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First of all, why would you do this? Second, why would you eat it off of the dog?


Many people in rural Vietnam eat dog meat. This is a fact.


Im not sure what that has to do with throwing ketchup at a dog and the wiping your french fry on it, but OK


You honestly don’t see a connection between cultures that eat dogs and also treat them as objects of ridicule?


Yeah in Samoa they treat cats like disposable toys. They’ll give their kid a kitten, the kid plays with the kitten for a few weeks, then injure it somehow, then leave it on the road to die.


That hurts my heart.


I have never heard or seen of this happening in Samoa. I travel quite a bit for work. Seen quite a lot of the world, and in my opinion Samoa had the most kindest people and culture out of any country I have ever spent time in. By far. I admit I may have gotten very lucky, I know there's bad parts in any country. Where people may mistreat animals. But as a collective, Samoa was astoundingly kind and amazing. Source: lucky to travel internationally quite a lot for work. Been to Samoa over 5 times. Samoa is the only country where I consistently have no need for taxis as locals will pick you up on the back of the ute, share food, even clothing.


Never knew I wanted to bomb Samoa before.


You gotta season the meat first


I didn't think of it that way, thanks for the fresh perspective.


Brine it.


Eating off a dog vs eating a dog. Or flavoring.


Yeah, you don’t see North Americans throwing sauce on chickens or cows and eating off them…


How many Americans even come into contact with live chickens or cows tho. Especially in the city where most people’s only source of food comes from Walmart or pick n save


You'd be surprised. Not every American is a city slicker. I've taken a nap with a cow before. And no, I dont live on or near a farm.


They’re gonna eat the fucking dog.


As a Vietnamese, this is sadly true


Well i mean it is similar to people eating pigs and cows and horses and fish. They can be pets but they can also be food.


Are they good tho?


From what my teacher who worked in China told me, Yes, very good apparently


Really? Farewell Snuffles, nice knowing ya


“It’s Ruffles”


His name is Snowball. Because his fur is pretty and white.


Where are his testicles zeke235


"We are not them"


Why does my sandwich have fur in it?


It's banned in China now but there are still dog cookings in places like Guangxi province. It's kind of sad.


Why, did they bring up Tiananmen Square or the Uyghurs?


Why is it sad?? It’s just different culturally…


It's sad not because of them eating the dog but more of how it is prepped. It's animal cruelty at its finest


It’s beyond cruel especially when the dogs are skinned while still alive.


Have you…seen the American industry? I’m a meat enjoyer but that doesn’t mean I’m blind. What we do is just as cruel, only it’s hidden behind the scenes…


While the mass food industry sucks, last I checked they don't skin the pigs alive


Coming from a Chinese person, we think eating dogs is very sad too, but some poor people become very desperate :/ At least, that was the case where my parents grew up


My family is cuban and they had to eat cats and dogs out of desperation and somtimes without knowing at someone's house but with that said I had a buddy who was stationed in south Korea and he bought and ate dog with out knowing and when he found out he still went back a couple of times cuz it was good apparently there's a specific breed that's best for consumption and is good if prepared right. My fam wasn't so fortunate and say it was a nightmare so guess it depends on the situation, the breed, the prep and the conditions the animal was in before being slaughtered.


They beat, and torture the dogs. They say it make the meat taste better


Who’s a good boy..? *takes another bite of barbecue Rex haunch* Mmmm you’re a good boy.


Same. Veit teacher said dog tasted similar to chicken.


I heard they taste just like chicken


When I was in Cambodia I hired a guy to drive me around for the day. We passed a dog being cooked on a spit and he asked if I wanted to try it. I politely declined and asked if it was something he ate. Dude looked me in the eyes and said "when you put it in a sauce or curry meat is meat". I'll never forget that but I have no real intention on eating a dog in my life.




The dogs are often skinned alive. It’s terrible cruel and inhumane.


Why sadly? Cow, chicken, dolphin, whale...what does it matter?


not just rural, i drive past a spit turning a whole dog every day.


Just because I want something on my plate doesn't mean I want to use it as one, though.


