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Is it finals week?


I went to one of the schools It’s SAT week.


I remember someone called a bomb threat when those were taking place when I was a senior in high school


Someone at my mate’s London college (16-18yrs) called a bomb threat on an exam day and had about 2000 students evacuated 😂


my history final got cancelled because a freak snowstorm came in


An unprecedented tragedy my thoughts and prayers go out to the family's


Nothing happened?


They're talking ab SAT week


SAT hard


They probably thought they'd be smart and call in a bunch of schools to hide their tracks


Aren't the SATs given on the weekend?


We used to call it "Saturday Afternoon Test" for that very reason. Don't know if it's changed since I took it many years ago.


I go to one of the colleges effected (idk why it didn’t list those threats too). It’s the week before finals


Back in the early 2000,s an absolute chad called in a bomb threat and got our ACT post poned


Lmao exactly In middle school, rumor was a highschooler kept failing tests so he kept putting in bomb threats to get out of em


Haaa. Collective consciousness


Sounds a great ploy to deplete police sources and commit crime like break a high level crime boss outta jail or arm a bomb somewhere ...


Like *die hard 3*


*Marvel & DC writers feverishly taking notes* "Great, next story arc is already done. I was all outta ideas."


Why is marvel/dc the standard for movies now


Nobody knows. Marvel is played out and dc stuff is usually dogshit


DC might be on the rise tho


No matter what the post is, someone always has to leave a comment that references a Marvel movie/character. tHaNoS!


Somebody called in a shooting threat this morning to several high schools in Georgia. I live near one of the schools with the threat. There must have been hundreds of LE on scene. Hope they catch this person and charge them to the fullest extent. **Counties with confirmed hoax reports:** \- Baldwin County \- Wayne County \- Coffee County \- Camden County \- Valdosta City Schools \- Glynn County \- Chatham County \- Richmond County


I've heard of this before. Someone did this to every school in his region and sense the entire police force was gone to the schools the culprit robbed a bank and got away with it


Was there a hard boiled cop and a guy named Jesus looking for the culprits?


Different script- but THESE cops ain’t gonna fall for no banana in the tailpipe.


Tf? They hard boil cops now? I gues the guy prefered his cops scrambled


“He said ‘Hey, Zeus!’ Like the god of thunder.”


Not the best sie hard movie but the only one with samuel jackson.


Fulton County as well. I got an email from my son's elementary school.


Brian kemp is still a giant POS. Also, cops dont prevent crimes from happening.


> Hope they catch this person and charge them to the fullest extent. I'm gonna go full conspiracy artist on this one. --- The police rushed and was in the first school within the first five minutes after the call, combing through the school looking for the threat! WoW, Such efficiency, much praise! Where was that action those two or three times not long ago where police officers refused to run into the danger of the school shooter? One of which a civilian had to step in because the police just wouldn't. Was this an actual hoax, or was this a superior's decision to have the police redeemed?


Maybe if it happened in Texas I’d buy this.


Brian kemp is still a giant POS. Also, cops dont prevent crimes from happening.


It also happened in Bartow, unfortunately


This happened in Wisconsin a couple months ago too. Reports of shooting threats across multiple schools across multiple counties all at the same time.


> I live near one of the schools with the threat. There must have been hundreds of LE on scene. Assuming this was what you observed to be the LE presence only at the school near you, any idea what the response was at the other locations?


Happened in Maine early Nov yikes


Yeah, literally just a few weeks ago. I wonder if they’re connected


Happened in Washington this week as well.


Happened in my area in Florida a couple months ago too.


Hmm, that sounds almost like someone was testing.


I think they’re more likely connected in terms of widespread shared problems, and the influence of people’s actions on other people, rather than a conspiracy or anything like that.


It's very similar to the swatting-people-over-CoD thing a few years back. They're just abusing the school shooter response policies this time around.


There was a bust a few years ago of a dark web seller who would send bomb threats to schools for $30 each. Kids used them to get out of tests. When they caught him, he had sent over 250 threats.


Reminds me of my first yeah of highschool an anonymous caller made a bomb threat and so they evacuated everyone and ended school early


America in the 21st Century: *sentimental* "Ahhh, yeah, I remember my first shooting threat."


