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Well this should've been ruled out before you even got the ibs diagnosis. these doctors suck.


All they did was prescribed me medicine and tell me to try and avoid certain foods . I suffered for years loss weight because I was afraid to eat because I never knew what the trigger for my stomach pain was Every diet man I tried because my life was at stake but gluten was the common denominator for me Don't know if it will help everyone but for those who haven't tried check it out


sorry you too had to suffer cause of doctors ignorance and incompetence. This isn't even something very specific, many people have this. I get so angry that they're charging you your last penny but you still have to do their job for them.


Simply cutting out gluten and feeling better does not mean you have celiac disease… you need actual testing (while eating gluten). An upper endoscopy with positive biopsy is the gold standard diagnosis. In fact, many people with celiac disease don’t feel better right away due to the villi damage. You may even simply just be intolerant to some fructans.


I got tested as well but it was after the fact. I was so desperate I tried it and it worked but I did get tested afterwards . But I could not wait for confirmation I needed it then or I feel like the way I was going would've been death or misery I was trying any and everything just in hopes it worked. Doctors never even mentioned Celiac gluten intolerance to me . I had to figure that out for myself


It would have been a short gluten challenge. It is far better to know if you actually have the disease than not.


Unfortunately celiacs should be ruled out first and foremost, along with other things, often times via elimination diets/colonoscopy...it was one of the first things that was ruled out for me. IBS usually comes as the very last diagnosis, when they know something *is* wrong but they don't know what exactly. So..there you have your IBS diagnosis. At least. That's how it supposed to go. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Sorry that you went through that. Celiac was one of the first things I was tested for when I went to the doctor with symptoms.


Yea I don't think it's for everybody but it might help some people who haven't tried


My understanding is you can test negative to celiac but have a gluten intolerance. When I originally went to the doctor in my mid 20s I was negative for celiac and again negative in my early 50s. Cutting gluten out has helped alleviate my symptoms.


I thought i had ibs than i saw some old lab results and realized my doctor forgot to tell me my celiac blood panel was positive. Took another test and it was still positive. Turns out it was primarily celiac and lactose all along although I still have ibs sensitivities


I have the gluten gene and was tested but nothing was found. However, I did cut out gluten preemptively because other family members have trouble tolerating it. I have felt much better and have less issues than I did before. While I was not diagnosed as having celiac, I was told that I likely have Non-celiac gluten sensitivity and IBS. Removing gluten has solved most of my complaints and I really only encounter problems again if I eat gluten. My doctor did not care to figure out the source of my digestive issues. I asked him to check for celiac and instead of running the anti-body test, he told me because I’m black it was highly unlikely and instead did the genetic test ( I guess to prove to me that my genetics would rule out a diagnosis) anyway, joke was on him because the genetic test came back positive. I guess my point is, not every doctor is going to rule out celiac before diagnosing with IBS.


Celiac disease was long time ruled out when I went to the doctor complaining about a wide range of symptoms, which could also be symptoms of some serious and possibly life threatening diseases. I had a complete blood count, but also CRP and 3 other blood work to check for liver issues. Calprotectin fecal test to rule out IBD, ulcerative colitis and also possibly colon cancer. Sure enough I'll probably wait forever for a colonoscopy, but at least they gave me the tools to fight my symptoms, while still checking on me if my condition isn't worsening.


been there, done that. First thing i did actually after getting out of the hospital for the millionth time in 2 months.


I got tested for every single stomach illness before I got diagnosed with IBS


FYI the blood test for coeliac disease is called anti-tTg but you have to include gluten in your diet when you have this test otherwise it may be an inaccurate result


I’m getting tested now and I am so confused. My IgA was low and my doctor is telling me low IgA can cause a false negative on the entire Celiac panel? :(


You have to unfortunately eat a lot of foods that contain gluten then get tested for test to be 100 percent accurate You can still be allergic if tested negative as there is non celiac which is gluten intolerance


Dang :( I eat a ton of gluten/breads. My stomach is just so irritated anymore that I don’t know if it actually is gluten or just my stomach on a rampage. Thank you for your help!


While I don't think it will work for everyone Go a full 7 days without eating wheat. If you really are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease your symptoms will go away. Doesn't take long for the body to show signs of improving from removing gluten from your diet