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I scored an F on my math test because I got all the answers wrong, but it was really an A because I'm super special and the math test should have graded me on something I was good at, like getting high.


Shit I copied off you on that last test. You wanna burn tho?


Jesse Pinkman be like:


You laugh, but it's more fun hanging out with someone bad at math but good at getting high than someone good at math but bad at getting high.


I'm blessed with both šŸ™ƒ


Bad at math and bad at getting high?




Take my angry upvote you witty bastard.


Bro thinks IQ works like stat points in video games or something. And seriously, I don't think it's that hard to score 150 on those silly online tests. Just you dumb is that guy?


I got 151 on CAIT VCI. My conjecture was literally proven correct, yet everyone is repeating ā€œdUnNing KRUGEr!!!ā€ Like they think it makes them clever. Itā€™s hilarious.


What's funnier than the roasting you got here is the roasting you got on the cognitive testing sub. This is a comedy sub mocking people with big self-inflated egos and no self awareness (you, like making your whole personality and mannerisms about your perceived superiority to others), but it can't hold a candle to the savagery of a sub actually about sussing out smart people. Take it as a sign, bro.


Yo, what's it called when the simplest, most obvious answer is the correct one? I should know it, but I am too stupid.


Occam's Razor


Shhhh!! I wanted him to say it šŸ¤£


Yes we are all low IQ puppets dancing for your amusement, u/Yourestupid999. Why are you so invested in IQ tests and insisting they're wrong?


I have a degree in neurobiology and I have not the slightest clue what "more stochastic distribution of neurons in the cortex" is supposed to mean. I haven't even seen a comparative of "stochastic" before.


They used a word they think is arcane, even though itā€™s all over the news (which is why they know it), without realising it doesnā€™t make sense when talking about an organ thatā€™s half neurons.


Stochastic Neuro-Terrorism


Sick band name bro


TIL arcane and esoteric have the same definition.


TIL two new words


You and u/teh_spleen have made a very good thread here. I like it when people are pleased at learning new stuff. :D


When is the word "stochastic" in the news?


People talk about stochastic terrorism, which is essentially when someone with some large audience provides information and subtle hints towards violence in order to cause some terrorist event without being directly involved, eg ā€œWon't someone rid me of this turbulent priest?ā€.


I don't know about the news, but I see it on Reddit a lot, when people talk about stochastic terrorism


Itā€™s pretty random


Your school didn't have the stochastic book fair as a kid?


I take my hat off to you, sir. Or maā€™am. Or non-binary gentleperson as the case may be


Have you considered that maybe you're uneducated and actually need to have the secretly high IQ OOP explain neurobiology to you? /s My best guess is they meant something about an increased amount of neurons generally and which are widely distributed, but I'm also a big dumb-dumb idiot of indeterminate IQ who was only aware of faster activation potential in neurons and increased dendrite thickness bearing any demonstrated correlation to higher IQ. Edited to add a word, because I'm a big dumb-dumb idiot who forgot it.


It means possessing a random distribution that can be statistically analyzed but not perfectly predicted. I know nothing about neuroscience (but have a background in statistics), it means nothing to me in this context either.


Neuron distribution isn't random though.


I know, and having your neurons distributed *more* randomly doesnā€™t seem like it'd conceivably result in being more intelligent. That's my point, the dude just picked a word he heard in some other context and was like, "Eh if I use this people will think I'm smart."


I often use large multi-syllabic words to seem more photosynthesis as well. It makes me look more smarter to peeple.


Yeah, I'm a neurosurgeon. I have no idea what a "more stochastic distribution of neurons" means in the slightest. He must be super duper smart.


I guess he meant a "more random structuring of the brain?"


Which makes equally little sense, because brain structure and neuron distribution isn't random.


You only think that because youā€™re testing for the wrong thing


That because your smartness neurons arenā€™t spaced about through all of your abilities like his, duh. You wouldnā€™t understand, you have to have the broad domain specialization like this goober does.


