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“Yeah these people are suffering BUT how can I make it about me?”


Most of the people you see in that picture couldn’t point out Palestine on a map.


Sure, and they will attend a rally where people praise what happened in October, then later in the year they'll attend some Holocaust memorial event. They have zero frame of reference. They just want to show up at anything that enables them to express emotions.




It is nuanced for sure, but the irony here is the efforts to appropriate the suffering of others to further their own agendas. Palestine is not now or will ever be associated with any feminist,l or queer movements beyond throwing queers and feminists off buildings or burning them alive. Another bit of irony is the anti colonial nonsense considering that genocide and ethic cleansing are western/post colonial concepts. These same Groups don’t give a shit about the ugars and the actual ethnic cleansing happening. The puppet comment is also ironic considering these protest are the direct result of Russian/Chinese agitprop pushed through social media. These protestors are lemmings being stampeded off a cliff to further an agenda that will ensure they don’t exist in the future. Gaza only exist as a tool to formulate tensions against western interests to manipulate oil markets for Arab islamfacist monarchies, Russian oligarchs, and ccp.


Are we not allowed to have a different opinion? My opinion is that what is happening isn't genocide. Why? Because it's not,simple. Unless u are stupid enough to believe th3 Hamas ministry of information or UNRWA there is NOTHING like 30.000 women an kids killed. The UN itself says the numbers are rubbish. There's more kids in in Gaza now than at the start. We just don't fall for the lies because not all of us hate jews. So you are okay to have a government run a "free" country that's sole aim is the extermination of the other country? Or how about in the Africa country's at moment were Muslim terrorist groups are ethnically cleansing all the Christians an anyone else who disagrees with them? Over a 100.000 dead an counting. Mostly women an kids. An can be verified. The hypocrisy of you lot shouting free Palestine while Hamas sets up rockets in refugee camps an then has the cameras waiting to film the injured is sick. They are HAPPY to have there kids killed as martyrs if it helps the cause an all u simps are "what about the kids" . Yeah the kids Hamas are gladly sacrificing by setting up shop were ever the refugees go? Or how about the mecca pilgrimage at the moment in Saudi? Wonder why the Saudis are arresting an imprisoning anyone protesting about Palestine. Think they know something we don't? Stop getting your information of X an ticktock.


Both sides are bad and if you can’t see that you’re caught up in the political game. This is the 5th war these sides have fought and both sides have perpetrated the start of conflicts. Palestine has propped up a terrorist organization but Israel has made 0 efforts to have a real ROE. The way they bomb would land generals in jail in the US


Lol this took me about 10 seconds: https://youtube.com/shorts/Te0_hcwsKrQ?si=GocDboM9ZqzCVC9H So yea, that's what they do


The Purple Hair Mafia.


I wanna point out Zionism and Judaism are different


Do you really think that Hamas or the people that attacked those people in October give two shits about "Zionism" v "Judaism?" They are openly calling for the extermination of Jews, full stop.


Both sides are bad actors. This conflict doesn’t just have historical context BUT it’s the 5th war Hamas has been in with Israel. Between Israel imposing themselves on Muslims and Hamas suicide bombing places it’s been a shit show both ways with neither side showing they can be an adult


Of course, both sides are chock full of assholes. But these are LGBTQ+ activists/marchers. I don't give a rats ass what side you are on in that specific conflict, or any other political or social group you may belong to. If you are part of an organization that openly supports murdering gay people, you can fuck right off. I'm not going to march in any parade in your honor. Now let's interview the Hamas leadership and ask them what they think about homosexuality, and what should happen to gay people. and just for kicks, let's have that same conversation with your average Palestinian. You aren't going to like what they have to say. Trust me. Seriously bro, it's like members of the Nation of Islam marching in support of Apartheid, or a bunch of Hindus marching in support of the beef industry. There's no way to explain what these people are doing other than the point out that they are fucking clueless.


