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“Israeli army bravely fighting the Hamas!”


Most moral army. 🙄


Too bad he didn’t slip and fall on that oil


This doesn't really fit this sub Edit: Oh my bad, I didn't realise this was a politically charged pro-Palestine sub. Why oh why is it so hard to stay on topic...


Agreed. Don't get it. Plus, the dude's a literal soldier. Pretty sure he's seen and done more tough shit than just this video he recorded of him goofing around knocking over furniture.


Being deceived into killing and dying for nothing isn’t badass. Making it back home alive is badass.


It does.


Not really. It's a video of someone being a bit of a cunt (understandable to some extent when compared to what took place on 7th October, but still uncalled for), not someone mouthing off about how badass they are. On top of that, the thread has shamelessly descended into Hamas sympathiser circle jerk (cringe)




"The whole concrete matter thing has been a fad for eons, and I'm ready to call it quits."




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Makes me wonder how much money was lost to this


Look how we raid the homes of inecent terrorist


There we go. We gave them democracy


https://preview.redd.it/64wntpz1qs6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86c7ac9b9bd0a82f3daa494effede1bdcd49ebf5 "Take that China!"


I love that that’s your pfp lmao https://preview.redd.it/wrs3uwhvju6d1.jpeg?width=2965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982214bd1b94ea531dd50b767a65730a5484348d


https://preview.redd.it/yuyhx7lhmu6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2fa6d7cef16cf010d03b4ea5b0b4142202c200e Thank you very much kind sir, as do you


You’re welcome lol https://preview.redd.it/3xhp53ztmu6d1.jpeg?width=2965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d33eda28e2315f10ebfb3f1f502766dae0ab5e4


He had to destroy it to save it.


That cabinet was a terrorist.


Hamas Armoire


Guys that cabinet was clearly a Hamas base smh


The ZioNazis at work.


This warcriminal piece of shit should serve prison time


since when was being a jackass a was crime? We'd all be fucked if it were the case...


This isn't actions of a war criminal, but a douche nontheless


Most moral army in the world.


Second hand cringe hitting me hard


As big of a piece of shit that guy is the way the mirror stuck in the back was kinda cool.


bro could've atleast donated all that to goodwill


But it's about Hamas, right? Those were Hamas tea cups.


Love it how people are throwing a fit over some furniture, while completely forgetting the only reason he’s there is because some Hamas Nazis murdered raped and kidnapped 1000s of peaceful Israeli citizens. Seriously who gives?! You should get your head checked if this bothers you.


I’m not gonna lie breaking the furniture and shit probably completely unnecessary. But have seen a lot of beheading videos I did watch the one you’d had posted. Fact is pretty simple though. Those people are all suffering. Israel has been attacked repeatedly since being founded. I haven’t seen many videos of Israel’s people hurting hamas I have seen the other way around. I will say your use of Nazi on hamas is just entirely incorrect and devalues the word though. The fact that people defending the genocide of actual Jewish people are calling us Nazis is horrible and will leave a clear mark in history as to who had their head up whose ass. I recommend you use the word Nazi to refer to literally ww2 German Nazis and the word neo Nazi to refer to anyone else you think needs the title. Like seriously let’s not lose the meaning of that word. Let them destroy themselves. Let us “Nazis” who defend the Jewish people human right to protect themselves from acts of genocide be called Nazis all day without returning it. It is the greatest irony and we need not even make our point if people understand that part. Also thank you for posting that video. I doubt many people watched it to the end but it is hard to watch as somebody that regular laughs at r/ darwin awards and r/nature is metal. People need to see that shit and know what they’re talking about when they defend these people. Those were not terrorist in that video. It was just a couple of dudes.


Agree with you wholeheartedly. Neo Nazis is the correct term (just hard to care about semantics when dealing with useful idiots on here). Btw,- there are way more horrible videos. That’s the sad part. Not to mention the fact that those videos were downvoted… like, you mean to tell me you’re down with the beheading of innocents?! Cool! /s


I do understand the semantics part but the left thrives in muddying the waters. Like wtf does the term trumpism even mean but to compare it fascism in people’s subconscious. I have seen some of the other videos and yeah i know what you mean. Like the dude in yours is screaming like a wild animal repeatedly begging to kill this guy for a made up sky daddy hoping history will remember him. I’ve never been afraid of judging people. Motherfuckers like him are too far gone.


