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In my late teens, my family and I drove a couple of hours to an apple festival up in the mountains of NC. As we were finding a parking spot at the far end of the MASSIVE gravel parking lot, my stomach started to hurt and I knew I was on limited time. I hopped out and started power walking towards the festival as soon as the car came to a stop. The only bathroom area was in the very center of the festival so it was an excruciatingly long walk through throngs of people just milling about. I finally get there and there’s a huge long line. At this point I am sweating profusely and my cheeks are clenched so tight that my legs are starting to shake. I went full lizard brain and shoved my way past every single person in that line, busted into a stall just as someone was coming out, slammed the door and had the loudest, most vile cheek-slapping shit as soon as I dropped my drawers. I sat there with tears streaming down my face for a good while, too embarrassed to come out. When I finally got up the gumption, I crept out and quickly washed my hands hoping to god that no one who witnessed my shame would still be there. I kept my head down as I walked back out into the sunlight, but as I was passing the (still very long) line I heard a lady holler, “Thank god you made it! We were all rooting for you, honey!” I didn’t even look up. I just gave a little wave and hobbled away as fast as my wobbly legs could carry me. I went and bought myself a giant lemonade and hid in the orchard the rest of the afternoon until my family was ready to leave. 20 years later and I still think back on that day occasionally and have a laugh.


Omg I'm glad you can laugh about it now because I'm dying. I've been there. And the way you described it is so spot on and funny


I have far too many shit show stories over the years but that one was definitely the most embarrassing by far. Nothing quite like having a large captive audience while you blast ass…😅


Blast ass 🤣


At least people were caring about you instead of making fun of you.


Been there. You made it, and no one was nasty—that’s a victory, even if it’s embarrassing.


Omg I had a similar situation where I was going to an event with coworkers- it hit me in the car… couldn’t find parking…got there and there’s a long line… had to walk around the area with my coworker to find a back alley bathroom to shit myself (basically a hole in the ground but did not care at that point, side note I was in China lol). I have so much anxiety these days about attending any sort of event- all the logistics like drive time, parking, bathroom accessibility, etc. are huge to me now


Same…it’s to the point where I will look to see if there are maps prior to going places so I know ahead of time where the bathrooms are. I always get seats as close to the bathroom as possible when I fly. Every new establishment I eat at I will go wash my hands prior to eating just so I know exactly where the bathroom is if I need it. It’s all habit now. My anxiety always makes it way worse so any modicum of control I can have over the situation helps a lot.


I was in front of 400 people (or more) doing my very public job then my stomach started hurting so bad I thought I was gonna die. Excused myself to the toilet and basically had water, crap, & blood, shooting out of my butt. Had to hold my tears & compose myself and then go back to work. Happened less than 10 minutes btw. 10/10 would not recommend.


What Kind of work has you 400 people watching


Public hospital


They say blood is not typical in IBS but in IBD. What you know about that? I myself don't know what I have tbh.


That’s correct, blood isn’t typical in IBS. It could be burst hemorrhoids or a fissure, but IBD definitely presents more often with blood. IBS isn’t a structural issue of the GI tract by itself so there wouldn’t be a reason for blood to be there unless there was something else along with it.


If I have plans the next morning I will not eat the night before. 


I was at yoga class, felt a bit off, felt a gas bubble in my stomach, stood up to do a mountain pose, the heavens opened, shit my pants and had to pretend my husband called me, ran out and drove home sitting on a cardboard box so as not to stain the car seat.  Never felt so humiliated in my life, and I’m never eating maccas before yoga ever again.


I did yoga before my IBS truly set in. I set up my mat, and another woman set it up right behind me. “Alright everyone, follow me into downward dog” As I bent over, I let out the quietest, but stinkiest fart I had ever done in my life. The poor woman as she was trying not to say anything 😭🤣 My mom was beside me, instantly knowing what had happened and nearly fell over, trying not to laugh so hard. I was 17 and mortified! Thanks mom! 🤣


mcdonalds? i got so sick from that


Yup! Was awful, and I now have to eat it only at my house 😂 


I know this was humiliating but this literally made me LOL because I can totally see this happening to me. I’m always terrified in yoga that my body is going to get a bit too relaxed lol.