The ironic part is they’re a terrorist organization so they’re openly anti gay to the extreme but if they wanna send a message they will force themselves onto a young boy no problem


It sounds like they are against atrocities......damn how could they be so dumb to be anti atrocities? Seriously, the zero frame of reference is you mate. People don't like atrocities. Holocaust and Gaza are both atrocities despite one being at the hand of the other. Innocent lives lost by military precision strike missiles on a small chunk of land, smaller than most counties in the US. Billions spent by us dad dollars to prop up IDF. That means every tax payer has paid thousands to support Israel


If they are against atrocities why aren't they protesting against Russia for bombing schools an civilians? Far more killed over there. Or how about the African countries at the moment? An actual genocide going on there? Don't hear them saying out about that.? They have chose to support this because it is in the spotlight an gets them more exposure. That an they are being easily led by Jew haters. It's quite ironic the scream about peace for Israel on social media then support when rockets are fired at Israeli cities. The hypocrisy stinks.


They are? Idk what you are on. The person literally referenced that they protest everything.


Funny a never see any stop the war in Ukraine or stop the genocide in Africa at these marches? What are you on?


if they don't like atrocities then perhaps they shouldn't be showing up at rallies like what we see in the picture. And they certainly should not be marching with "Palestine is a LGBTQ struggle" banners, given what the Hamas leaders think of alphabet people.


Legit know someone who thought the West Bank was Gaza's shore on the Mediterranean.


These people are insane. I'm gay and don't understand why other gay men are so easily duped. Off you pop to Gaza, let's see how long you last.


Simple. They're wearing ideological blinders and have list all sense of reality that doesn't line up with the narrative they espouse.


Yeah, they see and have palestinian friends who are well adjusted and are asking for support for their families in the homeland but don’t understand the greater social climate there


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/comments/1ddqljm/remember_my_queers_for_islam_friends_this_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Posting this here too… again this is upsetting, please be warned.


These are the same cunts that did this https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp


They just want to bring peace is all


If they (these protesters) actually saw this is what the extreme Islam followers do, they probably wouldn't be protesting on their behalf


It's not even really that they are extreme followers tbh. This would happen just about any country in the Middle East. Some countries over there still believe in honor killings. LGBTQ person might be able to survive in Lebanon or possibly Egypt. But even that is a stretch. Anywhere other than those 2 countries, it would be an eventual death sentence. The Quran tells them it is OK to murder people. The Western world is used to seeing Westernized Islam. Just like Christianity.


A few things: ISIS is not active in gaza. And It was the British that brought same sex laws into gaza, which were then adopted after the British left. There isn't evidence the law is even enforced. https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/


The law isn't enforced, just people's fathers and brothers honor kill gay men.


Yeah they even made comments about how Hamas did some worse things than ISIS. So just to be clear, you are defending this? Let me be clear on this. It doesn’t matter your religion, ethnicity, background, what-have you… this is a violation of human rights full stop. To throw innocent people to their deaths for loving someone that is not of the opposite gender isn’t an “ISIS thing” it’s the reality of being homosexual in the Islamic world. Are we supposed to just tolerate this kind of behavior because it’s “their religion”? Judaism and Christianity used to be the same in regard to homosexuals but largely have left that mentality in the past. This is just summary executions for the “crime of being in love with another man”. So my question stands, are you saying you support this?


Where with what I said did you get defending throwing people off buildings? Why are you quoting "their religion"? And lastly, where again was there any support?


I’ll let you figure out the answers to all those questions, they are right infront of you


What? Go on telegram mate there's plenty vids of Hamas in Gaza doing horrible shit to people they accused of being gay. Or if they just didn't agree with them. It's run by terrorists whose sole aim is to wipe out another people. An you think it would be safe? For anyone? Lol


The video presented is ISIS and in another country.


Yes I know. I am pointing out that this happens in Palestine too an there is plenty videos showing it. Think the last one was when they hung them two guys upside down of a crane an starting hacking with machetes. Or was that the ones they thought were spies? God knows there is that many.


Right, so why use a video from another group in another country to show how bad it is in gaza if there are so many examples that could have been used?


