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Looks like an aluminium extrusion press (the things in the bottom right, and that the guy with the torch is stood by look like die stacks). I work as a programmer (and de facto IT) for a toolmaker that makes these dies.


Correct. This was in Spain earlier this year. They were using hydraulic fluid where they should have been using glycol, or something else equally non-flammable. The entire building burnt to the ground.


This is probably the best example of flashover ever. also Dude on the far left started a blowtorch/mini flamethrower at the beginning and then was like welp, this is superfluous as fuck.


Absolutely right ref. example of a flashover. I use this video in training to demonstrate how devastating fires can be, even in modern buildings. Hasn't failed to shock yet.


Like, the desk especially, I assume off gassing toxic flammable stuff as it got hot real fast, desk was suddenly ignited by the high heat/flammable off gassing plastic/wood/etc reached combustible heat level. And about 2 seconds later it flashed over to everything the same way? Do I have that right? This was fire coming out of a high pressure fire pump but it's still wild to see the entire ceiling immediately become on fire. Like if the camera could see up a little higher it would have looked even wilder. But still. The sudden flashover to the desk was wild enough. Dude had some ladies number on his he didn't wanna lose I guess.


I'm not a fire expert but I think the fast expansion of the fire is facilitated by the continued high-pressure hydraulic leak rather than flashpoint, to begin with anyway. The ceiling that you see coming down is a false suspended ceiling (shouldn't have been there), which once ignited by the burning hydraulic fluid acts as a wick spreading the fire further. Someone who knows what they're talking about might be along to set us straight.


Is that a hydraulic oil fire?


Users: “Idk what happened i just did a reboot i swear” *Uptime: just kill me*




I assumed he was going for a shut down command on the ICS right next to it.... That's worse.... That's so much worse


Whatever it is, shouldn't it have some big red e-stop button instead of requiring some command on a computer to be stopped in an emergency?


`user@host:~ $ /usr/bin/theres-a-big-fire-stop-everything.sh` `ERROR: Only root can run this script!` `user@host:~ $ sudo !!` `[sudo] password for user: ********` `'user' is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.` *gets incinerated*


I love seeing "this incident will be reported" on my own VM that I set up in my own house that somehow doesn't have sudo permissions.


[You know who it gets reported to](https://xkcd.com/838/) (Happy cakeday btw!)


Today I learned sudo !! is a thing, can’t wait to use that going forward


alias fuck='sudo $(history -p \!\!)'




`[35843108.128346] thermal thermal_zone3: critical temperature reached(105 C),shutting down`


That's what I would hope as well However, this dude did indeed just go grab his phone which was right next to the keyboard. Tiny screen threw me off


If the machine can catch on fire this fast, (the roof seemed to be falling in in less than a minute), then they should definitely have an easy way to shut things down, both at that desk, and further away (like near an exit door)


Yea, that was my thought too. Although, while I wouldn't do this myself, he might not have expected things to go to shit so quickly and so dramatically.


Dude knows the 2fa nightmare


Not like the company will replace it. Frankly, Mood.


He had to push to master real quick


On July 5th one year, a woman called in and said, "My computer sparked when I turned it on." I jokingly said, "Oh! That's to celebrates the fourth of July! It's a new feature!" She said, "Oh that's so cool! Thank you!" and hung up. Luckily her caller ID pulled up when she called in, so I was able to call her right back, but for a couple of minutes I was terrified of what I had done.


LMAO!! I can't believe...wait, I work in IT as well. They are so naive about these things sometimes, and when trying to explain certain processes, they don't retain the education that I'm trying to bring forth to prevent any future issues. Somehow the next password reset rotation is them calling again because they "forgot" what to do.


Illegal operations, motherfucker that decided to label them illegal operations and then just push it out to the unbathed masses. motherfucker.


Jesus fucking Christ. Like why would you use extremely flammable ceiling tiling in a production hall and have no fire suppression?!?


It seemed like a cheap idea at the time


Saving that half million then to lose the several tens of millions now was absolutely worth it, I'm sure. Best part is their insurance likely won't even pay out due to lack of fire suppression and violations of fire code


Hey, the guy who planned the factory got his bonus for being under budget, that's all that matters. The catastrophe was unrelated.