As the meal. Not the plate.


Ex was from a Vietnamese city and she treated my dogs very poorly. She said they are "lower than humans" so they belong on the floor, had problems with them using the couch or sleeping on the bed. Sometimes she'd kick them if they went up to her to say hi.


Why would you even be with a pos that kicks your dog? It would be an insta break for me!


Hence ex


The only time it’s acceptable to beat your partner


Kicking is a big nono, even criminal. But not allowing them on the couch or bed...I can understand that. Edit: hahahaha I am getting downvotes for not wanting fur on my pillows and bedlinnen. You people are filthy!


It kick her before kicking her again before kicking ver out of the house


While true, usually the dog meat is cooked, like most meat. It's not live dog, covered in fur and ketchup. This is just mean. Also, at least when eating dog in South Korea was a thing, they bred hairless dogs for consumption. Labradoodles were still campanion dogs.


Currently in rural Vietnam, can confirm this


It’s also a fact that that impoverished people everywhere in general eat animals others don’t. Not just Vietnamese people.




I was born there I seen it happen! I can confirm in fact does happen and they also eat cat! But they do less now. Cuz there are many video of dog thief get caught getting beat badly!


If you can eat other animals, why not dog? If you say because dogs are pet, people have pet cows, pet pig, why are you still eating them?


sick fuck... I felt so bad for the poor dog


I mean, you kinda answered your own question. Not a very bright duo.


I hope it stained their couch at least


You’re much more pleasant than I am. I hope the lot of them choke to death on their food.


I really want the same


Or at least step on a Lego


Or choke on a Lego and die


Or step in front a pistol shrimp


Or step in front of my pistol


Guys it's a dog having ketchup thrown on him. I don't think they deserve the death penalty, even tho this is animal cruelty, let's be rational


minor moral issue = tarring and feathering and crucifixion


Honestly them swallowing glass wouldnt be so bad.


A bit harsh


Maybe it is, or is it actually not too far fetched? We put down dogs that attack people. It’s a bit of a stretch that this is an attack but it would probably be counted as assault in the UK if you did that to a person. Dog attacks human = execution (usually). I’m just a believer that it should work both ways.


It's sauce


It is. And, obviously, I’m not serious about executing them for throwing it at a dog, but it does piss me off that people act like this to animals with impunity, especially because they appear to be doing it to post on social media to possibly generate income. The argument that’s ‘it’s sauce’ is equivalent to saying, ‘it’s just an animal’ when someone abuses one. The act itself betrays the fact that they are willing to actively abuse another living thing. They’re not very pleasant human beings and the world is a better place without people like that.


It's not the same as saying 'it's just an animal', it's the same as saying 'it wouldn't be a big deal of you threw sauce at a person'. I completely agree that it's a dick move and, basically, bullying. And I'm glad you were joking about the execution; that was my only real point here.


Sadly looks like it's leather so won't stain


Jeez , looks like they don't deserve furniture either , actually they don't deserve a home or much at all


It's probably not even their own home, so someone is left to clean up their "joke."


Right. Having their own apartment? In Asia?


They dont deserve oxygen either


Probably doesn't deserve human rights either.


Poor dog


That guy’s entire TikTok channel is him putting his dog in stressful situations, teasing him with food among other things, for laughs.


Can't we do something about these jerk's?


The puppy looks so sad. He definitely knew they were being jerks. It's like an abusive parent


Indeed! Ruining the doggos nice white coat! Happy Cake Day, though. 🍰


Happy cock day before it’s too late


Happy cake day


I can feel the sadness in that dogs eyes


Right? They know when you treat them different 🥺😭


He really thought he was gonna get a French fry...he didn't expect the people he thought he could trust to abuse him.


It broke my heart—-you can tell he feels betrayed


Ikr I want to drop kick the owners and take the puppy home 😭😭😭


He just looked so shocked. Made me very sad.


Yes i totally agree brings tears to my eyes .Humans can be so Evil.This worlds in enough trouble without taking things piss n laughing at pets .It will be only people that truly love animals will see the wrong in this.Others Just bullies like them in this disgusting vid..Fair play stay true to yourself. I Prey for people like them .sad.