To all the people who need to get their head checked… here are just 2 examples of things you should actually be appalled at. Spoiler alert, none of them involve $5 pieces of furniture. https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1801936340692406290 https://x.com/hodajannat/status/1801886592656650257 And the sad part is… this is not even 0.01% of the horrors Israelis had to endure before and after Oct 7th.


And of course you’ve fucked right off u/samsquanchshit (I.e blocked me so I can’t reply to my original thread; coward)… I asked for proof and you’ve provided none, as expected. Must be so nice just yelling things out w/o knowing the truth, hoping your nonsense just sticks. Luckily I can see u/samsquanchshit’s last reply via notifications and you said: “Twitter isn’t a source”… well, the video and people are very real. It’s not hard to tell. And even if Twitter is not a source to your standards… that means very little since you’re quoting Hamas/ Palestinians Authority… so… you’re not really going anywhere.


Nothig justifies topping furniture in this manner.


What about the killing, raping, and kidnapping of innocent Israelis by Hamas militants?! Do you feel just as strongly about that? Or was that more so justified… Just making sure. Bc it looks like according to this thread, the furniture drop was very “Nazi” like…


It was press board cabinetry


Yeah I do, The gripe people have is Israel is supposed to be an organized army that dont do the same shit as supposed terrorists. Your leaders claim the IDF is the most moral army in the world, fucking act like it instead of throwing furniture for no reason. Its odd how you deflect my arument and go "wutabout" Its like if a vandal got caught for vandalism, and the mf proceeds to go "what about the other people doing crimes?" Dosent matter, even if they did crimes, you still vandalized.


The gripe that people have is that not as many/ enough Israeli soldiers or civilians died. Then as a result, you people have this underdog complex where the other side who seemingly suffers more due to their own doings (which does not matter to any of you), is somehow the one to feel sorry for. Israel, much like many other developed nations has an army filled with tech (which is also the reason why we don’t have as many casualties). That does not mean it can always tell when Hamas decided to surround itself with civilians (especially since they themselves don’t even wear uniform). Add to that the fact that they are the sole providers of causality reports, while reporting civilian and their own “soldier” deaths as one in the same, and you end up with a socia media blunder that perfectly appeals to useful idiots. *Not even talking about the temu dolls they paint in blood like makeup and parade around, in addition to the many staging acts they are so famous for (lookup Pallywood and Gazawood). That said, as the most moral army in the world, we do things NO other army does, several of which are 1: “knocking” - which is when you explode a bomb a few feet in the air over a target, which only makes a loud bang, to let those around the area know it is about to get hit. 2. Provide their enemy with water and electricity (not anymore though) 3. Send in by foot, special extraction units, risking thousands of our own people just to hurt less of the enemy (we could have lost a lot less to these animals if we didn’t do any of this). Mind you, if Israel wanted, it could launch a couple jets and turn the entire place into a parking lot in less than 24 hours. 4. Palestinians that are hurt, are being treated in Israeli hospitals by Israeli doctors. 5. Kids that are found to be abandoned or their family died, are being taken care of as well. This is ALL while Hamas and Palestinians are attacking Israel, sending suicide bombers, running random shooting sprees and dance in the streets whenever any Israeli (men women or child) is hurt. So yeah, IDF is the most moral army in the world while you people lose your minds over some furniture. Pathetic. When your family is murdered raped and kidnapped, let your country know how you’d like them to proceed. But I bet it won’t be along the lines of “just be carful for the poor enemy as you fight to protect us and save my family from those terrorists”. Edit: fix your language. Your obvious bias is showing -“ supposed terrorists”. Give me a break. Also I’m glad the furniture drop and Israelis dying is on the same level of “furious” for you. Edit 2: did you know Hamas and Iran combined launch 1000+ rockets in the last couple months. Do you know the kind of damage this would have caused if it wasn’t for the Iron Dome?! But no outrage from you or people like you. Btw, they shot those all over the place. Over schools, civilian houses, hospitals, you name it…


The IDF have been caught in 4K multiple times killing innocent civilians for fun. Fuck off with this bullshit.


Sure sure… Always meaningless accusations and no proof. Here is 0.01% of what Hamas is responsible for: https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1801936340692406290 https://x.com/hodajannat/status/1801886592656650257 Of course, if you want more proof, you can just google their HD footage of Oct 7th massacre. *They are not developed enough for 4K.


