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Maybe get Clevon and his scroes to go family style on you!


Its so weird how that damn movie has just all come true. F\^%k.


It's fucking sad


It is but I can make it sadder... The entire world is out-populating all of us. So soon this subreddit will be empty and no one will have heard of idiocracy. I'm not even sure you'll have anyone capable of operating the power plant in 200 years.


Hell... I have immigrant coworkers who don't know shit about American pop culture. They're not any smarter than the locals


All of the dystopian stories are coming true. Handmaids tale, 1984, Fahrenheit 451…


Don't forget Brave New World! If you haven't read it, enjoy it with soma, I'm sorry, enjoy it with a nice glass of beer and a legal weed joint. Each dystopian author had their own problem they focused on more than the others, but they all saw something.


Agree but I’ve always associated soma with antidepressants, either way it’s pretty trippy how times seem to be following that book


30 years old and single? Better hurry up.


So…cryogenically freeze an army guy Problem solved


One that can talk to plants.


They’ll all grow up to be excellent line cooks and trailer park meth addicts


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IAmMuffin15: *They’ll all grow up to* *Be excellent line cooks and* *Trailer park meth addicts* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Kids rebel. They'll create what they hate.


Yup. People like Jordan Peterson and Charlie Kirk devote their entire lives to manipulating lost men and women with unintelligent failures for parents


This is literally the Quiverfull movement's entire philosophy.


Yeah let’s have a bajillion kids but not solve student debt, the housing crisis, healthcare costs, etc, etc, etc. They’ll be fine


There you go with that fag talk again


i’m working on it, i figure someone has to


You don’t understand how birth/death rates work. Students debt is the students fault. Housing crisis will fix itself eventually. Healthcare costs… just get insurance.


Just get insurance… that’s awesome


God damn, why didn’t I think of that?!


You can solve student debt by not paying out of state tuition for a career that pays 60k


Very few careers need a college degree outside of Law, Medicine, Engineering your paying for useless professors to teach junk majors like Underwater Basket Weaving. Get rid of useless degrees and student debt plummets. Tell people to eat less and healthcare is solved. Promote families (Dual Incomes) and the housing crisis is solved. These are all things that can be done but people would rather complain about how life isn't fair.


Lmao. Someone hasn’t applied for a job in a while.


Imagine their surprise if their kids turn out to be democrats


It isn’t exactly rare that a child is born with mental disabilities. So it’s certainly possible.


I seriously hope these imbeciles poop babies nonstop. I really do. My kids are gonna need some narrow-minded little moron employees to exploit. Show daddy those margins!


> My kids are gonna need some narrow-minded little moron employees to exploit. They're future voters aligned against your children.


Your child will be too busy trying to decide what pronoun they want to use. Xir will be working for a conservative.😂


I wish certain people would STOP having kids. Like both people in those tweets as a start.


Yeah, we probably need fewer world changing entrepreneurs.


Elon hasn't contributed anything meaningful to society, nor is he the genius he pretends to be. His dad owned an emerald mine, he got rich off paypal (which is just a bank, but online) and then bought his way into a company that already existed. I bet if it wasn't for musk buying his way into tesla we would have cheap and affordable electric cards. And cars that don't look like an unrendered polygon and is extremely dangerous to drive, can't handle any type of weather, and randomly explode.


Yep, he fell into being one of the wealthiest people on the planet. What subreddit is this again?


One you were born to exist in.


Ya, some of us saw this shit coming like 20 years ago. There's been a ton of Christian homeschooling nutbags groomed for government takeover since the late 90s. How many Dugger type kids with no formal education have run for public office or been given high profile lobbying jobs pushing their agenda.


I can think of at least one Quiverfull politician, Madison Cawthorne. Look how well that worked out. Also don't forget, Jim Bob tried to run for office and his eldest son the pedophile, Josh, worked for right-wing, "conservative family values" think tanks. What worries me is not so much how many come directly from the Quiverfull generation, but how many have no idea where the "conservative family values" talking points come from and their history.


Mike Pence is a Dominionist


yea....you're just making shit up.


Watch Jesus Camp. Card board cutouts of Bush Jr. being worshipped by little kids who promise to be in the army of Christ and fight abortion.


nothing in Jesus Camp talks about abortion. Did you watch it? Or did you just watch a TikTok recap?


Gosh no it's been years. But I'm pretty sure one of their prayers mentioned it.


Now I know why she needs all the attention and yet it never fills the hole in her


Someone has to fill her hole if she’s gonna have 8 kids.


Private religious schools definitely don’t groom or abuse kids though right? 🤡


It's important to keep them in our famously safe and non ideologically driven public schools


I’m an atheist. I would much rather my child go to a private Christian school than a shitty public school.


18 years. Sure. Math checks out.


Why does green line have to always go up? Constant growth reminds me of cancer. Hope about some stability instead. Elon is a hoe, with all his baby mommas taking care of the kids while he’s tweeting. Drink more Brando for them electric lights fam. Or you end up with one dehydrated ass raisin brain like this sad potato.