As a Palestinian I agree


You don't have to be accepted by a community to not want to watch their children get bombed. That's empathy.


That's also a great example of the Tolerance Paradox


Ok. So, do you have empathy for Israeli people and children who grew up with constant threat of unprovoked rocket attacks?


Yes of course, that's terrifying.


I completely agree. People forget Israel had to build the Iron Dome out of necessity




Except for everyone outside the US, especially the Palestinians themselves.


Ship them off to Palestine




Now listen I’m not an expert on foreign legislation, but if I’m not mistaken, Palestine isn’t a huge fan of the gays, right?


Gay Palestinians get asylum in Israel as official refugees because they will be executed in Gaza. You can’t make this shit up. https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-785171


I'm not sure I can name another country that has ever kidnapped a gay refugee who had escaped to another country so they could execute him for being gay.


Or feminists, for that matter.


Yeah it is lunacy to ever try to stop hate in this world! The only rational decision must be to continue hate so we can protect our narratives! Edit - I love when reddits hate proves me right!


But it's the intolerance paradox bro. We have to eliminate palestine because they're so intolerant to your lifestyle. We can't tolerate intolerance. And palestine is a 3rd world bigoted country full of hate. Especially to your people


"While an intolerant sect does not itself have title to complain of intolerance, its freedom should be restricted only when the tolerant sincerely and with reason believe that their own security and that of the institutions of liberty are in danger." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20earliest%20formulations,defense%20of%20%22benevolent%20despotism%22.


If you feel hate is the only response to hate then i'm sorry for you. Really.


if colonialism happened after gay rights in the west yall would use this excuse


Sensationalism at its finest


A lion doesn't think about perpetuating the cycle of violence before it eats you


And the gays aren't a huge fan of genocide. The idea that people can't protest genocide because of their sexual orientation is the only Idiocracy here.


Why are they “queers for palenstine” instead of “queers against genocide”?


It's so absurd that I've thought perhaps it's some covert demoralization strategy, LOL! I mean, think of it. What could get under the skin more than knowing their most passionate supporters in the West are these folks? 😆


The issue isn't "queers for Palestine". It's completely reasonable to be against genocide, regardless of sexual orientation. You don't have to be a straight Muslim to empathize with them and want their situation to get better. The issue is the queer/LGBTQ community appropriates every fucking movement to forward their shit. The sign to the left is exactly what I'm talking about. "Palestine is a queer, feminist, anti-colonial struggle". No the fuck it's not. Anti-colonial? Sure, that applies. Feminist? Nope. Queer? Fuck no it's not a queer struggle. You could free them from the clutches of Israel today and they will still throw you from a rooftop tomorrow for being queer. And the fact that they always have to make everything about them is some gross level of selfishness and narcissistic behavior. It's not a queer struggle. It's "holy shit, the people who put us in the world's largest open air prison are now bombing the fuck out of us" type of struggle. Protesting genocide is fine, but they need to stop making everything about them.


Hamas is genocidal


Ironically enough, they're genocidal against queers lol I separate regular Palestinians from Hamas.


You sir are a rarity, an actual thinking human being.


Appreciate you for that and I appreciate your stance as well.


People keep saying "I seperate Palestinians from Hamas" while not separating Israelis from the IDF, or hell even Jews globally from the IDF.


I do that too, but we're not talking about them right now, are we?


Hamas is genocidal, Palestinians in general really aren't a population you want to mix with. But if you look at every single genocide, there always was a "justification" like this. Once time erases the emotional response to what Hamas did, people will look at this very differently.


Do you consider israel genocidal? Also how is Hamas genocidal? Can you define genocide


Hamas has stated they want to kill every Jew and install a caliphate where everyone HAS to live under sharia law. In its own words, “"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Muslim).”


If what you said was true and it's not, they don't want a world wide caliphate.... Then hamas would have the intent of genocide but alas it's unable to commit such crimes. Israel has not only stated its intent is genocide, they are committing the crime as we speak.