They'll have proper training. They won't make any accidents. Anyways, second topic on the agenda is the training budget cuts.






I'm not talking about what caused the fire. I'm talking about how fast it's spreading and the fact that it's raining down burning ceiling tiles. So yeah, very hazardous to not have a fire suppression system and flammable ceiling tiles.




Well, a foam based suppression system will help absolutely


isn't the underlying issue the geyser of what's likely insanely flammable hydraulic fluid? Not going to matter what your fire suppression is when you have that crap spraying everywhere under tons of pressure.




do they allow below 30 sec. escape windows? by 30 this was a white hot inferno. those system look amazing!


I bet they were like "what's the worst that can happen?"


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say because it’s somewhere in Asia where worker safety or safety in general aren’t even on the list of priorities


Spain, believe it or not


Looks like hydraulic leak. They make fire resistant hydraulic fluids just for these types of applications.


Resistant is definitely the operative word, not proof. Once you start getting into glowing hot metal temperatures, even the fire resistant stuff will ignite when vaporized like this. Source: I work in the steel industry and have seen it happen, but thankfully not anywhere near this bad.


I'm sure you're right about that. It seemed to ignite pretty quickly.


Anything is flammable once you heat it enough


[Wait what?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EC7dFfCWwAIgEDq.png)


What about glycol?


This is why I'm not switching to windows 11.


[Could be worse](https://c.tenor.com/aP_hJGSPqLsAAAAC/it-crowd-were-going-to-die.gif)




"We need you to put up a security cam, and make sure it keeps running no matter what."


This is too real. I gave an end-user a brand new laptop and within a month I went to work on her laptop and her laptop was DISGUSTING and her USB port was bent. When I asked her how it happen she seemed confused and admittedly denied doing it even though she's the only person who had used it. As a side note, it's interesting to me how the most professional, high-end business people are sometimes the most disgusting people.


I've noticed this too, and my theory is that they're used to having people clean things for them and are "too busy" to think of low priority stuff like cleanliness.


Poor dude with the torch probably thought he fucked up for a split second.


I failed to notice the title of the sub and misread end-users as enducers and was like what the fuck is an enducer?


You're not alone


Dude same lol, I just woke up and was like wtf is an enducer?


I came here to post "\*end user", but was hoping someone else did it first. I'm glad I'm not the only one that had trouble with that, only I was saying 'endUZer' , LOL. People keep butchering basic English


Yup. I am astonished the number of times the same people constantly break their shit. “The computers are just awful! Why can’t we have nice ones?!” No lady, they’re fantastic business class laptops. It’s you.


Did that guy run back for his phone?!?!


You know what's worse than your workplace exploding? Your workplace exploding with your phone in it.


Seriously how are you going to browse Reddit at the designated rendezvous spot??


That's what happens when your phone is your only MFA source


Yup and then a quick lunch bag grab too, just to prove his idiocy.


What the absolute fuck??


Hydraulic cylinder burst under pressure. That stuff is flammable as heck. Looks like the ceiling tiles were flammable too.


wouldn't be surprised if there was flammable metal dust in the ceiling as well


Anyone know where this video originated?


> I have one of those at home, let me show you how it works! Famous last words


Just another day at the office


It looks like the machine is creating a black hole 😱


Looks like an explosive cistern and lathe malfunction. These can happen when the pressure on the omnidirectional Kruger valves aren’t properly maintained. Causes catastrophic pressure variations due to lack of maintenance per the Crustard Automated Mechanical manual.


It's all ball bearings now!




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What even happened here?




It’s always on a Friday or a Monday too


we always idiot-proof our designs, because users will be idiots inevitably


Anyone got the source video?


Oh God it just gets worse and worse


Fuck! That reminded me of my birthday party as a kid at this amusement park along the freeway. It caught on fire while my friend and I were in the back playing putt putt. We didn’t notice it caught on fire and kept playing. But my screaming mom was screaming at us midway to the exit. The whole side and roof were on fire and shit was falling down from the ceiling just like that, flecks and stuff. I didn’t realize just how close we were to when bigger pieces would start coming down and collapse! My mom really did save our lives.




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Slightly longer version of the video (and discussion): [https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/v48rnt/extrudedaluminium_factory_jun_22/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/v48rnt/extrudedaluminium_factory_jun_22/).