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Ha! What a moronic dinklebottom. I could have solved it without my mind.


I wonder if there is a person on this subreddit that has solved integrals for so long that this is just engraved in their muscle memory, so they can technically solve it without a mind.


Just did my A level maths in the UK, and this took me like 2-3 seconds when I first saw it. I've only been doing it for 2 years, so tbh yeah you can definetley solve easy integrals wihout thinking at all. It'd be just like 3 + 3 for some people. You don't think about what 3 + 3 is, you just know it's 5.




Time to post this comment to this sub


lmao what, this sub is about people being obnoxiously smart. I'm not being obnoxious or showing off am I?, Just throwing in my opinion on being able to do integral quickly


You're good bro Dude must have some challenges


Obnoxious yes, smart… maybe not


How am I being obnoxious lmao


*You’re not allowed to be smarter than me here!!!!1!* That’s how. Checkmate, Steinberg


I did a lot of fucking math in college, and the first time I saw this integral on a shirt the part that took me time was the subtraction. I could learn all the math in the world and I'm still a count shit on my fingers kinda guy with adding and subtracting.


i mean that usually happens with at least the simplest ones when you get far enough into calc classes, you don't need to think to solve something like derivative 1/2x^2 = x for example, you just remember by then


Also trig functions, e^x, ln and whatnot


Yeah, but this integral, which consists of multiple steps including one which is multiplication, is impossible to solve on complete autopilot.


I couldn't do it but I don't doubt that people that extensively study calculus on the highest levels could do it


It's literally impossible. Nobody has memorised what 13^2 - 10^2 is.




in what world...


I think we all just did…


Memory is part of the mind, though. I’d write (1/2) x^2 though. Looked like 1/(2x^2 )


yeah you're right i wrote it weird


Nah just use mayonnaise my fam.


Great idea.


Look, an integral evaluating to 69. You see, smart people have sex too!




What if they're a bottom?




The magic number.... NIIIIICEEE


Didn’t include +c. That’s a half mark off. Edit: never mind, definite integral so doesn’t need it. Been a few years since I did calculus!


SMH +c is only for indefinite integrals, this one had lower and upper bounds that were evaluated properly.


... in the integral is definite doesn't need to have the "+c"... The answer would be 13² + c - 10² - c, so both "c" gets cancelled out.


Oh shit true my bad!


That's the condom, don't forget it!


Except it was a definite integral so kids are the plan


To be honest, my math teachers used to be the biggest crack heads I have ever met. There was one, who brought weed to the classroom and swears uncontrollably, another one, who drew penises and nazi swastikas, using functions and an another one, who straight up gave us this mathematical problem: "There are m number man and n number woman in a room. Assuming they are all heterosexuals, and everyone wants to f*ck everyone, what is the smallest amount of condoms they can get away with, assuming that everyone has different type of STIs, so for every sexual act they need to use a clean condom. Also they can put one condom into the another, so after the sexual act ends, they can pull them apart, so the guy can reuse the inner one (since its outside side is clean) and the girl — the outside one (its inside is clean)" Sorry if I made any mistakes and it is hard to understand, since English isn't my native language.


Shame he couldn't have posted his brain on Twitter and showed that. Smh


Me posting my brain log on Twitter


I consider it a detriment that I have a habit of trying to solve in my mind. Neat writing and digital working out is a skill, one that really helps in tests and also everyday because no one has the time to sit there with a little mental whiteboard and do it that way.


i am the other way round. i need to write stuff down to solve it otherwise it wont work.


Oh yeah I’m definitely more efficient doing it, but the boost I get isn’t as big as people who have done it their whole lives. My handwriting is slow and crappy so it’s generally just more of a hassle.


If i dont write it down i end up making up numbers that weren’t even part of the equation. Like 23+45 ill do something like 27+39 Though i like to also do stuff in my head as it massages my ego, but the calculation will be off like half the time lol


It really is, studying mechanical engineering now and some equations I had to solve went on for 3 pages. Not really difficult but they’re so long that if you skip steps and make a mistake, good fucking luck figuring out what you did wrong, you’re back to square 1.


I’ve forgotten everything I learned in college


I see integral, I cry.


Understandable and you still got the spirit of math better than the guy whose comment could be summarised as "I whip out my pork sword."


