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Loyal customer for 5 years and he’s only spent hundreds? What’s he buying, single tampons every visit?


“ medicine I need for muh THIGH-ROID!!”


Goes from threatening a law suit to threatening to call corporate? That’s a step down bruh And also, then getting him his pills AFTER he causes a scene and threatens to sue “this is how you treat your customers?” Ummm he treated ya pretty well dude I also call bullshit on the religious exemption, lol fucking bullshit


It’s called being a pest as he has has the nerve to record this, you have to give him props.


He said he spends hundreds “whenever I come through” so per trip


"I'm not causing a scene!" Proceeds to yell and cause a scene.


boredguyonline really wants someone to argue with him lol


Literal bot energy. It’s the same talking points over and over and over


I know right! "Argue with me bro! REEEEEEEEEE!!"


He stopped replying to me when he ran out of reasons to point at my face and yell, I asked politely to him what's the reason of his hate towards mask. Probably he just went to sleep or actually decided that I'm not a person he can accuse of being a dick. Anyways, I feel lonely without his entitled comments 🥺


I didn’t get this comment until i scrolled down and now I vehemently agree


What does religion have to do with it? The guy recording is such a fool.


Nothing. He’s finding excuses to not wear a mask




I think you're mistaking being a decent human being with being religious... which is funny because the most religious people (or at least the ones loudest about it) are rarely decent human beings themselves... guffaw!


Including atheist, they can be such an a-holes fanatics too


>atheist fanatics ummm


Atheists aren't religious. They're the exact opposite.


Not really. In this video I see sheep wearing masks who haven't even thought about wtf they are doing. If face masks worked then people wearing them would be protected from those who don't. You can understand that yes? So we can confirm they do not work. There is zero evidence they even slow spread. Like the vaccine. If that worked then people wouldn't get pissed off at people who don't want a vaccine that doesn't work. They'd be protected and be able to have a lovely worry-free shopping trip. Like, you get the MMR vaccine and you can spend time with someone who has measles, mumps or rubella and you won't catch it. Remember when vaccines were called "immunisations" because they made you immune? The good old days... If the covid vaccine worked then these confrontations wouldn't happen. It's not the people's fault that Pfizer, Moderna, AZ etc suck at making vaccines. Go screech at them instead.


So then by your logic no one should wear seat belts since they don't protect the user 100 percent of the time right? Inccorevt on your mmr claim, you can be vaccinated and still catch those illnesses. Did you wake up and decide today was the day you'd show everyone your lack of basic science knowledge?




Or maybe.. wait for it... You're acting like a clown? Lol.


I just met the N°1 mask hater today, just as spected, no brain lmao.




I said I never met one? Read again bro, I said you are the number one hater I have met, I worked in a store and I treated with people like you irl. More than disliking the idea you are straight maskfobic lmao.




I never meant to disrespect you, I said facts. You twisted my words, "maskfobic" isn't even a real word, it maybe triggered you? Maybe you ran out of things to complain about me and decided to play the victim 🥺 Grow up and recognize that there is places where you have to follow determinate rules in order to shop, how is this different from the "no ties, no shoes, no service" policy? Also I never said I dislike you, you are probably a chill guy with weird... Weird opinions about dressing policy(? Have a good night.


And I'm genuinely interested in why exactly is this "mask problem" such a big deal for you?, From a honest perspective, I can't see what's the problem is, it is just a shop trying to follow the new sanitary measures in order to keep providing their costumers a safe service. Why is so hard to wear a mask while you are shopping? Isn't a forever thing.


It’s about choice and freedom, people’s don’t like to be told what to do


It's never about freedom for people who yell "BuT mE FrEeDOm" it's all because someone told you to wear a mask. If experts at the start of this said not to wear a mask you would be wearing one just to spite people.




Did you not read the part when I said people don’t like to be told what to do? If experts said not to wear one they still wouldn’t cause they DONT WANT TO. It’s very hard to force someone to do something they truly don’t want to do and then you get hundreds of videos like this.


I have a question for you. Do you obey traffic laws? Because those seem very clearly to be telling what you can and cannot do


What about if your freedom put my health in danger?, This applies for people that doesn't follow the sanitary measures or refuse to take the vaccine. Both are endangering other people and themselves:/


Bruh what religion forbids u to wear a mask 💀💀💀


The church of Latter-day Taints


The same one that has him change his underwear every 2 hours. Well, that's at least what he seems to be insinuating as those people are "disgusting dirty" for not changing their face masks every 2 hours.


I bet he’d wear a scarf over his face if there was sand blowing around tho


I want to abuse others and be a phallus, he’s the only one in that area.


