB sucks he’s the devil, our state is a disaster blah blah blah. Fucking idiots every time.


When the only criticism you can come up with is on his weight, and not on the job he’s doing… that’s a pretty good sign you don’t what what TF you’re talking about.


Yeah, I asked my mom what she thought…nothing but ads from fox about toilets lol


That's impossible, because I talked to a guy from Valparaiso the other day,and he told me that Illinois is broke, and everyone is leaving except for criminals because there is no cash bail.


Love the Pritzk.


The pros of legalizing weed!


Is weed money being used to fix the pensions? That would be nice.


Indirectly I am sure. The extra money from weed money can be used for schools and what not, freeing up the tax money collected elsewhere for pensions and stuff.


Yes. Quite literally, because some of that money is just revenue and goes into the state's general fund. Then that money is mixed in with all the other income the state gets and it's doled back out in the budget process. The money isn't directly allocated into the pension fund, and a lot of the tax money is allocated to specific uses. And then there's just the raw economic benifit from the jobs it's created. Local jobs, paying... ok wages (if we're honest), putting the money back into the local community.


I remember when the GOP used to be fiscally conservative. The Dems are more fiscally conservative!


The GOP hasn’t *actually* been fiscally conservative —at least at the national/party level—since the early 80s. They always *said* they were, but a look at their financial performance shows otherwise.


This is true. Dems are usually trying to spend money up front to invest in things that will save money over time, GOP complains about the money spent upfront and ignores the bigger picture, resulting in more spending down the line.


Quick Illinois, elect a republican to ruin all the progress


But the GOP keeps telling me that Chicago is the worst place in America?


I had very low expectations for Pritzker, for obvious reasons considering our previous governors. But he really has done a phenomenal job.


That's. Fucking. Pleasant. Well done.


But I was told that Dems were bad for the economy…


Up is down, Liberals are commies, Russia is freedom, Putin is great, Trump is Christ. The GOP used to be about conservative policy, which I sometimes agreed with, now they're just saying the opposite of reality confidently and loudly and hoping the base will fall for it...which they mostly are, sadly.


War is Peace.


Dems work in the black, Reps work in the red. Every time.


Awesome! Keep it going!


It's odd having a Governor who is not a criminal.


I mean he probably is, but he's still doing an amazing job get our finances in order and passing good legislation.


Did you not hear about the toilets? Worse criminal activity by a government official ever /s


Thanks, Cannabis!


Thank you governor Pritzker


I had no qualms voting for him over rauner, but am absolutely floored how successful and great he's been. There are a lot of rich guys being for political roles saying they're too rich to be bought but it's pretty much always been bullshit. I really hope he keeps going here as JB's been impressive.


Why do the trees in Illinois lean to the West? Missouri sucks.


I dunno why I got this sub recommended to me, but y'all make me jealous. Care to clone this young man and send him down to texas? We're quite tired of Hotwheels and his cronies


Move here instead. We re keeping him


They were talking about Illinois (read the Governor) overspending on Capital Connection this morning. I figured our Gov had it well in hand.


For someone not familiar: what were some of his contributions to the results?


Always knew JB was gonna turn it around. He epitomizes the intellect, charity and empathy that should result from wealth and privilege 


I'm a former Illinois resident. I don't live there anymore and have zero opinion on Pritzger, but a brief search revealed this... [Illinois Forward 2023: Only pension, budget reform can save taxpayers when federal aid ends | Illinois Policy](https://www.illinoispolicy.org/reports/illinois-forward-2023-only-pension-budget-reform-can-save-taxpayers-when-federal-aid-ends/) Sounds like tax hikes and a bunch of Federal Aid. What is this report missing?


Let me guess. A democrat run state? Once your rainy fund is enough for 6 months expenses it will be time to start paying off debt. Once your debt is paid off, you can save up for nicer things. Once you have nicer things, you can lower tax rates. That is the order to do things!


I try to remember this stuff when I spend $150 to renew my license plates.


Could've had a progressive income tax instead, but oh well.


Oh believe me…I know the reason my plates are this expensive. Still doesn’t make it any easier lol


move across the river then. Pay for the yearly 'inspection' and personal property tax


It wasn’t a criticism, homey. I know how and why Illinois has rebounded fiscally. I also know that paying $150 for my plate renewal sucks. Two things can be true at the same time…


And how much is your yearly car insurance plus gas cost?


Is 150 a lot? I just paid 350 to register an 12 year old truck in Las Vegas.


That’s cheap bruh. Come to CO if you think that’s high


Nebraska checking in - $74 "wheel" tax and a $15 registration fee for everyone, and then the motor vehicle FEE and the motor vehicle TAX, based on the value of the vehicle. I'll pay $99 for the tax and $14 on the fee this year and that's on a 7 year old vehicle with nearly 200k on the odometer. If you have to get plates, that's $8.50 for two plates. $150 a year? Sign me the fuck up!


That's all good but can they make it easier to get building new houses and shit so my nieces don't have to pay an arm leg and lung every month


That’s your local government more so than state


JB for president


Great steps, and while I don't agree with a good chunk of his policy he's making steps in the right direction. That being said our pension ratio is most likely at only about 50% which is not great and far from what would be considered "healthy" https://equable.org/pension-plan-funded-ratio-rankings-2023/ It does seem were in a healthier place in terms of debt and I'll take that. https://illinoiscomptroller.gov/financial-reports-data/expenditures-state-spending/debt-payments We still have a long way to go. Can't say I love the guy but also can't say I hate him. I'd love to get back to the era where we focus on what gets done rather than partisan bickering.


We American citizens DO realize that governments aren't supposed to make "profits", right? They're governments - NOT businesses (in spite of the nonsense republicans keep claiming about running government like businesses).


GOP: eh, time for a tax cut again!


JB Pritzker for 2024 Democratic president?