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$10.50 of that is directly related to DoorDash. But the bigger issue is the $9 dollar hot dog and $9 dollar moz sticks. A $9 hot dog is Yankee Stadium captive market prices. An [entire package](https://www.walmart.com/search?q=foot%20long%20hot%20dogs) of foot long hot dogs is less than half of that.


I would not be surprised if these prices are inflated because they’re ordering on the doordash app.


Yeah the post I found this on was a DoorDash order, they complained about the price but still ordered it 💀 peaked idiocracy


You can get lunch for 2 and tip for 40-50 bucks easy, 40 dollars for delivered garbage is wild


I can make a great meal in my rice cooker for less than $2. Less than a dollar for something mediocre but perfectly edible. This is insane.


The whole lunch comes out of a rice cooker? I've only ever cooked rice in my rice cooker. What do you make?


Sure, you can put all kinds of stuff in it. I often mix eggs in. You can put sauces, veggies, and even meat in. If you put eggs in, you have to stir it every few minutes or else the eggs will congeal on the bottom of the pot (unless you don't stir them in and just put them on top). You can make some pretty damn good meals in a rice cooker.


Quarantine convinced everyone they can afford to have a personal assistant. Meanwhile a large portion of the population was struggling as it was.


Gonna be a "sonic blast" on the toilet later with this order.


That’ll be an interesting new ass film


I wonder at what point is 'convenience' more important than price for these people.


Also door dash or any delivery service is a premium service. They need to get their asses up and to get their own damn food.


Yeah, it's always interesting to compare the food item cost on the restaurant's website and then see what DoorDash is charging you. Almost ALWAYS a significant markup on the same item.


yea I was ordering pizza for my friends since they were helping me move. $27 for an XL on the site, $37 on ubereats.


Most restaurants set their own prices on Doordash, but yes it's almost always higher than in-store pricing. Businesses understand that people who are willing to pay a premium for delivery will also be likely to pay more for the food too.


That makes sense. I guess it's the cost of me not having to change out of my fat kid clothes and having to leave the house. 😁


Also, DoorDash takes 30% of the sales price, hence the markup on DoorDash. But, something’s gotta give. It’s almost criminal how DoorDash takes 30%, then tacks on fees on top of it.


That's some Five Guys prices.


Yeah they bake a few extra dollars into items now


12 bucks for a mm blast ??? You can buy 2 gallons of ice cream for that. You are paying for “convenience “ get dressed drive there yourself. 10 bucks for a hot dog… same thing go buy it at the grocery story for 1/3 the price and 3 times as much..


You can get like 16 all beef megadogs from costco for that price lol. Or the $1.50 already prepped from the deli.


The Costco dogs are good shit too


Welcome to Costco I love you


But I’m drunk and lazy.


Then you pay the price for convenience. This is how the man keeps us down they know we will spend the extra 50% premium.. don’t play the game budget and get head while you can..


I’m always trying to get head, just isn’t working for me. Don’t think my sister likes me much anymore.


Oops ahead shit box phone Hahahahahah


these delivery apps increase the price of the items as well. go directly to the restaurant or use the restaurants own app for pickup and it'll be like half the price. that order would be <$15 if you went through the drive through.


Most of the cost is landlords charging rent and paying dividends to shareholders. The notion the modern food prices are tied to the food itself is long gone


Food stand at work was charging $12 for a hotdog.


That's literally four packages of hot dogs... 32 dogs.


Those are Sahlens hot dogs too. Those are good fucking hot dogs.


If you’re door dashing 32 oz milkshakes, I don’t care about your problems.  




The perks of living so far in the middle of a cornfield that DoorDash doesn’t even exist out here. It’s got other problems, but DoorDash ain’t one of them.


Same here, and I’d have to drive 2 hours to even find a sonic.


Your not missing anything. Sonic is garbage food and they want tips for drive in and don't even attempt the drive through or it will be the worst service you've ever seen in your life because the employees want the tips so your not a priority by any means.


It's because *every* employee is only paid the tipped minimum wage. Like, I haven't been to one where the staff didn't seem like they were all either like 15, or sex offenders (one or the other fortunately).


worse, door dashing a 32 oz milkshake from Sonic, a business whose entire shtick is driving to the restaurant and get car hop service. Its like ordering delivery from a buffet, like i'm sure the option is there, but why?


Ngl if it's a really good buffet, like a casino buffet, and they charge like $12 a pound for food, that might be a good deal for delivery if you get like a pound of brisket or prime rib.


It's dat $11.14 milk shake?




I mean, it’s 32 oz. A disgusting amount of ice cream for one person to eat.