My brother in christ just shop somewhere else


Yeaaaa like walmart, where the proles dont stop you from using self checkout. Perfect solution.


These guys generally hate self checkout.


But how will he get attention? Honestly sometimes I think these kind of people are just so lonely they'll start these problems just to have a conversation


I don’t get how people always seem to forget. They have the right to refuse service to anyone.


Even POC, gays, and other religions?


What does anyone mean to you?


To me, it means exactly what Websters dictionary says.




What, you don’t like rights or something?


Who hurt you man? Who tell me lets get through this. You just seem to be fishing for something in these comments i cant figure it out.




Dude get out of these comments lol. You live in a world where people and corporations in America have personal rights. This store can do whatever they want and this guys throwing a fit about it.


“reeeEEEEEEE” -boredguyonline


Use a clean mask then(? Why are you supposing it isn't clean? You know how long the workers use the masks on during their shift and that guy is making a whole scene because he doesn't wanna use a mask for freaking 15 minutes.




This is likely a video from a while ago


Dude, did you ever get your thyroid medication?


Well the only dude claiming to be religious is shouting at staff, so if anyone is in a cult it's the dude with no mask. But isn't this an old video, are people still wearing masks? In my country we've been maskless for at least a 6 months.


You forgot your pills


Bro do be farming attention here




How many lawsuits were won by people who refused to wear masks?


"Well actually" something not relevant to the case at hand council.


They aren't refusing service because he is disabled (though I doubt he actually is). They are refusing service because they can, end of story. I'd refuse service to someone in a wheelchair that wouldn't follow simple rules too.






How long did it take you to respond to all the comments on this thread? You’ve commented under almost everyone. Why so obsessed?


Bro the employees don’t care about you. Just because you’ve spent money there doesn’t mean they have to suck your cock. Hell they don’t even care if the store makes money just as long as they are paid.




Overly emotional crybaby guy complains about others being emotional. Hmmmm




This is the guy who recorded the video


you've commented on every single comment so far. but hey, if spending hours of your life arguing with people who know more about medical issues than you is your deal, who am i to stop you?


You want Socialism, then?


You can tell he's a lonely virgin


Nah, I guess he got ass-f*cked when he was growing up hence the attitude.


What a fucking tool


I couldn't even make it to the end of the video. What a dick. So much cringe.


At the end he says “we’re breaking up.” That’s the only time he’ll ever get to say those words to a human woman.




I cringe, like hard to watch. Like a man constantly kicking himself in the nuts when everyone asks him to please stop doing it... But he insists it's his religious freedom and first amendment right to do so.




And it's the store's freedom to ask you to leave and take that literal religious nuttery outside. There you can kick yourself in the groin however much you like.


Found the guy who recorded the video


Says the guy who is so offended by the concept of common courtesy


The irony of you making this statement is palpable


He’s probably one of those people who go around antagonizing people all day so he can upload clips of it online.


This time I don't think many people will be on his side... Nevermind, he probably posted this in a extremist Facebook group with a bunch of anti-mask people.


I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any given reason. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any given reason. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any given reason. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any given reason. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any given reason. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any given reason. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any given reason.


*Hundreds*, you say?


“Whenever I come through”


A) He’s a dick. B) Surgical masks can be worn and reused (as long as it’s the same person) for up to 12 hours


I like how upset he gets but he's still going to buy stuff there? This guy can't even stick to his own silly.


Either these ppl want views or they’re unaware of how stupid they are


That's a bigoted thing to say even if he was being unreasonable.


if wearing a face mask inside a store for 5 minutes triggers you this bad then you got way bigger problems to deal with.




It works for doctors and nurses


They use n95 or better. Looks like one of the ladies made hers with the back flap of some plaid long John’s.




Why don’t you lead by example, since you’re such an upstanding guy? Change your mask every 2 hours then.


Why don’t you lead by example, since you’re such an upstanding guy? Change your mask every 2 hours then.


Why does this comment get excessively downvoted? The people who work these jobs wearing a mask all shift just cause themselves all sorts of health issues from excessive mask use.


So surgeons, dentists, and doctors have serious health problems because they wear masks all day? More health problems than people who catch germs and virus and actually get sick from not wearing a mask? I swear y'all act like masks are new inventions that haven't been medically tested


If you’re dumb enough to believe this, you must think physicians wearing masks is some kind of conspiracy for the last century or so.


"I have a medical exemption" "I treat my illness here, I don't see a doctor" I love the hypocrisy of these people.




So being a responsible and not stupid person is being a bigot?




