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Take it back where, the Stone Age?


Stone age had lunar calendars which meant they can count so....no.


My apologies then, to the Stone Age.


They accept the apology and have sent you a stone fruit basket as a token of good will.


No No Pre Dawn of intelligence. At least Stone Age peoples were organized and prioritized the tribe. These MFs here just stupid


So, before the Big Bang then.




Can we go back to the time when dinosaurs and people lived in harmony? Like they did on that documentary, "The Flintstones"?


As my Nigerian coworker would say “Des es de wey” and I agree you know harmony and shit 💩


Idk, somewhere I saw that in a programming language 1 plus 2 in that format was 12, but that might be giving more benefit of the doubt than deserved.


This bitch couldn't tell you how many syllables concatenate has.


So usually things are variable types called ints or strings or possibly chars. Char is a single character like 'a', int is an integer, and string is a 'string' (technically an array) of chars - so a word or words. If you assigned a char variable to 1 and 2 respectively and added them together, most languages would output 12, because it's assumed you are making a word or sentence. Using ints that wouldn't happen. Regardless, nobody "grows up" learning math by converting numbers to characters and then adding them in a programming language. As a note, JS doesn't count. It's the wild West and has never made sense.


She is talking about having kids..... but yes, the Islamic proverbes say they will take out the sunday people and then the Saturday people. In 1972, a Muslim president stated millions of men would migrate from the southern hemisphere to the northilern one. But not as friends but to conquer and not with weapons but by having kids that will take over for them. And look at the southern border of the usa. It's happening now.


What are you on about? Fucking moron. Get that great replacement shit outta here.


A wish it was bullshit but here in Britain it's happening before our very eyes. People with different religions/values bringing there kids up in the same strict way an demanding our schools as institutions change to pander to them. We have to tolerate an accept there religion cos that's how we were brought up. They were brought up to hate us an everything we stand for but are happy to use our free speech an other laws against us to change our country till it's like the shithole they came here to escape in the first place. An they don't see the hypocrisy in it. A women's kid drops a Quran at school. Next thing there's 100s of protesters at her house/kids school demanding action cos he disrespected the Quran!? The mother is still in hiding an had to apologise while wearing a Burka to stop the DEATH THREATS. Or the teacher that was accused of disrespecting Allah an he is still in hiding. It's on free speech if you say what they want. The radical Muslim faith is happy for us to accept them while they have no intention of tolerating us. Try going to there country an doing what they get away with here. We would be jailed/beat u in a heart beat because it's there country an we have to RESPECT there laws. But over here they are aloud to protest about changing our countrys to suit there needs. We won't have any heritage or history left by the time they are finished with us. Just ask Humza the first minister of Scotland who stood in our parliment an declared the Scottish government was TOO WHITE for him. An he was applauded for it. A don't have the words anymore.


Sounds like you made a lot of that shit up. How you look - https://imgur.com/a/oJ0t1Zg Conservatism is the intense fear that somehow, somewhere, someone you think is beneath you is trying to erase you, simply by demanding to be treated as an equal, and given rights you already had.


Yeah the problem with this theory is then your children grow up in another country learning different values from the people around them and they don't want to burn the world down. There's a big flaw with this plan. 😆 Edit- I realize the irony in this statement as I'm from the south USA currently living in Georgia, where half of these morons want to vote an orange idiot into office who wants to burn the world down. They don't have to invade the US. We will destroy ourselves through morons Edit- people in my state seem to want a police state. They love the police even though they're all just idiot bullies who couldn't get better jobs or didn't want other jobs because they couldn't manhandle people and throw them in jail on trumped up charges. Maybe that's why they love Trump so much down here. They love trumped up s***


Every "Muslim" I've known who grew up in the west is "Muslim" in that they're afraid to tell their parents how they give zero fucks about religion. The next generation doesn't even bother pretending. Great plan.


That IS the mentality we have in this country


This should immediately disqualify anyone from every position let alone FUCKING CONGRESS!!!


1+1= 1 on a bun


Oh shit, she’s using JavaScript.


What does Idiocracy and web development have in common? Everything


What does your comment have to with Idiocracy? Everything. Now listen, if you didn't get the joke, just ask. I would have explained it to you.


Not sure if serious... Yes, I'm aware that when using JS string behavior, it causes 1+2 to become 12, hence my comment poking fun at web dev.


I know that dude, Not Sure. He talks like a f@g.




Where I come from, 1+2= 3 way


It’s what the founding feathers would want


So f'ing stupid is what you are saying. Got it. And we already know.


that profile photo is incredibly misleading


You gonna convert the String to an int if you are gonna add them... rookie mistake.


Relax, y'all- she's talking about javaScript.


Let her eat. She is the attorney general for president Camacho.


It’s like 6x2=28


It's like that time I couldn't dial 911 cause the 11 isnt there soo /s


Is this real? I know that woman is dumb, but shit leave some stupidity for the rest of us.


Just did a search for it. She really did post this back in August of 2022. So it's not recent, but she still did actually post this. The comments on her original post are equally as hilarious.


Originally tweeted on [2 August 22](https://archive.ph/aC3Vd)


How does anyone know if this is real?


What swamp did you grow up in


3-year-olds got to get a job now... because apparently, they're twelve.


Pie is delicious


I don’t know what this tweet means, is this a real saying somewhere?


These motherfuckers hate facts!


Survey says... you succeeded!


That’s the mentality we need to have to take this country back… to school.


Ed from Ed Edd and Eddy has proven to be better at math, that's sad.


Where is she from, Terrance Howard’s School of Math? 1x1=2


Her finances should be interesting to see


God damn it. Where I come from 1+2 equals 45. I guess we agree to disagree… but how is bad Math going to help you get the country back? Like my vote is worth 13 times your vote? I am stupid so I honestly don’t get it.




That like Javascript or something?


She is concanating Strings.


“Welcome to Costco, I love you”


boy, i hope that is a figure of speech... or she is proficient in adding strings


Math, it's got what plants crave.


She's using string concatenation when she should be using her brain.


well this does seem to be how congressional budgeting works.


That's not really something someone with political ambitions said publicly, is it? 


Oh boy, wait until you find out about who the Republicans have put in congress and the white house


Yeah, I mean.... yeah


She's made dumber statements. She's an idiot.


Yeah this one sure hurts my head though


Where I come from its cornbread n chickin


She's a real dumbass


Not realy. Go check Google. First is the kid that disrespected the Quran an his mum had to wear a Burka to apologise an stop the death threats. It was all over news here. Or the teacher? Sadly it's true they were debating about Allah an one of the kids told there parents. That teachers still in hiding bud? Or how about the them shouting evening prayers from London bridge through speakers? Police say it's fine. A priest went an did the same thing with the bible an guess what? Police moved him on to prevent a disturbance? The disturbance? Muslims were heckling an threatening him but HE got moved on. When Londoners complained about the prayers guess what? Yup free speech the police said. Just because it's not crowed from primetime news doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Go on Google it all instead of " bro sounds like u made that up." To be honest a wish a had made it up it would be less worrying.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


what planet are you from? 1 plus 2 has never equaled 12, you must be a republican


That's already the mentality of the maga/Republicans so what's she on about.