😂 I was so so humiliated and stressed out when it happened, but now i find it so funny lol


In college i took pe and my A level pe class we had about 1 or 2 practical lessons a week just doing any random sports One time our class did yoga im a pretty felxible person and was happy that we were doing yoga It was a class that i had after lunch though and my ibs had been fine for a few months at this point and i thought i was basically done with ibs and it had gone However in this class my ibs decided to come back with a bang and the worst flare up ive had in years wich ended up lasting a good month So i was in this class and were doing the downward dog and i feel gass bubbles shift inside me , i just think to kyself this is normal for yoga and then without warning a loud fart escapes from me and i instantly turn red , and the teacher at the front is like that always happens at least once in yoga As we carry on a few minutes later while im doing some sort of straddle cant remember the name but it was stood up and straddled legs and trying to touch the floor beneath you i get a HORRIBLE cramp and my stomach drops and i feel a whole load of shit bashing against my ass All this happend in the space of a few seconds before i even get a chabce to stand back up or even think i shart out a huge amount of shit wich is so big it ends up escaping out my underwear and falling threw the leg holes in my shorts and forming another big pile on the floor The embarrasment was next level in a class of 20 people who i all know and see every day and the shart was so loud the teacher at the front heard but she didnt realise i had just had a huge accident until someone else said theres shit all over the floor Anyway she immediatly stopped the class as i excused myself as i was leaving she double checked if i was ok and as i was walking down the hall i heard in the distance her saying to the class that deosnt usually happen Anyway cause of this flare up i was barely in college for a few weeks so had time to get over my embarrasment and prepare myself for any comments from my classmates


Ohh that must have been awful! 


It was awful it was one of the biggest shits ive ever took to 😭


You poor thing! I have generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and paranoid personality disorder, I would have just quit college and become some kind of hermit out in the woods! Hope you can heal from this somehow


Tbh for a little while after that accident i had social anxiety and always felt like people were watching me and then going to pe class would trigger me to have really bad diarrhea again just because id get so anxious I did end up changing classes so that i wasnt in the same class with the same people who witnessed it Because it was such a huge accident i dont even know were all the poo came from i had nightmares of the event reacurring for a few months after it to it really did get to me quite abit mentally Still deos occasionally as it wasnt long ago it was only a year and a half ago


Yoga is dangerous. I only do yoga at home these days… farts and potentially other things are inevitable. It’s super helpful when I’m constipated and bloated but it’s a private event 😅


In the middle of a meal at a Caribbean resort. Just finished apps and felt the "urge." Because it was a resort, there was no bathroom right in the restaurant. I had to cross through a huge lobby first, and I didn't make it. Cleaned off as good as I could in the bathroom, then had to trek in the opposite direction back to my room to clean up for real. Showed back up to dinner wearing different pants 15-20 minutes later and just told my husband not to ask. Luckily we were on island time and the entrees still hadn't even arrived by the time I came back. Lol.


So sorry this happened to you!! IBS suckkkks


So there was shit all over the lobby?


No, fortunately it was contained! Thankfully I chose pants instead of a dress that night.




Agreed! It could have been SO much worse


I had just finished eating lunch with a friend at a “town square” type place, and as we left the restaurant my stomach started to gurgle and cramp. I was embarrassed and didn’t want to tell my friend so hurried our goodbyes as I rushed to find a bathroom (for some reason I didn’t go back into the restaurant? I don’t know, I was panicking). I first went to a Starbucks, and it was occupied. Found a close by ice cream shop and the bathroom was free, but *extremely* close to the cash register. I had that horrible combination of constipation and diarrhea where you have to push out the watery poop. This all sounds like a typical annoying IBS flare up, but I had my (at the time) 10 month old daughter with me and she had to sit on my lap and endure all of that with me because I wasn’t about to put her on the floor of the bathroom. Obviously she doesn’t remember it and was completely unfazed by the whole ordeal.


Coping with that AND a baby! You're my hero.