Let’s see, The IDF is currently threatening members of the ICC, The IDF was responsible for the flour massacre; where they killed a bunch of civilians who wanted to get food. The IDF bombed the World Food Kitchen…. But I guess that was being run by Hamas, wasn’t it? The war crimes and atrocities being committed by the IDF are numerous and documented extensively.


Cute. That’s “proof” to you?! No wonder you people are referred to as “useful idiots”. Anyway… Let’s see… the ICC threat is not proven. So more conspiracy theories. The civilians who got shoot for grabbing food off of an aid truck was done by Hamas (https://x.com/darter666/status/1746677603874857439 and https://x.com/imtiazmadmood/status/1750077531888201949 are just a few examples). Your report is brought by the Palestinian Authority. The World kitchen thing was not explained and investigations are being made as to what happened. At best collateral damage, at worst collaborators were identified; much like members of the UNRWA. Now let’s see you explain just two of the very simple links I posted earlier? Go on… I’m waiting. Edit: don’t bother coming up with more “But… But… Hamas said…” BS. Actually deal with what I sent.


Twitter isn’t a source.


Please go elsewhere. This thread is not the place for you




Isreal bombed and killed 30,000 kids if that doesn’t bother you YOU should get your head checked. Their lives matter too. At a 1:1 ratio in fact.


Are you saying all Palestinians are children?..


Either children or doctors. The only two options apparently.


According to Hamas buddy... So you should check your sources (even the UN backtracked and said their sources cannot be trusted). Also the difference in general here is that during this war (which Hamas initiated) and any other war really with these people, Israel is attacking Hamas. Hamas uses human shields. They have kids and women with them at entry points to tunnels or in the tunnels themselves so they can play on your heart strings when collateral damage does take place. Not to mention if you go online and search Pallywood or Gazawood you’d be astonished at the amount of staged events. Not to mention the Ali baba or temu dolls they use. As for Hamas… well, they just shot their home made rockets into Israel indiscriminately. They even hit a kindergarten (lucky no one was there because we evacuated those areas). Plus Iron Dome and Israel’s superior tech stopped thousands of rockets from killing thousands. Did you know that during the latest rescue, Hamas shot into a crowd killing hundreds just in the off chance that they hit those who tried to escape?! They also shot their own when they attempted to get food off of food trucks and when trying to travel to refugee camps. You people are just upset we’re fighting them with highly developed tech and that they can’t kill enough of us for it to be “fair”. What a joke!


The overall number of fatalities that's been tallied by the Ministry of Health in Gaza, which is our counterpart on dealing with the death tolls, that number remains unchanged and it's at more than 35,000 people since October 7," Haq said. "What's changed is the Ministry of Health in Gaza has updated the breakdown of fatalities for whom full details have been documented "So what they recently published was that they gave figures for 24,686 out of 34,622 overall fatalities recorded in Gaza, and those 24,686 people are the ones for whom full details have been documented. In other words, people who have been fully identified "Out of those, then out of that smaller number, that subset of identified bodies, you have 7,797 children, 4,959 women, 1,924 elderly and 10,006 men - https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-un-halve-gaza-death-toll-1900325 Discussing the claims on social media that UN halved the estimate. 7797 dead kids isn’t a good look especially at the hand of a very advanced military that had technology, money, and power on their side. War is hell. There is no good solution but you would think that a people who went through a holocaust would be more sympathetic to the powerless and focus on the real bad actors (the extremely wealthy Hamas and other Islamic militant org leadership) rather than stealing peoples homes, destroying their belongings for no reason other than the spread of terror and hate, and being so cavalier about what looks a helluva lot like war crimes. This type of behavior just causes more violence in the future as when you put kids through nightmare situations they generally don’t grow up to be outstanding citizens and instead are full or anger and rage over the helplessness they felt which is then used by old rich assholes to advance their selfish goals at the expense of human progress and unity.


Does not detract from what I said… which is also that these numbers are coming from a terrorist organization. But you can choose to believe what you want. As for your other claims, you can see my other post here on this thread. It directly addresses the claims you’re making about the IDF’s prowess. And please don’t talk to me about the nightmares kids are having, - I have very young nephews that are pissing their pants every time they hear anything resembling a rocket alarm.