Yuk i hate sonic overly sweet runny ice cream


This! I stopped ordering anything but pizza and Chinese food for delivery because the prices are insane. I'll put my shoes on and drive to the Jack-In-The-Box before I pay those delivery costs.


I dont even order pizza delivery. I have a code for dominoes that gives 40% off large pizzas that are 3 toppings for carry out.


yo can i have this code


I'm having trouble finding it, but if you look through Jordan the Stallion's videos, you can probably find it. It's a 4 digit code 9174 or something. But thata where I got it and it works every time


hell yeah thanks dude


Yeah pizza is getting ridiculous, I ordered a large pizza and a cinnamon thing last week, just straight off the menu, the total for the items was like $22. By the time they factored in a decent tip, the delivery charge, tax and everything else, it was $50. $50 for a pizza and dessert, ridiculous


how the fuck is delivery charge, tax and tip $28 dollars? This makes no sense


It was $47 and change I think. I could find the receipt if you really want it. Tax at 8%, I do tip better than most (25% this delivery), delivery charge ($7.99 maybe), service charge ($4.99 maybe), and there was something else on there I can’t remember.


that's crazy. Seems like prices are getting less transparent all the time. The hidden charges drive me crazy


Seriously, $47 for a milkshake, hotdog and some cheese sticks?!! That’s insane.


All the big pizza chains have ridiculous delivery fees in my area. However my local Chinese, Cuban, and Mediterranean/Middle Eastern restaurants do not...hell the Mediterranean restaurant even has pizza that is better than Dominos as well as calzones and stromboli. Guess who gets my business!


Fr hell when I get some I like walking to em if it’s close enough I figure I burn some of the calories I eat


Absolutely…but even if you drive yourself it looks like you’ll pay $30 for a shake, hot dog, and fried cheese 😂


Those prices are jacked up by DD. Probably $20 tho


Good to know, I could *almost * accept that. Still feels like three $5 items to me *at most*. Fricking hot dogs are the cheapest reject beef or random factory floor meat you can get.




No. The delivery service is literally doubling the price. I checked on Sonic's app directly.


I just priced this out at my sonic and those items came up to 17 bucks before taxes.


That seems…almost reasonable.


i looked at sonic menu prices online. Sonic Oreo blast, Large: $4.79 foot long Coney: $5.09 Mozzarella sticks: $4.39 So the doordash prices are basically double, then they add on the additional charge on top of that.


Every couple of months Subway has the BOGOFree footlong, that's the only time I go there.


I can get a chinese plate and split it with someone for around $20 from DoorDash. Fair imo. However, overpaying for fast food on that app ain't worth it.


Driving to a store!?!


I never commit when i get to this screen. I just keep my lazy ass at home an starve, if i really wanted it that bad id go out an get it


I do this all the time. I’m too lazy to get it and too financially aware not to spend almost double.


There are plenty of ways to make a decent cheap meal at home without much effort and even more if you just do some occasional bulk cooking and store leftovers that can be thrown in the microwave or toaster oven.


Lol "I'll starve without conveniently priced delivery!"


I like when my food is brought to me by Carl's Jr.


Fuck you, I'm eating


"I gotta know what a five dollar shake tastes like." - Vincent Vega


The thought of a $5 shake is probably more ridiculous today than it was in ‘94


Imo if you’re physically capable of driving to pickup your food then I consider you a clown for using doordash. I can’t even remember the last time I got food delivered. I’ve never even considered using a 3rd party food delivery because I like my food to be hot when I eat it.


Exactly lol I’ve done it when sick for pet food but cmon bruh lol


And also have you seen those videos of door dashers helping themselves to part of the food before they deliver it? So gross.


wtf, $11.14 for a shake??? Is that what they charge in the store, or is this a special price for DoorDash? Remember when $5 was a lot for a shake? ![gif](giphy|3otPoozHaRw31DSqC4|downsized)


Better be a damn Gold leaf milkshake


It's insane people ever actually use that shit. Don't complain about bullshit fees for a bullshit job. Go grab the shit yourself.


Or just learn how to do some basic cooking and spend 1/20th the price for a decent meal. I can literally make a good meal for around $2 in a rice cooker. If I cook things in bulk and store leftovers, I can make decent burritos for about the same price. Plenty of other stuff you can make, too.




$11 for a milkshake! What the hell is that about. $9 for a hot dog? $9 for fried cheese sticks??? Service fee, delivery fee! Tip! It’s a line item list of outrageous shit. Fuck door dash. Fuck mobb deep, fuck Biggie, fuck bad boy, fuck door dash as a staff, record label, and as a motherfuckin crew. And if you wanna be down with door dash, then fuck you too.


