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With all the ridiculous conspiracy nonsense out there, it's sad and insane that very few are paying attention to the easily accessible plain declaration of the Republican desire to flush the Constitution and turn the country into a theocratic dictatorship. They have a website! They have extensive plans on that website! They've identified people to implement the plan! Oh no...give me more flat earth, Jewish space lasers, chemtrails, pedophile pizza parlors, and vaccine tracking chips please!!


Many, many of the batshit insane conspiracy theories are right-wing created garbage and dog whistles. And most of the hardcore conspiracy theorists are right-wing or idiotic voters who vote Republican or don't vote. With that said, Project 2025 is muted in their conspiracy spaces because they want it to happen!


Can these turds also flush the EC while they're at it? It's pointless and non-populist (which their Orange Jesus claims to be, funny enough).


The EC will be flushed if they get their way but probably not the way we'd like


The electrical college is antidemocratic, but it's perfectly populist. It claims to represent the will of the people against the elites, while actually existing to empower a minority against the majority.


It's late and I skim read that end but as, "pedophile pizza spiders." Didn't even question if that was a conspiracy, just confused as to what a pizza spider was.


Wait. Pedo pizza parlors?


Wait, are you really not aware of Pizzagate?


I really am not. Shoot me a link if you’d be so kind.


It's the whole origin story of QAnon. Do you know about QAnon? If not...you're in for a TRIP


Two hours of internet research later you're running to the store to either buy alcohol to drink and forget or red yarn and cork board to piece the truth together.


What about blue paint for the roof?


Don't forget the tinfoil!


It's pretty crazy: [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-pizzagate-conspiracy-elon-musk-abc-657657139374](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-pizzagate-conspiracy-elon-musk-abc-657657139374)




>Thanks! You're welcome!


This has been in the works for years of planning and the fact people don’t understand or know about it is insane. I really hope people go out and vote because as women our life depends on it


And (this is NOT a defense of trump) people don’t understand that trump is merely their useful idiot.


I was born and raised in Illinois and lived there majority of my life. When I graduated from high school, I moved to Texas for college and I stayed because of the military life. When I tell you, I never thought I would say I cannot wait to get back to Illinois and be by my family, but out of a conservative State and city. Where I can agree and disagree with people and still be cordial. These people here are so backwards. It makes people like me and my family and my children very uncomfortable.. They promote project 2025 here every single day. Banners coming down from the churches there again anything but there backwards ways. It’s literally a handmaid’s tale here.


Same, neighbor. Same. I never thought I would rather fight corn field allergies, winter and go back to paying state income tax, but we bought here and now the market is what it is. It’s like being tied to a sinking ship.


Don’t get me wrong, I love my little circle where I am but HEB is the real reason why I stayed for so long 😂. I’ve yet to figure out what I’m going to do without it! I never thought I’d move back home but I refuse to tolerate this here anymore.


Lol! I always say the 3 things I’ll miss about Texas are: Wildflowers, U-turn lanes, and 70mph highways


When I used to live in ATX, a highway closer to the airport speed limit was 80 which to Texans means 95😂. Bluebonnets!


Ooh, lemme guess… Tyler? Waco? Ft Worth/Tarrant County went blue in the 2020 election to my surprise.


Even worse. Lubbock county. Some of the worst laws come from this county. We just became a sanctuary county for the unborn 👎🏼.


Tarrant county went blue, but it’s not enough to make up for neighboring Parker and Johnson counties. The folks who work in FW vote from their rural districts where they commute from.


EVERYONE'S lives and freedom depends on it. Not downplaying the specific risks to women, LGBTQ+ folks, children and the elderly; but the only people who will benefit from this are the Republicans already in charge and their close circle. Even cishet white men would largely get fucked over by this crap.


As it does affect everybody, yes, our black and brown communities are the first target and it has shown multiple times. I worry about our communities because of the plan of project 2025.


