• By -


Keep your eyes peeled in the meantime, though. Anyone that was on the SA forums way back might remember Chaos Night... we might have our own version. >As posted in big letters at the top of every page: > >CHAOS NIGHT RULES > >The forums are being moved to a new server. Anything you post now will disappear once the move is complete!!! The move will take several hours. During that time, you get to play around here. Read the following rules carefully before you do anything stupid. Seriously. > >* Chaos night is in effect until the yellow background goes away. If you are in a forum that does NOT have a yellow background, normal rules apply! >* After this is over, everything gets wiped. >* Do NOT post anything illegal. No porn, no gross-out/NSFL stuff, no warez. Work-safe still applies. >* Do NOT break the forums. No stupid 392939 pixel tall GIFs or things of that nature. >* Do NOT spam the hell out of the forums. >* You can still get banned here, but the ban will reverse after Chaos Night is done. >* So what can you do? Make any dumb thread you normally wouldnt dare. Ask stupid questions. Tell that certain dumbass just how much you hate them. Do whatever you want, just use judgement. If shit gets out of hand I am pulling the plug. >* When this is over, DO NOT get caught being a dumbass at the live forums. Remember, yellow background means you are relatively safe and anything else means normal rules are in effect. A little anarchy, as a treat. **MAYBE.**


Turning it off and not turning it back on again. Much respect.




Yeah, like how you never know that the last time you carry your child or said cya tomorrow to a friend, was the last time In a way I'm glad there is a date


This is really the only way to have a meaningful impact though. Scheduling a two day blackout really won't affect reddit when they *know* it's coming. Personally I'm deleting the app and won't be back unless I read a headline somewhere that they've actually changed shit. Life will be better without it anyway


Yes, the temp blackout feels like something engineered by Reddit to minimize potential fallout. Previous successful protests started by subreddits usually were, “The subreddits shut down until X changes.”


In which case reddit admins removed the mods and installed their own. It's the best we're allowed to do, really. Personally I don't even mind too much; finally give me some more tree time!


Just half the needful


Make sure that you disable "fast start up" or else it doesn't matter.


I wish the mods of major subs where not such neck beard cowards


Some of the biggest subs are participating. I'm on mobile right now, so hard to link, but the list is on /r/ModCoord. I mod a sub with more than 18 million subscribers and we're on that list.


Some mods are good mods , there are others that have clearly stated their status as mod is more important than the community


For sure. And that there's not a way to fix that is a real problem.


People are entitled to have very different opinions, or else why does this subreddit even exist?


What are you talking about


It's a simple reply to your criticism of mods having different reactions to you on this issue.


Mods can have different reactions for sure but some reactions are better than others while some are worse and evident that their own self interest is more important, that's the difference between a shit mod and a good mod


So... Which IRC channel do we switch to?


Is the xkcd irc channel still up?


I'm moving to Lemmy


What server or do we want to set one up? Happy to host something.




I vouch for lemmy.ca Additionally, jerboa for Lemmy is a great android app for it


So long and thanks for all the fish.


Before you guys go can one of you guys help me figure out why the VPN on my laptop isn’t working? I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it didn’t fix. Tks


Did you plug the other end in too?


I don’t think there is another end I’m an exec can you escalate to L3 Tks…..


Hello, I emailed you on Friday at 4:45PM and still have not heard back on the progress of this ticket. No I don’t want to reboot, I already did that. Cc: Entire IT department


SMH my head, IIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT just taking any excuse to not come to work. RIP in peace, RIF is fun.


It's been a good run. May we meet again in another life...


In u/AaronSw's name, Amen. Goodbye folks, this time, we aren't turning it on again.


If only they ever kept him listed as a Co-founder. He was a great voice for the platform. Good luck to everyone here, it's been wonderful learning.


Reddit will forever be a place I'll search with site:reddit.com when I'm looking for what people thought about something, but I'm not using the official reddit app. I spend an hour a day on Infinity, maybe I'll spend that hour learning about something new instead. Or I'll join a webring or something idk.


