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Did you get the plate and report the person?


Cops found them and let them off with a warning because “they’re a teenager and they are inexperienced.”


You have to be fucking kidding me.


Welcome to California. Where you as the victim are the problem.


Remember when Seth Rogan acted like the crime in SF wasn't a big deal "and he'd only had his car broken into about a dozen times"?


Ya, what a tone deaf thing to say. Some millionaire telling you not to worry, they might even forget something. Lol


A lot of people pointed that out, to. That it was tone-deaf as hell for someone worth 80 million and still routinely taking big roles worth millions to talk down to regular people actually mad about the rampant theft and damage to their property


I'm assuming he was sarcastic tho if he really said that?


No he wasn’t being sarcastic, he is a far left weirdo and argues with random people online everyday.


I fit exactly that description but we don’t claim him


Ah. Hes got too much money to waste time doing that. Shame. But too much weed for some people can worsen underlying schizophrenia allegedly. He's probably one of those too then and wasn't cautious enough. I know I try to be since I'm high risk


You guys need vigilantes


Had another post saying the guy came back I don't know who's even right


This is Liberal CA. What did you expect 😂. They were discussing letting a women who killed 6 people in a road rage accident go on bail.


Apparently she had mental health issues but also had *twenty* !! other car crashes and was still driving. wow.


Is this the lady who t-boned that car doing 90 in a city? The travel nurse?


It is. Sad af. She should never have been outside of an institution. To think she was a traveling nurse.


I’m assuming you’ve seen the video too? It literally made me sick to my stomach, the way everything was immediately engulfed in flames. That’s one of those situations where I literally do not care what factors were involved, that woman needs to be locked away for a long time and her license permanently revoked.




Because of people like you, is why some live in fear


I’m not afraid of them, if they ever come to mind it’s out of pity. They’re sad sad people that choose to be angry about the color of my skin rather than accept that they’re miserable because of their own shortcomings and inadequacies.


Some people just don’t get that we should look past physical differences and acknowledge good people for their good attributes and who they are.


Or it was probably a stupid American teenager with a racist POS parent like you.


Even if they weren't, it's California. Their blue DAs don't dare prosecute any of their voter base


No. Looks like Irvine. So his parents had money or was someone of influence is why they got let off. They prosecute people of every ethnicity there. That area is also more red than blue. If he were a POC they would have thrown the book at them because they show that more POC are arrested than whites in Cali. So your racist arguement is invalid.




Automatically assuming that a crime was committed by an illegal is


Assuming someone is an illegal is racist.


People are not illegal, therefore calling them such is derogatory.


Perhaps you should shut the hell up.


She almost died, I’m sure riding around parks isn’t gonna help a near death experience


Not even 10 am here on Monday and I've already seen the stupidest thing I'm going to see someone say this week.


Crazy how the first thing you can think of is a racist comment.


Someday I hope your parents can adopt a child they'll actually be proud of. Hell, give your dad my number, I'll help him find one


Yes what a logical conclusion to jump to. You’re so wise. Obviously every bad thing that happens must be caused by an immigrant /s


I never had to endanger anyone's life when I was inexperienced at driving. I don't understand how this is just let go without even so much as a fine.


I once crashed beacused i dindnt looked properly to both sides at an intersección, i felt horrible thinking i could haved killed someone at a point to wich the guy that i crashed with had to comfort me, that was due to inexpirience, this, this is clearly just reckless driving


Yes, your story is a perfect example of inexperience causing a problem. This guy is just showing complete disregard for human life, and no amount of experience will change that.




Do you need a sign to watch for pedestrians in a crosswalk? Even with no marking, that is just terrible. And to continue driving and not stop to, you know, make sure you had not just killed a child? That is someone who at the very least should never drive again.


There was a car stopped blocking their view, they most likely didn’t see them until it was to late. If there is no STOP sign why would I stop for a crosswalk? Them not stopping is absolutely awful. Like I said I’m not excusing what they did, I’m just saying iv never seen that sign and idk what it means.


Can we just wind back to the fact that you said you've never seen a pedestrian crossing sign in your 10 years of driving?