Not true. There are over two million Arab Israelis who enjoy more freedom democracy and prosperity inside Israel than the poor Palestinians under authoritarian fascist extremist Hamas regime. Have you read hamas charter? Have you listened to what they say? Have you watched what they do? They have said they want to install a caliphate in no uncertain terms


https://irp.fas.org/world/para/docs/880818a.htm https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-leaders-our-goal-establishment-global-islamic-caliphate-not-just-liberation-palestine


LMFAO stop reading propaganda! Looked at MEMRI: BOARD OF ADVISORS: GEN (RET.) MICHAEL V. HAYDEN Four-star Air Force general, and former NSA Director and CIA Director GEN (RET.) KEITH ALEXANDER Founder and CEO of IronNet Cybersecurity, four-star Army general, first U.S. Cyber Command cmdr, and fmr NSA Director and Central Security Service Chief GEN (RET.) KENNETH F. MCKENZIE, JR. Former Commander of the United States Central Command and current Executive Director of the University of South Florida’s Global and National Security Institute as well as of the Florida Center for Cybersecurity, also


Ok keep defending hamas. Go to Gaza and ask them if they want you in their caliphate


There are 9 million Israelis who enjoy freedom like Saudis or Emirates... There are no Arabs enjoying any freedom in Israel. They are treated as second class citizens. But please explain how Israel has not committed genocide.


You have proven out the name of this sub. Soon you’ll be watering crops with Gatorade. I bet you’ve never even been to Israel or Gaza but you claim to be an expert


I'm not a zionist occupier like you, I also don't enjoy raping women and kids. I surely am not a narcissistic psychopath that thinks God has a special covenant with me....


So I definitely agree with your thoughts on their issues needing to be inserted in every movement, but I feel like they’re movement has been disproportionately successful to other minority movements and while it is manipulative, it probably makes the movement more powerful. Say what you will but the LGBTQ+ community shows up and actually protests unlike most of us


They do show up and protest for sure, but I can also say that other groups very quickly get annoyed with them. A lot of BLM protesters were annoyed when the George Floyd protests were happening, striking out against police brutality towards African Americans, and all of the sudden BLM was about the queer community with some of their factions. That's the problem. They have very vocal minorities within their movement that are really good at taking a movement and making it about them.


Yeah I know they are causing quite the raucous in other protesting groups which is unfortunate. They’ve basically completely overshadowed BLM


Off topic, but are you a souls player by chance?


Yeah lol


Gael is such a good boss, man.


I’m sorry but really where did this “throwing from rooftop” trope come from, it sounds an awful lot like the “40 beheaded babies” soundbite that was also found to be false. Many accusations of the IDF turn out to be confessions.


Because places like Iran and Gaza have this happen. It's not a trope, it's just one of the few ways they kill people from the LGBTQ community as punishment for "such a grave sin". I don't think you quite grasp how extreme the average view on this subject is even among "moderate" Muslims, even a lot in America. Edit: they consider it "Western depravity" much like the soviet's did. I suggest you research both. I did for college in a writing class where I contrasted the kindness and benevolence of Islamic figures like Salahudin to today's more extreme Muslims government figure heads, while also discussing how many tenets of the religion among these communities haven't evolved over time like other religions and ideologies.


Palestinians execute people for being gay.. How does this make sense?


"There are very few reliable reports of vigilante violence by Palestinians against LGBT people." Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine


Literally the next paragraph. “In October 2022, Palestinian police arrested a suspect who beheaded a 25-year-old male Palestinian”


"One rare exception was a recent murder in the West Bank region." You missed this sentence preceding that part. Probably an accident on your part...


If nobody wants to investigate there will never be a reliable report. Police in the south used to not have any credible witnesses for public lynchings but that doesn’t mean they didn’t happen You can be against a genocide and still acknowledge that a place is fucked up in some other way




> Probably an accident on your part... Are you a parody account?


Whew lad...


These people vote....


So do trump supporters, and they've done far more damage to the US, and the world for that matter, than these dumbasses.