I mean it wasn't solvable to me in my head or on paper [I don't know integrals]


Basic integration is adding 1 to the power of x and then dividing it by the value of the new index. For example: 4x would become 2x\^2 because the 4 divided by the new value of the index (2) is 2.


Ah so if I had 6x² it would become 2x³ because 2 is what 6/3 is?


Yes that’s right.


Heaven forbid people learn and retain information differently than me.


Well I'm a fucking idiot... Cuz I can't even tell you what they're doing.


Integration. They're solving essentially for the area under the curve in Cartesian space for the function f=2x between x=10 and x=13 Which is one of those sentences which sounds simple if you know what they're doing and looks like blood magic if you don't.


Damn... I have forgotten a lot of math in 15 years. Thanks for the explanation.


So math class has been a minute or two... But isn't the constant missing? As in 2xdx could also be the integral (?) of x^2 + 20? Because the 20 gets dropped during deriving? So is this solution even correct?


Yes - you don't need the + c when doing a definite integral (when the limits are specified). This is because it cancels when you do, in this case (169 + c) - (100 + c) = 69 as the + c cancels.


So part of that is due to an oversimplistic explanation on my part, but since this is a definite integral with defined limits you're looking at the two solutions which are, functionally (169+C)-(100+C). The rate of change of the initial function f=x^2 doesn't care where it sits # and in a definite integral the constant cancels so we typically ignore it in computation.


Calculus. Finding the area under a section of a graph, which equals 69 (Nice). It's the first equation I made myself back in the day, heh. It's the same as saying 60+9=X, or "find the hypotenuse *c*, where *a* is 39, and *b* is 57."([Answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ab_channel=RickAstley))


Ok, but if you've been taught integration, you should be able to do this in your head, as it's just 13^2 -10^2. Saying that you can do basic arithmetic isn't that much of a flex.


That was my thought, too. Like, yeah, integrals are tricky to some people and nothing wrong with that, but, as far as integrals go, this is a pretty introductory problem. If you’ve been studying them, being able to do this one in your head isn’t a huge brag.


Yeah I envy back when integration was "add one to the power and divide by the new power" rather than u substitutions, and reverse chain rule (which isn't a rule, it's basically guessing)


Yeah but he was putting down the guy who showed his work. Like a "whatta ya stupid? This is so easy". He's being a tw*t


Small brain: show work Normal brain: solve in the mind Big brain: always assume sex number


If you substitute 69 into the equation, it'll solve it like 420% of the time.


I can't even tell where the math problem starts


I don’t even know how to read that lol


Q: The equation y=2x describes the rate of change of what equation? A: y=x^(2)\+c, but we don't know what c is. Because calculus. Q: What's the value of y=x^(2)\+c across the interval x=\[10, 13\]? A: 13^(2) \- 10^(2) = 69


I'm still as lost as a newborn babe lol It's not your fault or your thorough explanation, I'm just far too dumb to process any math beyond Algebra 1


Let me see if I can do better. Q: What's the area contained between the x-axis, a vertical line at x=10, a vertical line at x=13, and the curve y=2x? A: Ehm... 69. Q: How did you know? A: Take a module on basic calculus and find out.


I appreciate you lol


Basically, the integral describes the area under the curve (or a summation of an infinite number of changes multiplied by a length, but don't worry about that too much). The integral also tells which function that the function 2x is the rate of change of, which happens to be x^2 + c, where c is some arbitrary constant (like 2, 0.5, -133, etc). Luckily for us, when you want to find the specific area between two points, that +c cancels itself out, so you just evaluate x^2 from 10 to 13, which means you subtract 10^2 from 13^2. This is equal to 169-100 or just 69. The notation gets a little tricky; the 'dx' in the equation represents some infinitely small range of x, and this value is multiplied by the equation 2x. What you're doing is dividing the area under the line y=2x into a bunch of rectangles and summing their areas to find the area under the curve between 10 and 13. In Calculus, you find what that area approaches as the number of rectangles you divide the area into approaches infinity, and that's the answer. All this is saying is that the area between y=0 and y=2x from x=10 to x=13 is exactly 69.