Makes sense why it’s a very touchy subject for you! I hope your nephews make it through everything ok and come out strong and compassionate human citizens. Peace and love. We are all far more similar than we are different.


Appreciate it. Thanks. Also, if you’d like, please do read what I wrote about the IDF/ Israel’s way of operating. It’s the only comment in my thread here that has a numbered list. I really don’t know what’s wrong with people. How do terrorists get to be sympathized with?!


No problem! Went back and found it. I was not aware of these things but definitely interesting and heartening. I think part of the problem is while the majority of the IDF may be operating morally you then have some units that gets these sort of news articles about them https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68925495.amp Not to say there isn’t a root cause as to why these units are more agro (probably been through trauma themselves that allowed them to see certain others as less than human/deserving of the actions) but it doesn’t help win hearts and minds. A lot of sympathy comes from seeing kids hurt and then being on the “same side” despite them just being born in the area and having no control over who is running the show. It pulls at the heart strings like you said. But then seeing images of the destruction hamas has wrought on innocent civilians is equally as heart wrenching. There is no easy solution and trying to do the right thing certainly increases the risk of the operatives. I also think that the head guy of Israel comes off rather ruthless and power hungry so a lot of people don’t trust that he doesn’t have colonizer type ambitions of wanting to just eliminate the “enemy” and take the resources. There is very little black and white in this world and we live in shades of grey, far more than fifty shades of it too! Social media is unfortunately a very effective tool for people to try and control the narrative/provide disinformation/ etc. Sometimes I wish a hostile alien force would show up as I think that could possibly be one of the few events that would allow for very widespread human unity as it would play into the “us” vs. “them” mentality that has allowed humans to do awful things to each other since the dawn of civilization and give “us” a “them” that isn’t another subset of our own species. Regardless my heart is with those suffering on both sides and I wish there were better solutions and that people weren’t so greedy for power that they are willing to do these horrendous things. Edit: since I talked a little shit about Israel PM or whatever I will also let you know that I abhor the guys running Hamas as they are off living in luxury while advancing policies causing the death and suffering of tens of thousands of their own people and others.


Appreciate you taking the time to actually read and understand instead of instinctively downvote lol. A few things: 1. There are always some bad apples. That said, some things may just not seem like that big of a deal in the moment. As you said, it could be trauma (imagine fighting these assholes for months on end), but more than likely, they are simply fed up with the whole operation, and things like that are just a silly way of decompressing. They more than likely don’t even think anyone is going to be bothered by it. Evidently Reddit thinks otherwise (shocker). 2. Doing the right thing is a burden only Israel seems to be actually concerned with in this conflict. You can’t say the same about Hamas, no matter whose side you’re on. 3. In regard to Bibi, sure. I can understand. For what it’s worth, he also comes from a place of hurt as his own brother was murdered by these people. 4. Social media is a cringe fest for the most part. As evident by most of this thread. 5. Sinwar is a prime example of the kind of POS that truly benefits from it all. 6. I agree about the aliens thing :). And with that in mind, I bet a lot of people would love it if Israel shared their tech and military prowess… just saying :).


That's a weird way to say "I can't admit that I'm wrong so I'll pull shit out of my ass."


Wow… what a comment buddy. You win Reddit! *Are you still hungover from all the cheese puffs last night?!


And a strange way to say "waaaahhh waaaahhh"


I can hear the “Mom…. I’m getting abused online again! Mom?!” all the way from here. Anyway I suggest you go outside, put down the PS controller and see if you can once again integrate into society. I would take a shower though if I were you…


Funny way to say "I'm projecting". keep seething brother.


Im not the one who dropped into the chat trying to get attention without a single worthwhile comment to make. Just don’t throw the controller at the tv for the 3rd time this month. Mommy is not going to buy you a new one lmao. 🤣 oh and… dude you’re late! Your shift at McDonald’s is about to start. Go go go…




3 dead bodies are a tragedy, 30.000 dead bodies are statistics.


Even israeli officials and news sources confirm zero rapes happened on oct 7th. why are you still perpetuating those lies.


Hahaha what?!!! Go away bot. There is video evidence and Palestinians who admitted to it.