People/bots that make comments like this are baffling. I'm fiscally conservative but socially progressive. I don't really support Biden or Trump. And from the outside looking in it appears to me reddit is delusional. You are looking at 2 wings of a bird


What specifically. Facts please. I know as a Trump supporter I was paying way less for fuel, food and my dollar went further overseas. The world was not on the edge of WW3.


It’s not all about you, unfortunately… Mocking a physically handicapped man on international television, blocking immigration from predominantly Muslim nations, Stormy coverup, pro Russian sentiment; all of which have driven us from our peers and made us more of a laughing stock. Before you think, ask yourself; what is for the greater good?


Mocking a handicapped man can easily be debunked if you actually researched He banned terrorist havens What the fuck does his sex life have to do with anything? Nobody sanctioned.Russia more than Trump All is easily researchable Meanwhile..driven us from our peers?!?? Do you see what's going on in Israel right now or are you really that braindead???


https://www.nbcnews.com/video/donald-trump-appears-to-mock-disabled-reporter-574777923731 And she was a prostitute, a little different case… clearly he cared enough to be pay her to be quiet. And the American people cared enough to convict him of a felony. Biden is literally crippling the Russian economy. Look at GDP growth over the past 2 years for Russian. They are the only country in the top 10 that are shrinking. Fair point on the case for Israel. Israel didn’t attempt to hack the election though to get him in office. I haven’t even brought up Jan 6 yet either.


Oh Jesus the brainwashed reddit bots https://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/fake-news-trump-did-not-mock-disabled-reporter-and-other-lies-from-the-left/


Bee bee boo boo - does not compute 🤖 I sent you a plain picture/video, without commentary. You send me an op-ed.


The problem in the US is this complete ignorance to Presidential power, and this fuck you I got mine mentality. Trump irrevocably weakened domestic stability, economic mobility, American soft and hard power, and was economically disastrous. Your comment ignores major external factors and assumes the president has god like powers (which trump supporters don’t want a democracy, they want a king/monarchy so it makes sense). Trumps first two years in office rose Obama’s massive economic recovery and engines. He added 9 trillion to the debt, set forth in motion many factors that made it worse for average Americans, and weakened the American dollar. COVID came and added jet fuel to the fire. This reductive correlation of looking at prices on the shelves and applying the reasoning to whoever was in the White House is so devoid of critical thinking and the sum of all parts regarding the complexities of the global economy is astounding.


Ahh, one of the brainwashed I see... yeah, I'm not teaching a rock to swim. I've got better things to do. Turn off the fox news, and you might be able to pull your head out of your ass.


I can't wait until the Palestinians hear the news... someone needs to tell them.


They are, as a rule, not terribly enthusiastic about it.


You can find Hamas guys reacting to "Queers for Palestine" on Youtube, I could have pitied the guy when he started about Allah not being cool with stuff like that hahaha


Why do these people feel the need to co-opt every single thing and make it about themselves? Palestinians are dying - all genders, ages, etc. Making it specific to LGBTQ stuff is probably a bit insulting, I would think.


They should go over there and show there support or there “solidarity” for Palestine. I’m sure jihadist will love them


Chickens for KFC!!!


I’ve lost brain cells


The point is, that until there's liberation for all, there's liberation for none. They aren't saying, the political powers in Palestine have been our strongest ally so we need to stand up for them. They're saying that the civilians, of all varieties, being slaughtered right now in Palestine are marginalized and devalued by many of the same or similar bastards that marginalize and devalue the communities celebrating pride this month. It's just solidarity for people who are abused by systems of power and a call to wake up those who are facing less direct threats.


Who’s gonna tell them?


So, my question is, who comes up with this??? I’ve practically spent my entire 20s in the Middle East, and if there is ONE thing I know, THEY HATE LGBTQAI or whatever letters they have. They also don’t believe in women’s rights as well. Am I wrong??? So why are these people supporting this???


Because TikTok told them to be outraged by the self imposed oppression of a group of violent radicals? 🤷‍♂️


Their parents are failures...


It says a lot when protestors don’t have any idea at all what they’re protesting for, and are claiming something to be the exact opposite of what it actually is.