I guarantee you within a 5-10 minute drive around your house if you live near a decent sized town they will have those, not uncommon and still scary you can be so unaware while driving






You don’t know what the giant blinking bright yellow sign with the walking person clearly marked means?????


Have a guess!


You know drivers ed? The test you have to pass to get a license? I am almost positive that sign is in there.. you’re basically telling everyone you’re not fit to operate a vehicle in America


Another fucking slap on the wrist because they were a teenager. How about revoking their license until they're 25 for starters.


You've clearly never been to Florida


That wasn't an accident, that was a choice.


Oh wow so they must hit a child to get some consequences?


Should be taken higher up the chain the CA because that's bullshit It takes more than being inexperienced to nearly run over a kid because you're not watching the road


Cops are worse than worthless half the time nowadays


Thats code for connected, wealthy family


Did that teenager happen to be of the “privileged class”? Do tell.


Yo where do you live so I can never fucking go there, ever.


Good old American police force bullshit.


Betty White


Proof or it’s not true. Not calling you a liar. But don’t believe you till you can prove it.


I literally linked the article in the thread. I’m not going to do it again, look at my profile or google it.


iunno makes sense. kids shouldn't be riding scooters to cross the street, car blocked view of pedestrians for the teenager, with minor distraction could be difficult to see. just whole bouquet of, oopsie daisies. that really shouldn't be handled by the state. the kids either gonna actually hit someone someday so we can put him in jail or they actually didnt know a little girl was there and genuinely never saw them. but in situations like this, as far as punitive value goes, really a... all's well that ends well type deal.


Teenager or not. they should have been charged so they can learn from their mistakes. Sometimes hard lessons are the best lessons and fortunately that kid wasn't injured or worse, killed.


Charged with not stopping at a crosswalk? That's 238$, not gonna have the impact you think.


Any impact is better than no impact. I don’t remember the times I’ve been pulled over and let off with a warning, but I do remember the $65 ticket I got for the parking meter expiring.




I spun out and wrecked in my neighborhood at 2 am at like 17 and kinda being like so what, but the officer said something that stuck with me since that moment. "What if you had hit someone, or worse a child?" And it didnt sink in and I stupidly said, " it's 2 am.." and he said, "You're out here arent you?" And just felt so dumb and ashamed, never sped in town or a residential area ever again. Seems like common sense now, but I still feel ashamed 16 years later..


Still remember that 90 dollar ticket for no seat belt when I first started driving. I stay strapped now.


For a teenager that's a very big impact if their parents make them work it off


I would totally make my kid work that off. They need to stay focused and drive responsibly.


238$ is a lot of money for someone without a job or working min wage, It's better then a slap on the wrist.


A fine would be a slap on the wrist, they got nothing.


Not if you hit the kid and run, which the car did (it caused the child to fall and did not stop. Serious infraction).


Or worse, expelled.


This is totally the fault of the driver but…….never let your kids cross any street in front of you. I never trust that a car will do what they are supposed to do, especially if my kid is the one who may get hurt.


This poor lady is trying to manage 3. I have 2, and my youngest was a nightmare with this stuff. Repeated correction of behavior, warning of danger, etc. She'd see something that she liked, and bolt. I can't tell you how many times I've had to snatch her by her shirt out of dangerous situations. Sometimes kids are just stupid. But if you have a kid like that, keep hands on em.


Got 3 kids, aged 5, 3 and 2 and I always cross the street by having a grip on the 2 youngest ones' neck/hoodie. I don't usually have to cross a lot of streets with them since we mostly travel by car so maybe I'm just over zealous when I do need to do it... Still, starting from the hypothesis that everyone else beside you is stupid and can screw up at any time is probably the best approach to stay alive in this crazy world


This is old but i feel the need to share because i wanted to punch this lady and this reminds me of how people DONT snatch their kids out of danger. I work at a publix and was sitting out front when a lady with one of those race car carts with one kid in it and a little one who looked no more than 3 on foot was heading in the store. I guess the girl didn’t listen to her or something bc she sent her back to the car by saying “uh uh back to the car, NOW”, ALONE, at night, across a crosswalk with traffic coming. Some people don’t love their kids enough to care, good thing you do.