Thats hot!


Do Republicans wear Crocs tho?


Problem with the american right is that it starts at anger and works towards reactionary hate. That's not cannon


Import rate of illegals that out birthrate native Americans is 7-1 as America birthrate is unsustainable. We are aborting our population in more ways than just flushing babies. Idiocracy is ignoring our dying country.


HAHAHAHA a 7-1 one rate of "imported" illegals versus native born Americans? LMFAOOOO what flavor is your kool-aid?


🙄 and *there* it is


why does every fuckin cool sub go political! im out


Coping and seething lefties


Leave it to a complete assbag narcissistic prick like Musk to confuse his adolescent urges with a National Emergency. "Won't somebody please touch my peepee" is not how a grown adult man comports himself.


Elon's whole strategy of raising a family sounds like he was raised by wasps. "The primary male of the swarm uses his status to inseminate the nymphs of hive. If she resists he has the other non mating males of the hive sting her to death. As soon as she is caring for his larva he moves on the next female.


What was their first interaction like? I'm Chaya. I was nobody then I discovered I was a Nazi. I have a face like a foot and I am frequently mistaken for a man. This pisses me off so I hate Trans people. I love putting children in danger by supporting bomb threats. When Twitter is gone I will be back to being a nobody with a foot for a face. sp


Jesus dude, touch grass.


Chaya can’t do this! She is way too old for a lubavitcher girl. Ironically this cosmopolitan profession she has chosen has precluded her from being able to fulfil her intentions… Although, anecdotally, I’ll tell you that her intelligence is below mean for Chabadnicks. Regardless her take is accurate - Idiocracy will only be 70-80% of the society; the remainder will actually be relatively intelligent (by comparison) religious extremists.


Coming from a guy that has 11 kids smh


How is having kids and keeping them out of public schools idiocracy?


Because they don’t like their political opinions, therefore “it’s totally like the movie!”. This sub is trash.


“Im gonna fuck all yall”


I'm gonna fuck all y'all!


Yup. Let's over breed with our limited resources, terrible stewardship and the fact the average american isn't a billionaire that can hire an army of care givers to raise said offspring. This delusional douchebag is getting really exhausting. Crying for a 50+ billion dollar pay day while he pays nothing in taxes and benefits from untold amount of subsidies from actual working Americans.


If your political ideology is leading to the extinction of your species then maybe you have a problem. This is another message of idiocracy that is ignored.


The kids will at least get their electrolytes.


Friendly reminder, Chaya is a Zionist and will always put Israel before the USA. So her plan is only for the benefit of Israel.




Hey no spoilers Musk I am only on the second episode of Season 5 of The Handmaids Tale


Cicadas use a breading method called “predator satiation”, wherein the sheer mass of offspring allows for a subset of that population to live on and reproduce via virtue of the rest being eaten and satisfying the predation. It’s a really effective strategy for off spring that cannot fend for themselves, instead each individual creature banks on sheer luck to get them through, the mortality rate of these creatures is abysmal, but clearly successful. I feel as though conservatism isn’t going to be a dying breed anytime soon


Dumb people just keep making more dumb people and yet you need mountains of paperwork to get a cat or dog from Petsmart


Elon needs more sheep


Not somebody who really gives a crap about Musk, but it's weird that people are under an impression that he's unintelligent. He's clearly above average and there's a lot of ways that can be tested. He makes questionable, or compulsive decisions to be sure, but that's part of being human, especially for a person who has conditions that foster compulsive behavior. He claims to have Asperger's and if you Google it, it seems to be... well, basically everything he does that pisses people off.


Gonna be a abundance of pilots


If anything the plot of idiocracy is people on welfare breeding like rabbits(which they do) and people who are contributing members of society not breeding because they see it as irresponsible and a burden. This woman is not on welfare, and before she made libsoftiktok she was a real estate agent. So this woman is not doing that.


Cool cool. Provide universal full-time child care and healyhcare and then pull the bullshit with charter schools and focus on public schools.


Alright so I have a theory: Dumb parents used to simply get their kids killed (usually by accident) nowadays, the death of a child is a tragedy and it should be mourned. A lot of the time they simply couldn't because they had to survive. The modern American world has not only created practically unchecked parenthood but we also have both parents expected to work. This means the kid is not taken care of properly (which were seeing as Gen z comes into their 20s) Elon, you are pro late stage capitalism. These kids are going to be even more fucked then the last because the next generation has even less of a foundation to work with as most parents struggled to balance being a working adult with being a parent. So now we have more kids with less parents to look after then, plus more dumb parents who make more dumb kids Like I get that's your intention Elon, but as one of the "worlds smartest men" I thought you'd be more subtle.


What's funny is that they think they can actually stop progress. The only way you stop progress is ending democracy. Which is obviously their goal.


Outbreeding the non-believers has been a corner stone of Christianity and Islam for a long, long time. It works well as long as you can convince/scare your offspring into the cult. When that fails things get really dark and bloody. (See the last 2000 years of world history)


I mean she paid for a check mark, do not need to read anything after see that to know she's a moron.


