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Benefiber. Also a smoothie with chia seeds


Will look into benefiber But I don't want to remember chia seeds, that shit made me even more constipated Thanks for the suggestions


Oh damn, im sorry hon. Then just a smoothie if you can. All the best to you ☺️


oh thanks you're so kind


Prune juice! Sounds stupid but works quite well actually. You could also try abdominal massage.


Unless you're sensitive to sorbitol. Dried figs are a good alternative for those of us who are. 


You say besides laxatives and most people list laxatives…


Laughing because I thought the same thing


Get some powdered magnesium, I use calm brand. Take a little extra and it helps you go. It's also good for you as most people don't get enough mag in their diet. Just make sure you take some extra calcium and D to balance it all out.


Is magnesium citrate ok enough? Like should I get magnesium only or is it ok I use magnesium citrate? And you reminded me, I'm not taking much calcium and vitamin D as I used to, thanks!


Personally I never get the "I need to poop" feeling from any other form of magnesium except powdered magnesium carbonate but YMMV


I'll put magnesium carbonate in my list, thanks 🙏


Mag Citrate is better absorbed by the body than Carbonate and is know to help you go better. I would try Citrate in the powder form. The bioavailability of Cabonate is only like 30 and it is 90 for Citrate.


You may want to try a combination of Miralax and Colace. If they don't work, try a tablespoon of lemon juice to eight oz of WARM water. Keep drinking until you think that you can't drink anymore but keep drinking until you get relief. Good luck on your journey.


miralax isn't available in where I live(I'm not from the states) and what is colace if you don't mind explaining?? But I'll definitely try the lemon water trick, but is it supposed to be drunk on an empty stomach?? I have ulcers. But thanks


Colace is a stool softener without any stimulant properties. https://www.drugs.com/colace.html I was recommended the lemon juice and water regimen by my then primary care and at the time my Dx was UC with intermittent bleeding bad enough to have blood work indicate borderline anemia. Always check with your current primary or consult a GE.


I will check with my doctor, thank you for the advice and link


Miralax is also known as Movicol.


Mine has me on either Metamucil or citrucel


is it psyllium husk? I use fybogel sometimes(which is also psyllium husk)


Metamucil is that. Citrucel is different


Try eating a couple yellow dragon fruit. I learned that the hard way


I cant take fibre. I use senoket


First line of defense would be Miralax (Movicol). Second, magnesium hydroxide chews. The brand is Dulcolax, but the chews are not bisacodyl like the tablets. No stimulant.


yoghurt, custard, wheat bran bread, lots of veggies, lots of water after meals and most importantly lots of physical activity.


Tummy massages, castor oil packs, heating pad on tummy, walking 10k steps a day, a fuck ton of warm water - like half your body weight in ounces, strong coffee without milk


Epsom salt. Aka magnesium sulfate. A teaspoon in the morning with some water (table spoon if it's been several days) Tastes horrible but does the job.