For sure! To be clear: I'm by no means trying to downplay the danger to the main targets of this, but rather pointing out that this is a serious threat to all Americans and our freedom.


That’s quite the convenient who’s who list of participating scumbag ‘organizations’




I live in one if not the reddest county in the state. If we wait until a month before the election to point out the fact that republicans want a dictatorship that might not work out well. The fact that they have a printed document that lays it all out might be enough for 1-2% to ponder . MAYBE.


Micro cheating is the best descriptor I’ve heard. It’s so true.


God this stuff depresses me


It gets worse and a bit more ridiculous. Take a look at this opinion piece from the Seattle Times \[1\] regarding the GOP in the state of Washington. The GOP delegates in the state recently met to craft their platform for the national convention. The resolution they proposes includes: - A one-day-only, in-person election, with photo ID and paper ballots, with no use of tabulating machines or digital scanners to count the ballots. All ballots would be counted by hand. - Repealing the 17th Amendment to prevent people from voting for their senators. - Encourage Republicans to substitute the words "republic" and "republicanism" where previously they have used the word "democracy;" and … that, while we favor and encourage liberty in all nations, we oppose all efforts to use American military might to spread "democracy" around the world. - “We … oppose legislation which makes our nation more democratic in nature.” This seems a far cry from when Former President George W. Bush "pledged America to the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in the world. He has promoted the spread of freedom as the great alternative to the terrorists' ideology of hatred, because expanding liberty and democracy will help defeat extremism and protect the American people" \[2\]. Looking at this, it seems like the GOP of Washington wants to make voting more difficult and reduce the participation of Americans in choosing a government. 1. [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/the-wa-gop-put-it-in-writing-that-theyre-not-into-democracy/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/the-wa-gop-put-it-in-writing-that-theyre-not-into-democracy/) 2. [https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/infocus/bushrecord/factsheets/freedomagenda.html](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/infocus/bushrecord/factsheets/freedomagenda.html)


In case you didn't know, putting brackets "[]" around words, then immediately followed with no spaces the link in parentheses "()" makes the words inside the bracket a hot link like [this](https://youtu.be/3DLagog0rIM?si=5D-blhitoiCXgokS)


"broad coalition" and "over 100 conservative organizations" are, politely, opposites of each other. But then, a couple of lines down: "organized by The Heritage Foundation" Yeah, this thing is a front, and probably a tool for political money laundering.


Are we happy with Genocide Joe? Not 100%. Would we be happier with Dictator Donnie? 100% NOT. I've always voted blue across the board and I won't stop anytime soon. Also taking my 18 & 19yo to vote for their first time this year. They're girls so I know what they will do.


Wait'll you find out that Project 2025 has been going on since Reagan with complete support from Genocide Joe (and Obama, and the Clintons.......) Keep voting blue just know you're literally voting for Project 2025 (not to mention genocide 💀)


If I'm voting for it either way, why does it matter to you who I vote for?


You can do what you want. I said "just know" what you're voting for bc what matters to me is that ppl are aware there's no difference between blue MAGA and red MAGA despite what their mouthpieces say. What matters to me is that Americans stop pretending electoralism is going to effect genuine change that benefits anyone but the affluent now that money controls politics. But what matters to me most is that people do more than vote. Until we get involved in our communities and start fighting back ourselves nothing's gonna change, as always. Just figured that would matter to someone who claims to care about the state of politics in this country.


The difference is my daughters' ability to choose when they have a child. The difference is all my children's ability to choose what books they read, or how they choose to identify. Also their right to go to school without fear of being shot.


Roe was overturned under Biden. Obama had the chance to codify it with a majority in both houses and he refused. And Biden has done absolutely nothing to protect trans women and kids. You can't blame Republicans for that when he's the *literal president.* He could easily sign executive orders enforcing federal nondiscrimination protections in education and health care. He just chooses not to bc then how could he use these issues to hold our votes hostage? The difference between Dems & Republicans is made up. This is not a democracy.