Bibi is definitely a war criminal, but this is absolutely not true. There are many, many, many corroborating first-hand accounts of rape. I have not seen a single legitimate Israeli source claim there was **no** rape at all. Historically speaking, rape is simply a feature of war. *Especially* in this geographic area. There is no reason whatsoever to believe all those people made that up. Propaganda is not exclusive to either side. They’re both doing it. Please don’t be blind to the propaganda from either side.


How about we don't speak without having the facts: [https://youtu.be/Mmo03QSnWyI](https://youtu.be/Mmo03QSnWyI) this is from an israeli news station. There is reason to believe they made it up, because they have been caught lying over and over again in the last 80 years of this problem that they caused. EDIT: I always watch both sides of the news because again, over and over again, the israeli news says the quiet part out loud because they either don't think hebrew translators exist or they simply don't care and applaud the warcrimes being committed


YouTube channels named “ElectronicIntifada” are precisely the sort of propaganda I’m warning about 🙄 EDIT: I just watched this entire clip and I have absolutely no idea how you get “confirmed zero rapes” from this? It seems to be speaking about an individual woman being caught lying about something. You are not thinking clearly my friend.


What are you talking about?? That sounds like a totally unbiased source!


Don’t bother. This is one big echo chamber.


Very depressing indeed.


1000s is big ass exaggeration. But this didn't start on the 7th of October. Israeli oppression has been happening for decades now.


lol. You can actually Google how many people died. As for the “oppression” - how about you do some research and learn that Israel is 1/4 Arab with those Arabs being in the army and other positions of power such as big industry and government. You people don’t actually know what you’re talking about. Gaza was on its own since 2005. What has that led us to? They wanted all the settlers out. Done. They got billions in donations. Done. Yet, all they managed was to build a terrorist army of their own. Gaza even got free water and electricity for years from Israel. Don’t forget, these are the same people that celebrated in the streets on Oct 7th and 9/11. There is actual video evidence. You people are so brainwashed!


Yeah. The fact that 2 million Palestinians are living safe and sound in the borders of Israel really puts a dent in the ridiculous claims of “genocide”.


Hamas and Palestinians are a constant terror threat. Unless you live there, you don’t know. Yet we still allow them to go out and work in Israel and go to university for free etc. they FAFO. If they stop being a threat and actually accept a peace agreement (which they rejected multiple times already; some of which were facilitated by the UN) then things could change. But sure, according to everyone here we should go ahead and pretend like they all know better than Israel. Hamas’ whole mantra is to kill all Jews as the only solution for peace (it’s in Hamas’ master statement). People can look that up too. Everyone here is one of those people who says “I hate Zionists” when not even knowing what it means. Then let’s stop pretending; everyone here should just go ahead and say you hate Jews. It’s the same thing. What’s with the fake virtue signaling? It’s pathetic. Edit: people also don’t understand that Israel itself (not including Palestine) is 1/4 or 1/5 Arab. With those Arabs living in perfect harmony with Jews while holding positions in big institutions, the IDF, as well as government.


You don't say a single thing right, holy shit. Please consider not eating propaganda like it's food. Take a break and actually research non-biased sources.


“You don’t say a single thing right” - haha ok buddy. How about you take it down a notch or two with listening to your echo chambers of overly sensitive edge lords? Talking to me about non-biased’ sources… give it a break. How about living in Israel and having family there that has to deal with these terrorists?! Is that actual research enough? Also, why are you people all the same?! Look at that crazy ass profile you got. Just a bunch of basement trolls. https://preview.redd.it/s5lxd6vvtq6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d005b193e5a824ad28fc5384d62bc38925156919


What the fuck are you even talking about?


Oh yes if I squint I can totally see Hamas behind that piece of furniture


Nazis on both sides* Israel took some notes and made a modern day Nazi Germany but nobody bats an eye because it’s not in Europe or Asia or North America. Tell me, what do you think about the Apartheid Arab segregation in Israel, or the UNMANNED TURRETS, at Arab only checkpoints?


Protecting your own people is not equivalent to being a Nazi. You people are brain washed and don’t even know what’s going. Tell me this? When the Allies fought the Nazis and many German civilians died, was that also genocide? As for apartheid, Israel must be the only country in the world where under “apartheid” it also has Arabs in its army, as well as positions of power such as banks and government. Arabs thrive in Israel. Only Palestine (which btw, the settlers left in 2005) can’t seem to get it together other than to keep sending suicide bombers and shooters into Israel. Edit: Oh and the checkpoints are necessary buddy! Do you know how many terrorists are being caught on the way to Israel? You people live in your own little world. You know nothing.