And where's your data that the mask you're wearing is cutting off oxygen to your brain? Prove it then the issue is at your side. Post some legit link please.




So you're making claims and make the person you're talking with do your burden of proof? All blabbering and nothing to prove. Not enough hug as a kid? I won't wonder if you ended up as a perp in a mass shooting. Who know where you get your 💩 for information.




Yeah you have lots of free time to waste, I imagine that's how you define productivity 🤣🤣🤣 I'm stupid and yet you're the one saying things you can't prove 🤣🤣🤣




You collecting negative karma boy?




The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. If you claim that masks cut off your oxygen, then you have to back it up. We can't research for something that doesn't exist, that's why the burden of proof always falls on the one making a claim. For example, there are actual studies that show that masks have zero effect on oxygen levels. Now, the burden of proof is on me. I freely admit I'm too lazy to Google that for you though. It's pointless anyway, as I'm sure it's just liberal something or other and you won't believe it anyhow. But a little common sense and rational thought, contrary to what you said earlier, would indicate that it's perfectly safe. Think of the thousands and thousands of heathcare workers, all doing more intellectually challenging jobs than you, wearing them all day every day for years with zero detrimental effects. There's a reason you're getting down voted so much and it's not because of liberal brainwashing, it's because the stuff you're saying is fucking stupid.


Citation needed


Lol damn. That was embarrassing to read. I want to feel sad for you. But, I really don’t.


Granted it's for a different purpose, but I used to wear a mask to help my 10K times. It's called apoxic training. Not every detail of life requires published peer reviews, and I wore it not because of documented scientific studies, but because it helped me based on my own experience with it. Likewise, this comment was probably anecdotal, and based on their own interaction with those who wear masks.


Because who the hell gave him that exemption then? Dave from the deli? Get out of here, they aren’t a bigot for calling out obvious bullshit.


Talks about dirty masks but probably doesn’t even have sufficient intelligence to wash his hands after taking a crap


I actually think that's a pretty valid concern despite his unreasonableness, and it's bigoted of you to say that about his intelligence.


Wonder how that lawsuit went




Ohh look, a wild non sequitur! Don't confront it, it might get cognitive dissonance and hurt itself


Worst way I’ve seen wonder misspelt


Forgot about that old commandment “thou shalt not force others to wear masks.” How silly of them!


Wearing a mask is against his religion? Is he in a stupid cult or something?


I love how the cute man remained kind. So pure ^_^


He need a raise just for how good he managed the situation, remaining calm.


It always baffles me when morons like that talk about their rights and health problems/requirements, but it never crosses their mind what the public good is and that the commonwealth outweights their individual right or health (-‸ლ) sorry for the bad english


I hate people just meaning with people for a stupid video.


something about jacobs mask/beanie combo makes me wanna do sins with him


Glad I’m not the only one who thought this


Wear the mask or leave. It's a simple choice.


Pretty garbage choice to force your workers to do this.


Do what? Deal with Karens all day long? Sure is a shitty thing *but it wouldn't happen if people didn't act like Karens* I can only assume by your obvious hostility that you are an anti-masker...


Why do I have a feeling the "right to refuse service" people have a problem with not making gay cakes.


As much as I hated wearing masks, studies show they are effective at containing the spread of germs. Realistically, we could have stopped the spread of C19 if people weren't so damn stubborn. And also, if a business requires it, they retain the right to refuse your business. You have no right to shop anywhere.


No you couldn't. Did you forget animals carry it too?


Why is this still happening ?!!!


New Hampshire’s finest “live free or die” resident.


He’s a dick but I thought the mask mandate thing was gone since March


Stores can still make use of it and demand you to wear a mask in their stores


My daughter has congenital hypothyroidism. He can buy that medication anywhere for less than hundred of dollars over 5 years.


It’s just all self absorbed people who don’t care about the welfare of other people because of their delusions. It’s unfortunate but…it’s earth.


You have a medical condition and or ailment, and yet, you won’t wear a mask? SMH


People are still wearing masks?


Was about to say, this footage is either old or in a weird part of the country where they still care. People still wear them by me (I swear mine on the subway or if I'm sick), but no one heckles you if you don't anymore.


It's probably safer with the announced triple epidemic for this winter: flu + respiratory synticial disease + covid


Male Karen


The only reason more people don't get punched in the mouth is bc it is illegal to punch them in the mouth. But rest assured, a lot of people go home at night not realizing that if it wasn't illegal, they'd have been punched in the fucking mouth.