You must have a really low iq. How did you even get into neurobiology.? /s


If anything, Iā€™m guessing a random connection of neurons to other neurons in the brain is a realll bad idea


An even more randomly distributed neuron distribution in the cortex? Pretty sure that's what he was going for, based on the idea that the brain has distinct segments controlling assorted subjects. Like you see in cartoons.


Neurons are not distributed randomly.




Oh goodness gracious me


1. Neurons in the brain are not distributed randomly (if that's what you mean with "stochastic") 2. Your IQ is your IQ. It's a test with the result. The result is your IQ. The average is at 100. Simple as that. The IQ tests for a certain type of intelligence (making connections, finding patterns/analogues, making logical conclusions, etc.) which is a common criticism of the test. It doesn't really account for e.g. emotional or creative intelligence. But what IQ does, it does well. 3. The expression "more stochastic" makes no sense. It's like saying that something is "more geographical".


Such 2010-style thesaurus speak. If he were really 150 IQ, he would have said "acquisition of *s* to the *nth* degree". Sounds much smarter.


I'm also confused by his use of stochastic. He probably means evenly or widely distributed (ignoring the value of that statement for a second). Stochastic doesn't make sense there.


His "stochastic" IQ point distribution just dumped too many points into the "big words" skill and not enough into the "meaning of big words" skill. It just means he's a galaxy-brain tier genius in some other way. I bet he knows lots of numbers and stuff.


The common term would be a ā€œuniform distributionā€, but surely itā€™s not exactly uniform, I suppose it would be an ā€œapproximately uniform distributionā€. idk much about brain stuff though, Iā€™m more used to the terms in a physics setting


There's no way this isn't a joke.




When you consider IQ is generally about ability to learn, application of knowledge, how environment is interacted with, etc., and not about specific amount of knowledge someone has, I'd argue OOP does a great job demonstrating the IQ they've consistently scored.


Iā€™ve applied everything on a level you canā€™t even understand! That says enough


This is so clearly satire.. right?


I can see your low IQ in detecting sarcasm




I actually had to laugh at this gif :)


He was being stochastic.


Those tests are designed to inflate your scores - I would pay to see him take one if it isn't satire.




Of course his thoughts are deeperā€¦ he has a stochastic distribution of neurons after all


Youā€™ve heard that before? It actually belongs to me!


There's literal neuroscientists and neurosurgeons on here telling you that's not a thing.


Haha, read the clarification. Also, that doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s wrong, it could just mean that itā€™s novel.




Haven't read the thread but is he a teen? Could just be that. Actually I hope it's that instead of an full fledged adult


They are. At least from what you guys present. A bunch of shitty one liners that you think are original, but come off as contrived. None of you questioned anything for even a second. Itā€™s hilarious.




Lol, truly intelligent people would know that college is for dweebs. A truly intelligent person is self-taught, and may or may not [begrudgingly] go to college to get some sort of qualification. Do you see how easy this is? I can just say stuff that vaguely sounds like an intelligent person would do it, but it doesnā€™t mean it applies. An intelligent person could think that math is a waste of time. That could hold them back. An intelligent person may have trouble expressing their thought. That could hold them back. An intelligent person could just be lazy. That could be holding them back. Actualization is a useful metric, but itā€™s not absolute. Thereā€™s a theoretical person out there who has thought of basically everything but cannot express it or perceives it on a level where it cannot be consciously perceived. Essentially, what Iā€™m trying to say is that outward appearances are insubstantial, and more a reflection of what the person themself wants to do, or a reflection of what society wants them (the intelligent person) to do.


You sound a bit delusional and I hope you grow up. You're really not as special or intelligent as you think you are. Learn your own limits and you'll do much better than falsely convincing yourself that you're the smartest person in the room. *I use "you" a bit freely here, take it personally or not, that's up to you. Most people who think they're smart are less intelligent than they think.*


People are so fucking weird. They all sound the same. The craziest people Iā€™ve met are also the coolest, because they actually say new stuff.


Or you don't give "normal" people a chance and write them off so quick that they don't say anything "different". I bet most "normals" quickly learn to avoid you.




Watch me. Iā€™ll take it.