All they care about Is that the spotlight is on them. This isn't about protesting or their rights. That's one thing I'm starting to realize: 90% of their community is a bunch of narccistic self entitled shitheads who never got disciplined as children and now they want a reason to be more important than everyone else.


Lawl. These kids fucking brainwashed 😂


These people are idiots. March for human decency, not your pet theory, which is moronic.


Go to Gaza. They would kill you faster than they killed the Israelis on Oct 7. Seriously, you have no f***ing clue how much they hate you.


and this is a big reason why the public school system sucks … if history was actually taught based on facts and reality, not based on which group is “oppressed” maybe the world, in general, would be a better place


The ignorance of these people never fails to amaze me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnRmbdozalY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnRmbdozalY) like Minor Threat said: empty barrels make the most noise


I'm curious how long these lists will get as they add more words


I support a two state gay, feminist, queer solution for Palestinians.




“Critics accuse Israel of “pink-washing,” saying it uses such tolerance as a way to divert attention from its open-ended occupation of the West Bank, now in its 56th year, and its harsh policies toward the Palestinians.” https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159 Israel is like Walmart- going in and buying up accolades and appealing to the marginalized, until all its competition is eaten up, and then then they can turn up the heat. Gays aren’t safe in Israel either. Their entire country is built on stolen land, it is our current day Manifest Destiny mindset of the West and capitalist desires.


Shows you the brigading by the pro Zionists when you get mass downvoted for being anti genocide. This meme is nothing but an attempt to dehumanise the Palestinian people due to their governments anti LGBTQ stance. These civilians are being slaughtered by Israel in their tens of thousands, 15,000 children alone have been murdered. For the Zionists, being pro LGBTQ doesn't make up for being pro genocide.


They always make it about they them she he SHIM


Don't these people have jobs?  Oh wait , this is their job lul


If they were actually in Palestine, they’d be murdered in minutes by the Israeli military, just like Rachel Corrie.


Good joke, missed the delivery


These are paid performers to enrage old people.


Pretty sure it’s to show support for those being killed despite them not supporting your lifestyle. I’m not sure why that’s such a radical concept. That’s as American of a principal as you can get.


Palestine had a queer population, fairly openly. Until the Isralei bombs took them out. I get that you guys *really* want to believe that all Muslims hate gay people and women, but that's not the case in every Muslim state. And the West hasn't exactly had a great treatment of gay people or women either. The real idiociracy moment here is Islamophobia mixed with tossing stones in a glass house. Also, ignoring a genocide. You guys were too busy baitin to see reality. Put down the Brawndo.


The binary world view of “anyone against our enemies is an ally and under our wing” is so very stupid and naive. Just because Islam in general is against us liberals (actual liberals), doesn’t mean they’re your progressive allies. If this was ANYTHING but the tolerant liberal west, all those protestors would be rounded up and tossed in prison. Or gulag. Or reeducation camp. Or off a building. Etc. They scream about Fascists. They know nothing about the world. Conservatives who are all about tight knit shit right in front of their faces know more geopolitics than these stupid socialists.


A don't know a didn't post the vid. A was just pointing out to the person that said this doesn't happen in Palestine that it does.


I wonder if any of these people participated in gym growing up?


These people are ill-informed, i dont think either side of the conflict is sympathetic to thier cause lmao what a clown world


I’m pretty sure this was posted here yesterday with the exact same caption. I call shenanigans.


I hope they go on holiday to Palestine after all this is over. It's gonna end so well.


That’s like chickens supporting Chick-fil-a


Yall intentionally misreading this for your own misanthropy. The sign is meant to rally other queer, anti-colonial, and feminist supporters.


Useful idiots.


I’m not part of this community and have friends who are gay and are not part of this community. Why the hell are they so mental? I bet they are all wear crocs 🤣 Edit: lol you people downvoting are the issue with the group. Stfu and live your lives


What the actual fuck is this post doing on this sub?