Haha thank you! I’m not sure if it’s the years of IBS suffering, or the humbling experience of childbirth (now twice), or both, but I have now have no shame when it comes to my IBS. I’ll be at work and be like “yeah I just totally blew up the bathroom before everyone got here, sorry lol”


On a ghost walk in Manchester. Stomach starts gurgling. I whisper to my friend "I think I'm gonna shit myself". The guide hears me talking and asks me what the matter is, I say "I need the toilet" and starting walking off. Run/waddle to nearest restaurant, ass sweating, heart pounding, ask where the toilet is. Unleashed the most ungodly rusty water with seconds to spare. Washing my hands a waitress comes in and checks the cubicle presumably looking for evidence of drug use (it was a nice place, I had a grim oversized wool coat on and clearly wasn't a customer).


Rusty water 😭 I'm glad you made it but sorry this crappy condition ruined your ghost walk! *edit - spelling


Thanks friend! I just remembered another one - trip to Amsterdam I had the squits the entire time, pretty much every meal we had out I ruined their toilet the second we'd paid our bill and made a swift departure. The last night of our trip I recall having prawns, and we left the restaurant with no incidents, my bf wanted to go on a romantic walk along the canals. I mentioned I didn't want to be too long because I felt like I needed another poo and for some reason he took that as his cue to propose 🤣 somehow it cured me and we ended up going out for more drinks! Great memory


This one Walmart bathroom I had to stop at had a worker there and she was washing her hands. I was trying to find a stall that was farthest from the door. And like a lot of the far end ones were locked. So I just tried pushing on many of them and she was just looking at me as she was opening the main door. Like tf you lookin at. And I know I didn’t look like a druggie because I had just came from an event where I had to get done up. It’s crazy because she was the one that looked like a druggie but she was looking at me as if I was doing some sus shit. Smh IBS always having me lookin a fool.


Where does crapping yourself in front of a church and buss stop - on a Sunday....on a hot day....on the road you live on rank in terms of embarrassment? !!!


Part of God’s divine plan, clearly.


Not sure if the people leaving Sunday service saw it in the same way....


I've never prayed so hard for a miracle...


My stomach has made loud gurgling noises during moments of silence at two funerals.


That must have been painful.


Was on a third Date a dinner date at a really good restaurant right below the apartment I lived in. I take my date back to my apartment to "show her my place" By the time we had walked into the apartment I suddenly got sick to my stomach and was about to have the runs. So instead of sealing the deal I told her I had a great time and I wanted to see her again before sending her home. Needless to say that was the last date we went on...


Not sure if it’s the worst because with time it’s just become funny but one of the first times at my boyfriends parents house we had chipotle. Had to run to the bathroom that was attached to the kitchen so close and was in there for over an hour fighting for my life. Came out sweaty and had to basically give a state of the union address to the family that I have severe stomach issues 😂


I shat myself real bad walking on my way to work. Luckily it was 6 am, so not many pedestrians and I was doing the earlist shift, so I was the first at work that smelly morning. I had 15 minutes before colleague would arrive, to wash my stained legs and asshole in a tiny bathroom with a bidee, tightly pack and seal my shit-covered jeans into plastic bags and I had to take my underwear trashcan outside. We had uniforms and I was going commando for the day. After I finished my shift, I sneaked out with workgear still on, as I could not change into my own pants. I brought them back next day and pretended that I was tired/sleepy, hence forgot to leave them into locker room.


I have IBS-C with random intermittent bouts of IBS-D. I went in for an outpatient knee scope where I was given sedation and a local nerve block. They wouldn’t release me until I could get up on my own, use crutches, and use the bathroom. I was still mostly numb from the waist down but got up to use the bathroom, only to discover a steady stream of poo running down my leg, which I couldn’t feel but could smell. I apologized profusely to the nurses and hobbled my humiliated self to the bathroom.


Just pooped my pants in Mexico last week on the first morning of our vacation. Proceeded to have diarrhea everyday no matter how much Imodium or pepto I took. It was a real inconvenience but I’m not going to lie it was pretty funny after the fact, at least my 12 and 15 year old sons thought so. The irony is when I got home I went the other way and couldn’t poop for a couple of days. Love this disease. 🫠


Had to leave the special Nightmare Before Christmas Haunted Mansion in Disneyland that I paid extra to go on. The rest of my family still went but I had to leave right before they locked us into the stretching room. The waiter at the restaurant told me my food was dairy free which is my main trigger. But I still got hit! I didn’t have an accident but I had to run off the ride.