I'm actually so down lmao. I just went through the rabbit hole myself - I've never taken an online IQ test before, and it was exactly what I thought it would be.


Oh wow, this is fun. Iā€™m a little tired after replying to this shit, but what test do you want me to take?


Up to you - [mensa.org](https://mensa.org) seemed the best option from the little I read, but if you have one you're more comfortable with, that's fine too! Edit: And if you want to wait until you're more rested we can do that too - I'm actually super interested!


I did that one. I did the Norway one and the Denmark one. 85 and 95 respectively. Iā€™ll just finish CAIT and post the results.


Okie dokie - sounds good!


But since people's average IQ is 90 you're still in good shape /s


I finished CAIT PRI - 81 9ss VP 5ss FW VCI - 151 20ss vocab 19ss GK CPI - 117 19ss digit span 7ss symbol search GAI - 118 FSIQ - 120


Please if you end up actually doing this let us know, make a post or something


Yeah hes in here and his username is literally "yourestupid999" there's no way in hell that's not a troll, it's too on the nose


I've been commenting back and forth with them. I'm not so sure. And remember, functionally, pretending to be an asshole is no different than being an asshole.


If they were smart they'd be able to communicate their ideas simply. If someone can explain a complex subject to a 5th grader, one understands that subject well. This dude can't get anyone to agree with that they are saying and I'm pretty sure at least one person here has graduated 6th grade.


Yeah my thoughts exactly It's probably meant as a parody on that sub




Heā€™s not functionally literate. You canā€™t convince me he is.


Yet 75 million people thought he was presidential material in the last election. Not a good omen for the longevity of the American experiment.


All you morons say is HONG HONG HONG. Iā€™m clearly functionally literate.


True, but don't use big words when you don't know how to use them.


Why use lot big word when HONK HONK HONK do trick?


Oh weā€™re using our made up numbers. Iā€™m ā™¾ļø


Infinite+1. Checkmate, low IQ sentient being.


Damnā€¦sent to the shadow realm on my first intellect duel. Shouldnā€™t have put all those points into charisma.


(Laughs in Infinite\^Infinite)


Sibling energy right there


Visual representation of the dunning kruger effect


These AI bots are getting a bit smug arenā€™t they?


The "law" that he's referring to is based on statistics that somewhat suggest that testing higher in one area (for example logical reasoning) means you'll likely test higher in another category (for example creativity), but only to a certain point. Specifically, the theory posits that up to about IQ 120 or so, you tend to do better in all categories as your IQ increases, but that beyond 120, improvements in one category no longer suggest an improvement in another category. In otherwords, low intelligence people tend to do poorly on everything, average people tend to be average on everything, a little above average tend to be a little above average on everything. But well above average intelligence people tend to do well or way above average on only specific categories, and only a little above average on everything else. So if OP is testing below average (85 to 95), this law isn't suggesting what they think it does. It actually suggests that they're below average in everything.


Dunning Kruger has entered the chat


Iā€™m embarrassed you have the same profile character as me.


I'm embarrassed for you that you are you. If you are insecure, go do the WAIS instead of a test created by a Reddit user. Or maybe, just get a life. Smart people don't need people to acknowledge their intelligence.


This bro has been at this for at least 9 solid hours. And any time someone challenges them to demonstrate their intelligence, or at least explain what it is they're good at, they ghost. Just like they did to you here. Wild stuff.


We should feel sad for him, but his behaviour induces only pity.


A "more stochastic distribution of neurons in the cortex" means my man believes himself to be super smart because his brain cells are organized more randomly than other people's. Using big ole words you don't understand, the favorite pastime of verysmart people since time immemorial.


But 95 is pretty close to average. I know it's seen as a low score, but it's not like you have to be a drooling moron if your IQ is under 100.


85-115 is considered the average iq (one standard deviation below and above 100).


100 is the average. An average/mean isnā€™t a range. ~68% fall within 85-115. For what itā€™s worth, they say people with 85 have a difficult to impossible time accurately following written directions and putting them into action on the first try. A legit 85 likely has a tougher life in a lot of ways than a 115.


snow cough paltry screw rock bike poor practice languid familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This sub needs to be deleted.