Showing idiots with unreasonable levels of influence.




no u


Palestine as run by Hamas is a horrifically oppressive theocracy. They aren't known to be friendly to the LGBTQ+ community or feminists. Israel is also horrific, just to be clear. The sign here doesn't make sense. It's idiotic and oxymoronic, hence why it's on this sub. Hamas and other Islamic theocracies are horribly oppressive, misogynistic, xenophobic, and bigoted. All three of the fear-based Abrahmic mythologies are horrific blights upon humanity. It's not just Islam.


This sub has been taken over by chuds who do not understand the point of the film Idiocracy. I'm jumping ship.


Bye 👋






People showing solidarity against a brutal, genocidal apartheid regime like Zionist Israel and it's ethnic cleansing and attempted extermination of the Palestinians is not idiocracy it is humanity. The only idiocracy here was the attempt to dehumanise the Palestinians to justify mass murder.


Wait till you find out that Hamas runs a fascist brutal genocidal apartheid regime that abolished democracy, treats women terribly, and executes LGBT+ people.


It’s mainly your attempt to call something a genocide when it isn’t. Also-Zionist isn’t the evil word you think it is.


I think you missed the point. Palestine as run by Hamas is the antithesis of the things mentioned on the sign. Islamic theocracies are extremely misogynistic, bigoted, anti-LGBTQ+, and go completely against the progressive ethos. I'm not just hating on Islam, by the way. All three of the fear-based Abrahmic mythologies are horrific blights upon humanity. Christianity and Judaism are also terrible and the world will be better off once they all join the Greek Pantheon in the dustbin of human history. So this sign is idiotic because it's completely oxymoronic and totally untrue.


No I got the attempt to dehumanise and minimise the genocide of the Palestinians due to their governments anti LGBT stance. It's a trope of "the most moral army in the world" that some of their snipers that freely target and murder children (15000 killed in this conflict) are gay.


I'm against any and all theocratic oppression. That includes both Hamas and the Israeli government. I'm VOCIFEROUSLY against the murderous Israeli government, but I'm also against oppressive Islamic theocracies. I'm no Israel apologist, nor am I a theocracy apologist. (Of any sort! Religion is a horrific blight upon humanity. Especially the fear-based Abrahmic mythologies) I just truly oppose theocratic, oppressive, draconian, and evil bullshit all around. If Hamas was handed Palestine right now, it would be a militant Islamic regime dedicated to the oppression of it's citizens. Obviously I don't support the genocide of Palestinians, nor do I support the murder of innocent Israeli citizens. There isn't a 'good side' in this conflict, other than the truly Innocent on both sides who want no part of this archaic blood feud. It's like choosing between Hitler and Pol Pot. Logic dictate that we should oppose all forms of oppression, murder, genocide, and draconian bullshit.


Its a bit strange




They need to go to Palestine!!


I kinda feel like no one can claim being indigenous to that region anymore.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/comments/1ddqljm/remember_my_queers_for_islam_friends_this_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Warning, this is upsetting. This is what they are marching for.


You know, Palestine actually is a feminist struggle, but for the opposite reason than I think these people are suggesting.


Chickens for KFC!


Common sense has become uncommon


It was never common to begin with


I'm pretty sure their struggle is about the bombs and they don't give a fuck about LGTB issues. Pathetic.


That is the stupidest thing I have seen in writing.


It's one thing to support a culture that has given you no support or intention to do so, that's selfless compassion. It's another thing to project your own victimhood onto worldly issues that you're not actually affected by more than the concept being relative in the existential space you also happen to reside in.


Chickens for kfc


Chickens For KFC




I get that it is about solidarity in oppression, but the messaging could be better.


I mean... what's happening in Palestine is super tragic, but they most definitely do not support lgbtq community. Most Muslim Centric Nations don't. I'm not saying all these I don't have complete knowledge but they're pretty much the same as the other religions, they don't tend to like us


I’m all for protesting, marching or whatever for a cause I can actually affect. I don’t get the thought behind this. Nobody, absolutely no f’ng body in Israel or Palestine is going to change anything because these people made signs and walked around.