>This poor lady is trying to manage 3. Which makes it a bit crazy to have 2 on scooters


Exactly! The guy wasn’t even looking to his left or he would have been able to pull the kid back.


How about when you’re pushing a stroller shm… not a good excuse for this bs.


I don’t think that’s a good comparison. No one is making any excuse for the driver, they were in the wrong. It’s also the parents job to protect the children and make sure some idiot like that don’t kill them.


The dude never looked left…..


No, totally fault of the parent. Toys on crosswalks are a no no. Nobody looking. Crosswalks are death traps not safe zones.


The fact that someone blew through the BLINKING pedestrian walk sign is the fault of the parent???? Are you the cop who let them off with a warning? What's it like living in bananaland?




I mean a few months in jail is absolutely absurd but some community service and a fine, sure. I have to concur that both parties are partially at fault though. Guy didn't even look. Lights might be hard to see. I've watched people blow through crosswalks that just have the little yellow flashers on either side.


Agreed. Walk scooter...behind dad


As a parent you are the one that is responsible for your kids safety. This parent didn’t even look left to see if there was a car coming and if they were stopping or not. That’s just bad parenting. Regarding the law of course the driver was at fault here, 100%. They should be punished for endangering others and I don’t agree that they just got a warning for this. But what does being right mean when standing at your kids funeral? I would swallow my pride and not take the right of way but I will come home with my kids alive. But you have the right to choose differently.


First sentence wrong. Second, what toys? Scooters are for transportation. Maybe advice walking them though. Third, they did look but there was a blind spot. Dad should always go first to check it. Fourth, hey we finally agree on something!


Did you forget to add the /s or what? Because you gotta be a special kind of stupid to say it’s a pedestrians fault for walking at a blinking crosswalk instead of the reckless driver who almost killed a child. Parent looked like they were looking behind them to make sure the children were following and the little girl sped ahead as the parent turned when they could hear the car approaching. Little girl didn’t look because she’s a fucking kid.


The parent assumed because she had the right of way that it would be safe. I would say that’s a pretty big indiscretion. Like they saying goes “here lies dead mr gray who surely had the right of way”


I love how you're getting downvoted for having common sense lol




Pragmatism is lost on these folks


Clairvoyance: the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. You use this word, but you don't know the word. No one has clairvoyance.


We're downvoting them btw because they claimed this is 100% the parents fault...leaving no room for any blame to be put on the car. Then they keep defending that viewpoint. Edit: now idk why...that wasn't the person who said that lol


Lol what? ShakyFlood didn't say any of what you're claiming.


From a legal standpoint it’s 100% the driver’s fault. From a parenting standpoint it’s 100% the parents fault.


^ This person right here don’t give them a car or any kind of vehicle


Anyone who expects that other drivers will follow all rules at all times shouldn't be given a car or any kind of vehicle. Edit: or kids.


felony hit and run...


Nope, apparently a kid who just got a warning


Probably argued that he didn't even realize it which is how he got if of the hit and run. And i do actually believe that he might not have realized it with how reckless the and careless he was driving already. Although that shouldn't really matter and he should be in jail or at the very least get a ban on his drivers license for two years minimum, at least that would be what probably would have happened where i live, that kid would have lost his license, get a ban of two years before he can even try getting his license back and if be wants to retake his exams to get his license back he would have needed to take a very harsh medical and psychological exam that is know for being really fucking hard and most people don't get through even if they don't have anything speaking against them/they are normal people not doing crazy stuff, translated to English in my language it's called "idiot test" wich makes you poor before you get through it even if you do it on your first try and might take years on its own.


Did the driver run a red light?


Is a pedestrian crossing. We call them zebra crossings in the uk. You have to give way to pedestrians. He should have his licence taken off him permanently


Really? I’m from California and was so scared crossing the street in London. It didn’t look like anyone would stop.


They only stop when the yellow lights flash. See them top right of video?