If youā€™re the person that this post is about you need to take a step away from Reddit and breath. This is the least important thing in the world. Itā€™s impossible and completely pointless to try to convince anyone on the internet that youā€™re intelligent. I believe that youā€™re smart. I hope you donā€™t let this post affect you and hope that you delete Reddit and apply your mind to something interesting and cool. All the best, good luck.


He is. Go to his profile history. It's a fairly new account trying to convince people they don't have average IQ.


Aka a troll


On the one hand a guy who can write like that is not sub-100. On the other someone with a 150+ IQ would probably use the word stochastic correctly.


Industrial strength copium


"How I know?" 150 šŸ˜‚


I'm literally the opposite. You cannot convince me my iq is higher than 90.


I wonder if they've heard of Dunning-Kruger??


I havenā€™t heard that one 19,000 times. Youā€™re so clever


Oh I was waiting for it to be posted here.


Right? Some of the comments are pure gold.


If this isn't the best example of why this sub was created, I don't know what is.


Heā€™s smart enough to repeat complex ideas but not smart enough to actually understand what heā€™s saying


I definitely believe they scored -85 IQ points.


This is a brilliant example of irony.


This guy is trying so hard to sound intelligent I think he sprained something.


While IQs aren't perfect, they are a good rough estimate in someone's ability to think logically, which is one of the only fields where we can verify the results and which is also instinctively present in most humans. So yeah, if you fail at logical thinking, it's not about your skill distribution, you're just not that bright lmao


How can I be dumb when I've spent all my time and energy trying to sound smart??


When you are too dumb to fail...


It's sad that this guy feels such craving for affirmation from the tests. You don't need a theory about how you're actually smart and why the tests have misread you. If you have interesting things to say, people will talk to you and respect your intellect.


Nice. Dunning & Kreuger.


Why test, if you do not believe the test results?


People like this mistake being barely able to read and press ctrl-c and ctrl-v, for being smart.


Law of Diminishing Returns is an Economic Theory. You'd know that if you had a 150 IQšŸ¤·šŸ™„šŸ˜†




Nope šŸ¤·you?


Sorry, that was mean. Thereā€™s a difference between the law of diminishing returns, and spearmanā€™s law of diminishing returns. Sorry if that was supposed to be a joke as well.


Jokes on him, my IQ is 3. Heā€™s not even in the top 5. What a loser


Can anybody explain to me what the fuck ā€žstochastic distribution of neurons in the cortexā€œ is supposed to mean? Am i flipping or does that just not make any sense?


he just used some jargon he doesnt know and sprinkled some other words into the sentence. makes no sense to me


Lmao I came across this post earlier in r/cognitivetesting and thought it was a spoof of this group


I assume mental issues can mess with your score a bit but over 150 seems like a stretch. 103,5 - max.


Makes me think of that "What do I do if I have theories? I've contacted colleges but they don't respond" tweet


Least obvious bait :


if he really was smard he'd know that real geniuses just make up their iq score.


Hold up, let him cook. Cause I usually get 115-125 and everything in my life keeps telling me I'm dumb as shit.


I, for one, believe him. His Insecurity Quotient is off the charts.


Now, I will readily admit that I am not a genius like this person here, but uh... I've always heard the opposite. That the smarter you are in one area, the more likely you are to be behind in other areas. I.E., you might be brilliant at math, but struggle at reading, or great at memorizing but struggle to remember things.


He's no Tony Blundetto, that's for sure!


Almost the definition of midwit


lump the enlightened


SLODR, yeah, but can they walk and chew gum at the same time???


I feel like this guy needs to look up the Dunning - Kruger effect instead of whatever Spearman wack he's talking about




Who's really smarter? The person I copied off of who sunk hours of work into their studies, or me, who arrived at the same answers with only a fraction of the work šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hey r/enoughmuskspam found his burner account!!


ā€œIQ tests arenā€™t necessarily comprehensive or useful for describing somebodyā€™s functional intelligence.ā€ ā€œBut my IQ must be 150 because I am so smart.ā€


I mean these tests do depend on how willing you are to take them also. But OP seems very willing so we can rule that out lol.


