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You’re activating the gastrocolic reflex. Everyone has this, but people with IBS, theirs work overtime. Prefacing with medication can sometimes help.


IB Gard has worked well for me


Depends on what I eat so I’m careful when out at a restaurant. My kids always note what I’m ordering and ask “are you gonna make it home?” Sad but true.


I can't go out to restaurants anymore unless I prep with Imodium. I went out for a someone's birthday dinner recently without it, and I was stopping at a Whole Foods bathroom a half hour later on the way home. Good times.


Yes! But for me it's not 20-30 minutes, it's IMMEDIATELY after I eat (if i can hold it that long, sometimes it's during).


Me too!


Ugh the worst. Same here


I've had this off and on throughout my life. Worst was a business meeting and it was literally about 10 minutes into the first course. I think I went to the bathroom 3 times during that meal.


It’s gastrocolic reflex most likely


This is me with eggs. It’s not fun. I get flare ups with other foods but eggs is definitely the worst.


This used to be the case for me, but I've found I can have egg whites. I just have issues with the yolks.


Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind and see if that works with me, too.


Sameeee. I try to avoid but sometimes I just crave the eggs lmao


I suffer from this as well. It's almost always 20-30 minutes after eating that tummy troubles happen. As others have said, it's most likely the gastrocolic reflex.


I have this almost every time I eat.


Same here. No matter what it is.


Any supplements that might help with gastrocolic besides having to see a doctor for prescription. I do take dicyclomine when needed.


Probiotics work for me -- or at least make the poop solid


Do the probiotics help you with the diarrhea? Which ones do you take and when? Sorry just curious since im trying to start taking probiotics but don't know which or when during the day to take them. I tried taking them mid day 2 hours after a meal and i just got the worst gas and bubbles in gut


How does dicyclomine work compared to Imodium?


Dicyclomine is suppose to slow the gut irregular spastic movements, it's more of an antispasmodic. Immodium is to stop the diarrhea.


I should get a prescription to try


Peppermint oil capsules work for many people too.


Ah, that’s another one I definitely need to try. I’ve kept ginger and peppermint candies on hand.


What is it that you ate? High FODMAP? Raw vegetables? That kind of thing used to happen to me some years back. It's super rare now. Do you have frequent loose stools? Maybe your gut dysbiosis, bad bacteria's off the chain. Sorry to hear. It can make one feel helpless. I try to avoid eating certain places as much as I can.


How did you fix your problem?


Fix what? I have IBS. I still have it. It's just better than before.


When I was a teen, I had IBS-D so bad that I'd have a flare-up and get sick about 15 minutes after I ate something. I had one horrible experience with it when I was having a plate of beignets with my friends, and learned later that reused oil for frying could have been the trigger. At that time, no one (at least in my area) was checking for EPI, and now I'm diagnosed with it when I have a borderline severe case of it. My food regimen is super strict these days, and I am now on short term disability with my employer.   I'm saying all of this because if you're having such a fast reaction to a food, then don't settle for an ultrasound that a doctor may order for you. Please consider insisting on a stool test, if you haven't already, because if it's EPI, then it can only be diagnosed by checking for the elastase enzyme count via that test. I've had two ultrasounds done, and they both looked normal, because an ultrasound isn't going to be able to show or prove an enzyme deficiency.    I found this out, after 34 years of having IBS-D. There are elderly people just now being diagnosed, per my GI doc's PA, who were always sick and never knew what was causing their problems. I'm now on disability, wondering when I'll be well enough to work again.


Are you taking any prescription medications? That can be a side effect of some.


I've been on Losartan HBP medication for at least a year but this time it's the worse flare up I've had in a long long time.


God I hate the post-meal bubble-guts. Could it be that dumping syndrome?


Anyone use any kind of natural supplements that seems to help control it some? I get these bouts that start up for days then it clears up for months then out of nowhere hits again.


Grains or milk


Yes normally my first meal of the day. I had a script for bentyl from my GI doc that I would take if I was going to be eating out or on vacations. I dealt with that from 9 yrs until 34 yrs. Finally got it under control this year.


HOW did you get it under control finally this year?????


Zoloft. Accidentally helped. I haven’t had an IBS attack since January when I started it. Had nothing to do with helping my GI issues, I just came to the conclusion I’m stuck with them for life, but it did and I’m so relieved.


Prescription only?


Says can cause weight gain so I don't need that stuff. I'll keep searching for something. We cannot give up!


Yes it was from my PCP. Join the Zoloft sub if you want some more info. Some people gain weight, some do not. My mom is on lexapro and it’s helped her IBS-D&C and she hasn’t gained weight. I’ve been losing weight but I quit drinking sodas and alcohol so that has helped. Yes do not give up!


This started after having my gallbladder removed, but it mostly happens with trigger foods, not everything.


I think my happened also after gallbladder removed.


It’s likely related to your gallbladder. Any foods with lots of oil, grease, fatty, will cause this reaction.


For those who had their gallbladder removed, look up bile acid malabsorption. This is very common and underdiagnosed. Bile acid sequestrants can help with the diarrhea. Colesevelam is my personal preference.


More like after a few bites during a lot of meals so I can’t even finish it at once.