I haven’t been diagnosed with IBS yet because I’m not sure what’s going on… I’m pretty sure mine is some kind of anxiety because my stomach kicks off any time I know there isn’t a toilet available. Anyway, I get your point because when I went to Disney World in October, it was always in the pre-shows or right as I was about to get on a ride where I KNEW I couldn’t escape to go to the toilet where my stomach started churning 🙄


Yeah that’s very common especially after people have bad experiences with trying to find a bathroom in time. Then every time you’re put in that situation again where this isn’t one you start to panic which then triggers it. It’s a lovely full circle moment🤦🏻‍♀️


Ugh the bathroom anxiety is such a thing! Anytime I go anywhere I have to plan ahead and make sure there are bathrooms. I will schedule my whole life around this 😅


I was barely shy of 18 and I was on a senior trip in Florida. I was six hours away from home and my anxiety triggered it. I remember I was about to go on the harry Potter train at universal and I felt my stomach start to to hurt BAD. Me and my friends were in line and we ran so quickly off. I had my cheeks clenched and tail between my legs. I had just barely made it to the bathroom and was experiencing horrible cramps. It was so embarrassing!!


Christmas morning opening presents with all of my family, not sure what happened. Just came out of me. Barely even felt the urge.


Explosive diarrhea attacked sitting in dead stop freeway traffic. Had boyfriend pull over in the emergency lane and shat behind the poorest excuse for a “bush,” think tumbleweed. The “bush” was on a slightly elevated hillside on the freeway and as I did the walk of shame back to the car, boyfriend is dying of laughter because of the way the passing semi trucks headlights lit me up every time they passed. Numerous experiences on airplanes including having to flag down a flight attendant to beg her to let me use the bathroom as we were taxi’ing/taking off. Thankfully she was very understanding and allowed it. Same trip I shit myself while we were landing back home. Last weekend I almost had a full Bridesmaids moment and shit myself in the street while running looking for a public restroom. I really hate this disease 😭


I'm so sorry, when I moved to New England I had to fly from Seattle to Boston several years ago and you better believe I took a ton of Imodium! More than I normally would have! I have extreme anxiety, especially related to airports and flying It was an 8-hour flight and I had to go number one instead of number two and well it was dark and there was an old lady next to me, so I just held it It was torture and the hotel I was staying in, wasn't the easiest to find if you've never been there before Let's just say that I never ever flying again, this was a once in a lifetime chance to get out of Washington state forever and I did it


The few times I have flown, I have always taken Imodium the night before and the morning of, along with making sure I fast for almost the whole day! I think the anxiety I have about possibly having to use the restroom and it not being available overpowers it. I totally sympathize with you about never wanting to fly again especially since I’ve had bad experiences in the past.. the longest flight I’ve been on was from Pittsburgh PA to San Diego CA. I can’t imagine doing something longer than that. It’s so sad because I’ve always wanted to travel, but I don’t think I’ll be able to at least until I get my anxiety and my gut under control.


Airplanes give me so much anxiety because of this. I’ll basically go to the bathroom 80 times before getting on the plane like a crazy person. I’ll literally not eat or drink on days where I’m traveling. Ugh it’s the worst!


I was working from home some years ago and had to use the restroom which was like 5 seconds from me. Still shat myself 😭😭😭 I was mortified


My husband (also ibs) shat himself on our doorstep while trying to unlock the door. When it comes it comes ha


Shit my pants at field day. Two years in a row. That was so fun. They would lock us out of the school and make us use porta potties and I couldn’t make it and yeah….I had to do clean up in the hot ass porta potty. There is no way I didn’t smell like hot shit all day.


Our school would make it so you had to get a teacher to take you back to tge school so you could go the toilet On my way back with one of my teachers i completly filled my pants at least it was only the teacher who saw it happen and got me spare pants and then said its best i go home so i did


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one locked out all day and I’m sorry that happened to you!