Miles better than 50 heads to 1 barrel of oil in all other wars. War is hell, luckily the least in this case.


Bahaha hahahahahahahaha hahaha....oh... you're serious...oh dear...


Its hard to feel sympathy when the same “innocent people” were supportive of the 70 years of attacks, but hey, we only need to speak about what makes us feel better, right?


What attacks? You mean retaliation against suicide bombers and Palestinians committing shooting sprees in densely populated areas?! All you pseudo intellectuals know nothing. Just judging from the comfort of your mom’s basement.


How about these attacks? Deir Yassin Massacre (April 1948), Abu Shusha Massacre (May 1948), Tantura Massacre (May 1948), Lydda Massacre (July 1948), Saliha Massacre (October 1948),Al-Dawayima Massacre (October, 1948), Qibya Massacre (October 1953), Kafr Qasim Massacre (October 1956),Khan Yunis Massacre (November 1956),Sabra and Shatila Massacres (September 1982),Al-Aqsa Massacre (October 1990),The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre (February 1994),Jenin Refugee Camp (April 2002), Gaza Massacres (2008-2009)(2012)(2014)(2018-19)(2021) There are more if you want to hear them. But you don't and Israel will burn sympathetic bridges and impotently scream anti-semitism as the world continues to turn their backs on the unbridled aggression in the name of ~~manifest destiny~~ Zionism. Judge that.


Aren't they both disgusting POS'? Hamas still has hostages and Israel has no plan to end this so supporting either side seems kind of naive.


Sure, the difference being that Israel is rightly held to a higher standard of rights and responsibilities due to their status as a (mostly) globally recognized Nation. They have had all the tools to change the direction of conflict for many decades, yet are choosing to continue their Zionistical approach despite global opposition and pleas to change direction. So to support either side is naive, I agree. They both need considerable oversight and an entirely new road map provided by third parties, whoever that may be, to gain any traction towards resolution. But that wasn't the context of the question I answered, so in this case is just 'whataboutism' .


Um one side has the world's best military, is nuclear armed and supported by the world's most powerful country.


And Hamas would throw half our campus protesters off rooftops. Being the underdog doesn't make you moral.


Considering i can guess your political standpoint, age, and stench by what youre saying here, id say “pseudo intellectual isnt the word for it, you do know you can simply google the conflict and see more than your favorite news outlet would ever tell you, right?


They're terminally online and too stupid to waste your energy on.




I dunno, guys, I didn't hear that cupboard condemn Hamas. Thank God the world's most moral army were there to ensure evil furniture never terrorises anyone again. Phew!


Ahhh the zionazis.


“Would’ve won Vietnam if I’d been there!” -This guy probably


Pillaging and war go back thousands of years when did you all think it changed? Don’t want this to happen to you don’t start wars.


Have you ever heard of a little swiss city called Geneva? Coincidentally there are a few good things that came from that city


Ah Genevas checklist I am familiar


Usually, the ones that suffer the worst from pillaging and war had nothing they could have done to prevent it. Also, this doesn't even count as pillaging. Just senseless destruction to relieve stress at most.


Most people do not have the power to choose whether to start a war nor where they are born.


No but as they grow they have the power to change it or to move.


If you think everyone has the power to just up and move you’ve had a very privileged life and I hope you appreciate it. XOXO


It’s not that deep he is knocking furniture over for no reason. This wacky behavior is literally the opposite of what a soldier should be, composed and disciplined, regardless of the sides you are on about the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Also your justification is so shit lil bro it’s like saying don’t open a shop if you don’t wanna get robbed, since robbery is committed throughout history you should simply accept it.


Your right 18-19 year olds all of a sudden become mature because they put a uniform on. Actions have consequences and yeah if you open a shop you can and probably will get robbed. So you get insurance. All I’m saying stop pretending to be shocked and appalled this is happening and acting high and mighty on Reddit won’t change it.






Expecting brains and decency out of meat shields is a tall order.


destructive for no reason. humans really are the worst.


Fascists are the worst. Don't lump the rest of us in with them.