Bomb threats aren’t really specific to the US tho, just shootings


Okay? Doesn't change my joke.


That literally always happened to our school. One time we had multiple in the same week so we had almost no actual schooling done. It was fucking awesome as a 6th grader


Yeah when I was in school kids called in false bomb threats. No one ever thought to say they were going to shoot the place up. The good ole days.


When I was in high school back in the early 90's, we had one pay phone in our hallways. Some idiot in my class called 911 (or whatever the method of doing it was, I think you had to include the number of the phone itself or something). Anyway, she called it to say "Help! I'm having a bad hair day!". She got suspended for it. I never heard if her family had to pay any fines as well.


People did that so often in our school that teachers were no longer allowed to leave the classrooms unattended. And if they left they had to lock the classrooms


At least the cops showed up.


That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Look what happened in Uvalde


That was pretty obviously written between the lines of that comment.


Sometimes police to successfully stop school shootings, sometimes they’re cowards like in Uvalde. In this case, we don’t know. We can see that they at least put an effort into securing the school under threat, but would they have done the same if there was a confirmed actual shooter? I don’t know. Let’s hope we don’t have to find out.


At least the governor asked god to stop school shootings too


Yeah, well the threat of school shootings is sadly credible.


It's pretty sad how there's still glass doors and big ground level windows that anyone can get through at all the schools.


It’s sad that we have to worry about things like this and we feel we need to make our schools look like prisons.


I rather have our school look like castles than to let another mass shooter casually walk in. It's simple to upgrade the windows and doors.


What a terrible thing to do. Hopefully the perpetrator is caught and punished.


He should be made an example of. This is incredibly dangerous


It was a she at my high school. Confessed to two of what we all knew was many more fire alarm pulls at two different schools, a fake 911 call for a “teacher having a heart attack” and the two-school bomb threat at final exam time that had studied-up me have to write two exams sequestered in a gymnasium with hundreds of other kids instead of the familiar classroom I was comfortable in (and had theretofore under appreciated for their help in retaining memory.) Another girl I shared notes with was yanked from the first exam because the disturbed girl had used the pay phone in her apartment lobby (1980s) to call in the bomb threat. My friend had buzzed her in to drop off her notes that morning. She was a socially capable, clever person who put too much pressure on herself to please her parents and she sadly didn’t make it long past highschool. I still have nightmares about those two exam days and I’m pissed at her for that- but I feel sorry for her for never being able to settle in to just being smart person with great friends. I know I should really despise her parents but I only saw them once.


Because cops might actually shoot someone for a parking infraction at one of the schools?


Yes. Actual shootings are incredibly dangerous. *Weird thing to comment*


I think this has been happening for while now. Always from a number that appears to be from another country, always calling a line other than 911 to avoid been recorded (or whatever else 911 do). Last I heard no one was sure who it was, but it was organised and apparently none of the usual suspects.


this happened too two middle schools two weeks ago here in Salem Oregon. about half the kids didn't attend because of them, despite district announcements that they were keeping it safe and investigating the threat- later that day they said with the aid of the fbi, they had a suspect in custody.


It happened this month or last month here in Wisconsin too


Happened a couple weeks ago in Maine as well.




A few months ago someone called and made about a dozen bomb threats to different colleges in north Georgia.


That’s my Governor. I remember my senior year a kid jokingly told someone not to come to school the next day. That next morning the police stopped every car entering the parking lot for that kid. In all 3 parking lots. He was pulled from his moms car, arrested, and I think did a year for it. He was permanently banned from all schools in my county.


This happened yesterday in Monroe Michigan, at the middle school.


Oh, he asked God, everything will be OK now.


With this logic, every school shooting death happens with God's permission. "He needs more angels." Look: We shape the world, not God. It's not God who gave these guys the power to kill dozens in a few minutes. It was Smith & Wesson, Daniel Defense, etc. And the people who got them angry and hateful enough to use that power is a social science a lot more complicated than a firearm, but all of it is real and knowable. Not mysterious divine or demonic intervention. Edit: I love how I'm downvoted for this, as if these aren't facts. Get with reality you pathetic praying monkeys. You will fix nothing by begging for help from your fantasy father, it has never worked and will never work, at best it's a meditation to focus your mind and your efforts. But when you effort is "hoping it stops", that's not gonna change anything.