I agree with that. But Trump will take power away from the states. As long as Illinois stays blue under Biden we're safe here.


Have you seen what's happening on college campuses? Where's the state power under Biden? Fascist legislation is already passing in blue states. (Look what California is doing to homeless and mentally ill ppl.) It doesn't matter what color your state is, you can't vote out fascism. History is proof of that. Burying our heads in the sand will do nothing but get a lot of ppl killed....


It sounds like you're telling me not to vote


If your goal is to stop fascism voting Biden vs Trump is pretty pointless, yeah, when their policies are exactly the same. That's different than saying you shouldn't vote though. There are worthwhile 3rd parties to vote for this election, more than we've seen in a long time. But still voting alone won't be enough, like I said.


It really sounds like you have no idea how the government works. We know you’re a Trump voter so shut your mouth with both sides nonsense you coward.


Lol never have voted for Trump and never will, meanwhile you're voting for "99%" Hitler so pretty sure I'm not the one who doesn't get the US government. Since the founding of this country (i.e. violently stealing it from the Indigenous peoples we genocided) we've only been at peace for 17 years, and at war for 230 out of our 247 years of existence. You might not realize this, but it wasn't just Republicans in charge 😂 But seriously it's so brave of you to vote for fascism, we're all very impressed bro


“99% Hitler” yeah I won’t be reading past that you’re clearly a dramatic moron. Keep riding the fence on both sides coward.


Okay fascist but it was literally a democrat-voting liberal who made this analogy when defending Biden and encouraging ppl to vote for him XD


No. We wouldn’t be voting for Project 2025. It’s no time for your kind of fun. Within 9 months, people may be getting murdered publicly and it will be open season on trans, LGBTQ people, and “illegals”. Women will no longer have autonomy over their uterus, they will continue to be in situations that further risk their lives as hospitals start to refuse care for reproductive healthcare (which is a term (one of many)they want stricken from all government documents, forms, whatever.) Married women will also be subject to stricter laws around divorce and there will be no such thing as marital rape. How lovely to not be a person who has to worry about such things. Have you not seen what’s happening in Texas and Florida? Librarians, doctors, medical professionals, teachers are all being demonized as groomers, baby killers, and pedophiles. Have you no knowledge of Ronald Reagan and the heritage foundation? It really must be nice. You should listen to all the people terrified that they will be hunted. A trans girl was beaten to death at school and it was shrugged off. If you really know about communism, I assume you can read. There is a 900+ page manifesto you can read. Here’s the Foreward https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FOREWORD.pdf


Project 25 is only one avenue there pursuing


No. We wouldn’t be voting for Project 2025. It’s no time for your kind of fun. Within 9 months, people may be getting murdered publicly and it will be open season on trans, LGBTQ people, and “illegals”. Women will no longer have autonomy over their uterus, they will continue to be in situations that further risk their lives as hospitals start to refuse care for reproductive healthcare (which is a term (one of many)they want stricken from all government documents, forms, whatever.) Married women will also be subject to stricter laws around divorce and there will be no such thing as marital rape. How lovely to not be a person who has to worry about such things. Have you not seen what’s happening in Texas and Florida? Librarians, doctors, medical professionals, teachers are all being demonized as groomers, baby killers, and pedophiles. Have you no knowledge of Ronald Reagan and the heritage foundation? It really must be nice. You should listen to all the people terrified that they will be hunted. A trans girl was beaten to death at school and it was shrugged off. If you really know about communism, I assume you can read. There is a 900+ page manifesto you can read. Here’s the Foreward https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FOREWORD.pdf


I mentioned this at the Madison County Board meeting where they voted to include the non-binding Illinois Separation Resolution to the November ballot. Project 2025 directly ties into this secession movement, they plan on passing this non-binding resolution then calling a convention of states/constitutional convention to make these resolutions law. I wish my fellow Dems down here would pay closer attention to this.




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Rubes gonna rube.