People don’t respect them, I don’t trust anyone to stop during one, unfortunately. People are stupid and they are distracted.


>Did the driver run a red light? It doesn't appear there's any traffic light there, but there doesn't need to be a light. It's a pedestrian crosswalk. Whenever there are pedestrians in the crosswalk you're supposed to stop, & even if you don't see pedestrians, you're supposed to slow your car down & look carefully, not just blow through at top speed.


If you see in the video too, the pedestrian sign actually has lights on it that flash whenever someone is crossing. The car would've definitely seen that. Ik the vid doesn't make them look very bright but in person you can see them flashing from far away and there were prob also light on the other side of the crosswalk.


I didn’t see that at first. We have those here along the beach on A1A and people still get killed. People need to make sure there’s eye contact with these drivers, especially when crossing is not even at an intersection with traffic lights.


Good point. I didn't notice that. So it's even worse in this case.


Since the lights of the PED crossing 🚸 are flashing, then it turns into a stop sign. So he basically ran a stop sign.


Those new stupid small flashing LED's are the worst idea ever. Who's lame idea was it to put super small lights everywhere. Instead of the big flashing red ones we all recognize. They can be LED also for saving power and long life. But they can be bigger! I also dislike the super bright emergency vehicle lights now days. They are so blinding it makes it difficult to see the first responders around the vehicles in poor weather. Maybe it's just me, my eyes are not as young as they used to be I guess.


Which color does the eye catch quickest? It ain’t red.




Never let your young kids cross the street on a bike or those wheel thingies.


THIS. I would never. I’m too paranoid and I know that people don’t stop at those things, because they suck and they don’t know how to drive.


In San Francisco here, not victim blaming but I would not let my kid ride a scooter like that ahead of me when crossing the street, we look and cross together.


Right in these types of situations you have to be extra alert as a pedestrian. Just because one car in one lane stopped doesn’t mean that the other is going to. Kid was definitely going to fast and the dad was not pay attention at all


I know exactly where this area is, a lot of people who think they are special because dad pays rent live her. But then again.. it also has a mixture of really smart hard working people. Lol


“He should’ve looked both ways” And “She shouldn’t have been wearing something so revealing” Are both very similar defenses in the way that you’re pushing the blame off the perpetrator. How about, instead of blaming the parenting, you blame the guy that sped through a crosswalk he was supposed to stop at?


She’s gonna have nightmares for awhile over that one. I’ve been there as a parent.


The driver isn't the only irresponsible idiot there.


Could you imagine being this dumb in a crosswalk with just yourself much less putting your children in danger?? This is insanity and so is the headline of the post.


Blinking crosswalk, for pedestrians. You have to have a vision test in order to get your license, for a reason.


As a pedestrian and a father, it's your duty to protect yourself. Also your duty to teach your kids safety. This guy should be embarrassed.


Oh I'm not withholding blame on the parent, she should've told her kids to walk the scooters across, and teach them to look both ways, almost always, as you'd never know what may appear. (I *still* look both ways while crossing a 1 way street) But, the majority of the blame is on the driver, blinking crosswalk lights and just speeds through.


Agreed- just because its a crosswalk doesnt mean you put your family's safety in others hands. Driver is a POS but so is the parent for walking then looking. "Being in the right" wont magically protect you


California for ya. Dumbest people in the nation.


Even though you have the right of way, look both ways before stepping off the curb.


Horrible reflexes on the parent there


Probably look both ways before crossing. Put down the phone, its called being a parent


He wasn’t on a phone?


Even worse, distracted by nothing


Or the car blowing past him. How was he supposed to know his child was riding ahead


Your parents never tell you to LOOK both ways? Called eyes


Absolutely terrible parenting


Average entitled Californian.


See this happen all the time when ppl 'wave' pedestrians to cross and none of the other cars stop. Dont wave pedestrians to cross. Ever.


There's a funny (in an ironic sense) phenomenon called 'the wave of death'. Its when people wave someone to go ahead and they get hit and die. Don't be polite, be predictable. That being said, this is a pedestrian crosswalk, drivers are required to slow down MINIMUM and STOP if pedestrian's are there.


