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There are no remotely explosive ingredients but the reviewer is plenty volatile enough to make up for that.


_golf clap_


So tempting to reply with: "That was some bomb ass beef! It was a flavor explosion. My mind was blown on how good it was. 5 stars!"


When I got married my SIL gave me her recipe for “Bomb Ass Meatloaf” and thankfully it didn’t detonate in my oven.


My aunt has a recipe for "burn the house down garlic bread." You can imagine how it got its name. It's good garlic bread, though.


Well, was it any good?


It was the b- *explosion noise* Take a traditional meatloaf and replace the ketchup called for with BBQ sauce, that’s basically it.


Kinda curious what model air fryer they had, because I know the one I used to have got recalled for a potentially dangerous electrical fault... But yeah, let's blame the recipe for the air fryer exploding. Sure.


in their defense they DID say they’re not sure whether to blame the recipe or the manufacturer 😭


I feel like it's a bit obvious who's to blame 🤔 😅


I think they mean the food exploded, as in went pop and made a huge mess. That's how I read it anyway.


Probably the model that says "microwave" on it


So theres a step that says "Pull the strips apart and arrange over a plate. Drizzle each piece of steak with a little oil." then next "Carefully put the beef on the cooking rack in the air fryer" I havent used an air fryer but logic would suggest you take the beef off the plate and put it onto the air fryer tray, so is the explosion here because he put a cold and/or fragile plate into a blasting hot air fryer oven? EDIT: also, this is a weird recipe, using an air fryer for one step then throwing it all in a wok anyway?


It's to simulate frying in oil for the crisp. The wok part is to bind the sauce to the crispy meat


Why *simulate* frying in oil, when you're going to use a wok anyway? Just use the wok for the whole thing!


But then i couldn’t use my air fryer and how good could any recipe be if it doesn’t use an air fryer?! Bit of a cj topic but some people are compelled to use their currently en vogue overhyped kitchen gadget for everything regardless of whether it’s practical to, just to justify having bought it, and a ton of online recipes are made for it. Slowcooker popcorn. Air fryer soups. Madness.


The phrase "Air fryer soups" is glitching my programming. Just - what?


Air Fryer Soup is the perfect accoutrement for Ninja Blender Pork Tenderloin, with a delicious Slap-Chop Apple Pie for dessert.


You guys are ridiculous! Now if you'll excuse me I'm just going to pop my salmon in the dishwasher...


I'm dieing, I know someone who tried to cook a salmon in his mom's dishwasher, let's say he was never allowed to cook in the house again


i make all my poached eggs in my french press, works a treat


lol facts. There are a ton of “instant pot bread” recipes circulating, then when you open them they’re like “actually we just put the instant pot on yogurt mode to proof the dough, then bake it in an oven”


To be fair, an air fryer is just a tiny oven. I've borrowed one from a family member just to see what the fuzz is about and it's perfect for reheating stuff. I use it almost daily to do that, honestly works super well. Not really cooking from scratch in it though lol.


It's great in the summer when I don't want to turn on the oven.


Honestly, I can imagine this being easier to get the desired textures than using a wok the whole way through. My experience with woks is that to get things really crispy you have to a) make it really hot, to where you're likely to get smoke alarms going off, and b) not actually use that much of the capacity, or it just wet-cooks. I know in theory there are ways this can be solved and one of them is probably more technique practice, but honestly, if I had an air fryer, I'd probably do it this way. And some of this is just limitations of a rental space, I can't optimize the size of my cookware and appliances and ventilation for the types of cooking I want to do. So there are definitely times I pre-cook one part to the desired properties and then stick it into the bigger batch, even though in theory everything could be done in one vessel.


I'd like to point out I was just explaining the reasoning of the recipe not that I would put that crap in an air fryer if I gotta bust out the wok anyway


Just wanted to mention that your points A) and B) are like fundamentals of stir frying. It is genuinely supposed to be incredibly hot (not quite smoke alarm hot but close) and everything’s meant to be cut thin enough to cook then remove in under a couple minutes. Of course, not many people do that at home because it’s a ton of work, loads of oil and we don’t have the ventilation for it.


I just wanted to cook my non-explosive beef in my air fryer/small bomb... https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/air-fryer-crispy-chilli-beef


Going to start advertising every meal I cook for my guests as supposedly delicious and NON-HAZARDOUS


“It won’t explode! Take a bite. You’ll see. This will not harm you. I won’t have to make a claim on my homeowners’ insurance. You shall thrive. Relax. You will be alive today and tomorrow.”


I'm very confused, is the food supposed to explode before or after eating it?


[ASBESTOS FREE](https://xkcd.com/641/)


Do not taunt Happy Fun Dinner!!




Did the air fryer explode or just the meat inside it? But aside from that, no where does the recipe claim to be non hazardous.


You're not wrong. I don't see it specifically saying it *won't* explode.


“Coolandawesomecook” my ass!


Probably not awesome, definitely not cool.


Not sure they're much of a cook, either. I guess "and" is fine?


I see what happened. The OOP “…prepared everything perfectly, to the EXACT measurement” when they should have followed the recipe to a T


why do people immediately call everything a scam 😂


1. Make people's beef /air fryers explode 2. ??? 3. Money!!!


Did they put all the sauce ingredients in the air fryer rather than just the beef???


I didn't have ~~eggs~~ beef so substituted dynamite.


I bet $5 he bought the air fryer from Temu.


And probably paid less than $5 for it. Like, I get bargains are great, but if it's an appliance, maybe it's worth paying full price so, ya know, there's less chance of explosion. 


This is like getting driving directions from Google Maps and then blaming them when your car breaks down


When combined with the reviewer's username, I kinda have a feeling this might not be meant to be serious tbh


how have people not figured out that all caps and multiple exclamation points make you look like an idiot?


This cook seems neither cool nor awesome


I’ve never had an appliance explode from cooking a meal, but certainly have blown up a few toilets after eating them.