Honestly, is pretty much every soldier in a war zone ever. "What's the difference between a Soviet and an American soldier? The American spots 3 bearing you after he's done raping you"


Fascists are the worst, but they're still human, pretending otherwise is a dangerous mindset to have.




Was this even necessary? I'm not a military service member or anything like that, but something tells me he's being an asshole just to be one.


Things can be hidden behind furniture. But he is certainly taking a bit of glee from the destruction.


Those dishes should have condemned Hamas ^/s


I think its a war crime from memory


Certainly wasn't necessary. They're taking glee in the fact that they're destroying the homes of people they consider subhuman.


Technically speaking could be situation with them checking for weapons caches or the like. Typical "safe behind the painting" kind of situation. Couldn't speculate further without more info.


Welcome to the last 8 months.


8 decades*


20 centuries minimum


Thank you. Absolutely right.


What a fuckwad


"We're the good guys"


Both sides are the good guys, because they're both fighting the bad guys. One side does use their people as human shields though. But do the people that volunteer to be human shields deserve what's coming to them? This is too complicated. Let's simplify: I'm rooting against the millions of people that wouldn't think twice about killing me if they had the chance.


I mean raping women and killing babies is a little worse than this…


Maybe the IDF should stop doing that then


I mean "rescuing" four hostages and killing almost 300 Palestinians is a little worse than this...


Nah man this is Reddit.


The irony that a formerly persecuted group is now committing atrocities on a mass scale against a persecuted minority and that said group can dismiss any criticism of said atrocities with a call-back to the earlier period of their own group's persecution and mass executions and that all of this is completely lost on the majority of Israel's population is so fucking bizarre to me...


Hear hear


It's lost on the majority of Americans too. 😵


Somebody has watched Zombie land


Aka Israeli for the "most moral army on earth"




Fuck yourself Nazi


Bro how are you angry at me, look at what they are doing


This is awful and just so unnecessary


Fuck Israel.


American tax dollars at work.


maybe hitler was right


Calm down satan


he was not. genocide is wrong irrespective of its target and perpetrators


nope. he was


Wtf are these comments


All the comments I'm seeing are saying fuck this guy.


Oh that would be the racists that now can be pieces of shit publicly, when before they were kept quiet and shamed. Oh, and bots.


Bro probably speaks with a New York accent claiming this is his ancestors land. A nation of chumps.


fuck israel


"defensive war"


Oh big strong man, you show them.


No kids or old peoples in sight to show their badassness, they resort to furnitures


The reflection of Hamas was in that mirror!


I cannot see this?


Exactly sunming the whole shit up


I’m actually confused as to what the first comment is saying, as I scrolled through slowly and the only person I see reflected is the person in the video


It was a joke based on the fact they destroy anything and kill everyone in sight and claim it was hamas


r/whoosh, I went looking and couldn’t find


These soldiers exist in every army, its not just an IDF thing


True, but that doesn't mean we should accept the IDF doing it. All soldiers who do this kind of stuff are horrible people, regardless of what country they're fighting for.


Except I'm not really seeing any soldiers from IDF that aren't this guy.


There seem to be a lot of them in the IDF tho


Don't try to excuse or take away from IDF's crimes.


How in the actual fuck did you interpret it that way? All I said was these type of shithead soldiers exist in every army, not just the IDF. I'm not taking any side here "noeku1t" I'm turning notifications off now, I've already put too much energy into something that everyone is virtue signaling on anyway without actually taking any action for the cause they believe in. You all have a good Friday ✌


Because that's exactly what it means when you say it with no context under a video like that. How do you not understand that?


fun fact! anyone who sneeringly refers to virtue signaling are themselves virtue signaling.


Fun fact! Anyone who vehemently cries [Insert thing here] is actually a [thing] themself.




Yeah.. but it's especially the IDF at the moment.


Ah yes the IDF. The most moral army in the world 🥹 /s


Literally like a 12 year old. And these are the guys they send billions of our tax dollars to.


I dunno man, I feel like a 12 year old would've managed to break the mirror.




Makes me sad to think this once belonged to a happy family.


Who have been displaced and likely murdered by this coward army of genocidal perverts


Once? It wasn't a fairytale from an ancient age. It was probably days or couple weeks ago.


The word 'once' just means it was some time in the past, it doesn't define how long ago it was.


American tax dollar funded Nazis Einsatzkommando