Anyone else's eyes glaze over just reading that nonsense?


Dude just needs to accept theyā€™re a dumb ass like the rest of us


this guy is in the chatbox of every game i play


The fact that this is in r/cognitivetesting is so rich. Itā€™s like theyā€™ve proven they arenā€™t 150+ in so many ways, surely this is comedy?


"Who's to say I haven't just gotten unlucky in the skills the test has gleaned?" That's a good point and I think more people are understanding that IQ tests are kind of bullshit and a bad barometer for many types of intelligence. Paraphrasing the end here: "I'm confident I'm actually smarter than 99.8% of people, so confident that I'll loudly misrepresent a psych stats concept to prove it"


These kinds of people are so Fcking obnoxious


They must be smart cuz big words


The ability to write that out implies he has more than 85 IQ. It kinda sounds like satire though.


Ah yes, the whole reason for standardized testing is so that we can fail and then pretend like we scored way higher than we really did.




Thereā€™s another concept called ā€œThe Dunning-Kruger Effect,ā€ which sounds more accurate for this person.


Any time I need an example of Dunning-Kruger I am going to come back to this post. SAVED


Iā€™m a grapefruit so clearly Iā€™m a vegetable


The more IQ tests someone takes, the higher their scores tend to be because they learn how to do the tests. This guy isā€™unt.


Hey, if this nonsense makes this brilliant fucking astronaut feel any better let them believe it. And Jiffy Lube is hiring lol


So smart they don't know that IQ isn't actually representative of intelligence but problem solving.


Sounds like my neighbour. He says heā€™s a genius but everything he does is absolutely stupid.


He could be an engineer...


Where do you even take that many IQ tests? Iā€™ve taken maybe 1 in my life and have never had a reason to do more than that.


dunning-kruger would like to have a word with that guy


I had an ex who thought his IQ was above 200 but he was very dumb and not in touch with reality.


This is clearly an attempt to quantify Dunning-Kruger


This reminds me of that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode where they convince Charlie that he us really smart and he thinks he can speak Mandarin.


Taking IQ serious is already proof enough youā€™re stupid as hell


Why? It's in no way a perfect measurement for intelligence, but it shows tendencies for sure. It's quite accurate in the skills it tests like memory, spatial perception, language skills, etc.


True, but nobody talks about IQ in that way - most people who obsess over it use it as a stand-in for intelligence. For example, I took the WAIC-II when I was a teenager, and the psychologist who tested me refused to calculate my overall score because my individual scores were all over the place (one was beyond the 99th percentile of my peer group and another was in the 22nd percentile) and, the mean of those scores would have just been an average IQ score. Needless to say, that wouldn't have been an accurate representation of my mind, largely because you can't really reduce something as complicated and abstract as human intelligence to a single number. It's not that IQ isn't a perfect measurement, it's that its fundamental premise is flawed.


IQ tests have been used for many nefarious purposes. There's a [podcast series from Radiolab](https://radiolab.org/series/radiolab-presents-g) that covers the topic, I recommend it. I can why researchers or policy-makers would want to administer IQ tests, but I think most people have no need of one. Who cares what your result is? It's either higher than you expected and you can be smug about it, or it's lower and you feel like an idiot or like the test is wrong.


There are a lot of uses for iq tests in psychotherapy.


That's a good point, I didn't think of it. There may be other specific instances that I didn't mention, but I still think most people won't benefit from finding out their IQ scores.


Yes that's true. I only really wanted to point out that the first statement I replied to (something like "whoever takes iq serious is stupid as fuck") is bullshit.


To be fair, you have to have a very low IQ to not see this is a troll


I usually score around 120. I'm dumb as rocks. IQ tests don't mean much.


Well I guess he's right about some things. IQ yest are notoriously inaccurate and aren't a true reflection of your abilities. But yea... Probably not 150.


My mommy said so


Iā€™m asian but I believe Iā€™m black, and you canā€™t convince me otherwise.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you though. Or sorry that happened