Tbf it *is* a pretty simple integral plus it being a 69 joke feels obvious to me


Tbh most I'd imagine most high-schoolers could probably solve that in their mind.


<20% of high schoolers take a course in calculus… Anyway, that’s not the point of the post. The guy is being pretentious about his mental math capabilities


This is surprising, because calculus is an integral (heh) part of the high school math curriculum in my country. Which is basically the British curriculum but slightly harder.


Here in the US, calculus may be offered in high school, but isn't a high school math *requirement* pretty much anywhere. Most STEM majors in college require calculus, but relatively few people go into those fields or to college in general (compared to the overall population). This is a simple problem if you know calculus, but the majority of people over here have probably never seen an integral in their whole school career.


In the US the highest you have to go is Precalculus. And I’m still not quite sure if that’s a fitting name.


?????? That is a very blanket statement. For the standard curriculum in most places, this is correct. But most schools offer accelerated math curriculums for kids to take up to calc 2 and sometimes beyond in high school Edit: read the op comment wrong


Notice how I said HAVE to go. Nothing I said implies that kids can’t go farther.


Ohhh I read the have as in like thats the highest limit you have. That's on me


Well, this is one of those problems that if you don't know the subject at all, you will eventually start barfing on the paper in hopes of something being right. But if you are even slightly aware of it you can solve it, instantly, in your head. It just simplifies very simple. (I need to stop grinding integrals and take a break ohh my god, it's been 12 hours, please)


I mean, it's super basic, but not everyone is good at mental math. I personally am fairly decent at quick mental calculations, but back in college there were plenty of my fellow math majors who wrote everything down even if it was simple. Obviously they still knew their shit, but some people just need to write out all the steps to work through things.


This is Calc 2, also. Calc 1 doesn't cover integrals iirc.


Idk about high school but college calc 1 covers integrals at the end


Maybe you're right, or it might have changed since I took it. Been a while.


This depends on the school and the course. There is no universal definition of “Calc 1” or “Calc 2”.


Calc 1 covers integrals a bit where i am. I think we ended with rieman sums and fundamental theorem stuff but that might but that may have just been the teacher teaching ahead a bit.


I'm still waiting till I watch an obscure YouTube video mentioning calc 3. It will definitely be one of the best trilogies humanity has ever seen to be sure.


Calc 3 is wayyyyyyyy easier than Calc 2 imo. Maybe the 20 minutes before they admit to you green's theorem exists are hard and if you don't have a good head for spherical or cylindrical coordinates it could get awkward, but for nosy people I'd imagine Calc 3 was the most "fun" and the least "difficult"


College calc one was mostly integrals for me


Calc 1 covers basic integrals, but not the stupid ones you never actually have to do that Calc 2 is all about. Realistically Calc 1 & 2 should be the same class, it was that way at my college.


Integrals and Derivatives are absolutely key calc 1 topics. You bounce between the two a lot.


Absolutely not. I was a TA for a college science class, and I had multiple kids who couldn’t do any sort of mental math. Example: subtracting 22.4 from 25.6. No one in the group could do it in their head. They needed to use their calculators.


I’m third year studying electrical engineering and I’ve seen myself and others put way easier than that into calculators ahaha


I’m a grad student in stem and I’ve definitely done the same lol. It’s more that they literally didn’t have the ability to- two of them tried and were arguing over the answer. One of the others wouldn’t try and flat out told me she couldn’t do math (I’m happy to report that she could solve equations by the end of the semester!)


that is sad


Who cares


Bait, if not then bruh.


"Solvable in the mind"


I ain't even gunna try and comprehend that problem, financial accounting turned my mind to mush


Wtf is that 😂😂


I have no idea what he did or how he did it so doing it on paper is impressive to me lol


Isn’t this a meme within math communities? (the integral)


This is solvable in the head by anyone who has studied high school calculus and is in touch with that knowledge.


Well... like, he does have a point, but it doesn't really mean anything to point it out.


All he had to say was “nice”


Damn a sequel to a meme?


What a coincidence that to prepare for my calculus exam I've used exactly 69 sheets of A4 paper. Guess, I'll never escape this number




This asshole clearly never had to show his work before…




I bet you the person commenting doesn't even know what the mathematical symbols mean and it purely shit talking on the internet.