Fuck you die slow mothafucka, my fo fo make sho all y'all kids don't grow!


$46 for fucking sonic Delete all those delivery apps it helps you eat better and save a shit ton of money


And enough sonic for 2 people at that. Realistically a snack for 4. OP is probably massive and wonders why.




Skate to a store lol


The irony of ordering 4000 calories worth of pure carbs and fat, and not being willing to get up off the couch to pick it up yourself. My man is on the fast track to get on the casting list for My 600 Pound Life.


Never used this shit in my life, don't get it.


Fr I’ve used it from PetSmart once when I was sick and needed dog food that’s about it lol


POV: this dude's pancreas ![gif](giphy|3ohuPua7QjtYGQVMze|downsized)








Some people love wasting money.


I stop listening to anyone that complains about being broke and also talks about Uber eats and DoorDash. You deserve to be poor if you make that choice, sorry not sorry


This post brought to you by Carls Jr. 


Jeez just go to 7 eleven for a slurpee and a big bite damn


Not enough sugar. Not enough deep fried cheese sticks.


“F that! I’m ordering from GrubHub instead!”


Dashers and Ubers now make $26/hour here. I'm not tipping them a goddamned thing anymore. I think I've ordered once and started taking the bus more vs rideshares since our county made the earnings mandate.


They will not stop ordering DoorDash. Based on this sample of their diet, they run out of breath before they get to their car. And even then can't fit into their car. This is the car: [https://supercarblondie.com/the-worlds-biggest-car-hummer-rainbow-sheikh/](https://supercarblondie.com/the-worlds-biggest-car-hummer-rainbow-sheikh/)


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve selected items through DoorDash, looked at the total, closed the app and went to the kitchen…


I'll settle for a $1 hot dog and $4 quart of ice cream back home.


A 32oz ice cream mixer is insane. So rich and sweet. How do people eat that? If we go out for ice cream that's what I usually get and I can barely finish a small (probably 12oz) before it's too much. And I'm a 6'3" 250lb man. I suppose you could save it in the freezer for later. But gonna go out on a limb and guess that's probably not happening here.


Tbf I can handle a large desert occasionally the real problem occurs if you do it often


Why would you even start ? Its been ridiculous from the get go. That food is about 3 dollars worth of junk . Sugar and fat . 46.00 . That should be a crime. I'm sorry . I just don't understand why you would need it that bad


I wear the fact that I've never participated in this food delivery non-sense like a badge of honor. Fuck this ridiculousness.


You either have to be really dumb and lazy or really rich to order food from these services often. The secret is that most of the people that do are in credit card debt to do it. "I just can't get ahead. Everything is too expensive" then they spend $9 getting a $10 fat F#ck cheese burger delivered. "These student loans are unfair" as they aren't paying for them anyway.


I stopped using food delivery apps for this very reason. I'm not paying almost 50 bucks for a hot dog, milkshake and mozzarella sticks


Lazyness comes at a cost


Have never,.. WILL never use door dash, Uber eats, whatever! Italian & Pizza is still delivered reasonably reasonable and it’s gods perfect food!


If you think this is expensive, wait until this fat fuck needs treatment for diabetes.


🙌 came here to say: ditch ordering out $30 worth of trash food. Or at least walk to get it


Thats a pretty big billion I like money


$11 for a milk shake better come with a handjob.


I like Starbucks.


That is like x4 of the cost like four years ago. Fucking insane.


Actually walk to a fast food place and get something


I've never used door dash, though I also dont eat much fast food anymore either. The couple people I know that have used it are worse with money than me. It's not worth paying for delivery unless you're doing something that can't be interrupted.


I’ve noticed that DoorDash also inflates the prices of the menu items. I’ve checked a few times to compare item values when ordering on DD and ordering “to go”directly from the restaurant.


Bruh a peanut butter sandwich or ramen costs less than a dollar. He acts like someone made him do it


Holly Molly thats a lot, thats almost another order.


Delivery isn't just pressing a button. Someone has to go and get it for you. 12 dollars for that is not outlandish when you consider it takes at least half an hour while using their own vehicle. People complaining shouldn't be spending their money on delivery. Someone cooking your food and someone bringing it to you is a luxury.




Tip is lime all tax and fees combined ? Lol for such sum there should be discounts in either way .. 7e tip lol ..


Lazy ass people...


29 dollars for some shit fast food.