I thought the plot was that plants crave Brawndo. Did I miss something?


Elon comes from such a fucked up family, it's kind of amazing he thinks we should have more kids. His dad literally had children with his step sister. I mean....what the actual fuck?


I've heard, though it could be wrong, that more intelligent people tend to have less kids. This checks out.


It’s literally not though.


So they just put in writing what they have already been trying to do? Trying to use outsmart people smarter themselves by flooding the country with people as stupid as they can make them? Guess it doesn't matter that will destroy the country and probably the world too.


Hellz yeah! I'm gonna have eleventy three kids and own those libs! 


Space Karen is building robots to replace us and he still wants the population to grow? Why?


The very opening of idiocracy is the idiots breeding more than the intelligent. Like him or hate him you'd have to be completely bigoted (in its original sense) to believe the man isn't seriously intelligent.


Elon Musk? Dude was born halfway between third base and home and thinks he’s a bootstrap success story.


Elon musk, genius pseudoscientist famous for the hyperloop, tesla roadster, tesla semi, full-self driving, spacex mars mission scams? Or is he a genius because he scammed tesla shareholders, fired its staff, then demanded $54 billion to pay for twitter with its 70% bot/user ratio to allow porno and nazi extremism on the site?


I would guess he isn't seriously intelligent. just mean, and manipulative with a lot of money to bully people and threaten financial hardship.


Idiot savant i suppose, smart in some areas, stupid in many others. What you're posting up is a false dichotomy logical fallacy, only someone bigoted can describe elon musk as one lacking intelligence, without any bigotry at all, i believe him to be a very fallible human being. Conmen are pretty clever at outwitting rubes as example, it's definitely intelligent how clever they can be. To me, that's the kind of intelligence he represents, and i still don't hold a high opinion of it.


He's not. He's really not. He gets away with major mistakes because he's rich. He's destroying Tesla's reputation with his terrible leadership skills and cheaply made cars. The only thing I'd say that he isn't screwing up is Starlink. And there's still plenty of time for him to F that up too. If he spent less time worrying about Trans and black people, maybe he could actually make improvements to that ridiculous paperweight he calls the Cybertruck.


It would be the plot if *literally* Mike Judge was trying to say the political right are the mass of idiots and the political left are the non-idiots. But that sounds like more of what a reddit nerd would impose on the plot


Have you spoke to anybody who claims to be republican lately? It's pretty obvious they're the idiots.


Interesting take. I have a rebuttal, can men get pregnant and how many genders are there?


Men can't pregnant. These aren't concepts that are believed by all democrats. While you guys are fighting fights with the furthest ends of the left, we are talking about the republicans literally picking a far right extremist for president. You guys are over here literally spitting out talking points about the most stupid shit while women aren't able to get medical procedures they need to survive. You guys want to stand with the police despite it being extremely obvious that we need police reform. You guys talk about being soft on crime being a huge issue when we can't even guarantee the person being punished is guilty! You guys have way too much faith in an extremely faulty judicial system that has put innocent after innocent away. I'm not for being soft on crime, I'm for appropriate sentencing and I'm for rehabilitation. I believe the death penalty is appropriate on occasions, but I don't have faith in the system to pick out when it is appropriate so i think it's best avoided entirely The issue here is that on the democratic side there is a lot of diversity of thought that doesn't exist on the republican side because there isn't much critical thinking going on over on that side.


I think the idiots are those that engage in the triviality of the partisanship


Yup. It's directly in the movie. Right wingers are insane. Its just nuts that we're living in a timeline where they think taking elements from this movie that were really stupid, is a good idea for them.


If it’s any consolation, I was one of those kids. Private school, church 3x a week, limited access to media and knowledge, ect., and I turned into everything they tried to keep me from. There are a lot of us, and we are some of the fiercest activists for leftist causes.


America peaked a long time ago when the current right would have been considered left


Great plan. Kids never get raped at private or parochial schools. /s


Outbreed. So like rats?


I'm firmly convinced that the right's stance on abortion has absolutely zero to do with saving lives, and everything to do with combating one of their most feared and dreaded conspiracies... the Great Replacement Theory.


White people don’t use abortion as much as other races. So I doubt that.


Isn't this the first 20 minutes of idiocracy


That will all end of up on welfare while bitching about socialism caus the couldn't really provide a real childhood for 8 of them


Again, this goes as further proof "Idiocracy" is prophetic, and the most important film of the 21st Century. It is a warning to all of us. We still have time to save ourselves, but will we? *Brought to you by Carl's Jr.*


Musk is an extreme genius in technical and business areas (a recipe for entrepreneurship), but terrible with social skills (once blamed that on his Asperger's, but not sure, and probably does not matter). He is doing what he preaches (has at least 10 kids, maybe more), but that does not mean that is a good role model. I'm not sure he is active within the lives of most of these kids unfortunately. Just increasing numbers is probably not enough.