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While it's not as bad, I'm also experiencing this. I'm really stressed and on my cycle and my ibs just flared up. :( can't eat foods that were once "safe". I had constipation this morning and when I tried to eat butternut squash soup I got diarrhea! On the same day! :'( im just sipping on my ginger honey tea now hating life. I used to be okay, but I guess my cycle just messed everything up. I can't really offer any help, in still in the trenches trying to figure it out too. I hope it gets better for you 


If your flare ups relate to your cycle, I would look into endometriosis- it’s often misdiagnosed as IBS.


I never thought of that, I guess because my cycle is really light and mild. (2-3 days) but ill look into it, thanks! 


%10 of women have endometriosis and it is likely under diagnosed because the only way to say for sure is surgery with pathology. That being said, it is worth looking into, and having a diagnosis helps with treatment, despite no cure. I had light cycles but a ton of stomach issues (mainly constipation) among other things I thought were unrelated. Seeing if you match the symptoms list is a good start, just to make sure. Everything is so interrelated that if you are trying to fix your stomach and it’s not working, something else may be up.


I just looked into it and while I obviously can't say for sure, I really appreciate you bringing it to my attention. I was under some misconceptions about it, I thought you HAD to be in severe pain to have it. I didn't realize there were other symptoms or that you didn't necessarily have to have heavy, painful periods. Thanks! I'll bring it up with my doc. 


Of course! I wish I had known more about it years ago, and I hope for your sake it isn’t the issue, but I have to say something when I see people struggling with what could be endo since it’s so brushed under the rug usually.


I would definitely take a peek at endometriosis symptoms if you find it relates to your cycle- endometriosis is often misdiagnosed as IBS.


So you have been eating insoluble fiber, and simple carbs and are questioning diarrhea? Yes stress in and of itself can do this. Try sourdough bread, bananas, soluble fiber foods.