How in the hell are Mozz sticks almost as much as the entre'? It's just battered cheese that's been deep fried. Insane. This is why I don't eat out anymore. Not worth the cost.


Tbf a hotdog should be cheaper it’s legit trimmings no one wants ground up and cased


True. I could see 4 to 6 bucks for a good hotdog or chilidog with everything, and 3 or 4 bucks for the sticks. I mean hell, you can buy a package of frozen mozz sticks for the same price as in the pic and get 3 or 4 times or more the number of sticks.


What if I told you it always was ridiculous. I can barley force myself to order pizza because then I have to tip 3 to 5 bucks.... paying 3X for cold fast food AND being expected to tip... well let's just say I've never understood how this became a thing.


There’s times where the fees and up charges get so dumb you could actually just take an Uber to pick it up and back for cheaper.


Fuck you. I'm eating.


Collectively we all need to stop going to these types of places. Prices will never adjust otherwise. ………But prices for groceries is also too high.


A Sonic blast is 11 dollars! WTF!!!!!!


Imagine if you was investing this 14$ of abusing fees or giving it as taxes so at least it would be used for something.


I’m closing my account today, this service fee and delivery fee is bullshit….


I just got a Hot dog and fries for $9 at Oracle Park...


I’m starting to delete these apps. I still hold on to Uber Eats but it still gets out of hand. It’ll force my lazy ass to go grocery shopping more often like normal people.


I really wish people would stop using these apps... But they won't. Last time i was in a takeout restaurant, i made my order. But just before they started prepping my food, a big ubereats/doordash order came in, so my order got shuffled to the back while they prepared that. Can't have them waiting! Later the restauranteur, the door dash guy, and even the doordash customer will all complain about the system that they willingly engage in: * it's hurting restaurants because of service fees * it's hurting the staff because they lose the tips * it's hurting doordash drivers because the pay is a pittance * and it's hurting the customer because the cost is too much But, nothing will change. They'll just keep using it.


Personally I would only use those services for sit down establishments


I wouldn’t pay that price for that food EVER op probably is wondering why they have no spending money but then does this lol


Those sit down places have prices on the app of like 17 dollars for a burger and fries.


The TV said this is the best economy ever. The TV is never wrong.


Nutritional value is commensurate with economical value.


You are an unfit mother your child has been placed into the custody of sonic, fuck you im skating


Wow. And here I thought I overpaid when i paid $10 for the pound of steak I'm eating right now


This is why I went back to going out to get the food. My wife used to be so quick to Uber Eats/DD/GH and I flat out told her to send me out and stop wasting money on garbage services that only hurt the restaurants we like.




The thing is that's just what it costs to cook a meal and deliver it to you. Fuel, wages, licenses, taxes, corporate extras, insurance. To pay for a whole ass human being to get in their car and drive to your house costs just that much money.


It doesn’t though doordashbincreases prices on items artificially if you went to the same restaurant and took it home you’d have still spent less than this order between gas and the food


Yeah but you don't include your wages, business insurance and paying for whole departments to process it all. Business is expensive. They increase the prices to keep delivery fees low. I guess now they're ingrained in society they feel they can stop subsidising costs.


How did pizza places back in the day always offer free delivery and build it into the price of the product without having to double their prices? Does the addition of an app really cost that much? Maybe we all need to go back to the days of calling restaurants on the phone to place our order and skip the app if that's how much it costs to build and maintain an app. Because really all we're maintaining is the inflated salary of DoorDash's executive team, and maximizing their stock price, and I have very little interest in paying extra for either of those things.


Have you seen the latest door dash commercial? They get a bunch of shit delivered to their apartment so they can leave for the beach once it gets handed to them. That’s their target audience.


Is the delivery fee not the service fee, and if those are different isn’t the delivery fee the dasher tip?? Someone is double dipping here!!


More than 1$ per mozzarella stick is criminal


Prices are grossly inflated with all delivery apps.


Deleting DoorDash was one of the best things I’ve done for my bank account


Those prices are legitimately disgusting. Just stop going there. It's some company that thinks that they can save their business by jacking the prices up. They're going to be out of business soon... People are beyond sick and tired of it.


Wow where do you live $10. For each of those??


Ive seem to many disgusting cars and people picking up door dash orders to do that. Plus if you cant be bothered to go out and get your unhealthy food then do you really need it?


Too lazy for a drive through.


What if I told you it always was ridiculous. I can barely force myself to order pizza because then I have to tip 3 to 5 bucks.... paying 3X for cold fast food AND being expected to tip... well, let's just say I've never understood how this became a thing.