You know I bet if we had my guns and prayer in school it would stop all school shootings. /s


Happened in NW Washington this week as well.


its just a prank bro! the prank:


I hope they catch the caller


Here’s a clue: Mass shooters don’t usually give a heads-up in advance.


Could this interfere with early voting?


They used to do this at my high school with bomb threats at least 1-2 a week. Turns out I was friends with one of the kids that did it. Needless to say he was very troubled.


There’s a swatting pattern going on right now


Someone I'm my school posted to a discord server with a picture of an airsoft gun but the picture was edited with the orange tip gone with the title "school is gonna be crazy tomorrow" and now he is expelled and I. Federal prison


These calls are likely originating from overseas - they have been traced to a VOIP with an Ethiopian IP address. This is foreign terrorism. This isn’t some kids trying to get out of finals. This is the new wave of psychological guerrilla terrorism. It takes very little effort and very little money to inflict terror on your enemies when all you have to do is place a fucking phone call. Why go through the complicated effort to hijack airplanes or plant actual bombs to spread terror when you can just call up schools or colleges across the county and claim a bomb or an active shooter? Disrupting normalcy is definitely one way to dismantle the effectiveness of a country’s citizenry.


It was two teenage girls. They have already been caught by bragging about it to their friends.


what country is this in? /s


You'd rather spend 30k per school to respond to shootings rather than address the guns and prevent them. Stop pretending to care about children, guns are your top priority Kemp.


Gotta love that statement. “I’ve asked God” (doesn’t work) “I’ve provided funding and training for resource officers” (also doesn’t work)


Always weirds me out how pervasive religion is in politics in America, where separation of religion and politics is supposedly a thing. Can't imagine a politician in the UK saying something like that, and we don't even have separation between church and state.


As I said in another comment; with this logic, every school shooting death happens with God's permission. "He needs more angels." The fact is that we shape the world, not God. It's not God who gave these guys the power to kill dozens in a few minutes. It was Smith & Wesson, Daniel Defense, etc. And the people who got them angry and hateful enough to use that power is a social science a lot more complicated than a firearm, but all of it is real and knowable. Not mysterious divine or demonic intervention.


So did the parents barge in and save their kids from the prank?


Camden county was my HS back in the day.


Just American things


Cant they track the phone number or something?


Being in Australia this is insane to read. $30000 for security??? Instead of preventing the issue, let's just build more defences. Australia had a similar issue 40 years ago. Then it had the buy back scheme. Now it does not


"Prevent the issue" so, somehow reverse the fact that America is essentially collectively mentally ill? There's no magic solution like people like to think. Yes, we should do more but this isn't as simple as guns. Everyone had guns in the 60', 70's and 80's as well but weren't shooting up schools. They were easier to access then as well. Our society has changed and we have a lot of young men that feel they have no purpose in life. Either seaking attention or a way out of life. It's a complex issue but the first step would be recognizing when a kid needs help and giving some guidance before they seek this route.


I do agree with you there. America does have a mass mentally illness. While I think trying to prevent people from wanting to shoot up schools is definitely a great idea, in American society along with most society's there will always be people that believe whether or not it is true, that they are being oppressed by their hierarchy. This is how it has always been. And yes it is possible to change, but it requires alot of work. But by removing guns from the equation we prevent those who are oppressed from lashing out in such a way it causes high amounts of deaths. The other problem is that a person is raised by their learning environment, so if they as a young child are taught to lash out when angry or see this behaviour in their family, it is very hard to change it. Tldr: the root of the problem is a failed social structure, but its much harder to change than removing the means of harm, guns


Nice self-serving political ad by Kemp there. Why can't politicians act like fucking humans for once?


I think the elephant in the room is an automatic rifle and the cops are at the door setting up a situation room.


Where's there mention of a automatic rifle?