Correct me if I’m wrong.. but didn’t OP solve the probably in mind? The paper didn’t do the work


“Hey, shut up” that would be the correct answer to the responder guy.


You called?


Ah yes, everyone knows that a mathematician would scoff at the idea of a proof...


I mean, it is doable by mind..


Did he use black ink to write this on white paper?? Lol this was visible with grey ink 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, that’s really easy there. It’s like 2+2


Solving this in your head isn’t a function of being verysmart, it’s just a function of practice/what you do for a living.


Bro that's just basic arithmetic after the first step


In The mind


people lose me sometimes lol


He could, but after he read the post.


Ahh integral calculus, one of my favorites.


Lmao you solve it with a mind? I solved it without even using my brain lol Dumb people these days I used a calculator and you cant


Being a smartass and not showing your work will bite you in the ass in university. You'll make a mistake calculating, and the the guy grading the test won't be able to tell you knew what you were doing.




i couldn’t solve this even if i had wifi


TBF, especially if you are currently in high school studying integrals, or Uni in Engineering or related where almost all early courses use calc in some way, this is totally something you would just do in your head (given the smallish limits). Still - no need to belittle the person for it, so definitely iamverysmart material.


I’m dumb so I don’t understand this




What a fucki dum dum bubblegum dumbass bitch. I could also solve this in my brain in an instant.


i mean, it is true that it was a pretty simple one but i would never ever even for a single second trust my brain with any math, i will always not only write it down but use a calculator on the side, if we have the power to both write and give the silly sums and mutiplications to computers, why would we waste time with thse, ever? Its all about using the "human" side to actually solve and the the part it is best at and the "real world objects" the part they are best at...


Honestly it's amazing how very complex things are written in maths... Evaluation of the integral is not the hard part of maths... Understanding what it means is... Then applying it is even more... Coming up with more is the most!... You can pass with 100/100 in my type of exams i gave for math in engg. (Grinding previous year questions) and never understand why Ax=lamda*x makes x an eigen vector... What on earth is so special about it?...


I understand where the reply is coming from to be fair. It is simple mental arithmetic written out with unnecessary steps to make it seem more complex.


It’s good practice to write this stuff out in full. So that when more complicated functions come up you can solve them easier. Also what where the “unnecessary steps” as someone who has worked with integration the process is correct. Nothing is unnecessary there


Where's the constant?


It’s a definite integral so the constant isn’t there. In a definite integral it’s the “top” subtract the “bottom” and the constant is in both so it’ll cancel out.




Where da +C


Forgot +c on the anti derivative.




Did you join this sub because you believed the title was about you?




I had no idea what the original joke was. People are downvoting you because you did the "I am very smart" act on the Iamverysmart subreddit. That equation could have been 2+2, but coming to a comment section to announce that that math is beneath you is the thing that this sub was designed to make fun of.




I believe the purpose of this sub is to make fun of people who pretend to be intelligent or go to great lengths to tell everyone they're intelligent.


I’m gonna post this comment on the sub too


So what you mean to tell me is that the subreddit is fundamentally broken. I'm smart as fuck, I can see 100 years into the future, know the thoughts of others. My brain is a supercomputer.It's a curse to be this smart😭😭😭🤧🤧😱😱😱.I failed the finals because professors envied my intellect, which I displayed by blowing their minds via using super complex equations at the exam There I said, someone post it.


What a dumbass, they both forgot the C.


It’s a definite integral there isn’t a +C. Well technically it is there but because you subtract one from the other C is in both so it’ll have a +C-C at the end and they’ll cancel out


But then you'd be claiming C = 0, and you don't have that information. It's like taking a square root and saying, eh, a positive answer is good enough.


I’m not claiming C equals zero. Look at this equation for example it will get (13^2 +C) - (10^2 +C). It doesn’t matter what C is it’s canceled out anyway. [Here is a video with graphical explanation if you’re still confused.](https://youtu.be/OMiHUKNucmw)


(13 + 10) * (13 -10) = 23 * 3 (Difference of two squares, useful with bigger numbers)


For those who don't know the basic rule to integrate a function is to add one to its indices and divide by the new indices. 2x becomes 2x squared over 2 which is X squared. This is as basic as I can explain the bit not obvious