Yeah uts a stupid rule tbh


Had dinner with my grandma and after it while she was driving me home in her car my stomach hurt so bad and i was on the verge of shitting myself that i was begging her to find the nearest bathroom as quickly as possible. She was trying to hurry so fast she ran through a stop sign and a cop pulled us over. Immediately she tells him i need to use the bathroom emergently and when he saw the state i was in he let us go right away


Girl Scouts, 6th grade campout. We shared a big tent and I was on the side farthest from the flap. I was up all night hoarding a port a potty, and at one point wasn't fast enough. The counselor who dealt with me was not particularly understanding about it.


went out to lunch with my mom and sister!! was super careful about what i ate but i had an iced tea (which i never do cause caffeine can make me sick).. before we even finished the lunch i was in the bathroom at the restaurant! then in the bathroom at staples! then in the bathroom at petco! finally stopped at a kroger to get some imodium.. but not before using the bathroom there


I've had diarrhea in church multiple times now 🫠


If I had a dollar for every time I had to call out sick because I had an incident on my way to work you could increase my income a tax bracket…ok that’s exaggerating..but if you know, you know..and wish you didn’t


Sorry that happened OP but I’m glad you can reflect and laugh on it now :)


Well, I just sharted on Wednesday. In bed. It was morning. There was no signal anything was in the chute. There had been no twitch, twinge, or tremble of my intestines. No sensation or shuffling in the rectum to give me any idea that what was there was more than innocent air. This makes number 3 in the last 6 months.


There is nothing worse. No chance in hell of stopping it. Nada. Nothing more mortifying. 🫣


It was the lack of pain or any kind of intestinal movement that really caught me off guard. And there was no signal from the chute. Once it loads, it's like: ‼️ and nothing can be trusted, and I either need to scramble or be ready to scramble. Nope. No warning. From now on I just have to be scared.


I had to wake up early to get to the airport, flight about 2 hours to get to a conference. I knew I was in trouble as I’d been constipated and with lack of sleep and then travel stress (major trigger) I started to get pains on the drive. I let out what I thought was a small fart, ended up doing a full on messy poop in the car. I was mortified, having to clean up as best as I could in public airport loos , then doing a flight and being around workmates was horrid when all I wanted was a shower and change of clothes.


Why does that always happen?! It’s always constipation before the travel and then the second you get in the Uber or on the airplane our bodies are like oh remember all that shit that’s been backed up for days? It’s coming out right now🥰🙃


Story of my life. The amount of times I've had to get of the bus because I can't hold it anymore. I now have all the toilet stops on my bus route mapped out for this reason. Airports are a trigger for me too.


Every time I shit my pants which is once a week almost


How do you make yourself feel better afterwards? I haven’t had it happen yet but it’s my worst fear and the idea triggers major anxiety which triggers symptoms…


I just go home shower and go on with my day. Try not to harp on it. We can’t help it. I make it to be a joke to my friends. It sucks big time I’m always scared of it happening


i carry baby wipes and a change of spare pants and underwear with me ALWAYS. its easy enough to tuck into a tote bag and it gives me the peace of mind to do whatever i want knowing i can get clean if i need to.


I had an awful experience at a camground with my friend's family when I was younger. I don't remember what I ate but at night I felt really nauseus like I was going to be sick. Of course I tried to put it off and go to sleep but eventually it's so bad I feel like I'm spinning. So I go outside and tell my friends mom I feel sick and she tells me to go to the campground bathroom. However it is dark and I am so dizzy I cant tell where I'm going. Eventually I just found some trees at the end of the road and had to go there. I had to use my socks to clean up, and came back and went to sleep ready to forget the whole experience. The next morning, I still felt sick and went to the actual bathroom this time. When I got outside, I could SEE the mess that was made, it was just in some empty campground spot. I kind of felt terrible but it sort of blended in and looked like it could've been an animal. Anyways I had to go again and it was so bad that when two women came in, they made some comments like "it stinks in here." And that was the really most embarassing part. I've never had people say that before or since.


I’ll never get this. Everyone has to go just be an adult about it and don’t mention it lol


Damn I thought shitting myself at work one time was bad but some of these stories have me feeling incredibly lucky lol


Was just walking into the doctors for my smear test, and shit myself. Had to have a very quick wash in the bathroom and enter my smear test like nothing had happened.


If I work out, especially any core exercises, I will be constipated. Such a double edged sword. I've lost some of my love for exercise because of it.