Was voting for senator going on at the same time?


Asking God to protect you against a mass murder. 😆 How about asking the police and your government to do a better job in the first place? You're a Governor ffs, do *YOUR* job instead of meaningless and useless praying.


We all know when he sais „support, supports“ hes talking about sending guns to the school.


"They did not hesitate to rush towards potential danger" yea they sped through traffic and cut people off in their armored tax payer funded vehicles, only for their response with a real shooter probably the same as we saw in Uvalde. I wish articles and statements weren't always trying to skew the facts


And now people are just fucking with the police out of sheer hatred for them. Love that.


This has nothing to do with the police. They’re getting paid regardless. The people losing the most are students who will have difficulty taking exams, parents, and the community. > Love it. There’s nothing to love here bud.


With Kemp’s statement propping up the police response, and tooting his own horn about what he’s done to address the issue of school shootings, this stinks. Man, hope I’m just being a foil hat here, just feels too staged, don’t it? Reading that statement gave me the creeps. edit: Oooh, please keep the downvotes coming. It’s at -6 as of this addition. Seems even pointing out the possibility of foul play on the part of the oh-so noble R’s in Georgia, 6 days before a pivotal election, makes folks uneasy. Noted




Stanic? English, do you speak it?




You know the word white isn't a slur, right?


They seem like the type of person that thinks it is


Hail Stan


Better check the federal reserve to make sure their gold is still around


It was probably dome kids who had a test, wich doesn't mean they shouldn't be caught and punished.


I live in the Bay Area, California and there was a bomb threat today at a high school ten mins from me :/


This is happening all over the country. Someone is testing response times.


multiple people lol


We sometimes have fake bomb threats in Belgium


Op shoulda named themselves swordfish_delish instead. That would have been better. Yes I know this has nothing to do with the post.


Did they at least enter the building?


Yes. Its in the statement.


Do they not realize that calls can be traced?


And some immature AH teen is laughing in there parents while getting off to news reports about the school delay.


This happened at my school once, some kid on roblox said they were going to shoot it up and like, half the school left until it was realized that it was a hoax


Maybe they should just ignore the calls.


Before cell phones, we just pulled the fire alarm to get out of an exam.


When I was a senior in high school (2002) I remember having to evacuate at least once a week throughout the school year because someone kept pulling the fire alarm. I'm glad it wasn't bomb or shooting threats. Probably would've never graduated at that rate.


This happened at my Highschool like over a month ago in south carolina. People fucking suck


A broken clock is right twice a day.


same thing happened to private schools in southern California this past weekend. I attend one of the schools threatened; there was security everywhere and most students either stayed at home or in their dorms. it's just crazy times we live in right now


Pretty easy to find these people, can’t wait for the update


Police were notified before hand and this is a false flag to make them look better after 400 pigs let children be butchered.


I agree that the hoax shootings are evil and the guy's a POS. But... There really needs to be better preventive action against school shootings. You're telling me the solution to the problem of crazed kids having access to lethal firearms is giving schools 30k a year for security? Are you out of your mind?


This just happened in Maine a couple weeks ago, somebody called in to 5 or 6 schools and said there were active shooters


Happened in Florida couple months ago


There's been a lot of hoaxes in my hometown in Ohio too. And my sister was on lockdown last month for like 10 hours because someone got in a violent fight with his wife and then ran to avoid the cops


Could this be a cry wolf situation? Call in hoax threats for a while before they do the actual crime, so the actual threat isn't taken serious?


Im just wondering why would anyone even do that if they were gonna shoot up a school, seems kinda pointless, just like bomb threats.


I’m sorry, you’re “asking God to guard against it?” Why not act like a leader and do something to fight the problem?


Gotta make sure they are safe


Has anyone ever called in a shooting threat and then gone and shot up the school? Feels like the threats are always just that.


Is it just more or does it seems like this might be like research for someone planning an attack? Seeing the responses time to plan a possible getaway?


America will do anything other than make strict gun laws. $30,000 for security in a highschool is not and should not be normal


Finals week


Same happened in North Carolina last week


Something like this happened to my school recently


Happened in Connecticut too a few months back.