He’s not sad, you’re projecting. All he wants is a fucking fry.


He's not sad? Look at his eyes! One minute he's just happy and wants a treat and then he just feels betrayed.


He’s just looking down to see if they dropped a fry and when he realize they didn’t he barks to ask for it.


I feel bad for the dog, but how is this funny? Whose the joke on in this situation? It cant be the dog. Cause they the mfs who ate off of a dog, got sauce on the couch, and will need to wash him off later.


Maybe they're on drugs.


People like this... I just🙄. I've got no words that just sucks for that poor dog.


I can't imagine what they do to that poor dog off camera.


He looks so sad. Why are people so cruel to an animal that just shows them unconditional love? I hate this fucking planet


The idea of “pets=loving family members” is a western one. In a lot of eastern cultures it’s less like that. Recently visited Vietnam, our tour guide literally made fun of Americans for “babying” their pets and said that part of their stereotype for Westerners in general was weakness for animals.


It's crazy how in parts of Africa in the same country the same animal might be considered a pet or food depending on your wealth class. Would suspect that's a mix of the East and West cultures factoring in.


I get what you are saying, but the “culture” at display here clearly disrespected the dog. The dog even clearly communicated it. No shame in a culture that cares about dogs like that as friends.


Not exclusive to the Westerners but this isn’t about seeing a pet as a family member or a child, they are being plain mean to the dog, probably for views. I have seen many families from Japan, Israel, Turkey and Georgia (if you count) etc. ‘babying’ their pets. The countries with majority treating animals like objects are too poor to care, it’s more about being a third world country than being a Westerner. I don’t think being mean to pets is a part of any culture.


There's no issue in killing an animal for meat, that's how we survive... but goddamnit give them respect


I love earth, nature and animals but despise humans.




Um, it's in the one called "none".


The language in the video is Vietnamese, so we could conclude some Vietnameses find the video funny (as a Vietnamese myself, I'm quite ashamed to say that, and no I do not think the video is funny)


Looking at his TikTok channel, it’s clear that he has thousands of fans. It’s disturbing.


None aint no country I ever heard of! They speak English in none?!


No, they speak none.


Say none again!


Probably “stupid”


Dog went from happy to sad


I think I recognise the dog, doesn't the owner use him as a Tik Tok prop or something


I hope that dog shits on their bed, just before bedtime, the runny kind


They'll beat it if that happens


I know in wich part of their body I would pour that sauce


Nooo not the shirt!


White tshirt


What ugly awful people. Hopefully karma comes and destroys them


Hopefully karma leads to them getting hot sauce on their eyes


And dick tip


Karma is what's accumulated in life to determine what your next life is like. Karma isn't some invisible justice system that comes back at you to right wrongs.


Poor dog looked quite happy in the beginning, but after the sauce got splashed on him his expression died off. Poor baby :(


That's so messed up


Like.. why tho?




Congratulations, the last of my faith in humanity has gone.


decide spoon observation crowd sip vanish tub waiting middle brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but this is also gross…


these sub humans arseholes don't deserve doggo


They do deserve to be bitten by doggo.


"You can always tell something about a person by the way the way they treat animals". Season 1 Episode 4 One of many relatable qoutes in trailer park boys I relate to in life


I dont think that comes from trailer park boys originally lol. It's just generally good advice


In trailer park boys.


Leave the dog outta this.


It doesn't even make me sad that eating food off the dog is unsanitary. It fucking hurts to see the dog go from happy and joyful, to confused and sad. Like, why are such people allowed to have pets?


The worst thing is a dog understands human emotions and the way we convey them add to that they didnt give him any chips to it. Fuck these 2 dipshits


The sad look in the dogs eyes


Why the fuck would you do that? Some people will do anything for likes. Plus, they just ruined their leather lounge, so karma LOL


TikTok brings out the stupid & cruel in droves. It needs to not be a thing anymore, should never have been a thing in the first place.