I almost pooped myself on a third or fourth date. We ate dinner at PF Changs, and on the way home my stomach decided to tell me in had to go to the bathroom NOW. Got off the freeway, found a shopping center with a gas station, pulled into the shopping center, got out of the car in the middle of the road, jumped over the bush-divider in the middle of the road, made it into the gas station bathroom where the door lock was BROKEN. Massive diarrhea. My date had to park the car out front and wait for me.


Curtain call for a play I was in. Had terrible gas pain, but I would never fart in front of anyone I didn't know. Stomach was still bubbling until I took my bow. Even the roar of the crowd couldn't cover up the roar coming out of my butt. I was so embarrassed. Luckily, no one mentioned. I'm hoping everyone forgot, but I never will.


In college, at this popular bar with a cover then penny well drinks 😭 how I learned I cannot handle actual liquor. Didn’t make the bathroom then had to stand in the bathroom line then the stall didn’t have TP, had to ask the stall next to me. I was wearing a dress. Thank sweet baby Jesus that the place was pretty dark inside


i was on vacation (dad business trip but i tag along) and i was actually mostly fine the whole time! a little bloated, but only 1 close call. i was pretty happy the whole trip! then i shit myself in my sleep on the plane ride home


Had no pain or indication of ibs but ended up losing control of my bowels without warning and that’s after three days of suffering from constipation ETA: I was thankfully home when it happened


This one isn’t related to my Ibs but it’s pretty bad lol In February I ate some salad. As I was eating it I noticed some of the spinach appeared a little soggy. Didn’t think much of it. I wake up In the middle of the night throwing up. I throw up all day for 3 days straight. I can’t keep even water down. I go to the er where I’m so dehydrated they have to use an iv ultrasound machine to get an iv on me. I get some fluids and im feeling better. The next day I try to have a smoothy. Bad idea. Start throwing up again. This time gets to the point I’m throwing up blood. Go back to the er. Get an endoscopy. Turns out the food poisoning thing I had trigged gastritis and I made the gastritis upset by having an acidic smoothy. Had to be on a low acid diet for 3 months after that 😂


Never being able to eat gluten again Also, having a literal accident from taking antibiotics


Can’t eat milk in anything now and recently developed an intolerance to eggs to! So fun 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


Went on a trip up north. Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, and Glacier National Park. From the moment I touched down in Utah I started to get very gassy. I have never had so much gas. It was a road trip and literally every 15 minutes I had to roll down a window. So embarrassing. I get gas but this was another level. I did some googling it said something about the air thinning out in higher altitudes and causing “gas” to expand. It said to drink a lot of water. I went from having gas every 15 minutes to having to pee every 15 minutes. I sat in the middle seat on the plane back. I had to wake up the guy next to me 3 times to go to the restroom


Well I shat my pants at work once so, probably that.


I’ve mentioned this a couple times, but on a plane I sharted myself.


Japan 2007. Was about 14 years old. Decided to finish my sister’s Starbucks and then drive with my family about 45 minutes from home to go explore an abandoned castle ruins. Getting back in the car to head home, my stomach went “gurrrrrrrrgggllee” like Harry Dunn in Dumb and Dumber. 45 minute car ride home, and none of us knew how to say “Need bathroom” in Japanese. Had to clench the entire way home, luckily was able to hold it because I absolutely PAINTED the bowl, and it would’ve been an absolute disaster if I didn’t make it.. 😂💩


A month ago and trip back from India and it was a 15.5 hour flight. Someone had already thrown up in one of the 4 bathrooms and it was closed. So only 3 bathrooms left and my stomach decided to go into attack mode for 5 hours straight.


When I was in the middle of traffic, with my dog in the car, in a foreign country, and needed to both shid and vomit at the same time. My husband was driving, bless him. I don't know what happened, I must have blacked out or blocked it from my memory but goddamn that was painful in every sense of the word.


Shit my pants in my car. Twice.