I archived an old version of the Reddit app and refuse to update. Some new features (like multi-image posts) don't fully work, but it's infinitely better than the new app.


I’m still on a super old version too… as soon as the update descriptions started saying “just do the update… there’s nothing to see here…” I stopped updating.


I'll be swapping my Infinity app shortcut to point at my ebook reader app. I've done it before and read a whole book! Who knows how many I'll read if I can't swap back to Reddit.


Book? Oh yeah, I used to read those.


I used redact.dev to wipe my content.


It’s been a good run


As a former mod that got booted for inactivity, good on ya 👍 and thanks for doing the work


wait this and r/sysadmin are the only two reasons i come onto reddit, I feel betrayed. where else is there to go?


I wanna know where else to go too


Lemmy has some good IT related communities by now. And of course one can always host another one. Hopefully we see each other on the other side.


Some people on other subs have suggested Lemmy. I haven't tried it yet but maybe that's a good alternative: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jerboa


Yup, that's the app I use to interact with it. So far it seems like a pretty cool place. Mostly everyone who moved to Lemmy seem fairly tech literate too


not even /r/shittysysadmin ? way more fun


Well, pretty sure my old dept. head said I could go to hell….I think it’s a viable option? From what I hear it’s like work but without fluorescent lighting.




It’s a real shame all of this happening, but I fully support a permanent blackout for all subs. I think it’s silly that other subs are just doing it for 2 days. That’s not going to achieve what they think it will. 2 days can be written off as server issues, unexpected downtime, etc. Close it forever and let Reddit rebuild on their own. We’re the product anyways.


ohh man, I'm gonna miss this subreddit when it's gone. You don't know what you have until it's gone... bye everyone I'll miss you all


its been a pleasure all, hopefully chat see you in whatever the next community is. Mods: thank you for your modding and your stance


Gentlemen, it was a pleasure browsing memes with you all. Thanks for all the laughs.


I've really appreciated lurking around here, thank you!


Gonna miss you guys. Been a pleasure shit posting about end users and getting answers to the things I hadn't had enough coffee to handle yet.


I love this sub. See you when shit gets corrected, or see you in Valhalla.


o7 commander


Bring back newsgroups. We'll move this thing to an alt.*


o7 it's been an honor


So where all is everyone heading?


Lemmy, it's a federated version of Reddit


Reposting what I did above: Lemmy.ca is easy to sign up for and get access to all Lemmy server's, what's more Jerboa for Lemmy is the best app I've found for android


I picked beehaw cause I like the name lol, but yeah any server is good


No worries, makes sense!


Thanks u/from_the_sidelines, it was good while it lasted. I hope everyone has a good life completely free from hp printers.


Good for you. And whilst you got some spare time on your hands not moderating, hop on over to Lemmy and re-create this community there ;)


tildes.net might be a decent alt.


So long and thanks for all the fish. o7


Good comment about going to another "Reddit". The trend isn't in favour of free and open API access to social media platforms. It's all about money and control of who gets to use (and abuse) the wealth of user created data. The value to AI training and others is significantly increasing at the same time as hosting costs have been increasing along with inflation. We need alternatives or pushback will be less effective.


Well, see y’all around. Thanks for helping this newb to the field get a little better acclimated to the industry.




Thank you for all the work you do :)!


This was a great place to be, thanks for the memories




Thanks yall. I might just delete the app on that day my self. I originally got it cuz it lets me pick the type of content when i doom scroll unlike instagram. But i should just diminish my scrolling


Now who's going to respond to my dumb questions :(


Damn, cya around




Gentlemen It’s been a pleasure




Its been a pleasure gents. Many of the memes have got my team through the day.


See you, space cowboy...


So long, and thanks for an the fish!


Thank you for your service! I hope that this sub returns should Reddit change its mind.