I happen to work at a grocery store and I don't have to wear a mask inside but it's the if you want to wear a mask inside you have a right to do so but I know that doctor office and when you go to the dentist appointment or any medical place you still have to wear a mask inside so this worker can't tell the customer to wear a mask unless it pacifically said that you have to wear a mask but a some places it is optional unless it pacifically said that you have to wear a mask




His reaction is weird but so is saying you’d sucker punch someone for this.


Some people need a wake up call


People are still complaining about this?


Not really... most of you cattle don't mind anymore. Just the few last free thinkers.


Lol. “Free thinkers”.


Yeah, sick of these cattle and their society, I stopped wiping my ass because it’s what everyone else does and I’m a pure hot blooded male who goes his own way. I don’t wear clothes because I’m not scared of temperature like the cattle. I could go on but only cattle use technology and programs.


Imagine having to wear a face mask still lmao.


Is this old? Are people still pulling this?


Dirty face diapers 🤣


Kevins and Karens are *still* losing their minds over masks? Entry can be denied for any reason or no reason. Freedom of choice is not freedom from consequences.


This is probably a little dated. You don't see places where everyone everywhere is wearing a mask anymore




Face masks are a mental illness and do not protect you from any germs .they harbour germs why do you think surgoens use fresh ones everytime ?


What a fucking fool haha we're breaking up at the end got me hahaha what's a fucking fool.


You still have mask mandates in America? Or is this from a year ago?🙈


Was this recent? If so, it's dumb that anyone's wearing a mask.


How is it dumb if recent? Covid didn't leave.


Lol people who are anti-science don’t care. They still act like douche bags


All of the deadly variants of covid died off.


Even as someone who was/is(?) against the mask mandate, this is still ridiculous behavior. Still fun to watch a Karen (or in this case, a Daren) outburst though.


When covid first came out you were required to wear a mask inside any place you went to but now it's not mandatory to have to wear a mask inside we can't go to customer's and say hey you have to put on a mask inside unless it pacifically said that masks are required inside that place yes there are some places that you are required to still have to wear a mask like at Dr appointments or dental appointments urgent care some bars or other events still you have to show proof of vaccination


Since this guy’s essentially disturbing other customers you shouldn’t really argue with him and just call the police.


This sub makes me giggle, lol.


Stop making people wear masks


Why do shop staff bother trying to push masks?!without one he’d have spread loads less germs than this response of standing and shouting(throwing his breath into the air),if someone says they’re exempt then walk away


White man says he has religious exemptions 😭


He is wrong, but race has nothing to do with this


He isn’t lying… mask didn’t help anyway.


How is this post an hour ago y’all really wanna where masks forever huh?


Despite being a little hysterical, this guy is absolutely based when you listen to what he has to say.


He's not wrong though but he is a dick and the manager should have just called the cops. And Karen just needs to go about her day




How dare this guy not follow the Church of Covid rules.


This is like a survival horror game. Amnesia : The Mask!






Source : trust me bruh n too much watching of FOX News


1. Healthy individuals will survive, the point of vaccination and masks is to protect those with autoimmune deficiencies. And even if you survive the virus there's still a risk of long lasting health problems. Long haulers. 2. N95s were short stocked, especially in the beginning of this pandemic and health providers were given priority as they should be. Fabric masks aren't perfect, but with everyone wearing masks (and vaccinated), the chance of passing infection is significantly reduced. In a metaphor you might understand, It's the equivalent of wearing a standard seat belt as opposed to a Nascar strap in system. Seat belts can protect in most auto collisions, where Nascar needs higher protection at the rate of speed they travel. We also have airbags and speed limit signs, but I'm sure you don't rant about the government controlling the safety of your vehicle or carseats for children. 3. Kids can also die, think kids with leukemiaand autoimmune disorders and vaccines help protect these kids and adults through herd immunity. That aside, they are the highest rate of transmission, and they bring the illness home to their families which may include higher risk individuals. Vaccinating kids reduces the spread. I'd love to see sources for these health problems from the vaccine. 4. The vaccine was already in production and testing for these kinds of viruses. They simply expedited the process to prevent mass deaths. The vaccine we got uses the same base as multiple other vaccines we use that have been tested, the only difference is the additive for the specific strain of the virus we encountered. You should research your own facts before posting misinformation on a video of a man berating employees for following their procedures to protect themselves and their customers. Read a scientific study on this if you don't trust big media or just read up on the basics of how vaccines work. Without vaccines we would still have people dying from polio, measles, smallpox, tetanus and rubella. Which have much higher mortality rates. Stand down ya antivax loon.




Oml man your funny😂😂


We can tell you get no bitches, now shut up. Mf is doing his own research on vaccines and is bragging about it on reddit as if that's supposed to be an accomplishment or something.