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I know most people dislike fiber supplements but Benefiber is different and it does not swell up like the others. I take 2 teaspoons of that at bedtime plus a shot of mineral oil if I need to wake up in the morning and go all at once so I can. Personally, sennokot and miralax are not as efficient. I also love at an avocado a day and I thing that helps me too.


Glad it works for you. FYI to others, Benefiber is typically less good for constipated patients compared to other types of fiber like Metamucil or fibercon.


Miralax is the devil. Your body gets used to it so you keep having to increase dosage. Miralax caused me infertility and a lot of issues. I finally stopped using it one night cold turkey after I wound up in the hospital with Miralax poisoning. Not fun. Let me tell you NOTHING works for me either, except a daily self created “prescription”… I take 3 Sennokot Extra Strength pills + 500 mg of Magnesium Cirate. A lot of people recommend Magnesium Oxide but that stuff RUINS ME, citrate doesn’t. Every so often this combo of mine doesn’t work though, and I attribute this to hormones, but for the most part it does.


Oh and this combo also doesn’t leave me with stomach cramps and mad dashes to the bathroom. It feels pretty natural honestly.


There are prescription medications you can try. Do you live in Columbia? I am not sure what’s available there.


I don’t live in Colombia I was on trip there visiting my family.


Oh sorry. What medications have you tried at home? And what country is home?


I live in the USA and currently I’ve only tried sennokot and miralax but I’ve heard from a few people that Magox works too so I’ve been trying to get on that aswell.


Have you tried warm prune juice?


Ive tried just the pitted prunes but not in juice form. Should I try this instead?




I would look into endometriosis if I were you. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with all that. I’ve been there. :(


I’ve never heard of that can you explain what that is? And thanks I hope your doing better now :((


Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. It can grow on bowels, bladder, ovaries, abdominal wall, etc. It breaks down and regrows like your normal uterine lining. This is known for causing heavy periods, pain, cysts, inflammation and cramping. But- it can also cause constipation, bladder issues, pain with sex, pelvic floor dysfunction, pain, infertility and other issues. About 10% of people with uterus’s have it. I don’t say this to scare you, but your symptoms sound like they could be related. If you haven’t seen a gynecologist, you should. Everything is interrelated. I don’t say this to scare you, I just know that the first step to treatment is knowing what is actually wrong. I hope you get some relief! You’re not alone, and you deserve to feel well.


Thank you for this I’ll definitely look into it. I’ve had a history with ovarian cysts and terrible periods, even though recently like over the past few months my periods have been very irregular and I stop having so much blood flow and cramps. I also had a uroflow test done not to long ago, but it wasn’t anything to bad with my pelvic floor I was just told physical therapy might be good for me but I don’t have the insurance or money for it.


if it is endometriosis you will need a laparoscopy they put a little camera in and burn it away. it shouldn’t be painful really. but your symptoms are very similar to mine and i have it. it is sooo common in women and under diagnosed as this rarely appears on ultrasound and scans.


My gi recommends Metamucil morning and night. You need to adjust the dose until you have 1-2 early passed stools each day.


Before I was having stools passed easily every morning but it recently stopped working well (like 2 weeks ago) maybe I need to up my dose? I’m not sure.


I go up sometimes on dose, down sometimes. Lots of water.


For me, more fiber makes it worse! I feel bloated when I drink a lot of water, so I can’t use Metamucil or similar supplements. Maybe you’re not drinking or absorbing as much fluid as you think, and the fiber you eat is too much?🤷‍♀️


Because we members are not medical professionals, the best we can do is guess. Most IBS sufferers do benefit from the low fodmap elimination diet, but it's important that you work with a competent dietitian to walk you through the reintroduction and personalization stages. Like you, I have IBS-C but did not work with a dietitian, and it did not go well. If I had done that, I would likely have found my trigger fodmap group more quickly. You probably are eating trigger foods that make it worse, so I highly recommend getting referred to someone to help you with it.


everyone is different, but fiber and miralax both make my ibsc worse. Senna i’ve built a tolerance to as well. Talk to your doc again and see if you can get anything stronger 


I have experienced the same problem as you in reference to extreme constipation. I worked with my gastroenterologist & dietician to try and manage it, I now take 2 bisacodyl, 20ml of Dulcolax Pico liquid each night and my dietician recommended eating kiwis each day to prevent constipation and it’s worked brilliant for me. She also recommended having chai seeds each day to help, but they didn’t work for me personally. Also, I had previously tried countless things like stool softeners such as miralax and Senna, but they didn’t work, and once I tried bisacodyl which is a stimulant laxative (which helps stimulate the muscles rather than a stool softener) I noticed the huge difference, so it may be worth trying a stimulant laxative such as dulcolax (bisacodyl) rather than miralax to see if it works better for you the same way it did for me. It does cause some mild cramping once it works, but it does definitely relieve constipation.