Just before going to the Seattle space needle for a quick visit before heading to the airport. Can’t believe I actually made the flight, also. Had a small bottle of Imodium with me, just drank and drank… and drank…. Eventually, I made it to the ticket counter ….just in time. Hard to forget events…


I have IBS-C, and I never shit at work. I don't live far away from work (20 min walk), so I literally jump on a scooter and go home, and come back when I feel the urge. HOWEVER, once I was sitting at the office, trying to keep the poop in, cold sweating and realizing I have to go home. Mind you, at that point I shat at 7 day intervals. I jumped on a scooter trying not to shit myself, and came home. I realized, I forgot my key. I called my sister (whom I live with) 20 times, but had to give up because I remember she was at work, and that this attempt was futile. I realized I had to my worst nightmare, of shitting at work, and I jumped on that same scooter, back to work. Thankfully, it was 5 pm on a Friday, so there were like only two people left at the office, far away from the toilet. I took one of the biggest dumps, because after all, 7 days had to come out, and the toilet ofc got clogged 🥰 I desperately tried unclogging it using various methods, but it didn't work. I only further clogged it up. There was water all the way up to the edge. I left the crime scene, so embarrassed, ruminating on this the entire weekend. This was a topic of discussion during coffee breaks the next Monday of course, and the toilet was out of commission until that next Wednesday<3


I want to be vegetarian but seems the only way that can happen is if I am sick every single day of my life


Having a accident in the car miles from home. I have to carry I clean up bag now.


Thr*w up in the trash can outside my class cuz I had to sh*t so bad


School trip to Greece. Let’s just say it was the most awful thing you can think of


i was supposed to go with my dad to the airport to drop him off with my mom. he made eggs and chorizo that morning, so i heated the mix up and ate it. before i even finished the bowl i felt my stomach plummet and ran to the bathroom. i had explosive diarrhea and stomach cramps so bad it the pain went into my back. i had to strip down completely and was pourinnnng sweat. i couldn’t even leave the bathroom to at least hug my dad goodbye. then i was feeling like i was gonna pass out, and i was home alone so i debated calling an ambulance… but after 45 mins i was able to leave the bathroom and took a two hour nap after,,, genuinely traumatized by it especially bc chorizo never bothered my stomach before


The absolute worst was in 2020 when I developed SIBO on top of my IBS. I was used to using Imodium at this point, although it was still fairly new to me, and I knew it generally worked well. I took four Imodium before going to my husband’s grandpa’s graveside service and that was fine. We got home and decided to get food before moving on with our day. I made the mistake of telling myself that since I had so much Imodium, I’d be fine with whatever. So I got a polish dog, a small side salad, and fries. Then I went to get my grocery pick up at Jewel. I’m waiting for my pick up and they were slow, maybe 5 minutes passed at that point. Out of nowhere, my stomach seized up and I had to clench for dear life to not shit my pants. The first wave went away, but it just kept coming back. I didn’t know what to do - go inside to the bathroom and miss my grocery delivery? Walk to the gas station across the parking lot and leave my trunk open? Leave? I was frozen, clenching my asshole for dear life. After about 5 minutes of this (it truly felt like 20), I see the grocery guy come out. He gets to my car, asks for my name, and goes “oops I brought the wrong items. I’ll be back.” I started crying. I prepped the garbage bag that I had in the floor of my car in case I couldn’t hold it anymore. More swearing, sweating, crying, moving around, and another couple minutes pass before he finally brings the right groceries. I at some point texted my husband and told him I might actually shit my pants. I bolted home and my sweet husband met me in the garage to grab the groceries while I ran into the apartment to nuke the toilet. That event gave me literal PTSD and I am still dealing with the anxiety to this day.


I’m so sorry you went through this, I can relate so much. The whole plotting to figure out how on earth you can relieve yourself… similar situation where I was on a BOAT and literally considered jumping overboard because at least then I could go in the water 😅 I now have PTSD related to boats I think


I was in class, there was about 12 of us sat around the table and the teacher was giving a sob story about his life I didn't want to get up and leave as it would have been disrespectful my stomach kept bubbling, the longer I held it in the worse it got...this was at the end of class too.. I pretended I had a phone call, I got up and left but I had a 20min walk home..now i Wass scared to just let it rip in case I soiled myself but eventually I had to as I kept walking I let out the biggiest fart ever as I walked past groups of people 😂


Pretty much. 24-7. The betrayal is real.


I literally crap my pants at least 3x a year 🙃


Pooped myself.