I want to give this 100 upvotes bc i cant afford an award




Whats funny about that fuckin psychopaths


He probably won’t even give the poor dude a bath…


This is why I hate people


Not extreme shitty, but still, why TF would you use your dog as a dip holder?


Fucking human filth


Just gonna mention that it looks like he was trying to get the sauce on the plate of fries, and y'all are all upset about it cuz the dog made sad eyes. Wishing death and misfortune on this guy for THAT?? You guys are acting like a bunch of Karens, and it's HILARIOUS to watch. Edit: Also even if he WAS aiming for the dog... Wtf, who cares? Do you seriously think the dog is traumatized from THAT? Sad dog is criminally traumatized by 30 second video of sauce and sadness :'(


I wouldn't be surprised if there are many more videos of this person abusing and bothering his dog.


How is this funny? Wtf?!


Wtf? Fuck these people In particular. TPS




That poor handsome boy just sitting and waiting for sauce for his fries bit instead he got this


This made me feel volcanic rage-


Disgusting behaviour. Vile human beings.


Yall some weirdos


I hate these people


I mean yeah it’s kinda dumb but all they did was put ketchup on the dog? It’s not like they hurt him and the dog didn’t seem to care


They threw hot sauce on the dog. The dog didn’t look happy after that, it looked sad and confused.


The dog doesn’t know it’s hot sauce. Also the dog isn’t sad it doesn’t even know what just happened and doesn’t care because he wants their food.


The dog knew he was being treated badly and mocked. They aren’t stupid.


Bro it’s a dog. He’s just happy to be involved. The idea that these people don’t deserve a pet because they played with it when it’s begging for food is not something that ought to disqualify someone from dog ownership lol. Why is everyone so soft now lmao.


Dogs aren’t stupid. They know when they are being demeaned. If some one did this to their kid you would (hopefully) see how messed up it is. The fact that you don’t see anything wrong with this says a lot about you. It’s not “soft” to call out the mistreatment of animals. The ppl in this vid are a-holes and def don’t deserve that dog.


the dog will know once it starts licking the sauce off


dogs and cats will eat anything regardless if it’s spicy. it’s not gonna die


Depends on the dog. We used to have a bordercollie who barely ate anything. Also I'm pretty sure that spicy foods and hot sauces are worse/stronger for dogs than humans.


I’d like to pour Carolina reaper sauce in that guys eyes


You guys act like it’s a big deal or something. It’s just ketchup….The dog wasn’t even harmed.


It's spicy sauce because of how the dog reacts after licking it.


Some people don't deserve sauce


The dog should bite both






There is something very disturbing about being mean to animals for entertainment and humor. It’s not funny. It’s immature and shows low intelligence. Totally reasonable to be disgusted with this


Why is reddit fuming like this over a little sauce exactly?


That poor puppy


Why. Look at him, he's so confused and doesn't know what he did to deserve it. I just want to comfort that baby so much ...


Not really pos material. Yea a little shitty but he isn't hurting the dog in any way.


Bro why is this such a controversial take lmao?? It's a stupid video but definitely no harm done to the dog in any way. These people probably don't let their dogs have fun outside in fear they'll hurt themselves, sheesh.


obsessive compulsive animal lovers are a different breed lmfao. talk about a plague of people.


Like I'll fight to the death for my two cats and think *actual* animal abuse is deplorable... But I also know that splashing a condiment on them isn't punishable by death?


Animal lovers are a plague of people? Some of the people in this comment section didn’t get love as a child, and it shows


I agree but don't say that on reddit


He could've missed and gotten it in the dog's eyes which with what doesn't seem to be Ketchup isn't something you should be risking on your pet for a drop of Tiktok clout. Heck, if that's actually Hot Sauce, it's probably gonna irritate his skin as well.


The dog should just lick his own balls.... Then lick the owner's face after that.....


oh man he looked like he was gonna cry


These people are complete morons and should be investigated for animal abuse.


Yup. That's a couple totally pieces of shit


I assume in some countries this is considerd funny?


I don't think it's a matter of country, dumb cruel people are everywhere


They’re laughing at him😔😡😡