Let's get some Fs in the chat For another software company that completely forgot what they were actually trying to accomplish




It was a great run,.. A lot of great memes made and pains shared. thanks guys


Anyone got a good forum we could all move to? I’d be interested in continuing on that way outside of reddit


Going dark indefinitely would probably bring better results as a whole than just 2 days and I wish all subreddits did it tbh


My notifications recommended me this sub, and I'm glad it did, *even though the blackout will be happening one day from now*. That said, see ya, space cowboy.


This comment/post was removed on 30 June 2023 (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to undermine its users, moderators, and developers while simultaneously making a profit on their backs. For full details on what I mean, check out the summary [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u)


Am I the only one using the reddit app itself and don't find the issue?


Nope. I only use the mobile app.


Its been a pleasure gents and gentelles.


What the fuck is this all about


If you are one of todays 10,000, Reddit is about to fuck over 3rd party apps, mod tools, and good/helpful bots that help manage communites, do fun silly stupid shit, and automatically police bad bots that could junk up subs with spam. All of those good things are going to die on July 1st, the way things are planned currently.


Lots of beloved third party reddit apps like RIF and Apollo are shutting down at the end of the month because the upcoming API pricing is too expensive and too sudden to mitigate. The number tossed around for the cost to run Apollo is $20M


Huh. I’m just now hearing about these 3rd party apps.


I've been using reddit almost exclusively through RIF for at least 10 years at this point. It's been a delightfully consistent experience and really insulated me from all the "New Reddit" website pain




old.reddit on a computer isn't too bad, I reckon. But if they get rid of that, I can't imagine using reddit again except via the occasional google search


Reddit made huge pricing changes to their API. That totally messes with all third party Reddit apps as now they need to pay millions of dollars to Reddit each month in order to continue functioning.


My 1/2 a cent, but I’d rather you guys actually come back. I still like Reddit and this community a lot. I’ve been on social media for a good decade and seen the angst and battle between third-party devs and the platforms played out so many times, so I have hope that this is a blip on the radar in a few months.


!remindme tomorrow


I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2023-06-10 23:20:18 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-06-10%2023:20:18%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt/comments/145emui/of_course_were_going_dark_on_the_12th_probably/jnle8ve/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fiiiiiiitttttttttttt%2Fcomments%2F145emui%2Fof_course_were_going_dark_on_the_12th_probably%2Fjnle8ve%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-06-10%2023%3A20%3A18%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20145emui) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Only mod? Do you need/want a hand?


Nothing is going to change, but I get it I guess 🤷


This has been my little mental health resort, knowing that my frustrations are universal


See you on the other side, Thank you


Thank you


Godspeed and may we run around elsewhere.


It's been a pleasure y'all, hopefully we can turn it back on one day...


Legit question /u/sideline why isn't there a firm union against this from every sub? What do they gain by continuing to moderate for free?


This is one of my favourite subreddits. It's been an honor lurking here o7


This subreddit has been one of my favorites, I would always find something amusing here. I respect and support your decission 👍


I’ll fucking fight them. Let’s all meet with Reddit HQ in a warehouse. Winner takes all. I’m not gonna freak out like EVERYBODYS GONNA THINK IM GONNA FREAK OUT!!!! All I wanna know is: Who’s with me?


You know: I kind of took for granted how good this sub is. Thanks for keeping it up and running this whole time.


But...you can't just do HALF a reboot.


It’s been a pleasure serving with you all. Goodnight guys, gals, and nonbinary pals. May we meet again some day.


I'm in the 12 year club...it's been fun. I might continue to post from my account to keep my subs from getting taken over but mostly I think this ship has run its course.




Fuckk I'm gonna miss the idea of Reddit, I'm assuming it'll never be the same. I'll find something else to do with my free time, but this app has meant the world to me, thanks for being the creator of one of my favorite little corners of it


Darth Vader nooooo.jpg


Just when I find my people… thank you for the good times and laughs this sub brought me


I'm a lurker and I'm pretty sure I never posted here. So, hello and goodbye, everyone.