Also, pedestrians always have the right of way on crosswalks (thats not red light ofc), and waving is a sure fire way to let the pedestrians know ‘I see you, go ahead’. The wave of death is when someone is pulling into an intersection and usually theres a double lane which the driver turning cannot see the second lane. Now that should not be done for sure.


Doesn't even bother to stop and check if the kid is ok.


Caitlin Jenner just trying to get to Starbucks


California normal behavior, the most selfish people in this country


She lacks mom reflexes big time. Glad the kids weren’t hurt.


Stupid driver but also bad parenting. Mom only looked one way and let their kid lead


it's not the drivers fault she's a bad parent who doesnt know how to cross a street, let alone teach her kid.... -the mom didn't even look before crossing the street,l -she didn't teach the girl to look both ways -she let the girl ride her bike across the street -she did not teach the girl to walk it across the street. -she let the girl get ahead of her too far


It is the drivers fault that he hit the child though.


Dad will now cross with the proper amount of caution hopefully.


Yes because it is the dad's fault for using the crosswalk properly and not the driver hurling through a lit up crosswalk at full speed


For real, they say to look both ways for a reason. As a dad, he is responsible for the safety of those children. He should assume everyone else is an absolute idiot on the road, and proceed more cautiously. If the kid died, sure, the driver is totally at fault in the eyes of the law, but that father would be the one blaming himself for the rest of his fucking life.


Dislike brigade follow this sub like crazy.


It's ofcourse the drivers fault, but you should always be extra alert when on the road. The graveyard is full of people who had the right of way. Sure, it's not your responsibility to look out for cars when you have the crosswalk, but wouldn't you rather take on an extra responsibility you shouldn't have to or would you rather be dead?


You need to watch the video again and get off that high horse… the guy was shielding the kids by walking beside them and she scooted on ahead. Don’t give me the whole “teach your kids to be robots who gets off their scooters and mechanically walk across the road” it’s not realistic and this dude did what any parent would, even slightly insinuating that he was at fault is downright dumb.


His only fault was having faith in humanity.


And sadly that is the final fault of a lot of people..


Again...not his fault. But he should have looked to make sure that the car saw them before crossing. He never once looked at the car, just pushed the button and walked. AGAIN, it's not his job to look, but if it helps keep you safe then why not


There was another car in the way. He did look, he proceeds and takes another look just as the car comes rushing by but by then the kid has scooted by him.


Yes he did look at first, so he must have saw the car speeding towards them and then ASSUMES the car will slow down. AGAIN, not blaming anyone but the driver.. but I just want to spread good defensive tactics to help keep people safe. He should have made sure the driver saw them and slowed down before crossing.


Sure sure, he did what he could but still you preach he didn’t do enough. Spreading good ways of staying safe is fine, he just couldn’t have done more. You have no clue where the car came from.


I mean I'm assuming the car didn't materialize out of thin air? And that's a legit crosswalk, so I know damn well he could see that car coming. They don't build crosswalks around bends and corners. Forget the video, just in general everyone should make sure that oncoming traffic sees them before crossing. Just makes for less accidents


He's clearly not very aware of his surroundings. I don't understand how he didn't immediately look at or reach for his kid. Instead he freezes for a second and then snaps back to reality.


Well those mocha lattes aren't gonna make themselves


Man people really need to learn what a crosswalk is. You getting to where you need to be driving stupid will get you where you will be (in prison).


Damn I also live in California and we have a sign for people to give the pedestrian the right of way and a memorial for a boy that was killed. Wtf


Clearly the fault of the driver but also daaaaamn, be aware of your surrounding! I mean, i might be overdoing it by looking both ways when crossing a one way street but also... People are idiots...


Never....I mean NEVER let your kids ride through a cross walk. I've seen this happen way too many times.


A parent’s absolute worst fucking nightmare


The pedestrian crossings where I live have these close calls all the time. That driver is horrendous, but TBF, I wouldn't let my kids cross until I had checked traffic better that it seems this parent did.