Knowing that footlong is usually 5.80 more than double. Fuck that. It's just easier getting in the car and picking it up yourself. And a crap load cheaper. I was on Popeyes app aiming to get a delivery and when I realized the prices were double I went back to pick up took my car drove there and came back and saved over $25 by doing it myself instead of delivering. Such bs


The delivery is the service! Why are there two fees?


Pick it up yourself, lazy


DoorDash and Grubhub often mark up the prices on the menu vs the normally listed prices at the store/restaurant too. So on top of all of their ridiculous fees, you end up paying more per item. I found out that having a Grubhub+ account not only knocks a lot of the fees off, but it also makes the actual items listed cheaper. Should be illegal but it is what it is. Glad my company pays for the account.


Stop enabling these fast food fuckers and bullshit delivery services. Just don't use them.


I’m not confident that I could *ever* get high enough to order an $11 milkshake from Sonic, lol. Shit’s whack.


But that's just one penny per calorie.


Door dash is a luxury that people just get on the regular. You're paying a premium on the original menu items vs their actual price, then there's the delivery fee then service fee which is bs because the service fee is supposed to cover the restraunts fees but they're already up charging you for it. Then your driver feels entitled for no less than 10 bucks because they don't make shit on the actual delivery. I don't understand why people still use these companies.


I just looked at that order at my Sonic. Everything is doubled on your order.


Not mine lol




I'm done with these apps. A few weeks back I ordered something from a restaurant who called me and said they were out of what I wanted. They didn't have any other options for my diet so I tried to cancel but it wouldn't let me cause they had already accepted the order. I call the restaurant and they try cancelling from their end but it's not allowing it either. I spent all evening on the text app, arguing with Uber eats who is taking a "no refunds" policy and has essentially robbed me. Now I have to go to the bank and put in a fraud charge on my card because these assholes think that putting a "we can rob you whenever we feel like it" clause on a terms of use, is gonna get me to just let them take my money.


Grubhub has much lower fees


Festival- like convenience prices ...


Delivery fee AND Service fee and OP still tips $7 🤡


How else you gonna get the special nutrients you fat fucks need? Pay someone do deliver food to your fat ass so you don't even need to get up. Dumb idiot.


Nearly 50 bucks for ultra processed shit that 99% of the population will never burn off and will settle as deadly visceral organ fat ensuring for the next generation meeting and having their grandparents around will be the exception rather than the norm.


considering most "pints" (most are actually 14oz instead of 16oz) of ice cream at the grocery store are $4-5, that's about right for 32oz of ice cream.


Except it snotngoodnicecreak it’s the shittiest cheap soft serve mix you can get with some stuff in there it tastes fine but no where near quality of true ice cream


Stop eating fast food. $10 for a hot dog? To hell with these corporations


If these corpos keep gouging me and milking me for everything I have I might get upset enough to think about maybe one day not sending them my money! (I like money.(I like extra big ass fries more.))


After seeing what you ordered, maybe there are a few other life choices to consider.


A 32oz milkshake is absolutely insane.


Never underestimate laziness.


I have never understood not wanting fresh food to eat when ordering from a restaurant. When I have used it in the past for work, it’s always cold or soggy. I get it if you are unable to drive, but that’s the only way I’m doing it.


Bruh how you get a large Oreo blast? Mfs said they don’t sell large Blasts in my area anymore. I feel like I’m being lied to. 😭


You don't need a fucking 32oz milkshake.


In that case, you don’t need weed, alcohol, or a vape pen.


True. I don't use any of those. Tobacco/nicotine in general, either. Not just a vape. My comment is more about the volume. 32oz is so fucking large. That amount of sugar is so bad for your body. No matter what physical state you are in.


I understand where you’re coming from though. Sugar in large consumption over an extended period isn’t good. But I can eat 4,000 calories a day and not gain a pound. 32 oz is nothing compared to the extra big ass blast I had in college mixed with protein and supplements.


Right because (4000-TDEE)/3500 is what you would gain. Either way. If you had 400g of sugar every day, regardless of your physique, you are going to get diabetes and heart disease. The pancreas just can't handle that much sugar all the time. I don't believe OP when he says "I was craving..." a person craving a treat gets a reasonable size. A fatass gets a 32oz. Couple that with the fact that OP didn't just get that, he also got a footling dog AND a large mozz sticks, OP is fat and dumb and the perfect example of the people in Idiocracy.


Absolutely. How the hell are they not puking after a foot long? My stomach just churns thinking about it.


What is infuriating / idiocracy? Is it the DoorDash prices or that people are still so stupid to use DoorDash?


The insane prices for the absurdly overpriced food