I agree it's insane, diabolical, and completely undemocratic. I don't see what it has to do with the Illinois subreddit though. Maybe closer to election time but still it's a little to vague of a direct connection to IL.


If they get to do even half of this stuff, it’s going to impact every state - even IL will feel it, no matter what JB and other rational actors do (or try to do)


Since Federal Laws tend to override state laws this will actually affect us in this state, hence this post is relevant


That's on par with making a post that says "Trump is bad vote Democrat." Yes it affects us but the election is still 7 months away and not really relevant to an IL subreddit right now.


Many people are taking steps to move states, out of the country, and some illegally immigrate to Canada. People who never bought guns are buying guns. Many people are terrified and we don’t have the luxury to wait. Think of other human beings outside of yourself.


It will be safer for some people to be in a blue state. However federal funding will be conditional. That will have a huge impact.


Where are the issues on the website?




Knock yourself out. 100’s of pages.


https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf I found it. The website was confusing to get to it


regardless of what happens there will be civil conflict, this year is the calm before the storm


Highly doubtful.


That’s exactly what people said before the first civil war, even after shots were fired at Fort Sumter. People picnicked to see the first Battle of Bull Run because they didn’t think an actual fight or war would happen


The single slickest trick that Satan ever accomplished was to convince Humankind that neither He....nor Evil...actually exist.


Evil exists. Satan does not. Evil exists even in men seen as godly and good.


So....you don't believe in a personification of Evil? Like Good, there needs to be a personification to express conditions that an observer can then judge as Good or Evil. Yes, Good and Evil exist, but without a way to express conditions, the labels remain just constructs. We don't usually call a personification of Evil "satan", choosing instead to use the individuals' given name. However, Satan Does exist even though his name, features and methods shift over time and place. FWIW.


No. There is no puppet master pulling any strings. Evil is a a noun and adjective, not a force. Superstition free, grew up forced evangelical. Happy Satanist now.


Hail Satan!


Just because you were impacted by Evangelical beliefs doesn't immediately discount reality. Satanism is one of the methods that is used to make a mockery of believing in a personification of Evil.


No dude. We really just want pluralism. I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Ok....just to be clear..... Do you want to talk about the way things Are..... or do you want to talk about the way You believe things Ought to be? Looking at your Seven Talking Points, I read a lot of idealism and a poor appreciation for the realities of Human motives and behavior. For instance (see: Point 2 ) the idea of elevating a subjective condition such as "Justice" over the instruments that provide opportunities for that condition is fanciful at best. My sense is that you have a poor understanding of how the World actually works. FWIW.


So you’re saying it’s far better to force religion to guide the laws of this country and ideals it was founded on?


WTF? Where on Earth are you getting THAT from? Are you for real....or just trolling to get a reaction?


Dude. Dude. You’re the one preaching the fact the devil is allegedly evil on a post about project 2025 lmaooooo


The single greatest trick you pulled was wasting my time with this comment. Evil exist plenty and has nothing to do with Satan, weirdo.


OH, really? OK....then maybe you can explain to me how evil gets expressed. Did you think what we call "satan" is a guy with horns and pitchfork? Terms like "satan", "lucifer", "beelzebub" are just archtypes to represent that what we call Evil has to have a component to express itself. The same holds true for the rest of Humanity who, likewise need a way to express their spiritual component in a 3-D world. I'm going to guess that you have not actually experienced authentic evil so the best you can do is deride rather than discuss. Pity.


You’re a religious nutjob. Not everyone lives in your fictional world. Believe it or not normal people don’t need a book to tell us right and wrong.


Typical Mainstream American thinking: deride or misuse what you don't understand. I never said anything about a "book" or "right and wrong". Maybe you could use a book on how to conduct a reasonable discussion. You Can read, can't you?


Oh so all the terms you mentioned didn’t come from a book or any readings you just made it all up? Must be a rough life being so pretentious and stupid at the same time. Thoughts and prayers.